The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 11, 1910, Image 8

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.FoUowiqg Prices Aire
d at
Commencing Nov. 5th, 1910, subject to market changes. Watch for the
next Price List. Mail Orders promptly filled.
Extracted Honey, in small quantities,
per pound He
(0 lb. cans $6.08
Michigan Celery, per bunch 3e
4c per bunch if selected.
Pearl White Soap 4c; 6 for 22c
Tokay Grapes, per lb 8c; 2 lbs. for 15c
Corn Flakes, Quaker, large pkg. 12c; 3 for 35c
Torn Flakes, Quaker, small pkg ...7c
Cane and Maple Pkg. Sugar Butter 15c
Corn, no account, packed in Iowa,Veaver
brand 8c; 2 for 15c
Domino Sugar, 2 lb. pkg. 21c
Dates, per pkg 9c; 3 for 25c
Figs, 12-oz. pkg 8c; 2 for 15e
Hominy Flake, per lb 4c; 3 lbs. for 10c
Hominy, Pearl, per lb 2c
Maple Sugar, 14-oz. cakes 11c
Maple Sugar,, small cakes 4c; 3 for 10c
New York Buckwheat, per lb 4c; 6 lbs. 23c
Oatmeal, Bulk, per lb -....4c; 3 for 10c
String Beans, Northwestern Brand, no
nccount 8c; 2 for 15c; 3 for 22c
Papeterie, Stationery, small pkg 8c
Papeterie Stationery, large pkg '..12c
Red Raspberries, Puyallup Brand, solid
pack, 30 per cent syrup, 25c can
18c; 2 for 35c
Soda, Midgets, 3-lb. cans net wt ,..43c
Swedish Matches. 1c size pkrs 2 for lc
Tomatoes, Willow Grove Brand.. 11c
Yeast, Mrs. Ingram's, per pkg. le; 3 for 2c
Ba'ci. g Powder, Royal 5-lb. size $1.95
Baking Powder, hoy at, M pound size, 23c
Baking Powder, Prices. 1-lb. size- 45c
Baking Powder, Calumet Ask Price
B, king Powder, 5-lb can fi.ak Price
Baking Powder, Ituinford's, 1-lb. can 21c
Making Powder. Riimf ord 's, 10c can 8c
Baking Powder, Tip Top 5 lb. cau 39c
Baking Powder, Tip Top, 25c can 9c; 3 Of
for DC
Since it does not co?t $1,000,00 to ad
vertise this Baking Powder we can save
you this waste and put the price aown. It
must be the best or your money b&cK.
Salt, No. 14 lb. sack ... 14c
Salt Table, .3-lb sack 1 3c
Salt, Bulk, Michigan, per barrel $1.47
Salt. Bulk, ppr pound 3 -4c
Salt. Shaker per pkg, 8c. 3 for 22c
Salt, Ozone, pkg 3c
Soda, 10c pkg '.
