The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, December 30, 1910, Image 15

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THE SKIRT STORE, 121 No. 11th
Announce Their Annual
Clearing Sale.
The Sale you have been waiting for. The sale that means so much
to every economical woman, a sale of dependable Coats, Suits, Dresses,
Skirts, Petticots and Shirt Waists. Not goods that were bought for sale
purposes, but Coats and Suits of the famous Redfern and Sunshine makes,
at 1-2 price and many instances much less than 1-2 price. Never were
goods of such a quality put on the market at such prices. The size of our
store will not permit us to carry over a single article. Owing to our crowd
ed condition we are compelled to sacrifice every Coat, Suit, Dress, and
Skirt in the house at about the cost of the raw material. A big line of
Suits and Coats, dersiable materials and sensible styles, $15.00 values
for $5.00
A big lot of skirts worth up to $6.00 for : $2.00
Coats and Suits, former values $35 and $40, at. ..$10.00 and $12.00
We can not expect to do the selling through the ad, all all we can
say is come the Skirt Store and save 60 to 75 per cent on your purchases.
THE SKIRT STORE, 121 No. 11th
Call Bill's Bluff and Make Him
Show His Hand.
Arizona goes to the bat with
the recall on all servants of th
people, notwithstanding the en
deavor to put the judiciary above
any responsiblity to the people.
Indications point to a spasm of
virtue on the part of Taft and
the U. S. Senate that will respect
the constitution if the people of
Arizona pass it, which they are
very likely to do. Arizona called
the bluff of Roosevelt when he
told her that she absolutely must
vote in favor of being admitted
with New Mexico as one state, or
stay out for fifty years. She ob
solutely refused to be bluffed.
The very best thing that could
happen Arizona would be for Taft
to kick her in the face, and the
U. S. Senate to jump on her, and
a lot of U. S. Senators bite" the
dust who did the jumping.
Go to it, Arizona, old gal, and
demand your rights and maintain
them. Don't allow the republican
has-beens and corporation sena
tors to bluff you down for a min
ute. Stay with them till skating
is good on the Yuma river, and
Phoenix has five feet of snow.
Portland Labor Press.
"The Mutual
Protective League
is "IT" WHY?
C E. CAMPELL, State Manager.
Auto Phone 6180
ment of the Christmas rush, De
livery Wagon Drivers of Chica
go won their demands, and after
the first of the year will settle
on a scale of Wages for 1911 and
1912. Meanwhile hours are re
duced, pay increased, union recog
nized and discharged men rein
stated. Business goes on just the
Working women of Washing
ton will strenuously demand a law
making eight hours the limit for
women throughout the state. Get
the initiative, girls, and enact the
law for vourselves.
Small Bits of News Gathered
From Rany Where.
The workers in white goods,
mostly underwear, in New York,
are the most poorly paid and vile
ly treated of all the working wo
men in the country. The pros
pects are that there will be a very
extensive strike among them in a
few months, and then we shall see
where the church people come in
and go out on the labor question.
Backed by the Citizens' Al
liance, the Denver Rock Drill &
Machinery company of Denver
asks for injunctions forbidding the
Machinists from doing anything
but breathe in their strike and
boycott of this institution, i It
has broken its word with organ
ized labor repeatedly, and started
fight after fight, only to capitu
late and start again.
By striking at the commence-
The members of the building
trades of Toronto, Ont., will in
the near future discuss the adop
tion of some means to prevent the
stealing of tools on buildings.
Strikers in Chicago have taken
to watching the policemen and
reporting their individual viola
tions of regulations and laws. It
might be followed elsewhere.
cured if this last power is made
The Order of Railroad Teleg
raphers will soon erect a 15-story
building of their own at Nash
ville, Tenn., having recently
bought the ground.
Labor organizations in Spo
kane will unite upon one man for
one of the five city councilmen if
the new charter is adopted on tlje
The Spokane Spokesman-Re
view has signed up a five-year
contract with the Stereotypers
The entire plant is now unionized,
The International Brotherhood
of Painters and Decorators re
cently organized a new local un
A movement is under way in
Spokane to make the 28th of De
cember a general holiday in order
to get out the workingmen to vote
for the new charter.
Where the members of the un
ion distrust their officers ,and
therefore refuse to accumulate a
strong defense fund, the least
trouble breaks them up.
Organized labor in Massachu
setts has 16 measures to present
to the legislature this winter, of
which the most important is for
the direct legislation by the peo
ple. All the others can be se-
During the last year 2,000 new
members have been added to the
ion at Sioux Falls, S. D.
Some of the "escorts" provided
for strikebreakers by the manu
facturers m Chicago are notorious
white slavers.
Operative Plasterers' Internation
al Association.
New Westminster, B. C, labor
men will put a labor candidate in
the field at the next municipal
New York Bricklayers demand
an increase of five cents an hour.
The differences will be arbitrated.
The lower the dues the weaker
the union.
Demand the Union Label.
The unionists of Los Angeles
are fighting for the simple right
to have an equal voice with em
ployers in the disposition of their
labor. Ihey are going hungry
to defend this righteous orinciole.
They are being jailed without
warrant, beaten by brutal police
men and railroaded to prison for
contempt. Heard any Los An
geles ministers denouncing the
brutalities practiced upon the
wage earners who love justice
enough to die in its defense if
necessary. Heard any prayers
being offered up in behalf of the
men who are making a gallant
fight against greed and oppres
sion? Any collections taken up
in Los Angeles churches to feed
the women and children who get
just as hungry in Los Angeles as
the heathen s do in China or In
dia? Mighty palatial churches in
Los Angeles. Lofty spires, gild
ed roofs, stained glass windows,
pipe organs, cushioned pews
evrv thine calculated to make de
votional exercises quite as easy
as sitting in one s comfortable
home. But all the practical re
ligion that seems to be coming
from such churches does not. ap
parently, go very far towards al
leviating the distress forced upon
the wage earners of the city of
Los Angeles by the greed and
rapacity of the men who occupy
the front pews.
The steam engineers interna
tional recently organized a union
at Saginaw, Michigan.
The striking taxicab drivers in
San Francisco are receiving the
support of the labor unions.