BURNING THE DEAD. A Custom That Can Be Traced Back to the Earliest Ages. Cremntiou has been . practiced by most of the nations of the eurtli from the earliest ages. und. although In pn gan countries It may have taken tlx form of tire worshiping, there c:in le no doubt that Its adoption by the an cients was for the most part prompt ed by other than religions reasons. Greeks ascribe Its introduction to Her cules, who, having sworn to transmit the - body of Argus to bis father, thought this the most convenient way of fulfilling his promise. According to Homer, the burning of the dead was a common practice among the Greeks long before the Trojan war. but the earliest record of It Is ammigtha Scythians, who Inhabited the vast "re gion knowu under the uame of Tar tary. Slender accounts bauded down concerning the manners of some of the ancient natives of Hindustan also al lude to the custom. The Idea of puri fication by fire was In all ages univer sal, and with good reason. Some le lieved that the body was unclean after tbe departure of the soul, and tt was therefore deemed necessary that it should Im purified by fire. Ovid ex pressed the general opinion of his time when he said that tbe soul was not completely separated from the body untH the latter was consumed on the pyre. The Athenians Invariably after battle burned tbe slain. WHIPPED BY MACHINERY. Automatic Floggers Used by Several European Armies. Automatic flogging machines are In use among tbe military forces of sev eral European uatlons. For many years tbe whipplug was always done by soldiers under the command of an officer, and the punishment varied, ac cording to tbe personal relations sub sisting between the soldier and bis vlc t tim. It was to correct this disadvan tage that the flogging machine was in vented. Tbe machine is automatic In actlou. and as soon as the culprit la fastened la position a spring Is tightened or loosened to gauge the exact force of the blow. A ioluter Is moved over a dial to the requisite uuraber of strokes and tbe mecliuulsra is started. With perfect regularity the victim's back is scourged by the throngs, the handle of the whip being moved by a screw device after each stroke so that tbe lasb does not fall on the same spot throughout the punishment. Each blow la of uniform severity, and aa soon as tbe required number has been given the machine comos to rest, and the. offender is released, with the assurance that the exact pun ishment ordered has been meted oat to him. Harper's Weekly. , The Last of the Ruffs. In 17G2 the rage for ruffs, such as nre seen on many monumental effigies, be gan to decline. A writer in the Lon don Chronicle of that year says of gen tlemen's dress. "Their cuffs entirely cover their wrists, and only the edges of tbelr ruffles are to be seen." It is said that a distaste for ruffs was first created so far back as 1013. when n woman named Turner wore them on her trial for the murder by poison of Sir Thomas Overbury. The French revolution of 1789 much influenced British fashion, and the picturesque cocked bat and ruffles then gave way generally to round hats and small cuffs. The period of tbelr final disuse cannot be easily determined, as men of old fashioued or eccentric habits have worn ruffled shirt fronts within quite recent memory similar to those which, according to Planche's "His tory of British Costume," originated la the seventeenth century. The Conductor's Baton. According to the investigations of a Freocbmuu, the credit of Inventing the conductor's baton belongs to Lully. tbe omposer, who eventually bad cause to regret bis invention. Before be adopt ed the baton conductors were in the "habit of pounding on tbe floor with their feet or clapping their hands to mark the time. Lully found tt weari some to keep his foot constantly in mo tion and so used a stick to strike the floor and beat time. He used a pole six feet long. ' One day he brought down the pule with such force that It truck bis foot and made a deep wound. lie paid no attention to the matter. The wound grew worse and ultimately caused his death. After bis time conductors tried more uud more to Improve the baton, and.lt was ultimately brought to its present form. Extra Cautious. They were returning to America afv er a European honeymoon. "George." petulantly. "I really feel hurt. Over on the other side you de clared I was a Jewel, and you haven't related it since , we have been aboard." "Hist!" cautioned George, holding up a warning finger. "If I declared vou a Jewel I might have to pay duty. You know these customs men are terribly Btrlct these days." Chicago News. Quite Willing. "Elartlon me, governor," began the treet fceggar. I "Certainly, dear fellow," answered the gentleman from Tennessee. "What are you guilty of V Buffalo Express. In the Swim. "Congratulations, old chap! You are ween everywhere with Lord Bunk ihurst." i "Yes. I have rented him for the sea- i son.1 Lou is v 11 1 e Cou r ier-Journ a 1. ; Self respect is the cornerstone of all "Tlrt aev-Hersc hel. THE DEACON'S , SHEEPSKIN Bv M. QUAD Copyright. 