The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, September 09, 1910, Image 5

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Tike Followkg Prices yTfTha Six Basket Stores
Commencing Sept. 8th, 1910, subject to market changes. Watch for next Price List. Mail Orders promptly filled.
Chocolate, Vi-lb. Rockford, 25c cake 15c
Extracts, 2 oz. 30c, quality, Tip Top
Vanilla -21c
Extracts, 8 oz. 25c quality Tip Top
Lemon ......16c
Extracts, S ok., Purity Vanilla, 10c bottle..06c
Extracts 2 oz. Purity Lemon, 10c bottle
8c, a for 15c
Grape Juice, Angelus Brand, made from
Muscat Grapes, pint bottle 21c
Shoe Polish, French Floss Brand, 10c
bottle -
Shoe Polish, Gilt Edge Brand, 25c bottle-.17c
Starch, I X L Brand 10c pkg., 8c 2 for 15c
Strawberries, Union Brandr Preserved
20c quality, 14c, 2 for 27c
White Cherries, Cottage Brand 20c quality 15c
Baking Powder, Royal S-lb. also .1.t5
Baking Powder, Hoyal, Va pound size, 23c
Baking Powder, Prices, 1-lb. size 4Be
Baking Powder, Calumet ,--Aak Prloe
Baking Powder, Mb. can As Prlae
Baking Powder, Rirmford's, l ib. can 21c
Baking Powder, Rumferd's, 10c can 8c
Rattinar Powder. TlD TffD 5 lb. can 3to
Baking Powder, Tip 'Bop, 25c can 10c Q
2 for. If
Since it doei not cost $1,009,OM to ad
vertise this Baking Powder we can mare
yon this waste ana pui me praw ww.
mutt be the best or your money baek.
Salt, No. 14 lb. sack . 14e
Salt, Table, 3-lb sack
Salt, Bulk, per barrel l-47
salt. Rulk. ner nound 8-4e
Salt. Shaker, ner nkg. 8o. S for ...22e
Salt. Ozone, pkg c; 3 for 10c
Soda, 10c pkg
Brooms, Barber's large size
Brooms, Kleener Brand
Brooms, Favorite Brand
. 37c
Mop Sticks -
Serub Brushes, iarge sire. 9c, 3 tor 25
Fig Newton, per lb 12c 2 for 23e
Fig Sandwich, per lb 12c, 2 for S3c
Graham Wafers, per lb : 09o
Ginger Snaps, per lb o
Newsboy Cookies, per lb 13
Pastry, Pies, all kinds 9o
Pastry Rolls
Pastry. Doughnuts. Cinamon Rolls and
Cookies, per dozen 09c
Vauilla Wafers, per pound 15o
Bulk, Soda Fancy Salted (Tip) par lb.
9c 3 for 25c
Bulk, per pound 8c, 3 for 22c
Bulk, whole box, per lb T 7c
10c pkgs 9e, 9 for 25o
No. 3 size packages 21c
Carmels 4 tor 1c
Cream mixed, per pound 10c
Chocolates, per lb 22a
Checkers, Pop Corn Confection prize in
each package - 4c
Fudire. per lb - He
J,.m, all kinds, C
2 pkgs
Jelly Beans, per. lb
ink Drons. ner lb
. 12c
Stick Johnson Pure Sugar, a? tor 1e
12 for
A nnlBl nilRft can
Apples, New York, So-called 1 gallon 32c
Apricots, so called l-gallons,....Out for few
days. New stack in soon.
Blackberries, small can, no account 9c
3 tor " 25c
Blackberries, so-called. 1 gallon, 9o
Pr.irhPK. Orchard Gem. 20c can 14c
Peaches. Easter brand (Tip) - ..-19c
Peaches, so called, 1 gallon 40o
Pears, S-lb. can, no account '
vurt. Faster Brand (Tin) ..... 91o
Peara. Crimson King 25c can. 17c
TMnaannla. Orated or Sliced.
- r r .
f Tin 11c
Pineapple, Chop Tan Hin. Brand, slieed,
per can
Raspberries, small can for pies-
8 for
strawberriessmall can for Dies- 12o
for 23c
Beans. Nectar brand. Golden Wax
Tlnl 1c
Beans, Nectar Brand Refugee
Beans, Nectar Brand, Select (Tip).
