OS ((S TE R gone by. It is indeed a merchandise event of such ponderous braska men. Stocks mountain high will be disposed of in this sale I in this state. The best of everything await you here; positively ne places this sale in a class by itself, but buyers should take this r cent lower than the nearest of our followers and then note what WITH A REASON Suits and Overcoats which range in price from $10 to $40 are divided in Five Great -5r Sheep Lined Coats; all else is involved and are listed under the following five lots: T 42 v Embraces all Men's Suits and Overcoats that formerly sold at $30, $27.50 and $25 at These Suits & Overcoats are made from high class imported and crrr estic woolens fn all the varying shades of grey, blue, brown and Mack. All woolens thoroughly London shrunk and every garment perfectly tailored with a fit at collar, breast, and shoulders built in to stay by master tailors. Highest grades ready-to-put-on clothing ever offered at our former prices now on sale at a saving of from $6.00 to $11.00. tats & O'Coats $18 & $15.00 when figured in percentage. The gar cut and pattern as those higher priced. bints so that the wearer may be assured of suit and overcoat may be found in this y represented so that all may have the Lot 5 Embraces all Men's Suits and O'Coats that formerly sold at $12.50 and $10.00 $6.90 Ten and Twelve fifty are the lowest priced suits and overcoats this store carries so it is needless for us to say that we put the value possible in them. The truth is they were garments that shouTd have sc!d for more money than our regular price. Now that we feel forced to dispose of them the price of $6.90 for choice makes them bargains of a very unusual nature. bid Children's Clothes plain Double-breasted Knickerbocker Knee Suits and all styles of Boy's and Child- sers, are divided into seven great selling lots as follows: $4.35 all boy's and ' Overcoats .50 and Lot 5 at $5.35 This lot embraces all boy's and Children s Suits and Over coats that formerly sold at $8.50 and $10.00. Lot 6 at $7.35 This lot embraces all boy's and children s Suits an Over coats that formerly sold at $12.50 and $15.00. Lot 7 at $9.35 This lot embraces all boy's and children's suits and over coats that formerly sold at $ 1 8 and $20.00. QTMEN6 COMP AMY