1519. by Associated' Lit erary Press If you know anything at all about farm life you know th;it tiow and tlieu a farmer gets a hankering for minimi and kills a sheep. In removing the pelt he Is very careful. A cut in it depreciates its value. I'elts are gen erally purchased by tin peddlers, and they are generally looked over very carefully beforehand. If there are two or three cuts in the pelt ' Is outy half price. Deacon Strong lived on a farm In the outskirts of the village of lluw sonvllle. Tin peddlers had found him a truthful man. When the deacon warranted a slieepsUIn free from cuts It was no use spending time to look at it. On this particular morning wheti a peddler called the deacon bad a pelt all rolled up to trade for tin pans. While he didn't exactly warrant It. lie didn't acknowledge to any damage. and it was three days later that the peddler found he had been done for. The H(ldler could have gone back and talked about graft and all that and raised a row, but he didn't. He returned to the neighborhood after sev eral weeks, but he didn't cull on the deacon. Neither did he make any in quiries about him. He just sawed wood and listened to what people were talking about, and what they were talking about just then was the fact that tbe deacon had decided to send bis old mother to the poorbouse. Deacon . Strong realized that he would be criticised, and so be went about telling what a beautiful poor- bouse It was. The tin ieddler got on to the talk and tbe facts, and be was doing some thinking as be drove from the neigh borhood. He bad a brother in a town twenty miles away, and tbe brother was u lawyer. Tbe day had been set for grandma to go ,to the poorbouse when one of tbe neighbors brought In a newspaper to show the deacon an advertisement. It called for Information concerning one Anna Strong, widow, and strongly hinted that It would be to her great advantage to step out Into tbe lime light. The poorbouse trip was can- eled and a journey made to see a lawyer. Anna Strong, widow, was Deacon Strong's mother. He could prove It by fifty people. The lawyer replied that It was all right so far. but did she have a cousin named Charles Rixby. a rich man living In Boston, a cousin wbo would be apt to remember ber In his will to tbe extent of $25,000? Tbe deacon's hair climbed up. He said that be- hadn't tbe least doubt of the couslnsblp and would ' take tbe cash home to the old lady. He went too fast. The Widow Strong must ap pear and make an affidavit. What her son knew or guessed wouldn't cover the rase. The deacon didn't say site had lost her voice. lie started for Uome to see If be couldn't find it tor her. Her fingers were so cramped that she hadn't written a line for years, and all depended on the recov ery of the voice. Tbe old woniau had been tucked a way In the poorest room of the bouse. She was at once trans ferred to the best. The scraps from tbe table were thought good enough for her. She was now fed on the best. Instead of three regular meals per day she was coaxed to eat much oftener. The son bad hardly spoken to ber for weeks, but now be sat with her and even told her Jokes and hoped she would live for twenty years yet. He ulsn went among, tbe neighbors and said that he bad beard the cellar of the poorhnuse was damp after every shower, and be couldn't think of tak ing his dear mother there. Mrs. Strong, widow, could hear very well. She beard ber son ask tbe name of all her ' male cousins. Including Charles Bixby of Boston, and she beard herself addressed as "dear mother," but she could make no intelligible re plies. Not when the daughter-in-law combed her hair for her and washed ber face and said she was a saint if there ever was one could she talk. When she was lifted In and out of tbe buggy for u ride she couldn't express her gratitude In words. Once or twice she happened to overhear her dutiful sou say to his wife that he'd like to build a Are under the old woman to make her talk, but she didn't lay it up against him. She went right on hav ing the best in the house and wonder ing why other old women didn't lose their voices. Once a month for two