The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, October 07, 1910, Image 3

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V i
Some people are afraid to be thought frugal, preferring to be thought
"good fellows" rather than sensible fellows. They are afraid of being
called "stingy." There is a diffenence. Frugality means nothing more
than horse sense applied to one's earning and expeditures. The man
who spends a little less than he earns is on the road to success. He who
spends more than he earns is on the road to failure. The way to save is
to acquire the habit of saving. It cannot be done spasmodically.' , Try
depositing a certain per cent of your income with us each week. A
dollar a week means $52 a year, plus 4 per cent interest. You'll be sur
prised to note how your savings account will increase if you keep at it
systematically. We will show you how and we actually pay you for
saving your money. Let us explain our system. You'll like it and
rejoice in after years that we worked together.
132 NORTH 11TH ST.
Once Tried Always Used
Little Hatchet Flour
Made from Select Nebraska Hard Wheat,
BtuNoSu59 1 45 So. 9th St., LINCOLN, NEB.
The Dr. Benj. F Baily Sanatorium
For non contagious cbronio diseases. Largest, best
quipped, most beautifully furnished.
First Trust and Savings Bank
Owned by Stockholders of First National Bank
The Bank for The Wage Earners
Interest Paid at Four Per Cent
139 South Eleventh Lincoln, Nebraska
For Cooking
Named for Lincoln
O U W -Ti
Demand Liberty Flour and take no other,
does not handle it, phone us about it.
factory No.
All Shoes Without the Union Stamp are Non-Union
Do not accept any excuse' for absence of the UNION STAMP
Boot and Shoe
JOHN rBlN. Pr.
and Heating.
Made in Lincoln
Test of the Oven
Test of the Taste
Test of Digestion
Test of Quality '
Test of Quantity
Test fTime
Test it Proves Best
If your grocer
Named Shoes are Often Made)
in Non-Union Factories.
Do Not Buy Any Shoe
no matter what the name unless
it bears a plain and readable
impression of this Union Stamp.
Workers Union
Copyright. 1910. by American Press
The border line between Italy and
Switzerland in several places crosses
those beautiful lakes of northern Italy
which are the resort of people from
all over the world. The Italian cus
toms officers are constantly on the
alert to intercept smugglers.
One evening a postman was climbing
one of the steep mountain roads that
lead up toward the border line when
he wus accosted by a man with a stub
ble beard and small, cunning eyes.
"Anything for Antoine Cavalleri?"
he asked of the postman.
The postman took a package of let
ters from his bag and looked over their
"Nothing for Cavalleri," he said and
was about to return the letters to the
bag when the man made a grab for
one of them, seized it and ran away
with it. The postman was at a disad
vantage. His letter bug was so heavy
that he could not hope to catch the
letter thief while It was strapped to
his back, and he dare not lay it down.
He would not risk a large number of
letters to recover one. He hurled a
stone after the thief to vent his ire
and kept on his way. ' He had not gone
far before, he met a young girl com
ing down to meet him.
X"A letter for me today, Luigi?"
"Yes; there is one, I believe."
He looked over the letters, but found
none for the girl. "I was sure there
was one," he said. Then he stopped
and thought, saying half to himself
and half to her. "I wonder if that was
the letter the rascal robbed me of?"
He was looking at his companion and
saw that she paled.
"Have you been robbed of a letter?"
she asked quickly.
"By a thickset man with a short
beard and eyes like a snake's?"
"The same. He asked for a letter
for Antoine Cavalleri, and while I was
looking over the lot made a grab for
one and ran away with it. But what
is it, Marie?"
"Oh. Luigi. Giovanni and bis friends
will be taken! The man who stole the
letter was a customs official. It con
tains the hour and the place where
they are tonight to run some goods
over the border. This letter was ad
dressed to me to deceive the revenue
officers. This man has been told that
I am the medium between the Swiss
and Italian bands who are acting to
gether Giovanni and his friend col
lecting the goods in Switzerland and
turning them pver to the Italians, who
run them across the lake. Giovanni
sent it to me to deliver to Toni."
