THE WAGEWORKER. Entered as seconcl-elass matter April 2 1 , 1 904, at the postoffice at Lincoln, Neb., under the Act of Congress of March 3rd, 1 879, DENVER PRESSMEN. Merely Demanded That Employers Live Up to Contract. Organized labor feels quite able to prove that employers are more proiie to 'break contracts than are the labor unions. The strike of the web press men in Denver is a case in point. ' More than a year uigo t"ie web press men of Denver submitted a demand for higher wages. The News, Republi can and Post refused to ac.eeed to the demand. Finally it was agreed by all parties to sumbit the matter to arbitra tion, and further agreed that the wage decided upon by the board of arbitra tion' should date back to the time of the demand submitted by the web pressmen. Mind you, now, the proprie tors of the three newspapers agreed to this. The arbitration proceedings drag ged along for upwards of a year, owing to the dilatory tactics of the employer. Finally the arbitrators rendered their decision. It did not give the web pressmen the wage they asked, but it did provide for a substantial increase. In the meantime the pressmen had continued at work as they had agreed. After the decision of the board the pressmen asked that the findings be put into effect. The employers refused, and persisted in their refusal until in defense the pressmen struck. Had the employers kept their word with the employes there would have been no strike. While delaying the arbitration pro ceedings in every way . possible, the employers were using every effort at their command to disrupt the press men's uuon, but in this they failed, as they did before the board of arbi tration. The scheme was to import strikebreakers iand then secure injunc tions restraining the printers and stereo types from refusing to work with the "rat" pressmen. The Times and the Express refused to enter into the scheme and it died a bornin'. NEW YORK BRICKLAYERS. Win Strike and Then Proceed to Re organize Their Forces. . Union bricklayers in New York City have just won a sweeping victory. The Master Builders' Association granted all the demands of the Brick layers' unions, ind the strike which was called on September 26, in retaili ation for a lockout called by the bosses. was called off. There is great joy among the members of the unions over the outcome of the struggle. What was , intended by the master builders as a blow to the Bricklayers union has been turnel by the general walkout of the men and their perfect loyalty and solidarity into a complet i victory for the union. Incidentally, this fight has resulted in an upheaval in the bricklayers' organization which will result in greater solidarity among the unions in New York city. For years a group of union officials have been binding the rank and file of the New York unions with trade, agreements with the master builders which were in defiance of the laws of the international union. These offi cials were deposed, and preparations made to reorganize the bricklayers in that city. The reorganization will be started at once. The deposed officials fo'llow: William Klein, chairman of the executive committee of Greater New York; John Grant O'Brien, general secretary-treasurer of the executive com mittee of Greater New York; Dennis Doris, member of arbitration board of Greater New York; Charles Carney, president of Union No. 1; William Mealey, business agent of Union No. 1, and all other elective officers of Unions Nos. 1 and 7. The finances and other business af fairs of Unions Nos. 1 and 7 are to be turned over to the international offi cers until the thirteen New York unions can be reorganized FEDERATION YEAR BOOK. It Will Be a Handsome Edition and Full of Information. The executive committee of the .Ne braska State Federation of Labor is now engaged in the work of prepar ing a "Federation Year Book" which will contain a lot of useful informa tion .together with the advertisements of the friendly business institutions. The Wageworker is in receipt of num erous requests, for information from business men who want to know of the projected volume is "on the square." It is. It will be printed for the use and benefit of organized labor, and the profits if any, arisirg from its publication will accrue to the Ne braska State Federation of Labor. The "Year Book" will be neatly printed and bound, and as it will be the first of a series it should be care fully preserved by every unionist who wants to . keep fully informed of the progress of the trades union move ment. A WARING TO LABOR EDITORS. R. E. Woodmausee. ,Editor Illinois Tradesman, Spring field, Illinois: Dear Sir and Brother: E. E. Parker, a solicitor for labor journals, has ab sconded in Iowa with some $1,400, and the organization is writing me asking for information regarding the man. Can you give me any data as to his social, political or religious affilia tions? In fact, give me any informa tion you can on the subject, and yon will greatly oblige me. Yours fraternally, Edwin R. Wright, President Illinois State Federation of Labor, Chicago, 111. (Labor papers copy.) One thing that has made the spe cial. privilegJI of (Australia squirm and rub their eyes is the allowing of a labor union by the general government $5,000 for expenses in prosecuting a case through the courts involving the enforcement of the arbitration laws. For the Church Debt By ALICE M'DONALD Copyright, 1910, by American Press Association. "You. will never get Edith," said Dave Spalding to his friend Luther Bennett, "and you may as well hot try. You are rich and she is poor, but you're not the kind of a fellow she would fancy." "You think so?" "I know so." "What will you give her