tions, their modes of living and their conditions of employment. Cer tainly the men and women who work in our shops and mills and fac tories are of as much account as the men and women who till the soil. Neither could exist long without the other. The bureau of labor should at least be put on the same plane as, the other departments of state. The editor is in receipt of another Xew Year greeting from 4,l'ob" Oberfelder of Sydney. Colonel "Bob" never forgets his friends, and he must have an almighty good memory, for he has friends unnumbered. He wishes all manner of good to the editor, and the editor joyfully reciprocates by wishing Colonel Oberfelder every possible joy of life, and a long, long time in which to live that life. Every time a fellow gets a bit blue he can always secure com fort and cheer if he is able to call to mind the name of some royal good fellow like "Bob" Oberfelder, who is a friend. Without friends like him life would be considerably more crowded with pessimists and the sky considerably more murky by clouds of doubt. If we just had to have that terrific cold snap, why didn't it come a week before Christmas instead of a week after? It would have made the holiday trade far better, and it wouldn't have been quite so hard on some of us who had to buy coal right after having to dig up to pay for the Christmas presents we so gladly bought. STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR The second annual convention of the Nebraska State Federation of Labor was called to order at Havelock President Coffey, at noon, Tuesday, January 3. Fifty three delegates were present. Ow ing to the storm the delegates were late in gathering, and im mediately after the call to order adjournrment was taken to 2 o'clock. Upon reconvening the active work of the convention was be gun. The first excitement arose over the seating of electrical worker delegates. Mayer of Lin coln, representing No. 265 of the Re id-Murphy faction, and Portly of Omaha, representing No. 22 of the McNulty-Collins faction, both presented delegates. The cre dentials committee refused to make decision and left the matter with the convention. Fisher, representing the McNulty-Collins faction, was given the courtesy of the floor and tried to advance ar gument in favor of Portly, and Mayer was given the privilege of making: a statement. Guve of Omaha advocated the seating of Portley, calling attention to the fact that refusal meant the for feiture of the charter granted by the American Federation of La bor. Coffey and Maupin were of the opinion that the forfeiture of charter would work no great hardship, and urged the seating of Mayer. Peate of Lincoln also urged the acceptance of Mayer's credentials. By a majority vote of one Portley was seated, where upon Maupin filed protest on the ground that the Omaha local had not been in existence a month as provided by the constitution. The protest was overruled and Portley was seated. Mayer declined .to accept a seat as fraternal delegate. The next warm discussion arose over the publication of the year book, Maupin, Guye and others protesting against the method used therein. A recommendation setting forth that the convention desired no repetition of the plan was introduced and recommended for passage. President Coffey re sented their solution, stating that it was a personal criticism of him self and Secretary Hart. He ex plained that the work was done to meet an emergency, and was ad mittedly in plain violation of the constitution. The matter was discussed at great length, and finally it was decided to with draw the resolution and this was done. Immediately an amend ment to the constitution was adopted providing for the issu ance of a year book under the di rection of the Federation itself and without ' the intervention of professional solicitors. President Coffey's annual ad dress was listened to with deep interest, and every recommenda tion but one was adopted. The exception was the' recommenda tion for the establishment of a monthly bulletin to be published by the Federation. Later it was decided to have the officers issue a quarterly statement to all af filiated unions. A bill providing for the safe .sjuardinjsr of workmen on build ings, bridge, viaducts, etc., was presented through a member of the carpenters local of Omaha. The bill is one that every wage earner should be willing to get behind, and the convention unan imously instructed the legislative committee to work for it. But it was suggested bluntly that the legislative committee could do better work if the carpenters of Lincoln and Omaha would affil iate with the Federation and help defray the expense incident to maintaining a legislative lobby. Among other things along: leg islative lines linked by the Feder ation are the following: Graduated compensation, defi nition of assumption of risks, em ployers' libality, abolition of the convict labor lease system, the abolition of the contract system on all public work and the substi tution of the day's work system under supervision of state engi neer or architect, the branding: of prison made goods. The legisla tive committee was instructed to JL2 Before the first month of the New Year ends, start a savings account with us. We pay 4 per cent interest, and your money works tor you while you sleep. The saving habit well de veloped means independence. Begin cultivating the habit now. Call and let us explain our system. American Savings Bank 132 No. 11th St Once Tried Always Used Little- Hatchet Flour Made from Select Nebraska Hrrd Wheat WILBER AND DeWITT MILLS RYE FLOUR A SPECIALTY 145 So. 9th St., LINCOLN, NEB. TELEPHONE US Bell Phone 200; Auto. 1459 0 COMMERCIAL STEREOTYPING Mounting and Mortising on Wood or Metal Borders. Duplicate Half-Tones and Line Cuts, Tint Blacks. All Work Guaranteed to be First Class B. E. LARGE Entrance, Side Door, Down Stairs, 1118 M St 3 First Trust and Savings Bank Owned by Stockholders of First National Bank The Bank for The Wage Earners Interest Paid at Four Per Cent 139 South Eleventh lirccln, Nebraska 1