The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, November 04, 1910, Image 3

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    When youv buy clothing you have a right to expect several things a
right price, a good fit, a durable suit, a stylish color or style, and the knowl
JUST edge that the man or firm that sold it has a record for
doing business on the square. You also wantlan oppor
DUl VV JLILrN tunity to select from a large stock and assortment and
OURSELVES b e waited upon by an expert whose chief interest is to
send you away a satisfied customer almost certain to return because you
know you are going to be fairly dealt with. It is because we provide all
these things that we have built such a splendid army of "repeating custom
ers" the kind of customers who keep coming back season after season be
cause they know they are getting all they pay for. No matter what you may
want in the line of clothing or furnishings, we have it. We make this asser
tion because we know that men want only the best for their money and the
best of its class is the only kind we handle.
If you are not quite sure of what you want, and desire expert advice,
we have the employes who give it, with ari eye single to your best interests
as well as ours. That's an easy statement because if it is not to your inter
est it certainly is not to ours.
Our chier aim is to serve your needs while suiting conditions to what
you deem your buying ability. You know best what you can afford to pay,
pJQJj and we are prepared to give you the very best
values for the money you have to invest in our
TEN TO i r i 11
. - lines or gooas. yyi one mmg you may De
FORTY DOLLARS certain when you buy of us you get just a
little bit more than the full value of your money, for in addition to the money
value we give you that sense of satisfiaction that comes when you feel that
you are well dressed in neat-fitting, up-to-date and durable garments. Suit
or overcoat, hat or cap, shirt, collar, neckwear, underclothing, work clothing,
odd pants, sweaters, mufflers, hose, suspenders, nightshirts everything in the
line of Gentlemen's Furnishings we have everything suited to your needs and
your tastes. It is our business and our pleasure to serve you. The record of
the years is the best evidence of our success in serving the buying public.
May we not serve you?
ArmstroBig Clothimg Go
Good Clothes Merchants