TASTE N PRE Time was when a man who wanted something exactly to his taste in clothing had to go to the tailor. That time is past. If you know just what you want in style, fabric and pattern, we are ready to provide it. If you are not exactly sure of what would look best, depend upon us to give you unprejudiced and expert advice. You may rest content that the durability the genuine wearing qualities will always go with our selections in your behalf. You certainly realize that we can not afford to sell you anything that will not redown to our own credit as well as to yours. Our success lies in securing you as a "repeating curtomer" something we could not do if you were allowed to go away an unsatisfied customer. That is why we gladly. assist you in making the best possible selections for your satisfaction. We have more at stake than the mere selling of a suit or overcoat to you. Upon your being satisfied in every particular depends our ability to secure your future custom. And that is why we exert ourselves in your behalf. OUR CHIEFEST AIM SUITS and OVERCOATS FROM ijiiib'. We can fit you in any style of garment you desire, and at a price that will meet with your favor while giving you a little bit more than the worth of your money. This season's styles and fabrics are the "niftiest" we have ever been able to show. Nothing finer or better has ever been offered the buying public. SPEAKING OF HEADGEAR WE HAVE THE HATS. The man who can not be pleased from our fine selection of hats will have to design his own headgear and have it made to order. That's emphatic. The latest blocks, the best makes, the "rightest" prices. All the latest things for Fall and Winter. Armstrong Clotlhiinig Co0 Good Clothes Merchants