i a. 1911 GREAT 1911 of AWUAKY CLEAMG SALE Here we go again! Now comes our GREAT JANUARY CLEARING SALE. All lines of Winter Goods, all broken lots, all remnants everything must be closed out now, to make room for the New Spring Goods, and we are going to name prices that will move things in a hurry. READ EVERY ITEM, no matter how small the type, or ycu may miss the particular bargain in which you are most interested. Hundreds of odd lets too small to advertise, will be displayed on cases and counters at most astonishingly low prices. SEE THEM. KD) to 5 Discount, and in some instances more On Dress Goods, Silks, Linings, Domestics, Table Linens, Knit Goods, Blankets, Comforts, Laces, Gloves, Mittens, Ribbons, Underwear, Shoes, Men's Furnishings, Everything in Ladies' and Children's Ready-to-Wear Garments. At One Fifth Off On Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Corsets, Veiling, Handker chiefs, Table Linens, Napkins, Bed Spreads wool and fleeced, Hosiery, Underwear, Wool and Outing Flannels, Sateens, Com forters and Wool Blankets. Special Discount ON Calicos, Shirtings, Percales, Pillows, Feath ers, Batting, Tickings, Muslin, Sheetings, Cot ton Blankets, Towelings, Apron Ginghams, and OilCloths. : : : : Discomiinilt in Men's Furnishing Dept. The buying chance you have been waiting for In addition to the regular discount we offer many very special items : : : : Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps Menjs and Boys' Sweater Coats Men's and Boys' Gloves and Mittens Men's and Boys' Dress and Work Pants Shirts, Mufflers, Jewelry, Silk Handkerchiefs Trunks, Suits Cases and Bags 20 Off 20 Off 20 Off 20 Off 20 Off 20 Off At 20 Discount Lace Embroideries, Ribbons, Belts, Bags, Gloves, Kid and Knit Mittens, Hair Goods in Rolls, Puffs and Switches. Toilet Articles, Mufflers, Scarfs Squares, Doilies, drawn w orked Center pieces and Scarfs Col lars and Jewelry. Warm-Lined Shoes 20 Off One-Fifth Off on all our warm-lined Footwear, including warm-lined Slippers, Felt Slippers, Juliets, and Foxed, and and all Leather Lined Shoes : : : : : SPECIALS Men's 50c Fleeced Shirts and Draw ers, grey, black, and white mixed 37 CENTS 20 fc Off on all other Underwear 017-921 O St. OPPOSITE CITY HAL) J-ZOc Off on all otter Shirts SPECIALS Men's Flannel ihirts, all the wanted colors; all sizes, $1.00 1.50 grades 79 CENTS