The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, January 06, 1911, Image 4

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    a lot of men wearing1 t'rcss suits awarkedly, a lot of women who are has been less of well founded criticism than usual of the conduct of
dressed handsomely in rich but modestly cut gowns and wishing that the office, and more to praise. Mr. Tyrrell leaves behind him an
they dared wear them decollete, a lot of perfunctory handshaking, enviable record.
some heartaches and that's all there ever is to an "inaugural ball,"
anyhow Rut the decision not to have an "inaugural ball" will cut Co, c j BUb - usuall f fa some one . needed
some political ice, just the same. There s an awful lot of tommyrot lQ boost forJ a gQod enterpi:ise. Just now BilIs is interesting
sprung on tne people. nan himself in the Lincoln hospital movement, which means that the hos-
t pital movement will be a success. A short time ago it was necessary
1 he proposition to establish a state publicity bureau under the to hft the Y. M. C. A. building project over a hurdle, and Col. Bills
direction and supervision of the State Board of Agriculture has many supplied the lift. Before that it w as base ball that needed a boost
1-oints of merit, and some disadvantages. One disadvantage is that to save the national game in Lincoln, and Col. Bills came across in
k places an important state bureau under the direction of a society stanter. There is only one thing that Col. Bills is hesitating about
that is no part of the state government. But. perhaps, anything that on an eise he makes up his mind quicklv. But just now he doesn't
will secure for Nebraska the publicity it ought to have ought to re- know whether he would rather whiz along in a buzz buggv or hold
ceive support, no matter how or under whose direction it is main- the reins over the handsomest team of carriage horses in the west,
tsined. times it looks as if the buzz buggy has the call, but the next
dav that beautiful carriage team seems to be the apple of the Bills
The American Economist, organ of the tariff barons, thought optic; it Would be a sporting proposition if it were not for the fact
so much of Senator Lafe oungs maiden speech in the senate that that Col. Bills would have to decide, and it may take him a long
it prints it m full in its current issue. Lafe Young represents the time to make up his mind which he loves best.
tariff sentiment of the west just like hell represents the Christian's Ever notice how familiar a name mav be to vou, and how un
idea of the reward of the righteous. familiar the owner of that name may be? Now everybody in Lin-
coin knows Fred Schmidt, but how many people who know the
There is just one way and only one wa- to bung about uni- name wouid recognize the owner on the street? Not one in a
versal and lasting peace. Tt is to compel the men who bring on the hundred. This is because Mr. Schmidt isn't on the street much,
wars to do the fighting and the suffering. If between the hours of S a. m. and 7 p. m. the chances are a thousand
to one that he will be found at his desk in the rapidly growing
Eighteen men carrying union cards will be members of the next mercantile establishment of Fred Schmidt & Bro. It is this sort
congress. None of them is from Nebraska. There will be no "card o ciose application to business that has been responsible for the
men" in the Nebraska legislature. This is due to the fact that union growth of the Fred Schmidt & Bro. establishment into one of the
men thought more of party or ot "personal liberty" than they did of retaii stores of this section. Always affable, always smiling,
their unionism. always courteous, always attending to business, Fred Schmidt and
his no less industrious brother are building up a remarkable busi
If the legislature of 1911 can only settle this vexed liquor ness You will not often notice the firm name in conection with
problem how fortunate we will be. The trouble is that so many public enterprises because the firm doesn't go much on the self-blown
people do not want it settled ; they manage to secure a very comfort- trumpet business, but just the same, when people are figuring on
able livelihood by fighting on one side or the other of it, and to set- the men who will surely get behind anv movement for the good of
tie it would compel them to get out and hustle for a living. The the whole community, the firm name of Fred Schmidt & Bro. is usual
brcwers are "easy marks" on the one side, and the opponents of the jv mentioned among the first,
saloon are numerous enough to make their small contributions to the
cause amount to an aggregate that keeps several gentlemen in fine kP - , , , .