"But is' there not time to warn
"I don't know where either party is
or the trysting place. That is given in
the letter. Which way did he go?"
"He took the valley road up the
"I will go and seek him myself. He
knows that a girl named Marie Polini
is the go-between for these letters, but
he has never seen me."
An hour later the letter thief was sit
ting under un arbor outside an Italian
iuu drinking a glass of wine and smok-
iug a cigarette. Marie, who was ascend
ing the road, saw him. and. taking a
byroad all roads in that country run
between high stone walls she entered
the inn unseen by a back door. She
knew well the people who lived there;
they were friendly to her and the
smugglers indeed, friendly to any one
who is interested in getting a living
out of the two sources of income open
to impoverished Italians, the govern
ment and Americans, though the now
of coin is usually to the government,
while it is always from the Americans.
She told them the story and her pur
pose. Going out to the official, she said,
with a smile:
"Did the senore call for more wine?"
"I did not. but if so pretty a maid
will drink it with me I will have a
The girl brought the wine and mod
estly stood till the man asked her to
be seated; then, showing her white
teeth in a smile and darting her Ital-
i ian black eyes at him. she took the
glass of wine he poured- for her and
sipped it. The customs officer drain
ed his own glass and refilled it.
A knowledge of drugs that wiil kill
or stupefy - has been handed down
among the Italians since the days of
the Borgias. Before bringing the wine
I Marie had slipped a powder into it.
and the man had scarcely drunk when
his eyes grew heavy. They closed, and.
the pretty face of Marie, which now
wore a smile of triumph, faded before
him. As soon as be became uncon
scious she unbuttoned his cout. took
the letter he had stolen from the post
man, looked ut the superscription' and.
seeing that it was for her. opened and
read It.
Taking up the bottle containing the
balance of the wine, she poured it on
the ground, them, leaving the officer to
sleep off the effect of the drug she
hud given him sturted up the moun
tain. It was growing dark when she
Came Uhii a man leaning on a stone
wall, looking or pretending to took
down upon a water course far below.
As soon as he saw the girl his face
brightened. "
"Marie." he exclaimed, "what has
delayed you?"
"That has delayed me which would
hare led to your capture tonight."
And she told him what had happened.
"Ah. Marie," he exclaimed, embrac
ing her. "how could we get on witn-
your" v
Dept"it Wholly on the Friction of the
- Materials In Contact.
The angle of repose is a well known
term in the science of mechanics, but.
besides being used in purely theoret
ical problems, is taken into account by
railroad and other engineers. Suppose
that we take a brick and lay it on a
board and then gradually raise one
end of the board. There will be a cer
tain angle reached in time where the
brick will not remain at rest on the
board, but will start to slide down.
This is termed the angle of repose of
the brick on the board. It is at that
point where the component of force
due to gravity overcomes the resist
ance due to friction between the two
surfaces. Therefore the angle de
pends entirely on the friction. Fric
tion varies with the materials in con
tact. So the angle of repose of a brick
on a pine board would be different
than its angle of repose on an iron
board, say.
Now for the application of this in
ordinary life. When a railroad cut has
to be made the sides have to be suffi
ciently slanting to keep the earth qr
clay from caving in. The same ap
plies when a ditch is dug or when for
tifications are built in time of war.
The angle .necessary for this is of
course the angle of repose of the par
ticular kind of material through which
the cut is made as measured by itself
on itself, as it contains millions of in
dividual particles in contact. The an
gle in this instance is determined .with
utmost ease and simplicity. A pile of
the material is put into nb open cylin
der, packed down slightly, and the cyl
inder is then removed. Of course the
pile immediately slumps down into a
mound with slanting sides, the angle
of which is the one wanted. .- This an
gle is somewhat smaller than the one
that would be taken by compact earth
and therefore allows a good margin of
There are tables got out for the en
gineer to refer to. but it is- always
wiser to make a trial for every par
ticular condition of the soil, for there
are hardly two cuts made through ex
actly the same kinds of material in
exactly the same condition. Chicago
Bretons Coax the Tiny Fish With
Salted Eggs of the Cod.