Beans, Nectar Brand, Green Lima
- 14c
Beans. String, no account
Beans, string, better -12o
Beans, Red Kidney, Joan of Arch 8c
2 for 15c
Beans, baked, 3-lb. can 9c, 3 for 25c
Chill Con Carne, 1-lb. can 9c, 3 for 25c
Corn, per ean.a 09c
Corn, Country Gentleman ...11c
Corn. Nectar Brand (Tip) -12c
Hominy, per ean 8c, 2 for 15c
Kraut, per can 9c, S for 25
Mushrooms, per can 22c
I'eas, Early June, per can 09c
Peas. Telephone, Nectar brand (Tip) 14c
2 for ... 27c
Peas, Tom Thumb, Nectar brand
(Tip) 18
Peas, French Mogens 18c
Peaa, French Fins 20c
, Pork and Peas, No. 2 size 09o
Five Cents for regular deliveries over $1.00. 15c for hurry trips. $6.00 orders delivered free. Terms C. O. D. There will be a few articles in the above price list that
some of the stores may not carry but they can probably be put in where ordered. "Tip" means good quality. Follow a Basket 3iPI'v".tfpW.a'you-?f'W
N. B. means that the manufacturer does not overburden the article with advertising and salesmanship expenses and therefore the above low price.
Store No. 1, 237 So. 11 St. , . Store No. 4, 1645 Ehn St
J. A. Qreen. Mm-. r
Store NoTz. 121 No"! 14 St. 1
Perry Lohr, Mgr.
Store No. 3. 889 No. 27 St.
E. L Horn, Mgr.
Pork and Beans Snider's (Tip) 10c can
ror so
Pork and Beans, Snider's 15c size 12c
Pork and Beans, Snider's (Tip) 20c can 16c
2 for 31
Oysters, 20c size 15c
Oysters, 10c size 8c, 2 for 15c
Pumpkin 8c, 2 for 15c
Pumpkin, Custar Nectar (Tip) - 12c
Spinach, Large can 13c
Tomatoes, 3-lb can, 10c 3 for 28c
Tomatoes, Nectar Brand, (Tip) 15c
Tomatoes, so-called,. 1 gallon 29c
Milk is on the raise
Milk, Evaporated, 10c can 10c, 3 for 28c
3 for 25c
Milk, Condensed, Eagle brand
Milk, 6o cans
2 for
Soups, Campbell's and other brands, as
sorted 9e, 3 for 25c
Beef, Corned, 1-lb. can
Beef, Chipped Dried, per can
Beef Extract of, 50o can
Caviar, Russian, 35c can.
Potted Meat ham flavor. 10c size 9o
3 for 25e
.Potted Meat, bam flavor, 1-4 lb. can 5c
2 for c
Salmon, Red 14c, 2 for 27c
Salmon, Alaska Red, Sea Rose 16c
Sardines, Mustard, Continental brand, 10c
cans, 8c, 2 for 15o
Sardines, Mustard Harbor brand 10c, 2, for 19c
Sardines. Oil. Continental brand 4
Sardines, Concord, Norwegian Oil 12c
Sardines, Norwegian Oil c
3 for : 25o
Shrimp, per can 13c. 2 for 25c
Beans, Navy, per lb 6c; 4-lb. for 25c
Beans, Lima, per lb 7c
Beans, Red Kidneys, per lb 9c; 3 for 25c
Breakfast Food, Dr. Price's pkg 8c
Breakfast Food, Pettljohn, pkg 12c
Coffee, Basket Store special, per lb. pkg.
13e, 2 for 25c
Coffee, Freedom 1-lb: pkg 19c
Tv a i.ound of .Freedom or Socity, ouo-
hair ot it ana n you uo not nim i a mat
class 25 cent coffee returns it and get
vour 19 cents baek.
Coffee. Jov Brand (Tip), per lb. can 28c
Coffee, teociety Brand, per lb 19c
Coffee, T. & T. Brand, 1-lb. can 32c
Coffee, Harmony,1 1-lb. can 23c
Cereal Coffee, college view itipj- i-
PO c
a for 25c
Cereal Coffee. Fig Prune 22c
Cereal Coffee, Postum, 25e size 22c
Corn Flakes, Mot&ers, y
10c size C
rv.m TTtakoB V. C. ner nkg 8c
Com Flakes. 15c i)kc -12c, 2 for 23c
iro-fr.O-SAo nar nackaee 8c
Granola, College View (N. B.)
