The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 11, 1910, Image 13

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one-third the expenses of the running
The signing of a petition by a rail
road worker to have freight rates rais
ed doesn't mean anything -whatever.
The man who would refuse to sign it
with winter coming on would hit some
large empty places about meal times
in the east.
The Saranac Glove company in New
Hampshire has discharged a mra.oer
4 of men for forming a union. It is that
kind of au "open shop" that every
one of the Employers' association
would like to establish. Most of its
products are used by workingmen. A
more general demand for the union Li
bel would help.
Prom Philadelphia last Tuesday it
was announced that the arbitrators had
reached an agreement on the interpre
tation of "loyal men," which has
caused friction between the Philadel
phia Rapid Transit company and its
union men. It is stated that the agree
ment will satisfy both sides and end all
talk of a strike.
Purloined From Portland Labor Press
to Save Time.
Steam fitters in Pittsburg are strik
ing against the "open shop."
Prison convist labor is a blot on our
civilization. It is barbarism itself.
An extra session of the Pennsylva
nia State Federation of Labor meets
on November 1.
Tinsmiths in New York have won
out for a union shop, fewer hours and
more pay.
Sacramento has laid the corner stone
of its Temple, and Tacoma is soon to
lo so.
A Boston judge has decided that the
municipality is not obliged to have
its printing. done in a union, shop.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
' men has appropriated funds for the es
tablishment of a course of scientific
The forces of organized labor in Los
Angeles propose ' to fight the gag ordi
nances through the court.
The Pittsburg, Penn., trouble with
the street car men originated with the
discharge of barn men for joining the
Convict labor contracted out to man
ufacturers drives more women to sin
than all the crimes of the convicts
amounted v to.
The strike of the expressmen in New
York is another "proof of prosperity"
politicians tell us industrial disturban
ces are.
The recent upheaval in the immi
gration department at San Frrmeisco
means that in campaign times the ad
mission of 'Hindus was a little too
The 1150 stage hands employed in
70 New York theatres want an increase
in wages. They are all members of
the Theatrical Protective Union of
Stage Hands.
After a strenuous and heated cam
paign in Eureka, Oal., the president
of the Trades Council has been elected
police judge. He was on the Socialist
ticket, which made all the trouble.
Straw show, etc.
at Meriden, Conn. The demands of
the strikers are a 54-hour week, a
slight increase in wages, recognition
of the union and some voice in the
matter of deciding the rates for piece
A New York preacher out of a job
has undertaken the trifling task of
breaking up Socialism. The way the
New York Call throws things at him
from his past record would leave the
bystander to infer that the gentleman
is sbmewhat badly broken up himself.
Hoftstot, the heartless steel trust
millionaire, has been turned over to the
courts of Pittsburg, charged with bri
bery of the city "Council. He fought
through the courts of New York to
keep from coming back to the dear old
One of the most striking results of
the recent political victories of the
Labor party in Australia ns the grow
ing demand for a 'six -hour day. J.t is
almost as shoe-king to the special priv
ileged classes as the likewise , growing
demand that a tax on land values pay
Throttle Men on Sixty-One Northern
Lines Threaten a Strike.
A strike vote of the engineers on -sixty-one
western lines, including the
Illinois Central, is about to begin.
This is the result of a failure on the
part of a Brotherhood committee to
make a satisfactory settlement with
the companies on the matter of re-adjusting
the wage schedules. In addi
tion to asking a wage increase the en
gineers demand the reform of some
working conditions.
As soon as it was seen that no set
tlement could be reached Chief Stone
and his committee withdrew from the
conference. The strike vote will Lo
gin at once and will be completed And
canvassed by December 10. When the
result is known it will be submitted to
the railroad managers in the hope of
averting the necessity of calling the
It is believed, however, that -Ic-termination
of the membership 1o se
cure some relief will be so emphatic
ally shown by the vote that the railway
managers will m'ake concessions, thi -i
averting the strike, which would pa;j
lyze the country
Will Meet Monday Evening ana Tozo
for a Group Photograph.
The directors of the Labor Tesiple
Association will convene promptly :A
8 o'clock next Monday evening and
pose for a group photograph.. After
that has been done the board will pro
ceed to transact a lot of business that
must be transacted immediately.
Owing to -pre-election excitement
there was no meeting of the bo.ird
last Monday evening. It is imperative
that a quorum be present next Monday,
however, as affairs are in such phapo
that something tangible must be done.
Every director is urged to be present.
The American Federation of Labor
will meet in annual convention in St.
Louis next Monday. Frank M, Coffey
will represent the Lincoln Central
Labor Union. Deputy Labor Commis
sioner Maupin will attend. The con
vention will last ten days.