for a wed ding present if I do?" "What will I give? It seems to me that's heads you win, tails I lose. What will you give if you don't?" "I'll give a thousand dollars to any charity you name." "In what time." "One year." "Have you received any encourage ment?" "None whatever." "Very well; I'll go you. How do you propose to win?" "The basis of my operations will be money." "She'll not marry for money." "Not directly, but she may be in duced to do so indirectly." ' A few weeks later Bennett received a note from Miss Edith Cromwell stat ing that a fair was to be given to raise money for the church of which she was a member with a view to paying off the debt,. She hoped he would at tend and help the cause. Mr. Bennett replied that he would be on hand. When the evening for the sale arrived he sauntered up to Miss Cromwell's booth, expended $10 in various articles he had no use for and left them to be sold again. Miss Cromwell was dis appointed. She had expected to get at least double the amount from one she knew to be her admirer and rich. "Is there nothing else you see that. you want?" "Nothing else? I haven't yet bought anything I want." "Is there nothing I can procure for you?" "Yes; I would like a photograph of your pretty face, but that, of course, is not for sale." Miss Cromwell made no reply for awhile. She was thinking she might get a pretty sum for the church by yielding in the matter. Finally she said: "Of course my likeness is not for sale, but I might give it to the church, and the church could sell it." "Certainly." "How much would it bring?" "A thousand dollars." Miss Cromwell caught her breath. : There were two reasons for her doing so viz, she was flattered that any man should value her photograph so highly, and she would be delighted to hand in a thousand dollars to the church. She turned the matter over rapidly in her mind. What difference would Bennett's possession of her like ness make? A man might buy a pho tograph of a fashionable beauty for a few cents. Those of actresses were for sale everywhere. The debt was $1,265. The $265 would undoubtedly be raised at this fair. The $1,000 she would get for her photograph would complete the amount "required. "What would you propose to do with my photograph?" she asked. "Wear it in the hunting case of my watch." "Would any one except yourself see it?" -"One standing by when I looked for the time of day would be likely to see it.": - - Miss Cromwell thought again. "Will you do anything else with it?" she asked. "No." "I'll think it over. The fair lasts two evenings. Uome , tomorrow evening and I'll give you an. answer." Bennett went away, assuming a careless air, though he was much in terested in the proposed deal. He was desperately In love with the girl and would have paid a dozen church debts to get her. The next evening (latel he stopped at her booth. As soon as she saw him the color left her cheek. She was waiting on some one else at the time and as soon as she had finished opened a little boxy took out a cabinet photograph and handed it to Bennett.. He concealed a look of triumph as he drew forth a pocket check book. wrotjs a check for $1,000 and gave it to her. She folded it. placed it in the box from which she had taken the photograph and said: . ,. . "You can cut the head off if you like. and it will fit in your watch case." "That's exactly what I propose to do." And he walked away, apparent ly as carelessly as if he had purchased a pincushion. ' The next day Luther Bennett while chatting with his friend Dave, Spald ing took out his watch to look at the time, and Spalding caught a glimpse of Miss Cromwell's head in the case. "By Jove!" exclaimed Spalding. "What's the matter?" "You have won already." "I don't claim to have won." And, pleading an engagement, Bennett hur ried away. Spalding went at once to Miss Crom well, told her that he had seen .her head in Bennett's watch case and ask ed her if Bennett had a right to wear It there. Miss Cromwell was stunned. She admitted that he had, but she wouldn't explain. Since she was unwilling to have it known that she had sold her likeness even for the church she never explained. She sent for Bennett, who came and convinced her that there was but one way out of the matter to marry him. REVENUE, CUTTERS. 1 Varied Duties of These Life Savers of the Seas. No men in the employ of Uncle Sam reader more efficient service than do those of the revenue cutter service. The term "revenue," which would in dicate that their duties were restricted to those pertaining to the proper en forcement of the revenue laws, can give but a faint notion of the varied duties of this splendid corps of men. As a matter of fact, revenue cutters are the life savers of the seas. They patrol the coasts on regular beats, on the watch for vessels in distress. They must suppress mutinies, prevent smug gling and illicit seal hunting; they must examine ships' papers, enforce quar antine regulations, supply lighthouses and in general do all kinds of police work. Then, too, they have been dubbed "the messenger boys of the seas." - Alexander Hamilton was the father of the revenue cutter service, for it was under his administration of the treasury department that, in 1.701. ten cutters were built and put in commis sion under rules of his own devising. In time of peace the cutters are under the supervision of the treasury depart ment, but in times of war. they are transferred to that of the navy depart ment. Since the war of 1812 they have always rendered, excellent service In the event of armed hostilities. Every one remembers the, remarkable work done by the McCulloch. under Dewey, at the battle of Manila Bay. New York Press. . ......