3 for
OraDe Nuts ASK trie
Nutreto, Food Drink for particular people,
ar,,. T,kr -20c
Oats, Quaker, small pkg c
Oats, Quaker, large pkg. 25c size 19e
rotmBi steel Cut. bulk, ner lb. 4c
Primel, Cereal Food, 25c pkg 20c
fial,or Biscuit. 10c pkg 8c, 2 for 15c
Rice, Quaker Puffed, per pkg. 14c, 2 for 27c
nioo s.nmmii sacK. iancy
Bin' .Tnnsin. ner lb.5c. 5Vi for 25c
Rice, Head c
choHHaH Wheat Riscuit TIC
Tapioca, Minute, ner package
Tapioca, Bulk, per itound
a lbs. for
. 8c
Whcat'.'.og (Tip) per package (N. B.) 11c
Cl.nnun Til
vutuij - " 7
Catsup, Snider's 25c size (Tip) 18c
Catsup, Snider's 15c side (Tip) e
f aiarv Salt, ner nackaee. 8c. 2 for 19a
r.MU Sauce. Snider's (Tin) Per bot-
tl- 22o
Chill Sauce, Elliotts (N. B.) per bot
Chow Chow, Relish or Onions, per bot
Ground, white Pepper, Cayenne Pepper,
Cloves. Cream Tartar, Nutmeg and
Mace, 2 ounce pkgs 5c
Ground Cinnamon, Allspice, Sage, Gin-
p-er and Mustard. 8 oz. pkgs 5c
10c cans pepper
- 7c
Horse Radish, 10c bottle .....
Mustard, 6 oz. Jelly Glass 7c, 3 for 19c
Nutmees 12 for 5c
Oyster Cocktail, Sniders (N. B.) 25c
bottle t 19c
Olive Oil, 25c bottle 23c
Olive Relish, 4-oz. bottle ElHott's
brand . 8e
Pepper, black, ground, per pound 15c
Pepper, black, ground, 5 oz. for 5c
Salad Dressing, Snider's (Tip), 26c
bottle for 19c
Red pepper, 10 cent bottle 8c
2 for 15c
Salad Dressing Yacht Club, small bottle 23c
Tobasco Sauce, per bottle 35c
Vinegar Gider, per gallon 21c
Vinegar, per bottle .8c, 2 for 15c
M M, A
both telephones
Butter Color. Dandelion. 25c size 19c
Fruit Colering, Price's, 2-oz. :...18c
mrt coloring, Prices. 1 oz 10c
Lemon, Prices, 1 oz 10c
Lemon, Prices, 2 oz.. 17o
Lemon, prices, 4 oz 31c
VanHIa, Prices, 1 oe . 14c
Vanilla, prices, 2 oz 23
Vanilla, Prices', 4 oz 45c
Vanilla or Lemon, 2 oz. bottle (e
Fruit Jars, Mason's, gal, per doz 78c
Fruit Jars, Mason's, quarts, per doz 55c
Fruit Jars, Mason's, pints, per doz 50c
rruit Jars, schram's. v eal.. iter doz .88c
Fruit Jars, Schram's, quarts, per doz.... 62c
.rruit jars, senram's, pints, per aoz 07C
Fruit Jar Rubbers, 'Nebia,' per doz 6c
Fruit Jar Rubbers, ' Holiday, '-, per doz 8c
a aozen lor lc
Fruit Jar Caps, Mason's, per doz 17c
Fruit Jar Caps, Schram 's. per doz 13c
Jelly Glasses, 8-oz., per dozen 23c
43-lb sack, guaranteed first Patent f
our Tip
48-lb Sack Guaranteed First Patent tyj
Flour, 24-pound sack Economy 09c
Try a small sack of Economy or Tip use
one-half of it and if you do not find it the
Dest, return it ana get your lull money back.
iour, Beacon, 48 id. sacK $1.15
Flour. Beacon. 24 lb. sack -ix.
