The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, September 09, 1910, Image 6

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are right and against them when they
are wrong, ' ' said Theodore. Eoosevelt
at Fargo. Isn't that nicet Kirby and
Post could subscribe to that, providing
they were made judges as to when the
unions were right or wrong.
Look Over The List of Attractions
WILL M. MAUP1N, Editor.
E. L GRUBB, Business Manager.
Attention is called to the prize offer
of The Wageworker on the first page.
You can esily earn the ten dollars, to
say nothing of a nice little commission.
Get to work.
.Theodore Eoosevelt warns union
labor against unwise leadeTS. For God 's
sake, Teddy, hand out some big chunks
of tha,t same advice to your fellow republicans!
pMtMl mm mmmmA-flm A n 1 1 ' Qft4 at
th postoAc at Lincoln. Neb., under the Act of
ot March Jrd, 10v.
The trades unionists of the country
owe to Mr. Chnrles W. Post of Battle
Creek, Mich., a debt of gratitude. His
senseless aud unfounded tirades against
union labor has had the effect of caus
ing people to investigate the matter for
themselves, and it naturally follows
that as people learn the truth about
trades uniouism they become its
staunch supporters.
v . Mr. Post 's latest effusion had to do
with" "Labor Sunday." His object
evidently was to array the ministers
against organized labor. But the at
tack had the opposite effect. The min
isters of the country might not have
paid so much attention to "Labor Sun
day" had not the odoriferous husband
of the yel!ow haired ex-stenographer
made his indecent and libelous assult
upon the trades unionists of the coun
try. That attack had the effect of
making thousands of ministers study
up on the subject and deliver sermons
that were strongly in favor of the or
ganization of workingmen along lines
laid down by the American Federation
of Labor.
It is very presumptous for a man like
Mr. Post to undertake to teach minis
ters of the Gospel their duty. A little
investigation of Mr. Post's private life
and the private lives of men who
seek publicity are open to inspection
might reveal some things calculated to
furnish ministers with texts for ser
mons on demestio virtue. If we re
member rightly the first Mrs. Post
the one whose toil and sacrifices helped
to make the Post millions secured a
divorce on the grounds of cruelty,
which decree of divorce was immediate
ly followed by the marriage of Mr.
Post to a stenographer employed in his
offices. There is some question about
the good taste of a man with such a
domestic record undertaking to lay
down the lines of duty for ministers of
the gospel.
But apart from that phase of the
subject we still hold that Mr. Post
Tendered organized labor a .service by
his screed against "Labor Sunday."
Seldom has a new day been so well
advertised and so thoroughly observed.
And the results will be of immense
benefit not only to organized - labor,
but to the church in general.
The trades unionists of Lincoln and
Havelock have every reason to be
proud of the manner in which Labor
Day was observed in this city. There
were pessimists who declared that we
could not make a good showing. There
were croakers who declared that it was
no use to get out and parade. But the
loyal and earnest workers were in line,
and they made a magnificent showing.
The beat blood of the city inarched in
the parade last Monday. Without the
work of the twelve hundred men in
that parade the business of. Lincoln
would be paralyzed. That column of
mon represented $15,000 a week
thrown into the channels of Lincoln
business. It represented a large per
centage of the home owners and the
taxpayers of the two cities. Tt was a
marching column of patriotic, home
loving, men men who would be just as
ready to fight for their country as they
are to work for its upbuilding. There
were men in that column who followed
the flag during the dark days of 1861
65. There were men in that column
who followed the flag in Cuba and the
Philippines. And of all the thousand
or more men in line every one of them
would follow the flag again if duty
demanded it.
The Wageworker is proud of the
showing made by organized labor last
Monday. And it is not a bit too early
to begin discussing plans for the ob
servance of Labor Day, 1911.
Now let's get busy and not only pay
off the mortgage on the Labor Temple,
but raise enough money to enlarge it
to fit the needs of the local workers.
The proposition to establish a state
board of arbitration .is fraught with
grave danger to the workers. . Watch it
The short work day and a good wage
means more business for the local mer
chant. 'I am with the unions when they
What a lot of good fellows the
union men are these days in the eyes
of the gentlemen who are seeking
political office.
Wages paid to Lincoln workers is
spent with Lincoln business men.
The traction problem in Lincoln is
seemingly a long ways from solution.
Let some or these eastern industrial
sections work under the "volunteer
organizer" plan a little while, and send
a few paid organizers into the west.
We deserve better treatment than we
have been accorded at the hands of
the American Federation of Labor.
