Mote from .Doc IT OOIIUSE The fruit stands have left the sidewalks. Why is it the grocery stores do not do the same thing? What right has any store to infringe on the public sidewalk unless they pay rent to the city for the sidewalk space? Miller & Paine do not put anything out on the sidewalk space, nor does the Hardy Furniture Co. It is reported that the Basket Stores are glad and willing to bring in their unsightly cabbage as soon as the other grocers do if not sooner. The little Greek has been a good citizen in bringing in his fruit. Why should not the grocery stores do the same. DOLLAR GAS The courts decided several years ago that the people of Lincoln should have dollar gas. The gas company, strange to say, have been charging more than this amount. The imposition upon the people has amounted to probably fifty to one hundred thousand dollars. The gas company must know that they are bound to lose this suit. Why should not they pay their debts like anybody else? The mayor of our city has been kind enough to tell the people frankly the truth about the situation. If the people would follow his advice they would not sign away their rights but would insist upon the dollar gas. Why should not the municipality of Lincoln own their own gas plant? The Express (Vs. Are Arbitrary. The express companies do not deliv er express beyond A St. There has been great pressure brought on them by the people in So. Lincoln. The people in So. Lincoln pay too much for their eggs and butter and many other articles that come by express. Fresh oysters will cost more south of A street than north of A street. "A good wife helps her husband rather than hinders him." AGES TOO LOW Many 'things in groceries are going higher and higher. Is the price of labor increasing? Would it not be better for you to save now and in old age it will not be necessary. ...... Continued on page 8