Flour, Graham, per sack '. 28c
TTM uri 1 w. a
x lour, w noie w neat, per sacK zbc
Flour, Pancake, Pinkerton's, per pack
age tc
3 for 2Br
Flour, for Cake, per pkg 22c
raeai, uorn, wnite or yellow, per sack 19c
Apples, Evaporated, per lb. 12c
Apricots, Evaporated, per lb 18c
Bananas, per pound -Ask Price
Citron, per pound 22c
Currants, 15c package 11o
Lemons, 360 size, per dozen
Lemons, 300 size, per dozen
Lemon Peel, per pound ..19c
Orange Teel, per pound 19c
Oranges, 126 sizes, per doz
Oranges, 150 size, per dozen
Peaches, Fancy Evaporated, per lb 10c
Prunes, 50-60s,
Frunes, 60-70s, per lb ;
Prunes, 40-50s, per lb
Potatoes, per peck 15 pounds :
Potatoes, per bu. 60 lbs.
Raisins, Bulk Seedless, per lb..... ..07c
Raisins, Griffien's Seedless, 16 ounces
(Tip) per pkg. 9c, 3 for 25c
Raisins, Seeded, 16-oz, per pkg....9c, 3 for 26c
Price of Lard and Meats chancre weekly.
Bacon, by piece already cut or strip,
per id 21e
lc more if we cut it. '
Codfish, Opal Brand, 1 lb. pke 14c. 2 for 27c
Cooking Oil, Wesson's, 2-lb can..... ,i....27c
cottolme, large pall 91.50
Cottolene, medium pail 61c
Cottolene, small pail 31c
Lard, Majestic, No. 10 pail $1.80
Lard, Majestic, No. 5 pail. '. 90c
Lard, Majestic, No. 3 pail 55c
Lard, pure bulk, per lb.: 17c
Lard, Compound, per lb 13c, 2 for 25c
Lard, Laurel, per lb 16c
Nutal, 1 gallon jars, Vegetable cooking oil
Herring, Holland, per keg 72c
Herring, Milkers, per keg 86c
White Fish, per pound is 1-2e
Some of the stores may not have keg
Herring on hand, but can get it if ordered.
Macaroni, Bulk, per lb....5c; 6 lbs. for 27j;
Macaroni, Minnesota, per pkg 9c
3 for 25c
Macaroni, Cut, per pkg ...8c; 2 for 15c
Noodles, Grandma, large package Be
Noodles, Grandma, small pkg . . 4o
Spaghetti, Minnesota, per pkg. 9o
3 for 25c
Spaghetti, Climax, per pkg 8c
A good wife helps
her husband rath
er than hinders
II D fA H ,rll V
Y M .
both telephones
Candles large tallow 3 for 5o
Coal Oil, per gal, 9o, 5 gallon 41 o
Coal Oil, 20c grade, per gal 12c
Chimneys, .crimp top, No. 1 6e
Chimneys, crimp top. No. 2 to
Chimneys, Rochester No. 2 10o
Chimneys, extra heavy. No. 2 12c
Gasoline per gallon 15c, 5 gal. for 73c
Gasoline cans, 1 gal. galvanized -20e
Gasoline Cans, S gal. galvenlzed SOc
Gasoline Cans, Neiburg, 5 gallon $1 .45
(A non-explosive can play safe)
Lanterns 46c
Lamps, No. 2-
Matches, Noiseless, per box -4o
-3 for : 11c
Matches, 5c boxes Radium Noiseless, 4c
3 for 10c
matches, small .'( r"
box........'...... r Z F0R 5c
Oil Cans, 1 gal. galvanized .18c
Oil Cans, 5 gal. galvanized . 46c
Wicks, No. 1 . 10 for 6c
Wicks, No. 2 . 8 fr 5c
"Death and Debt,"
are Siamese twins.
Start the cash habit
at any of the Six
Basket Stores.
