The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, October 14, 1910, Image 13

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AT $16.50 AND $14.50
We invite your inspection of these up-to
date, well tailored garments. They are
made of fine Cheviot, Serge, Diagonal and
Broadcloth and are regularly priced at
$17.50 and $19.50. Special prices
at $16.50 and $14.50
SUITS AT $12.50 AND $9.75
Broken sizes and Sample Line Suits, assorted
dark and light materials. Worth $16.50
-to $25.00. Choice at $12.50 and $9.75
Your choice of $6.75 values, special. . . .$4.95
Your choice of $7.50 values, special. . . .$5.95
Your choice of $7.95 values, special. . . .$6.95
Your choice of $8.95 values, special. . . .$7.95
Your choice of $12.50 values, special. . .$9.95
$9.95 values Black Voiles, special. .. .$7.95
$14.50 and $13.50 values Black Voiles,
special $9.95
Dependable Oil Boiled gratle Taffeta in ,
generous width and neatly tailored. 1
Regular $4.95 values, special $3.95
Regular $5.95 values, special. ...... .$4.95
SILK' WAISTS AT $3.95 AND $2.95
Assortment of Shepherd Check and Striped Taffetas and Moire
Silks, $6.75 and $5.95 values. Choice at $3.95
New supply of Twilled Messaline Waists in all colors, beauti
fully braided. Low at $4.95. Special at $3.95
Black Taffeta Silk Waists, attractively embroidered,
at $3.95 and $2.95
A glance at these showy Braided French Serge garments will
be sufficient to judge that they are worth $19.50. Now on
sale at $12.50
Footwear Department
In patent colt and gun metal leathers with
black patent cuffs and silk tassels.
Sizes 5J2 to 8, red tops and tassels, at. .$1.75
Zl Sizes 8y2 to 11 . . , .$2.25
-7 A Sizes 11 V, to 2 S2.50
Jr 0 Sizes 2y2 and 3 : $3.00
-.?" p: 111111 CUT BUUTS r UK BUYS AND
Jte&'$'i&Z&t IN BUTTON OR LACE '
SsS&X Boys High Cut Shoes
Sizes 2y to 5x2 in tan leather with buckles,
iat. $2.50 and $3.00
SizeSlS1 'to 2, in tan leather with buckles, at. .$2.25 and $2.75
Sizes 22 to 5y, in Mack calf leather, with buckles $2.25
Sizes 13y to 2, in black box calf leather with buckles. .$2.00
Sizes 9 to 13, in black box calf . leather with buckles. . . .$1.-75
Girls' High Cut Shoes
Prices range from $1.50 to $2.50
Dry Goods Department
$1.00 TABLE LINENS 79c
5 pieces of 72-inch All Pure Linen Table Damask. All assorted
patterns. This is a good wearing grade one we can recom
mend. Regular $1.00 value. To close at 79c
Our new line of Children's Hoods tare now on dis
play. Hoods made of felt, trimmed with
Chiffon and ribbon to match. Colors red, Mue,
brown and white. Also a nice line of Bear
Skin Hoods, all shades. Toques, all colors and
shapes, at 25c up to $1.75
1 doz. full size Silkoline Comforts,
assorted patterns. These come
tied and sewed. Reg. $1.75 value.
Special this week .$1.39
"We also have a nice line of Com
forts from $1.00 up to $3.50
Our line of Fall Dress Goods was never
more complete. Broadcloths, Mohair,
Panamas,' Plain and Fancy Serges,
Voiles, Taffetas, Edgemire, Batistes,
Albatros, Bedford Cord, Poplins,
New Danish, in all staple shades, 36
to 54 inches wide. "Worth
from 35c up to $1.75
0 1.7-921 O St.
2 doz. 10-4 Cotton Blankets in col
.. ors tan and gray. Reg. 89c. .Spe
cial this week only at ..75c
"We are showing a great line of
Blankets in 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4
size, ass 'ted pat., at57c up to $10
Chase of Haverhill Will Speak in Lin
coln Very Soon.
John C. Chase was the people's
choice for mayor of Haverhill, Mass.,
at the very time of his defeat. If the
will of the people had been the rule,
the Socialist perhaps Chase, as their
representative would still be in con
trol of Haverhill.
Chase was only defeated after the
old line parties gave up all hope of
winning against him by fair means and
they had to resort to the power of
boodle. It cost thousands to beat
Chase and it 'has cost more thousands
every election since then to keep hiin
beaten. Even at that the power of
boodle is proving more 'and more in
effective. The next victory for Social
ism at Haverhill will be won even
against the barrels of money furnished
by the interests and that victory will
be final and complete.
This is the man who will aid with
the closing campaign dates of the
j gubernatorial campaign in Nebraska.
He is an orator ana a master of the
platform art, a political student whom
none of his opponents dare meet in
public. i
The socialist organization of Nebras
ka has secured several dates from Mr.
Chase, and he will appear with, Clyde
J. Wright, socialist candidate for gov
ernor. These two forceful speakers
will speak in Lincoln on November 7
at a place yet to be designated. They
ought to have the privilege of speaking
to not less than 2,000 workingmen.
They have a message.
Lincoln Business Men Touring the
Northwest on Special Train.
Under the auspices ot the Commercial
Club some seventy Lincoln business
men are indulging in another "trade
winning" excursion, this ; time taking
the line of the Northwestern road
into northwestern Nebraska. As usual
the excursionists have a band along
with them, and as usual it is a village
band hired because it is cheaper to
hire them than it , is' to employ Lin
coln musicians. , The Lincoln musicians
however, are - expected to "patronize
home institutions77 and "all work to
gether for Lincoln.'
.- The special train is a palatial affair,
and the blanch taking' the excursion
is having a royal good time.