THE WAGEWORKER. Entered as second-class matter April 21,' 1904, at the postoffice at Lincoln, Neb., under the Act of Contrreas of March 3rd, 1879. THE MUSICIANS. largest Me f ting in Recent Months Held Last Sunday Morning Because of some political doings, ;iiul because of general notices issued, the meeting of the Musicians' Union at the Labor Temple last Sunday morn ing was the largest in recent months. Practically every seat in the hall was occupied, and practically every res ident member of the organization, with the exception of the lady members, was present. The .meeting brought ' out one of those incidents common to trades un ionism, but too often overlooked by the general public. One of the mem bers has been experiencing great trou ble recently, through sickness in his family entailing .heavy expense and preventing him from working steadily. He frankly stated his case to his lo cal 's officials, who took it up. At the meeting Sunday morning the local quietly, and without a fuss, went to the brother's assistance. The as offered 'was not perfunctory, either. It consisted of taking care of accumulated debts for physicians and medical expenses for a few weeks to orao until the brother could get on his feet, By unanimous vote of the local the subscription to ,The Wageworker was ordered renewed. The most pleasant feature of this part of the business was the kindly way the members spoke of the paper. Nothing in the way of partisan poli tics was discussed, but the executive .board asked for instructions regarding the circulation of a lodger setting forth the facts concerning a candidate for state senator. It was decided not to issue the dodger but to confine the efforts of the membership to work at the polls in the interests of candidates of known to be friendly to trades unionism. y Due notice should be taken of the fact that the December meeting will be the occasion for" the election of officers for the ensuing year. Strange as it may appear, the fact that the campaign just closed was one of the warmest in recent years", it did not benefit the musicians to any considerable extent. The Hitchcock meeting last Saturday night was about the only jKilitical meeting that had the services of vi band. The Journal's election bulletin party Tuesday night also requisitioned a dozen bandsmen under Director Thornbirg. O SHUCKS, SADIE! Bloated Land Holder Now, Kennedy Hollers About Taxes. Of course! After , damning the rich for years because of their greed and their ability to dodge taxes, Frank Kennedy is now on the other side. Since he got hold of a patch of dirt up in South Dakota he has been grow ing away from common people who were merely renters, and now he is hollering his head off about heavy taxes. ' ' Wouldn't that jar you? Here we went and give Kennedy that land to start with that is our Uncle Sam did, and we are heirs to Uncle Sam's prop erty .and now -he comes back . at us aiTd says we are piling the taxes up on him. Abas, Kennedy! Also a vaunt! Which exhausts our French, or we'd say a lot more. J list. like all the rest of 'em. No sooner does he get away from the bunch than he puts on. kid gloves, dons patent leather shoes and begins hollering about his taxes and the shiftlessness of the poor. Darn these new-made . plutocrats, anyhow. For RENTNew 6 room modern house Cheap at 2501 Dudley. Key at 2508 Dudley. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Took a Little Hand in Senatorial and Congressional Scraps. The only thing outside of routine business nit last Sunday's meeting of Lincoln Typographical Union was the adoption of resolutions endorsing the candidacy of Gilbert M. Hitchcock for United States senator, and the candi dacy of John A. Maguire for congress man from the First district. The reso lutions follow : "Since an attempt has been made through a campaign circular mailed from Lincoln to create the impression that organized labor in Nebraska fa vors the re-election of E. J. Burkett as United States senator, which infor mation is wholly false and mislead ing, the members of Typographical Vn-: ion No. 209 of Lincoln desire to ex press themselves publicly regarding the contents of said circular as follows: " "We repudiate any pretended" in dorsement of Mr. Burkett as coming from accredited representatives of union Lvbor, and on the contrary de clare that in our judgment he is un worthy to receive the support of wage workers. As a body affiliated with the Nebraska ' state federation of la bor we emphatically declare that any indorsement purporting to come from that source in behalf of Mr. Burkett is without authority and is not sanc tioned by the various branches of la bor composing such federation. "We condemn Senator Burkett for turning a deaf ear to the protests of organized labor when