Chocolate, W. H. Baker's 25c, i-lb. f
(n. b.) ;- IDC
ChoGolate, sweet, 1-8 lb. calce4c 3 for 10c
Cocoa, W. H. Bakers 1-2 lb. ean (N. B.)19c
Cocoa, W. H. Bakers, 1-5 lb. can (N. B.)-8e
Cosoa, Van Hou ten's 1-4 lb. can 21 e
Cocoanut, Schepp's, 10c pkg v..7c
Cosoanut, bulk, per lb. (Tip) 1Sc
Gelatine, Knox.s Acidulated 12c
Gelatine), Knox's Sparkling 12c
Jel'lo, Ice Cream Powder, per pkg. 9c
Jajlo, asserted flavors, per pkg .-8c
Mince Meat, 10c pkg. (N. B.) -8o, 2 for 15e
Axle Grease, Diamond, per box 4c
Butter. Country,, fresh Ask Price
Butter, PeanutButter, bulk, per lb 17o
Butter, Beachwood, Ask Price
Butter, Meadow Gold, Ask Price
Batter. Peanut Butter, 16 oz jar for 20c
Bird Seed, 10c pkg. 6e
Cherry. Wild, 15c bottle, beats pop 8c
Cherry, Wild, email bottle, beats pop 4c
Carpet Tacks, 5c box 4c, 3 for 10c
Cucumbers Ask Price
Crepe Paper, any colors, 10c roll for 6c
Dust Pans, 9o
Eggs Ask Price
Fire Shovels, 10c size . 6c
Family ScaJle toe
Fly Paper, 4 double sheets, Bo
Grape Juice, Dr. George's, 25 oz. bottle-2Sc
Grape Juice, Tip, per quart bottle. 34c
Grape Juice, Tip, per 4-oz. bottle 7c; 2 for 13c
Gloves, Knit Wrist, per pair 8c, 2 for 15c
Hires Root: Beer, per bottle 15c
Ink, 6c Bottle W
lee Cream Cones, regular size 2 for 6c
Lemon Squeezers, 8c, 2 for 15c
Library Paste 4
Laundry Baskets
Mufilage, per bottle
5c size,
Petrolatum, 10c size e
Pure Honey, 1 3-4 lbs. net weight, per
per can ; : 22c
Pencils, 5c kind- 3c, 2 for Be
Pencils, lc kind 6 for Be
Pop Corn, per pkg -r Be
Powder, antiseptic, per can 11c
Quinine and Tar, cranes, 50c bottle ....38c
Quinine and Tar, cranes, 25c bottle 19c
Sewing Machine Oil, per bottle 6e
Shoe Polish Shinola or Two hi One To
Shoe Polish, Jet Oil, 10c bottle To
Shoe Polish, Tan, 10c can 06c
Stove Polish, 6c Bnamoline 4e
Stove Polish, 10c liquid Enameline 7c
Tooth Powder, per bottle -9c
Talcum Powder Be
Talcum Powder, 25c Memmen's 15c
Tablets, Ink, 5c kind 4e
Tablets, Pencil, 5e kind 4c
Thread, any size 5e
Wagons, Boys' Express, large ,...$1.40
Wagons, Boys ' Express, small 70c
tw'B 11 D 11.1
tilt fri'.'
Almonds, per pound .18c
English Walnuts No. 1 Standard.!......, 2Cc
Peanuts, roasted, lb.. 11c; 2 for 21c
Peatnuts, salted, per pound i5c
Shelled Walnuts, per lb I 40c,
a Probably an the stores do not carry' all
of the above during the summer months,
but can get them if ordered., .
Olives, plain 8 oz. size 1 13c
Olives, plain, 6 oz. size 9e
Olives, stuffed, 19 oz. size 22c
Olives, stuffed, 4 oz. size 9o
Olives, bulk,tper pint 18e
Onions, pickled, 10c bottle So
Pickles, lie size bottle 11a
Pickles, Heinz sweet, sold by doe
Pickles. Seinz sour, sold bv doz.
Pickles, Dill, in can or glass iar....
