me to believe that perhaps you have information that has not yet been made public. If you have I would be greatly obliged for an inkling of what it is." The fact of the matter is, there is absolutely nothing to justify the charge of a plot to wreck the building, and there is not a bit of evidence offered to show that the wreck was caused by dynamite. On the contrary, the evidence is thoroughly against the dynamite theory. A dynamite explosion sufficient in orce to have produced the wreck shown in the pictures thereof would have shattered glass for blocks around. Nothing of the kind occurred, and it is notice able that not all the windows in the wrecked building were shat tered. Fire never follows as the result of a dynamite explosion; on the contrary, a dynamite explosion usually snuffs out a fire. Dynamite blows equally in all directions ; gas blows upwards and is usually followed immediately by fire. The Times building was blown upward, and fire followed on the instant, proving conclusive ly an explosion of gas. And the Los Angeles police, who promised us the guilty anarch ists inside of twenty-four hours have utterly failed to arrest even a single suspect. And who found the "bomb" in the Otis yard an hour or two after the Times building explosion? An ex-policeman who had been discharged for grafting. The bomb he found he opened himself, and by mistake set the alarm clock off, but no explosion resulted. It was a fake doubtless planted by himself or a confederate immediately after the big explosion. Organized labor in Los Angeles, and everywhere else, is anxious to have the truth about that Los Angeles horror brought out. How about the Otis bunch of union haters? "We are daily in receipt of literature from the San Francisco boomers of the Panama Canal exposition; also from the New Or leans boomers for the same show. And the boomers of both cities are asking for space in this paper to give reasons why their city should be preferred. As yet we haven't seen the color of any San Francisco money, nor felt the texture of any New Orleans green backs. That's one reason why The Wageworker has been awfully shy on Panama Canal matter. Another reason is that we don't care a tinker's anathema where the exposition is held, or whether it is ever held. If it is ever held we expect to be so infernally busy trying to make a living that we can not even start towards the ex position gates. The exposition game has been overplayed in this country. But we venture to suggest to the boomers of the two cities that they might make advertising contracts with the news papers of the middle west, and get busy advancing their claims for preference. We'll bet on the one that uses the most advertis ing in the most judicious manner. ,Major General Leonard "Wood believes that special attention, more than has been given heretofore, should be paid to the condi tion of the feet of infantrymen. For once we find ourselves in hearty accord with this martial disciple of Hippocrates who was jumped from a colonelcy to a major generalship because he hap pened to cure the Strenuous One of a case of gastritis or "morning after." We regret, however, that Major General Leonard Wood didn't go much further and advise more attention to everybody's feet. When a pair of unlanudried feet are slapped up. against the electric footwarmer in a crowded car, or a similar pair of feet wriggled around close to your seat in a stuffy theatre on a night when .the steam radiators are working overtime on such occasions, which we have all met ' with oftentimes we may easily commend Major General Wood's idea and pray for its extension outside of the military arm of the government. r We've got to fight this county option question all over again, but instead of getting all snarled up again we beg to submit the following proposition: Let Dr. Gebhardt of the German-American Alliance, and Chairman Poulson of the Anti-Saloon League en gage in joint debate in every considerable town in Nebraska. The one can explain his idea of "personal liberty" and how county option will, in his opinion, interfere with it; the other can define his idea of county option and explain why, in his opinion, it will not interfere with "personal liberty." While they are discussing it the .rest of us may find time to attend to business. . The annual convention of the American Federation of Labor con venes in St. Louis next Monday. Perhaps some of the members of the Lincoln Business Men's League have received offers from ' detective agencies" to send a full report of the doings of the con vention for a consideration. For the benefit of such merchants, and professional men we desire to state that the sessions of the convention are open to the public, and that a full and complete stenographic report of every session will be mailed to any appli cant by Secretary Frank Morrison upon receipt of 25 cents in stamps. The American Federation of Labor has no business which . it desires to conceal from the general public. After having already voted something like $500,000 in bonds for a new high school, Omaha voted , $350,000 more last -Tuesday, and also $400,000 additional for other school buildings. , Omaha already has one of the finest high school buildings in the west, but it is too small. Lincoln has one of the worst high school buildings in the United States, and it isn't half big enough. It is also unsani tary and unsafe. Yet because of fool jealousies and "tight wad" tactics we can not get a decent, respectable high school building in this city. - . The fact of the matter is, there are too many "middlemen" be tween the producer and the consumer. The result is that the pro ducer gets too little and the consumer pays too much and a bunch of fellows in between make a profit from both, and usually an in ordinate profit. Business is too complicated. There are tofo many who profit without producing. There are too many' that get without working, which means that there are too many who work without getting. v We need to simplify business; to weed out useless middle men. Between the high cost of living for the workers and the burden of providing the menas for defraying the cost of high living for the drones of society, the wage earners of this country are getting it in the solar plexus. It is time to pause and clean things up, and start all over again. D ABOUT MEN AND MATTERS One of the tragedies of the compaign just closed is the raw deal handed to Cyrus Black of Hickman by Mr. Poulson 's " Anti-Saloon -League." Cyrus Black has been an enthusiastic opponent of the saloon for years, and he has made many sacrifices for his convic tions. While Mr. Poulson has been, making a fat living from his opposition to the saloon, Cyrus Black has been making a precarious living running a little newspaper in a country town and antagoniz ing perhaps the largest business element in his community by fight ing against license. When an opportunity afforded to reward him for his many sacrifices and his fidelity to the anti-saloon cause, the sleek and well-fed manager or the anti-saloon forces quietly; adds more to the burdens the Hickman editor is carrying. The -men who are gradually putting the licensed saloon out of business in Nebraska are not the sleek, salaried and arrogant "officials" of leagues and societies, but thoughtful men who are compelled to make personal sacrifices of time and money in their fight against the saloon. I The people of Nebraska should be thankful that a man of John Furse s ability has accepted the position on the state railway com mission made vacant by the death of W. H. Cowgill. Mr. Furse 's acquaintance with public men and matters, coupled with his abil ity as a lawyer and his quickness of perception, especially qualify him for that most important position. Governor Shallenberger made no mistake when he made Mr. Furse his private secretary, and he was equally wise when he persuaded Mr. Furse to accept a position on the railway commission. The governor has shown his confidence in Leo Matthews, and at the same, time rebuked some very unjust attacks on Mr. Mat thews, by making him private secretary to succeed Mr. Furse. The attacKs on Mr. lviattnews were made ior tne purpose or covering up a lot of political work being done by republican officeholders. Mr. Matthews was merely doing what a" score of appointive officials and most of the elective officials were doing, but he was picked out for bitter attacks by a rabidly partisan newspaper. Governor Shallenberger administered a deserved rebuke to that sort of thing by promoting Mr. Matthews. Here's a sample of our antiquated taxing system. A few years ago there was a lot sale in Lincoln- and two men bought adjoining lots. One was a speculator, .the other a mechanic. The lots sold