he forced . the Yippointaient of Ross Hammond, an em ploying publisher hostile to our inter ests, as internal revenue' collector for Nebraska at a time when tne members of the Typographical Union who had been employed by Hammond were de manding in vain the recognition of their organization, a fair wage scale and reasonable conditions Of employ ment. ' "We recognize in Gilbert M. Hitch cock, the opponent of Senator 'Burkett, a man who has always been friendly to organized Jabor, not only by employ ing union men and paying the union wages in his business, but by the work he has done in congress in our behalf. We heartily endorse Mr. Hitchcock's candidacy for the senate and call upon all members and friends of organized labor to vote for hLni and against E. J. Burkett. " We, as citizens of Lincoln and ad mirers of Congressman John A. Ma guire, desire to express oar entire Con fidence in his unimpeachable integrity and in his ability to efficiently repre sent the First district in congress. AVe believe that his splendid record en titles him to re-election, and -we wbh to commend him with our heartiest ap proval as a representative who has, at all times, stood for the interests of the people. His two years in congress has given 'him an influence 'and standing in that body which makes him a valuable man for this state, and his friendship toward organized labor - should com mand the loyal support of every wage worker i Why not avail ourselves of this tried and true representative in congress . by re-electing him' for a sec ond term His record "will bear the most careful investigation and should be considered before, casting your vote at the coming election. " ' Silas .It. Barton, republican for aud itor, was also endorsed by ringing res olutions. . . ' LOOK OUT. Railrod Men Can Help, But Will It ..... Help Them Much? The organization among railroad em ployes, furthered by the managers, can do a -whole lot for the companies. But 'will it help the men a great deal? That is a question that should be stud ied. The new organization is expected to get into politics, and throw the hooks into all candidates who are not in favor of dropping all further) at tempts at regulation of railroads. The employes can do this, and they can go a long ways toward stopping the agi tation in favor of more thorough reg ulation. This, of course, will enable the ' railroads to increase rates and therefore increase" profits. But when did the railroad managers ever offer a fair dhrision of the profits with the em ployes? The employes can help the managers get miore dividends, and after they have done this they will have to. make the usual fight to get a little bit of the increased profits. Wil lit pay better to stand by the railroads 'and get a tiny bit, or stand toy the great general pub lic and share in the great 'benefits to be derived from making the railroads tote fair? Pretty big question, and thoughtful rairoad empoyes ought to devote more time to its consileration. The Iowa Central strike, which be gan Saturday at noon, when 160 union carpenters and painters walked out be cause two negro laborers had been employed in the shops, was ' declared off yesterday when the men returned to work. The negroes have been taken from the shops and will be employed elsewhere. . . Henry George, Jr., has been elected to congress from New York, City. That's glorious news, for it means another congressman who is four square with the workers, 'all right on the question of organization, and in hearty sympathy with every ref own that trades unionists are working for. We ought to have four score men like Henry George, Jr., in congress.. RECTOR'S WHite Pine Googh Syrup Is a quick and positive remedy for . all coughs. It stoqs coughing spells at night relieves the soreness, -soothes the irrita ted membrane and stoqs the tickling. It is an ideal preparation for children as it containes no harmful anodynes or narcotics. 25c per bottle RECTOR'S 12th and QTSt v-r d . f its ' OFFICE OF ; PR. R. L. BENTLEY, SPECIALIST CHILDREN Office Hours I to 4 p. m. Offices 21 18 O St. Both Phones LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Dr. Ghas. Yungblut ROOM No. 202 Dentist BURR BLOCK AUTO. PHONE 3416, BELL 656 LINCOLN, -:- : NEBR. Wageworkers Attention 0Mnongtt Plenty of it. Utmost Secrecy. 129 So. nth St. Kelly & Norris MONEY LOANED on household goods, pianos, hor ses, etc.; long or short. time, No charge for papers. No interest in advance. No publicity or fll papers, We guarantee better than others make. Money paid immediately. COLUMBIA Loan co. 127 south 12th. Capital Aulixiary No. 11 to Lincoln Typographical Union No. 209 meets every second and fourth Wednesdays at the Labor Temple. MRS. FRED W. MICKEL, 3200 U St. Secy-Treas. m II jpiJCtVv i : llr-r--"