Brooms, Barber's large size : 21c
Brooms, Kleener Brand 42c
Brooms, Economy Brand .'. 30c
Brooms, Snap Brandy 37c
Brooms, Midget Red P. II 48c
Brooms, No. 7V Whisk 10c
Mop Sticks, 9c; 3 for 25c
Mop Sticks 9c; 3 for 25c
Scrub Brushes,' iarge size, 9c, 3 tut 25c
Fig Newton, per lb 12c 2 for 23c
Fig Sandwich, per lb 12c, 2 for 23c
Graham Wafers, per lb ..... 09c
Ginger Snaps, per lb 8c
Ginger Snaps, in barrels, per lb. 7c; 3 for 20c
Newsboy Cookies, per lb 13c
Pastry, Pies, all kinds 9c
Pastry Rolls 9c
Pastry, Doughnuts. Cinamon RolU and yfe)
Cookies, per dozen 09c
Vanilla Wafers, per pound 15c,,
Bulk, Soda Fancy Salted (Tip) pr lb. "! ''
9c 8 for 25c
Bulk, per pound 8c, 3 for 22c
Bulk, whole box, per lb- 7c
5c pkgs 5c; 2 for 9c
x 10c pkgs 9c, 3 for 25c
Soda, 10c pkg ..' 6c '
No. 3 size packages 21c
Soda, Midgets, small pkg ....9c; 3 for 25e
Butter Caramels 4 : for 1 C
Cream mixed, per pound - 10c
Chocolates,' per lb ............230
Chocolates, Nut Top.... higher
Checkers, Pop Corn Confection prize in
each package 4c
Pudge, per lb , lie, all kinds,
2 pkgs for 5c; 20 pkgs. (1 box) 45c
Hoarhound Sticksi 7 for 5c
Jelly Beans,' per lb -10c
Peppermint Drops, per lb 12c
Stick Johnson Pure Sugar, 2 for 1c
12 for . 5c
Apples, quart can ... 9c
Apples, New York, So-called 1 gallon 32c
Apricots, so called 1-gallon
New goods not in yet.
Blackberries, Compass Brand, in light
syrup .........12c; 2 for 23c
Blackberries, so-called 1 gallon ....48c
Peaches, Orchard Gem, 20c can 14c
Peaches, Easter brand (Tip) .-19c
Pears, Nectar Brand, 35c quality 28c
Peaches, so-called 1 gaJlon 37c
Pears, Easter Brand (Tip) 21c
Pears, Crimson King 25c can 17c
Pineapple, Grated or Sliced,
(Tip) -21c
Pineapple, Chop Tan Hin. Brand, sliced,
per can 15c
Raspberries, Flower City Brand 12c; 2 for 23c
Strawberries, Compass Brand, in light
syrup 12c; 2 for 23c
White Cherries, 20c quality....l4c; 2 for 27c
Beans. Nectar brand. Golden Wax
(Tip) -13c
Beans, Nectar Brand Refugee
(Tip) -18c
Beans, Nectar Brand, Select (Tip)- 19c
Beans, Nectar Brand, Green Lima
(Tip) n 14c
Beans, string, better 12c
Beans, Red Kidney, Joan of Arch- 8c
2 for -15c
Beans, baked, 3-lb. can .y. ...9c; 3 for 26c
Chili Con Came, 1-lb. can 9c, 3 for -25c
.Corn, per can '. ..9c; 3 for 25c
Peas, Early June, per can........9c; 3 for . 25c
Peas, Early June, per can..l 8c
Corn, Country Gentleman . 11c
Corn, Nectar Brand (Tip)- -12c
Hominy, per can 8c, 2 for 15c
Kraut, per can 9c, 3. for 25c
. Mushrooms, per can - -22c
Peas, Wisco Brand 10c; 3 for 28c
Peas, Telephone, Nectar brand (Tip) 14c
2 for 27c
Peas, Tom Thumb, Nectar brand
(Tip) 18c
Peas, -French Mogens -16c
Peas, French Fins 20c
Pork and Peas, No. 2 size- 09c
. Pork and Beans Snider's (Tip) 10c can - OQ '
for 8c; 3 for
Pork and Beans, Snider's 15c size- .-12c
Pork and Beans, Snider's (Tip) 20c can
16c; 3 for 47c
Oysters, . 20c size 15c
Oysters, 10c size 8c, 2 for 15e
Pumpkin .:..8c, 2 f or 15e
Pumpkin, Custar Nectar (Tip) 12c
Spinach, Large can 13c
Tomatoes, 3-lb. can 9c
'''Tomatoes, Nectar Brand, (Tip) .15c
Tomatoes, so-called 1 gallon 28c; 2 for 55e
Milk is on the raise
Milk, Evaporated, 10c can 10c, 3 for 28c
Milk, Condensed, Eagle brand- 15c
Soups, Campbell's and other brands, as
sorted .9c, 3 for 25c
Beef, Corned, Armour's Veribest, 1-lb.
