LAME PUMAS y off Davis Adler k Soinis 3) SUE -US TOCIC We have just purchased 500 Men's Srats & Overcoats from the well known makers of "Collegian Clothes," David Adler & Sons of Milwaukee. The Quality and Style of these clothes are too well known to need comment, as this firm handles noth ing but high grade goods, and the cheapest suit or overcoat they mke sells for $15. We have just bought the last of their output for this season at a Great Reduction of the price made to all dealers at the beginning of the season, and following our usual custom of giving our patrons a share in the bene fit of a deal like this. ese orates vercoatts AM MOW ON SALE AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: $15 Suits and Overcoats, $9.85 $18 & $20 Suits and Overcoats, $12.85 $22.50 & $25 Suits and Overcoats, $ 1 4.85 Every one of these except the $9.85 ones ARE HAND TAILORED. A WORD OF EXPLANATION We want to make clear in the minds of our patrons the fact that our putting on this Great Sale at this time does not in anyway conflict with our well established policy of "One Low Price To All, All The Time." Our Regular Stock Is Not Included In This Sale. But we have ever made it our practice, when we bought a bill of goods below the wholesale price, to share the benefit with our customers and we will make no exception in this instance. So if you want a high grade suit or overcoat that will please the most particular dresser, take your choice at the above prices. Do not hesitate to come many miles to attend this Great Sale as the saving on a single Suit or Overcoat will more then repay your railroad fare. ON THE SQUARE SPEIER & SIMON 10th & O Streets ON THE CORNER