James J. Hill again warns us that
the country's food supply is running
short. It will be a chilly day even for
Minnesota when Jim's supply of grub
is inadequate for his needs.
, Nebraska has been neglected by the
American Federation of Labor long
enough. It is time to demand that some
attention be given this rapidly develop
ing industrial field.
President Taft's Minneapolis speech
on Labor Day somehow or other re
minds us of a certain wooden horse
presented to the Trojans by the an
cient Greeks.
Was there ever a man who could
equal Theodore Roosevelt in giving ut
terance to a platitude and acting as
if he were the original discoverer of
the thought?
If fifty men did all the work
And gave the price to five;
And let those five make all the
You'd say the fifty men were
Unfit to be alive.
And if you heard complaining cries
From fifty brawny men,
Blaming the five for graft and
Injustice, cruelty indeed
What would you call them then!
Not by their own Superior force
Do five on fifty live,
But by election and assent
And privilege of government"
Powers that tho fifty give.
Report of the Condition
of the
of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Charter No. G20, Incorporated in the
State of Nebraska, at the close of
business August 25, 1910: '
Loans and discounts .'. ,$105,046.12
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 196.33
Bonds, securities judgments,
claims, etc 33,403.50
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures 4,420.00
Due from nat'l, state and
private banks .$8,846.41
Checks and items of exch..... 1,284.30
Currency 7,100.00
Gold coin ,, 2,235.00
Silver, nickels ami cents 1,14i2.24
Total $162,763.90
Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00
Undivided profits 293.90
Individual deposits subject
to check - $96,952.91 .
Time certificates of deposit 10,248.08
Certified checks 550.00
Cashier's ch'ks outstand'g 4,478.40
Due to nat'l, state and
private banks 240.61
Total deposits 112,470.00
Total $162,763.90
State of Nebraska, t'
County of Lancaster. '5 ss.
I, H. C. Probasco, cabier of the
above named bank, do hereby swear
that the above statement is a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State Banking Board.
A. L. Chase,
L. E. Wettling,
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 3rd day of September, 1910.
Notary Public.
flf All wool quality, correct style, the very best tailoring
and a perfect fit are the things you are sure of here
things that we positively guarantee you.
flj Your money back if you are not perfectly satisfied.
SUITS $10.00 to $40.00
" 'V'"- ' ' ' r- ' ... l;
Ar Msfx omg ClotMeg Co.
v Good Clothes Merchants '
Largest and Most Complete Boys' Department in Lincoln on the Second Floor.
"Labor Sunday" was observed in
most of the churches in Lincoln by the
pastors preaching 'sermons relating to
labor subjects. In the Firsa Presby
terian, Irst Congregational, Second
Presbyterian at St. Mark's Reformed
churches well known labor men oc
cupied the pulpits. The first observance
of "Labor Sunday V was very gratify
ing, and it means that in future the day
will be generally observed and made of
increasing importance, in the great
educational and social uplift movement
than is now going on.
At the First Presbyterian church Will
M. Maupin was introduced by the pas
tor, Rev. Mr. Shipherd, and spoke
briefly as follows:
"The so-called 'closed shop,' " said
Mr. Maupin, "is in reality an open
shop, for in it any man may work
who will subscribe to the trades rules
of the craft having the, contract with
the employers. The so-called 'open
shop " is really closed against the un
ion workman, because conditions are
usually such that a union man can not
work therein without in a measure
stultifying himself. Unionists prefer
the definitions of 'union shop' and 'non
union shop.' -
"The trades union movement," said
the speaker, "is essentially and educa
tional movement, and in a great mea
sure a religious movement. It means
to a great extent that the working
man is groping for a religion suited to
his needs, and reaching for a high
standard of living. The union move
ment is not a struggle for shorter
hours and higher pay alone. It stands
for the social uplift, for better homes,
for better opportunities, for mutual help
for civic righteousness. '(
"Many may not appreciate the fact,
but in reality the trades unions and
I They are all good; you want to see all of them and
you should make it a point to visit our store the first
you go and see our line of-
Stylish Fall Clothes
I The most attractive collection of Good Clothes that
was ever shown in Nebraska.
I Right now, while you are here and at no extra expense,
you had better come in and let us dress you up in a nice
new Fall Suit, a new Hat and other accessories necess
ary to make you look nice.
I You will feel better, look better and enjoy yourself
more, and know that you are dressed right; no one can
dress you better than we can and there is a great satis-
faction in wearing clothes that you know are right
the churches are working along the
same lines and towards the same ends.
