SOLID SOUTH IS WAVERING New Orleans Opposed as Pan ama Exposition City. TEXAS FAVORS SAN FRANCISCO Decided Falling Off In Enthusiasts In Lone Star 8tate ae Evidenced by Articles Appearing In Papers of El Paao and San Antonio Swing In Line For the California City as the Logical Site. While Nw Orleans la industrious ly claiming the endorsement of the Mississippi valley region and the middle west it is allowing the "solid south" to " waver in Us supposed al legiance and slip away. A few days ago word came from Ban Antonio, Tex.,' that there was a decided falling off of New Orleans exposition enthusiasts In that city owing to the greed of the Crescent City In attempting to secure the Na tional Bankers' convention for next year, after Ran Antonio had put in a bid for their entertainment. Such action was not considered neighborly, especially after the Texas city had been asked to support New Orleans In its struggle for exposition honors. Now El Paso, Tex., has apparently swung into line for San Franclsoo as against Now Orleans as the log ical site for the Panama exposition, judging by the following In the El Paso Herald of Oot. 12: "El, Paso's Interest as to the loca tion of toe Panama exposition of 1915 all lies with San Francisco as against New Orleans. As one commentator sayB: There never was an exposi tion so successful as that at Seattle, and there never was one so forlorn a failure as that at Jamestown, Va., notwithstanding the fact that half the population of the country is with In a day's er a night's ride of James town.' An exposition at San Fran elsce will promote the development of the wost and that Is what we are after." Sometime ago New Orleans secured an endorsement In St. Louis and that access appears to have induced the belief among the Crescent City boost ers that the entire middle west . was only waiting for an invitation to climb on the New Orleans band wagon. Next New Orleans announced that Omaha was for it, but the announce ment was premature. In Its hurry to report result the New Orleans bu reau at Omaha sent broadcast over the country that New Orleans had been endorsed ae the exposition city by the Commercial club, the largest and most influential organisation of business men there. Immediately the Commercial club held a meeting, repudiated the alleg ed endorsement of New Orleans ana endorsed San Francisco by an over whelming vote. The city couaeH of Omaha, by unanimous vote, passed a resolution alee endorsing San Fran cisco. Still asserting title to the sympathy and influence of the entire middle west section, the New Orleans boost ers descended upon Chicago and re quested an endorsement. The re quest was politely but firmly refused, but New Orleans, nothing daunted, continued to "claim" Chicago's sup Prt4 confdeatL iJL-tae belielthat endorsement would come later." But on Oct. 7 Chicago showed unmistak ably where she stood In the exposi tion ftght when the National Business League cf America adopted a resolu tion, which after setting forth the ad vantages of San Francisco, conclud ed, "That San Francisco be, and hereby is, strongly recommended as the proper, site for the proposed ex position." New Orleans suffered another re buff when she sought the endorse ment of Washington, D. C. Washing ton refused, whereupon the New Or leans promoters dismissed the sub ject with the remark that Washing ton did not count anyway. New Orleans "hopes" to raise about 18,000,000 for her proposed exposi tion, which will be entirely inade quate for so great an undertaking, but Senator Foster of Louisiana seeks to minimize the importance of having sufficient funds to insure the euccess of the enterprise. Admitting that San Francisco will have more than twice as much money for expo sition purposes as New Orleans, he pleads that "it would be mean and unfair for congress to take that fact into consideration." 133MS 0 ZZU P!tfO 'NV3HS 1N0HJ Moim California Solid For Exposition. Supporter? of San Francisco's claim to the Panama exposition in 1915 are confident that an overwhelming dis play of exposition funds will,, win gov ernment recognition to the fair it is proposed to hold on the Pacific coast. Ii California is as solidly united on this project as the utterances of Cali fornia editors" would indicate the rep resentatives of that state will appear before congress "this 'winter with a fund of $17,500,000 raised through private subscription, city bonds and a state tax. It may be that New Orleans will make some announcement of a heavy raise at the last moment, but the Pa cific coast is disposed to believe that Its showing will overshadow anything New Orleans can do in the way of furnishing the sinews of war and ex position. Blsbeo (Aria.). Mine. Exact Definition. A gentleman is a gentleman. A party is a man who gets his hair cut on Saturday night. Top.eka Capital. Evil in Neglected Legislation. In Belgium, where education is not compulsory, 21 per cent, of the work ing people over ten years of age can neither read nor write. None to Do the Chores. More than four million people are estimated to attend moving picture shows in the United States every day. No wonder it is getting so hard to find somebody willing to do the chores. To the Man of Honor., Base gains are tle same as losses Hesiod Congress Can Not Refuse. Elbert HuWbard (Fra Elbertus) says: "The miracle of four years has taught the world a lesson. Congress and the president can not will not refuse the claim of San Francisco as the festival city of the Panama-Pacific exposition in 1915." poo6 jo diujv ayj 6wyjfiidag ' ssdj6 juj '3Vd 's&ipoi 'sppovdq 'smdjDtj sajjaavq 'saqDOouq-saipDj aqj joj fsauvj 'SDjjauqum 'Sdqoivcn 's6uu 'sumqo 'sqoj 'suojjnq aSpoj 'swdyjys uautajjuad aqj uojj :suoijsaff ? , -6nsai3iusy sjjiq svwjsuvj ajqvjdaj -dv fsout aqi ayvtu o; pajvjnDpj jjd puv 'spood paajuDuvnG su6isap jsajvj puv ;saq aujpuiy fijjjvnb jo 6uiufijiaaa fluvo aj fiupcnaf jo auyj atf uj .. . yuaidpaji puv v Aaaid oj judtjap v sfioaijv puv ajsvj pood y yo S3JVUI am uitf juawmopv jouosjad jo sapijuv ajjjjj fvau asoqx 'm6iap stuvui ajjuaf) aji uo Aiopnog sfipvj Rw uoj SWEET THINGS CIGARS, ETC. 4 The Sugar Bowl" C. L. OLDS, 1545 O The real place to buy Christmas Greeting Cards, Christ mas Candies. Christmas Ice Creams, Etc. The Christmas Csrd is a growing favor. I have the largest line of Illumi nated Christmas, New Year and Post Cards in the west. Special Christmas Prices. 1545 O A little bit further down the street, bnt you'll profit by the extra distance. - DENIES IT. A responsible manager of the State Journal denies that the Journal refused "to print the resolutions of the allied trades council endorsing Hitchcock and Maguire. He asserts that a report er endeavored to learn what had been done at Sunday 's meeting, but was put off by members of the allied trades. The Journal puglished the resolutions Tuesday morning. Named Shoes are Often Made in Non-Union Factories. Do Not Buy Any Shoe no niatter what the name unless it bears a plain and readable impression of this Union Stamp. All Shoes Without the Union Stamp are Non-Union Do not accept any excuse for absence of the UNION STAMP -' Boot and Shoe Workers Union WORKERS UNION p I UNlOHjp STAMP j 246 Sumner St., Bpstcn, Mass. JOHN F. TOBIN, Pres. CHAS. L. BAINE, Sec-Treas.