can ...... 17c; 2 for 33c
Beef, Chipped Dried, Amour's Veribest,
per can .:....."...:..:." 12c; 2 for 23c
Beef Extract of, 50c can 40c
Caviar, Russian, 35c can 30c
Lobster, Gilt Edge Brand.. ...1 23c
Potted Meat, ham flavor, Armour 's Veri
best, 10c size 8e; 2 for 15c
Potted Meat ham flavor, Armour's Veri-
best, -lb. size....5c; 2 for 9c; 6 for 25c
Salmon, Pink, tall cans, while they last
13c; 2 for 25c
Salmon, Autumn Brand, 25c quality: 19c
Salmon, Sea Rose 17c
Sardines, "Mustard, Eagle Brand, 10c cans.. 8c
Sardines, Mustard Harbor brand 10c, 2 for 19e
Sardines, Oil, Eagle Brand, 5c; 2 for 9c
Sardines, Oil 5c; 2 for 9c; 6 for 25c
Sardines, Concord, Norwegian Oil 12c
Sardines, Norwegian Oil . 9c
3 for 25c
Shrimp, per can 13c. 2 for 25c
Beans, Navy, per lb 5c; 5 lbs. for 25c
Beans, Lima, per lb... - 7c
Beans, Hed Kidneys, per lb ...9c; 3 for 25c
Breakfast Food, Dr. Price's, pkg 8c; 3 for 23c
Breakfast Food, Pettijohn's pkg.
I 12c; 3 for 35c
Coffee, Basket Store Special, per lb. pkg. 14c
Coffee, Freedom, 1-lb. pkg 21c
Try a pound of Freedom or Society, use one
half of it aud if you do not find it a first
class 25 cent coffee . return it and get
your full money back. ,
Coffee, Joy Brand (Tip), per lb. can..: 29c
Coffee, Society Brand, per lb 21c
Coffee, T. & T. Brand, 1-lb. can........-.....34c
Coffee, Harmony, 1-lb. can 25c
Cereal Coffee,, College View (Tip) (N.
B.) 9c
3 for 25c
Cereal Coffee, Fig Prune 22c
Cereal Coffee, Postum, 25C size... 22c
Corn Flakes, Mothers,
1.0c sizG f
Corn Flakes, E. C, 15c pkg.: ...12c; 2 for 23c
Farina, 2-lb. sacks...., ... 9c; 3 for 25c
Egg-O-See, per package 8c
Granola, College View (N. B.) 9c
3 for 25c
Grape Nuts ...14c; 2 for 27c
Nutreto, Food Drink for particular people,
. 25c pkg. -.- :.....21c
Oats, Quaker, small pkg 9c
Oats, Quaker, large pkg. 25c sitfS 19c
Oatmeal, Steel Cut, bulk, per lb 4c
Primel, Cereal Food, 18-oz. pkg 9c
Prime, Cereal Food, 25c pkg 21c
Quaker Biscuit, 10c : pkg 8c, 2 for 15c
Rice, Quaker Puffed, pgr pkg. 14c, 2 for 27c
Rice, 3 pound sack, fancy 18c
Rice is going higher. .
Rice, Japan, per lb.., ..5c; 5 lbs. for-24c
Rice. Head - 7c
Sago -' - -- 7c; 3 lbs. f or 19c
Shredded Wheat Biscuit....--.-12c; 3 for 34c
Tapioca, Minute, per package 9c
Tapioca, Bulk, per pound : 07c ,
3 lbs. for 19c
Wheatling (Tip) per package (N. B.) 11c
Catsup, Snider's 25c size (Tip)-- JQ
Catsup, Snider's 15c size (Tip) 12c 3 for 35c
Catsup, -pt. Home Made, no account.. 8c
Celery Salt, per package, 8c, 2 for- 15c
Continued on page 9