Perhaps the church is paying a little
too much attention to the hereafter, and
the unions too much attention to the
now, but some day, in God's good time
the balance will be reached, and then
the church and the union will be reach
ing the same results although, mayhap
by different methods.
"As unionists we ask you to investi
gate our records, judging us by our
average, not by our worst or our best.
Study the practical work we are doing
a Christian work, if you please, al
though not so claimed in the uplift of
humanity, the -caring for the sick and
afflicted, the care of the widow and
the orphan.
"Out of all the present conflict, out
of all the sacrifice and the suffering,
out of all the sinning and the sor
rowing, out of all these things that go
to make up the gigantic struggle that
fronts every man and woman in the
industrial work, there must come a
time when things will be settled
Frank M. Coffey, president of the
state federation of labor, spoke at the
Second Presbyterian church. He took
up the educational work the labor un
ions are doing. "They are carrying on
a continuous campaign of education,"
he said, "and the more the laboring
people become intelligent the more
they will take pride in and
use every means at their command to
make themselves more valuable and
profitable to the employer and society,
They are not in any sense a school that
breeds discontent. They are not
pledged to' any of the political parties
but endeavor to have laws enacted
for the protection of the working peo
ple and they endorse many issues of a
non-partisan nature which would work
wonderful good educationally, morally
and physically to the nation as a
"Let me call your attention to the
declaration of principles and economy
ics of the Nebraska state federation of
labor. I am sure they will without
exception be in accordance with views
that you either privately or publicly
hold on these questions." ,
Speaking of long hours of labor, Mr.
Coffey said: "A most careful inquiry
made into the causes of intemperance
proves that the greatest amount of
drunkenness prevails among that class
of " laborers that work the longest
hours. And the same inquiry finds that
the least regard for childhood and the
home, for education and religion, for
justice in the state and general ad
vancement in the life of man, is found
among that class of laboring masses
that work the longest hours. , , A can
dle will -burn just so long and no
longer. "
At the First Presbyterian church
Clyde J. Wright spoke at length upon
the uplift movement' of the trades
unons forces, and points out the splen
did educational work the unions are
doing. He made an eloquent plea for
a more general investigation of the
real objects and aims of the workers'
organizations. T. C. Kelsey and S.
D. Smith spoke at St. Mark 's Reformed
church, Mr. Kelsey dealing largely with
the history of trades unionism and Mr.
Smith with the lieness that exists be
tween the work of the unions and the
work of the churches.
Brief Bits of News, Local and Foreign,
Picked and Pilfered.
Lincoln Central Labor Union meets
next Friday evening. Be tlere.
George W. Armstead, sr., of North
Bend. Nebr., is visiting his daughter,
Mrs. W. M. Maupin. . .. '
The Labor Day committee, will meet'
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
Labor Temple to settle up the affairs
of the Labor Day celebration.'
' W. S. Bustard has drawn his card
from Lincoln Typographical Union
and hied away to St. Joseph. Mrs.
Bustard will follow in a week or two,
fl.nrl t.llA TCllaai.1a Will mnlrn T,.,.
vuv ..uv.u nui 11111 IV UlClfUIV Jl
their future home. They will be
missed in union and social circles here.
Elder W. T. Maupin of Hennessy
Okla., is visiting hisson, Will M. Mau
pin Elder Maupin is eighty years old,
and has been a minister of the gospel
for upwards, of . a half century. His
son, Whitmer, of Oregon, Mo., is with
him. , '
Lombardi 's band at the state fair is
using a number of union musicians be-'
longing to the Lincoln local. The Lom
bardi band is a union organization.
The Wageworker printery is equip
ped to do any and all kinds of printing
except the poor kind. Promptness one
of the features of the shop.
Get busy with the "stickers" and
send back to the candidates and com
mittees all political printed matter that
does not bear the union label.
The Orpheum bill board stuff this
season bears the label,
v The bulk of the printing done for
Capital Beach this week was minus the
"little joker."
Lincoln Typographical union took in
one new member last Sunday.
Get into the game and win the 910
offered as a prize for the most subscrip
tions to The Wageworker.
- The Evening News and The Morn
ing Journal assert that "more than 600
men marched in the Labor Day pa
rade." We guess yes, about 600 more
than 600. ' ' '
The Wageworker one year for one
dollar, A labor paper without strings,
political or otherwise.
. The Basket Store advertises for a
paper that will not be controlled by
capitalistic advertisers. The Basket ,
Store can find just such' a 'paper at
1705 O street. . . - ;