long years Deacon Stroug called upon or wrote to the lawyer. He offered all sorts of terms and compromises, but it was no use. lie wrote to Boston, but his let ter was unanswered. He consulted other lawyers, but they said that noth ing could be done until that voice came back. Raw eggs and wine, pies, cake and puddings. fattened the old woman, but the voice remained obdurate. She winked and she smiled and she nodded, bnt that wasn't enough to bring home the Bixby legacy. Then at last she died. She went to sleep in ber chair one day and passed away without a struggle. She was burled in a very de cent manner, and next day the deacon walked into the lawyer's office as next of kin and heir to the Bixby legacy. "And you mother didn't regain her voice?" asked the lawyer. "Never spoke a word." "She had the best of care?" "The very best." "I am glad to hear it. I have Just as certained there was some mistake about it She may have been a cousin of Charles Blxby's, bu he left his money to an old man's home." THE BARGAIN CHASE. American Women and the Shopping Game Mania. More money Is wasted every year by women buying needless things under the excitement of the bargain hunt than is spent in all the gambling houses and race tracks put together, says Mary Heatou Vorse in Success Magazine. When you say that I have, no statistics to prove this I answer that I have common sense and have spent much time In city shops. I know, too. what I am capable of. and I am but a half hearted hunter. 1 know what my friends do. It Isn't for uotulngthat I have seen earnest young students of economics succumb to this hunting InsMnct mid fare forth to buy ulnety-eight cent undergarments. It is uot only in the stores frequent ed by poor or uneducated women that I have seen the more brutal instincts of tbe human race come to tbe sur face. I have seen a charming looking elderly woman In a high class store snatch a dress length of gray voile from the hands of another elderly wo man, and tlie reason I happened to see these sights was because I myself was at the sale looking at garments I didn't want and didn't need and buying them. The bargain chase, tbe shopping game passion or sport, life work or recreatiou for it may be any one of these, according to the temperament of the woman has American women well In its grip. Hardly one of us es capes some one of the psychological deviations from tbe normal which I have mentioued. READ HIS FACE. The Youthful Amateurs Were Sure He Was a Philanthropist. They were youthful enthusiasts in physiognomy. On tbe seat opposite In tbe train was a man of commanding figure, massive brow and serious ex pression. "Splendid face!" one of them explained. "What do you suppose bis life work has been?" "A' lawyer?" suggested the other. "No-o; there's too much benevolence in that face for a lawyer." "Maybe a banker?" "Ob. no! A man with an expression like that couldn't have spent bis life In merely turning over money." "He might bean editor." "An editor! Cutting and slushing his enemies at every turn and even his friends occasionally for tbe sake of a smart paragraph? You can't read faces. That man's a philanthropist or engaged In some sort of public spirit ed work. Wby. there isn't a line that doesn't Indicate strength of purpose and nobility! Look at that curve there on the left!" At the next station an old country man took his seat beside the man with massive brow and soon entered Into a conversation with him. In the course of which be asked tbe latter "what was his line." : - :- ... The two opposite held their breath In the Intensity of their Interest. "Oh. I've got a little tavern and butcher shop back In the couutry a bit!" was the proud reply. "My wife tends to the meals and I do my own killing." Youth's Companion. Picture Forgeries. There are three or four times, as many Co rots in existence as tbe French painter produced in his lifetime. He lived to be nearly eighty, but at Mont martre bis posthumous canvases are still being turned out to meet tbe de mands of tbe market. Tbe old mas ters never die. Tbey are still working overtime in the back rooms of Flor ence and Rome. At Cologne tbe man ufacture of genuine mediaeval metal work and antique carving is a thriving industry. These foreign forgers may be scamps, but their tireless energy also testifies to the reverence in which posterity holds the great names of by gone periods. If tbey are not so high ly prized, what inducements would there be for anybody to waste time, paint and muscle in creating fraudu lent copies and Imitations and pass ing them off under false pretenses? Our