.ricnies, um, glass jar . 12c
Pickles, sweet, per jar 13c
Apple Butter, Clymer's, per jar ..13c
Jelly Compound, Tru Fruit .. 09c
Preserves, Holiday, 25c jar '.. 22c
Preserves, Colorado (Tip) 25c
Preserves, Nectar Raspberries,
per can .-. 28c
Preserves, Nectar Strawberries,
per can (Tip) 26c' V
Preserves, pitted cherries, per jar 25c
Ammonia, per bottle . .. ,8c, 2 for 15c
Bon Ami, per cake 8c
Bluing, per bottle (N. B.) 4e
Blukig, Bengal bottle 9c; 8 for 25c
Borax, 20 Mule Team, 15c pkg. lQc
Cleanser, Earl (N. B.) 03c
Cleanser, Old Dutch 8c; 2 for 15c
Clothes. Line, 75 foot galvanized 15c
Clothes Line, Royal Line : 14c
Clothes Line, Sisal 8c
Clothes Pins, 5 dozen for 5c
Lye, Rex, 10c can ; i 07c '
Lye, Lewis. 10c can 9c. 3 for 25c
Pails, Galvanized, 12 quart .'.......lic
swift s Pride Cleanser, per can ; . -
Sapolio, 10c bar 8c, 2 for 15c
Soap, Bob White (Tip) 4c
Soap, Cudahay's 711 Castile, per bar 4c, 3
for no
Soap, Diamond " 0 ' ' 8 bars for 2&c
Soap, White Russian, 7 bars for 25c
soap. White Duck, 2 email bars (N.B.) 6c
Or 4 bars for , gc
Soap, Ivory, 10c size .'. 8c, 3 for 22c
Soap, Dutch Hand, per bar- " '. 8c
Soap, Fairy, per bar 5c; 2 for 9c; 6 for 26c
Soap, Glycerine, (N. B.) per bar
2 for . 9C
Soap, Polo, io bars for 24e
Soap, Pummo ' 4C
Soap, Rub-No-More Naptha (N. B.) 4c
Soap, Raven Tar (N. B.) .-4c
Soap,. Scouring (N. B.) 10c ba t A
3 bars for' 1UC
Soap, Witch 'Hazel. 3 bars 7s
Starch, 1-lb. pkg., Best Corn 5c, 2 for 9c, 3
for 13c
Starch, Argo. 5c pkg r 4c
Starch, Best Gloss, 10c pkg 6c
-carch. Celluloid, 10c package (N. B.) 8o
Starch, Gloss lump, per pound 3 1-2c
Starch, Silver Gloes, 10c pkg 9c
Starch, Silver Gloss, 6 lb. box 54c
Tub. Galvanized, medium elze 52c
Washboard, Brass - 24s
Washboards, Blue Enamel ', : sic
Washboards, cheap kind 22c
Washing Powder, Gold Dust, 25e pkg 20c
Washing Powder, Rub-No-More, 6c pkg.
(N. B.) 4c; 8 for 10o
Washing Powder, Rub-No-More. 25c pkg
(n. b,) :16c
Washing Powder, Pearline, 9c, 3 for 25a
Washington Powder, Sal Soda. 3 lb
for sc
Washing Powder, Sal Soda, 16 pounds.i.....20c
Washington Powder, Soapade 4
eost of Sugar baa advanced.
Cut Loaf, per lb ! 90
S pounds for : ; '2Sc
Crystal Dominio, 5 lb. box 50e
Granulated, per pound . 076
Granulated, 16 lbs.- $1.00
Granulated, 7 lbs. , 50c
Granulated, 3 lbs 25c
Medium Btown, M lbs ... ......$1.00
Medium Brown, 7 lbs 56c
Medium Brown, 3 lbs , 25c
Medium Brown, per pound.v 7c
Powdered, per lb . 9c
3 pounds for 25o
Cane and Maple Syrup, quant 35c
Corn Syrup, 10c can . Be; 2 for 15c
Corn Syrup, gallon can 33c
Louisiana Molasses, quart can 13c
Mapeline, 35c size bottle 28c
Sugar Butter, per pail 23c
Sorgum, 2 lb. can ...QOc
Sorghum, Tiger brand, 10 lb. can 48c
Can get a cheaper brand, 10 lb. can for 45
Syrup, 5 lb. can, White Lily.. 22c
Black English Breakfast, 60-cent kind 400
Gunpowder, per pound 40c
Japan, Uncolored, per pound 40c
Llpton's 1-2 lb. can ; 28c
Lipton's 1 lb. can-
May Blossom, Sun Dried
1-2 lb. pkg-
Sittings, 1 lb. pkg ...... 12c
W. fc. tsrirer. MCr.
store No. 5,2045 0 Street
EL G. Harien. Mot.
Store tfoti&O P. Street
C. S. Alvord, Mgr.