Sardine hsbiug forms the chief in
dustry of Brittany. In an average
season the Brittany sardine fisher
men catch 100.000.000 to 150.000.000
pounds of sardines, for which they
receive anything from 300.000 to
000.000. while the shore industries de
pendent upon this fishery give em
ployment to 20.000 other persons, most
ly women and girls. So important is
the sardine that in many communities
in Brittany every person is directly or
indirectly supported by it. and the fail
ure " of the fish to come means ,ruin,
starvation and death to many people
in the more isolated places.
Sardines are found on the coast of
Brittany throughout the year, but
nourish in greater abundance In sum
mer and autumn. As niany as 100,
CC0 have been, taken at one time in
one net from one school. One remark
able feature of sardine fishing in Brit
tany is the enormous amount of. bait
which is used. The bait in general
use is the salted eggs of the codfish,
and it is estimated that the Breton
fishermen pay 70.000 every year to
Norway for cod roe for use as bait.
The casting of the bait, on the prop
er use of which a great deal of the suc
cess of tlit fishing depends. Is always
done by the captain of the boat, who
stands on a little platform in the stern
and white directiug the movements, of
the boat and the manipulation of the
net throws the bait to attract the fish
to the surface and around the boat
When the fish are on one side of the.
net or on the other his next move is
to cast the. bait in such a way asS to
cause tbem to rush against the net and
thus become gil led. London Tit-Bits.
Deaf as an Adder.
The expression "deaf as an adder" is
from the Psalms of David, where it
appears in the following form: "Their
poison is like the poison of serpents.
They uie like the deaf adder that s'op
peth her ear. which will not hearken
to the voice of charmers, charming ever
so wisely." Kust Indian travelers tell
us that there is a widely prevailing su
perstition in the east to the effect that
both the viper and the asp stop their
ears wlun the charmer is uttering his
incantations or playing his music by
turuing one ettr to the ground and
twisting the point of the tail into the
His Favorite.
"Which is your favorite Wagnerian
opera?" asked the musician.
"Lemme see." said Mr. Cutnros. ap
pealing to his wife. "There are sev
eral that 1 never beard yet. aren't
"Well. I reckon it's one of them."
Washington Star.
Poor Little Goosel
"Seems as if 1 can never find a de
cent tiill in the house." growled the
eighteenth century author.
"I think it would pay you to keep a
goose." sharply retorted his wife.
"You mean- one thai would be of
Rome help to me. don't you?" chortled
the brute Detroit Kree Press.
Vulgar Ostentation.
Little Willie-Say. pa. what is vul
gar ostenation? Pa Vulgar ostenu
tlon. my son. Is the display made by
people who have more money to make
It with than we have. Chicago News.
1701-03 O ST.
".: & Bell 952; Auto 6077
17 1-2 lbs. Sugar...'.; : '.. .....:.......1.00
Wis. Full Cream Cheese, per lb..... .... .23
Coffee, 2 lbs. for
Flour, 48 lb. sack..
Vanilla Cookies, 1 lb
King George Sardines, 2 for
Table Peaches, per can
3 lb. Hawaii Pineapple
Pears, Keifer Brand, per bu
Yellow Tomatoes for Preserves
1 can Corn
1 can Pease
2 1-2 lb. can Tomatoes
Jap Rice, full head, per lb.
Shredded Wheat, per pkg
Cream Wheat, per pkg. .
Dr. Price's All-Grain
Pancake Flour, Aunt Jemima's,
Self Rising Buckwheat
Dole's Pineapple Juice.
Potatoes, per pk
Cranberries, per qt 09
Green Pepperr, per doz. ....10
Sweet Poratoes, per lb : .03 1-2
Home Baked Cakes & Doughnuts. Pies & Cookies
We have not advanced the price of coffee.
