The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 11, 1910, Image 15

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Recent Strike In New York Results In
Union bricklayers in New York city
Have won a splendid victory.
The Master Builders' association
granted all the demands of the brick
layers' unions, and the strike which
was called on Sept. 26 in retaliation
tor a lockout called by the bosses was
railed off.
What was intended by the master
builders as a blow to the Brick layers'
union was turned by the general walk
out of the men and their perfect loyal
ty and solidarity into a complete vic
tory for the union. Incidentally ibis
fight has resulted in an upheaval in
the bricklayers' organization which
will result in greater solidarity among
the unions hi New York city.
The successful conclusion of the
bricklayers' fight was bailed with de
light by the workers in the other
building trades.
The strike has resulted in crushing
a group of union officials who have for
years been binding the rank and file
of the New York unions with trade
agreements with the master builders
which were in defiance of the laws of
the International union. These offi
cials were deposed and prepara lions
made to reorganize the bricklayers in
that city.
-The finances and other business af
fairs of unions Nos. 1 and 7, are to be
turned over to the International offi
cers until the thirteen New York un-
Governor C. E. Hughes, the New Su
preme Court Justice.
Now that Governor Hughes has 're
tired from politics and ascended to a
place on the highest judicial tribunal
In the world the fact can be acknowl
edged, without hurting anybody's po
litical corns, that he was the greatest
friend of labor laws that ever occupied
the governor's chair at Albany, says
the Legislative Labor News of Albany.
During his two terms he has signed
fifty-six labor laws, including among
them the best labor laws ever enacted
in this or any other state. He also
urged the enactment of labor laws in
his messages to the legislature, even
going so far as to place, the demand
for a labor law in one of his messages
to an extra session of the legislature.
Only 162 labor laws have been en
acted In the state since its erection in
1777133 years ago. One-third of these,
exceeding in quality all of the others,
have been enacted and signed during
Governor Hughes' terms of three years
and nine months. With such a record
of approval and suggestion of pro
gressive legislation 'in the interest of
humanity to his credit, it is easy to be
lieve that human rights will have a
steadfast and sympathetic upholder in
the new associate justice of the su
preme court of the United States.
. Maple In the Days of Old.
Scarcely any wood was considered
more valuable in the "days of old"
than maple wood, tables constructed
from a mettled variety being particu
larly favored. Sucb a table, according
to Evelyn, was Cicero's, costing 10.000
sesterces about 62. Another was es
timated at 875, aud yet another, be
longing to one of the Ptolemies, is said
to have been sold for its weight In
gold. There was, in fact, such a craze
for tables of the rarest maple among
the male sex in Rome and so wildly
extravagant were they in this respect
that when they reproached their wives
for lavisbness in pearls and other val
uables the ladles would remind them
of their costly maple bobby, thus
'Atyrnlnjf itae Jabjes jpn them;!!, hence
thepTirase. 'VirgD representsE rainier.
who was- a provincial king, as receiv
ing Aeneas seated on a maple throne.
Chaucer speaks of the maple as form
ing a bower for the fair Rosamond.
In Evelyn's time the wood of the
maple was much esteemed for all kinds
of turnery. Westminster Gazette.
Galilei's Caustic Humor.
In a biography of Galilei some stories
are told of the caustic humor of that
bold investigator. Lotarlo Sarsl. a
writer on science, having said that the
Babylonians used to cook egpn by
whirling them in a sling. Galilei re
plied: "The cause of such i effect is
very remote from that to which it is
attributed, and to find the true cause I
shall reason thus": If an effect does
not follow with us which followed
with others at another time it Is be
cause in our experiments something is
wanting which was the cause of the
former success, and if only one thing
is wanting to us that one thing is the
true cause. Now we have eggs and
slings and. strong men to whirl them,
and yet they will not become cooked;
nay, if they were hot at first they
more quickly become cold, and since
nothing is wanting to us but to be
Babylonians it follows that being
Babylonians Is the true cause why the
eggs became cooked and not to the
friction of the air, which is what I
wish to prove."
Wa fcWj rW. -W- -W- fc- J. mg Jfr Afc fcfta Jj Jja Jfj jTj J Afr
V i V V r V V 94F V V V 'V V V V
The nonunion men of this and
all other countries are respon
sible for the employment of
child labor, for the spread of
consumption, for low wages and
for long hours in any branch of
labor, for the employment of
convicts in competition with free
labor responsible for all ugly
things from which labor suffers.
Terrible Indictment this, isn't
it? But true-true in every
sense, for if there were no non
union men the unions would be
able to bring about all needed
reforms and make life for all
what it should4 be.
Bank Clerks Form Union.
The organizers of the United He
brew Trades reported that a union of
bank clerks on the east side of New
York has been formed, being the first
union of bank clerks. The union Is
preparing to make demands for higher
wages aud a shorter workday, to be
enforced by a strike. There are many
women clerks in the east side banks,
and it was stated that they have to
work long after the nominal hours for
closing the banks.
Union Labor Briefs.
Chandelier makers of New York de
mand a forty-nine and oue-half hour
week aud an increase of pay of about
15 per cent.
The settlement of the machinists'
strike of the Missouri-Pacific railroad,
which has been on since last April,
seems as far off as ever.
Labor bodies of Greater New York
have united to push the plan of Dr.
Lederle for the establishment of mu
nicipal milk departments throughout
the city.
