926 Samuels 926 P St SALE Independent Department Store Clothing Stock of Trenton, N. J., bought by us at 40c on the dollar. This Slo:k Goes on Sale Saturday Nov. 19th, and will be closed out in 10 Days. Stock consists of Mens' high grade Suits and Over Coats. A Chance for the wege earners to buy their Winter Clothes for less than Manufacturers Cost. DO NOT FAIL TO ATTEND THIS SALE. It will help you to pay your Coal bills. GET BUSY IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY. Clothillff DeD't 'I Mens' $2- and $250 Pants Mens' 25c Suspenders. S Bankrupt Price Mens' Suits or Over Coats, d-g jQ . a Pair worth from $15 to $18. P 1 - J a Pair Bankrupt Price "TT-TT" , Mens' 25c Wool Hose. $9 95 Mens' Pants worth from $3. . IOC ht & -j. r , Bankrupt Price : ' ' mCT,J" MeAS.UltcfiSrKn0ver Ca ' V? 4& -10c Turkey Red or Blue from $10 to $12.50 $Z'5 a air ttt hi- muJf Bankrupt Price , o ' C QE Mens' Heavy Union Made OC each pU.J Overalls. ,.,.. -,ra-w nr o r r j 7 Mens' $1.50 Fleeced Lined Mens' Suits or Over Coats, 6 a pair TTninn lnTts worth from $7.50 to $10. umon uiP ' Bankrupt Price Mens' C&Jl Vests worth from OZC a garment (RAQc; $1. to $1.50. 1 r . Bankrupt Prices Mens' 753 Blue Jersey Shirts Mens' Suits or O ver Coats, 25c 39c each worth from $20 to $25 . . ; Bankrupt Price N Furnishing Goods, Mens 50c Mor-o' in,. QZL fleeced lined shirts or Drawers Mens feox 3i-i?o 25c 5C a Pair 100 Youths Over Coats, .. , - , 0 . worth $5.00 to $7.50. Mens. 75c Coat Sweaters. - Mens Shoes worth fro n Bankrupt Price din. rf.u t03s4. - $3,95 2-C , $2.48 a pair All oer $2.50 Work Shoes. $1.49 All over $2.50 Dress Shoes. $1.69 a r :r Mens' Heavy Artie Over Shoes. 9: a a.r Hats Our $2.00 Hats.' . $1.48 Our $2.50 L'ats. Our $3.00 L a' s $1.99 Remember this Sale Commences Saturday Nov. the 19th and will positively dote in days. You cannot afford to miss this sale if you have to borrow the money. . Think what it means to you when you can buy high grade merchandise at such low prices. Store Open till 9 P. M. Saturday 11.30 P. M. 926 P St if MS AT IT'JK y urn rn.wmmi.mM ..mmijim." m Mm . The Working Meris, Store 926 P St ES2