7 bars Lenox Soap for ....... .25
7 " Diamond "C" Soap for. ..25
Pot Roasts, per lb s .....10
Rib Roasts, " . ,.12 1-2
Boil, per lb 05
Veal Roast, per lb : .................12 1-2
Veal Stew, per lb ... .'...10
Veal Cuttletts, per lb .20
Pnvk r'rirmc rf Ih OA
v iiwj'u, r
Pork Roast, per lb.
Home Made Sausage, per lb
Lard, 2 lbs. for.......
At a meeting of Lincoln Typograph
ical Union No. 209, Sunday, the follow
ing was adopted:
"We, the members of Lincoln typo
graphical union No. 209, extend our
heartfelt sympathy to the owners of
the Los Angeles Times and denounce
the dastardly ont?ae that destroyed
their plant. .'
"Our organization has alw.'.vs aimed
to conduct their battles against non
union offices in an orderly manner and
has at all times discouraged any dras
tic measure that could be used in gain
ing recruits to their ranks.
"We also tender our sympathy to the
bereaved families of their employes
who tost their lives and to those who
were injured in ihc disaster. "
Sometime between December 9 and
16 Lincoln people will have an oppor
tunity to listen to a debate that prom
ises to be wonderfully interesting. Es
pecially interesting will it be to un
ion men and to those who oppose union
ism. The debate will bo between the
University of Nebraska, and the Uni
versity of Wisconsin, and the question
to be debated ds as follows:
"Resolved, That the movement of
organized la'bor for the closed shop
should receive the support of public
Due notice of the exact date of the
debate and the place thereof will be
given, and it would be a good idea
for the unionists of the city to ar
range eeats close to the rostrum, so
they .nay" cheer the Nebraska boys
on to vi.toifjr.
"The high cost of living laid at the
door of the -Yarmer and wage earner
by our opponents, i due to other causes
entirely. Our opponents want to pray
for us five minutes a week and prey
upon us the rest of f"1 week.
"Farmers do i;Jt "jrr too much for
their products nor wage earners too
much for their labor, and, if I Tead
the signs of the times rightly, the
grinding of the massefj f o the profit
of the few wilt not continue everlast
ingly. We're going to get more, and
then more, until the right of life, lib
;: .09
& Mrs. Pinkerton , s
k ,25
. i
.. .35
erty and pursuit of happiness becomes
an actuality and not a glittering gen
erality. "Samuel Uompeis.
Trade Unionism a Mighty Power. For
Humanity's Uplift. '
It is indispensably necessary in or
der to preserve to .the largest degree
our system of individualism that there
should be effective and organized col
lective action. The wage earners
must act jointly, through the process
of collective bargaining, in great in
dustrial enterprises. Only thus can
they be put upon a plane of economic
equality with their corporate employ
ers. Only thus is freedom of contract
made a real thing and not a. mere le
gal fiction. There are occasional oc
cuparionM where this is not necessary;
but, speaking broadly, It is necessary
throughout thp great world of organ- -ized
1 believe this practice of collective
bargaining, effective only through such
organizations as the trade unions, to
have been one- of the most potent
forces in the past century in promot
ing the progress of the wage earners
and in securing larger social progress
for humanity. I believe in the princi
ple of organized labor and in the prac
tice of collective bargaining wherever
there is organized capital on a large
scale not merely as a desirable thing
for, the wage earners, but as some
thing which has been demonstrated to
be essential in the long run to their
permanent progress. From Theodore .
Roosevelt's Labor Day Speech at Far
go. N. D. , .
Union Coal Miners of Illinois Won
Substantial Victory.
Union coal miners in Illinois will
gain $4,000,000 annually under the new
wage scale which the operators have
agreed to pay after a five months'
strike. The capitulation of the oper
ators, is regarded as one of the great
est victories ever won by the United
Mine Workers of Americu.
One concession granted the operators
was a clause written into the contract
providing that if mi agreement was
reached at the termination of the pres
ent contract three outside mediators
should have a seat in rhe conference
: The strike is estimated to have cost
the miners $12,000,000 in -wages. The
loss to the operators during the fire
months' shutdown is placed at $15,-000,00a