John Snyder of the ironworkers, the
new seventh vice president of the New
York State Federation of Labor, is said
to be the youngest man ever selected
as state or national officer of a labor
James F7 McHugh', recently re-elect
ed general secretary-treasurer of the
International Journeymen Stonecut
ters' association, was first elected to
his present office in 18S0 and has been
re-elected each year.
The Bookkeepers, Stenographers and
Accountants' union of New York has
elected Miss Alice Morris, private sec
retary to John Mitchell of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor and the Na
tional Civic federation, delegate from
the union to the convention of the
American Federation of Labor.
Too Talkative.
The following story Is told of the
famows painter Makart: The artist
was a very passionate chess player,
but be did not like his adversary to
utter a single word during the prog
ress of a game. A stranger who was
very anxious to get on intimate terms
with the famous artist thought to be
able to achieve his object by means of
the royal game. After many tries he
succeeded at last In getting an Intro
duction to Makart. and one day the
latter consented to play a game with
him. Being well aware of the fact
that his" adversary was very much
averse to any talk during the game,
not a word was spoken, and even the
word "check" was never spoken. All
the stranger dared to do was to touch
his adversary's king when he put that
piece in check. The game ended in
Makart being mated, when the stran
ger quietly said "checkmate." Maker
rose very excitedly, threw the pieces
off the board and. giving his opponent
a fierce look, got off his chair, turned
his back to the stranger and exclaimed
"Prattler!" ,
Curious Way of Cooling Water.
The average native woman in the in
terior of Nicaragua may appear ener
vated and listless, but her method of
cooling water is strenuous indeed.
She fills a half gallon earthenware jar
about two-thirds full. The jar Is made
of baked clay and. not being glazed, is
partially porous, so that it soon be
comes moist on the outside.. By means
of two leathern straps firmly attached
to the neck of the' jar the woman
causes the same to rotate swiftly in
the air. The mouth is wide open, but
the centrifugal motion keeps the water
from flying out. Tne endurance shown
by the Nicaraguan women of the poor
er class In this form of calisthenics is
said to be marvelous. When, in the
opinion of the operator, the water is
sufficiently cooled she stops the move
ment by a dexterous twist of her wrist
and bands the jar to the person that
has been waiting to quench his thirst.
By this process tepid water can be re
duced to the temperature of a very
cool mountain spring. New York
An Unmanned Lightship.
There is stationed off the island of
Islay. on the west coast of Scotland,
at the Otter rock an interesting light
ship. It is unmanned, yet it can be
relied on to display the warning light
to guide the mariner on this dangerous
coast. It is a very ingeniously con
structed vessel and the only one of its
kind. In its two steel tanks sufficient
gas can be stored to supply the Vessel
for several months. Experiments have
shown that the light may be depended
upon to burn continuously for months
at a time. The approximate duration
of the light can always be predeter
mined, and there is no danger what
ever of the light being extinguished by
wind or spray. The light is visible-at
a distance of from eight to twelve
miles. The lightship also has a bell,
which is made to ring automatically
by means of an ingenious device that
utilizes the gas as it passes from the
tanks to the lantern to work the bell
clapper. Harper's Weekly.
The Trade Union.
Fosters education and uproots
Shortens hours and lengthens
life. .
Raises wages and lowers usu
ry. Increases independence and de
creases dependence.
Develops manhood and balks
Establishes fraternity and dis
courages selfishness.
Reduces prejudice and induces
Enlarges society and elimi
nates classes.
Creates right and abolishes
Lightens toil and brightens
Cheers the home and fireside
and makes the home better.
All wageworkers should be
union men. Their progress is
limited only by them that hold
aloof. (Jet together! Agitate,
educate and do! ;
Don't wait until tomorrow
tomorrow never comes.
Don't wait for. some one else
to start; start it yourself.
Don't harken to the indiffer
ent; wake them up.
Don't think it impossible
3,000.000 organized workers
prove different.
Don't weaken; persistence
Always a Harvest Somewhere. .
There is a harvest every month dur-
iv v tliA mn no 4- 1 1 ATtrc In r-i i i r?
Australia. New Zealand. Argentine.
Chile; February India; March-India,
upper Egypt; April Mexico, Cuba,
lower Egypt. Syria, Persia. Asia Minor;
May North Africa, China, Japan and.
the southern United States of Ameri
ca; June Mediterranean and southern
France, central and east United States
of America south of 40 degrees; .July
France, Austria, Hungary, southern
Russia, northern United States, of
America, Ontario and Quebec; August
England. Belgium. Netherlands. Ger
many, east Canada; September- Scot
land. Sweden. Norway. Russia; Octo
berFinland and northern Russia: No
vemberPeru. South Africa; Decem
berBurma, South Australia. It is
a complete table and shows how the
wheat supply pours into England dur
ing every month of the year. English
Agricultural Journal.
Here is a brief statement of
the demands which organized
labor in the interest of workers
,-aye, of all the people of the
country makes upon modern
society :
Higher wages, shorter work
day, better labor conditions, bet
ter homes, better and safer
workshops, factories, mills and
mines in a word, a better, high
er aud noble life.
Conscious of, the justice, wis
dom and nobility of our cause,
the American Federation of La
bor appeals' to all men and wo
men of labor to join with us iu
the great movement for its
f f
More than 2,000.000 wage earn
ers who have reaped the advan
tages of organization and' feder
ation appeal to their brothers
and sisters of toil to unite with
them and participate in the :!
rious movement. 'with its attend- 'j
ant benefits. Samuel Gompprs.