raiment and good things to eat. Every time occasion offers to get . O course I can t tell exactly remarked President Sharp of
down to real business and make things hum. up bobs this liquor ",c wu. . mc" v"u .uuuo
question to snarl things up. Those who oppose the saloon are de- because the street cars are oft time during ,a sudden storm like that
.,ii fr,n,tc" an.i "f.u " nH thri uh vnr:. i,VnP last Sunday and Monday, are usually the fellows who are out of
and strict regulation are denounced as "tools of the devil," "saloon coal every time a blizzard comes, and have to make piteous appeal
m;ar,v f tan TKa rciil- tW to the coal, dealer to rush them a thousand pounds or so. The men
alwavs a fiht on hand over this matter that prevents settling down who OVfs most ,about nnm a street railway company are the
to accomplish something. This newspaper would like to see all li- men wh?.d? "j now difference between an ampere and a rail
cense wiped out, and liquor handled as any other article of merchan- Jn- e had our troubles to be sure last Sunday, but I venture
dise. It doesn't care a rap about countv option. It opposes the li- e assertion that the Lincoln Traction Co. gave as good service nn
censed saloon, and it knows that prohibition is a farce. The man ler the conditions as any street railway company m the country,
who can frame up and -submit a solution of the vexed problem that
will suit all of us will be a "bigger man than ol Grant" ever was. "Take it from me," said Col. John G. Maher New Year's day,
"that Jim Dahlman will be re-nominated for mayor of Omaha and
' By the way. have you read the current number of the American re-elected by a big majority. I've a few paltry dollars to risk on that
Magazine? It contains a mighty readable story relating the ex- proposition. No, sir; I didn't wager a penny that Jim would be
perienccs of a traveling man in securing liquor in "dry" territory. It elected governor. Of course I talked quite a bit about his being a
also advances some reasons why men who are most active in the sure winner, but it was just conversation. I knew within ten days
sale of liquor are also most active in maintaining the "dry" status, after he was nominated that he didn't have a chance. But for mayor
No matter what your individual opinions may be, the article will in- well, I've a few idle dollars in the bank that are not working."
terest you.
You can buy cement block for your foundation, made in Lm-
- It appears that James C Dahlman, after having failed to deliver coin. You can buy sash, doors, etc., for the house, made in Lincoln,
the state-wide goods to the interests that backed his gubernatorial You can buy the paint for that house, made in Lincoln. You can
candidacy, is to be thrown aside by the same interests in Omaha, beat it with a furnace, made in Lincoln. You can install electric
Mayor Jim has made good with the "interests" in Omaha for several that house erected by. skilled mechanics who live in Lincoln, paying
years, and those interests will be guilty of base ingratitude if they taxes to support public institutions and add to the wealth of the
throw him over now because he happened to fall down when he took taxes to support public institutions and aid to the wealth of the
in too much territory. municipality. And if you are not availing yourself of all these op-
. portunities you are not as loyal a citizen as you should be.
Congressman Latta, through the chairman of his- campaign com-
mittec, Dan V. Stevens, announces that he will not be a candidate for "Speaking of aviation," remarked Dr. Farnham, "about half the
governor in 191:!. All of which reminds us that the democratic men I meet seem to be up in the air."
party might easily go further and fare worse by passing up that
same committee chairman in its search for a gubernatorial candi- "Last year w-as the best we ever experienced," remarked Col.
date. In addition to being a political leader and organizer, Dan A. H. Armstrong on New Year's day. "But unless I fail to read the
Stevens is a man who is doing a man's work in the building up of signs aright 1911 will be the banner year of them all. Youll notice
Nebraska. that we are starting it off with a rush." So saying Col. Armstrong
k disappeared inside his private official boudoir to cook up a few new
This week Frank M. Tyrrell, for four years county attorney, ones.
retires to private life, leaving behind him an official record of which
he may well be proud, and with which the taxpayers of Lancaster A lot of eastern democrats are eock sure that the next president
countv may well be satisfied. Not only has Mr. Tyrrell conducted will be either Dix, Wilson or Harmon. But that's what the same
the affairs" of his office with less expense than usual, but he has lot of eastern democrats thought about Parker seven years ago.
showed results that are of interest and profit to the taxpayer. The The University of Nebraska debaters didn't draw half as big
county has been saved judgments in numerous damage suits, has crowds as the University of Nebraska football players, but some
saved money on many contracts, notably for bridge construction, how or other we opine that the debaters reflect the most real glory
and Mr. Tyrrell has made his name a terror to lawbreakers. There upon old Uni.