millionaire collectors are not con stantly exposed to the risk of buying high priced forgeries where the origi nals have no value. New York World. Mourning In Japan. The Japanese code of mourning Is very elaborate and complicated. As followed by the well to do classes It involves the wearing of special gar ments and abstinence from animal food. At the death of a husband or real or adopted parents the custom de mauds thirteen months of mourning apparel and fifty days" abstinence from meat. tJrandpa rents are honored by 150 days if they are on the paternal side: if only common, insignificant, maternal grandparents, tbey have to put up with ninety. The same rule applies to maternal uncles and aunts. It is one way of Introducing the orien tal contempt for women. Superior Wisdom. "Why do you consider women supe rior to men in intelligence?" "A bald headed man buys hair re storer by the quart, doesn't he?" "Er yes." "Well, a woman doesn't waste time on a hair restorer. She buys hair." Houston Post. A Natural Causa. "Do you notice that most dog storiea are funny ones?" "Why not? A dog story ought natu rally to be something of a waggish tale." New York Journal. Few things, are necessary for the wants of this life, but It takes an In finite number to satisfy the demands of opinion. HIS ASSISTANT A Story 'of a Professor - " And a Girl Graduate By BERTHA D ALSOP Copyright. 1910. by Aknerlcan Press Association Professor Ersklne was a very old young man.. He was thirty-two and looked 'feu or fifteen years older. "What can you expect." said one of the young women students, referring to his antique appearance, "of a man whose sole diet is Greek roots?" Luella Greenfield led her class from start to finish and took every prize she competed for . She was a great favor ite with 'PYofessor Erskiue.'who the day after her graduation said to ber: ! "Your career piust uot be that of wo men who are tied down to the care of children. Choose rather to devote yourself to intellectual pursuits, lean give yon a' fine opportunity for a be ginning 1 am writing a history of the barbarian kings wbo changed the influence, of Kome in European civili zation during the fourth and fifth cen turies. . I need an assistant to aid me in my researches. Will you Join me?" "And giye up nil thoughts of a home life with .dear little children to' com fort me wben 1 am old?" "You will be interested in your work, a far nobler duty than mending chil dren's clothes and washing their dirty faces." Luella. whether or no .she was con vinced, was at last Induced to accept tbe professor's invitation. She dived Into books on the Goths, while the pro fessor bored into the past of tbe Huns. He found her extremely useful. . In deed, he soon learned tbat It would have been next to Impossible to get on without her. She worked so bard that at the end of a few months she needed a rest and went away from him. Professor 'Ersklne was not sur prised that be found bis work very dif ficult ' without her, but be was Bur prised that during her absence he had no heart In his work. - Genseric. Alaric, Attlta, all the barbarian kings, ceased suddenly to interest him. The libra ries In which be delved had become musty. In bis study there were Luel la's chair and desk, but without Luella tbe room Was unbearable. Instead of working be went out and walked back and forth ou the campus. "There's old Ersklne," said a co-ed on tier way to lecture, "stalking' back and forth as. If moonstruck. - He's been doing that ever since Luella Greenfield went away. I wonder If he's dreaming of the barbarian kings or of 'her." "He persuaded her," said another. "to devote her life to wormy books. He' certainly wouldn't permit himself to think about her except as a means to dig up the past of tbe people be writes about" One day a letter came to the profes sor from bis assistant stating that he must get some one to take her place. In order to fit herself physically for the plans he bad laid down for ber in an intellectual field she needed a year of out of door life. ; The professor's heart fell like a ba rometer before a sudden storm.., Tbe Goths, tbe Visigoths, the Huns, were forgotten in tbe depth of his despair at being condemned to work without Luella. As to having any one else sit ting at her desk, tbe tbougbt was un bearable. ' The next morning tbe college bulle tin announced that Professor Ersklne, having been suddenly called away, would not lecture that day. A male student, reading tbe notice, remarked "Good! 1 can practice pitching all day. I'll bet he's got on to a headless Jupiter and gone to buy it for the mu seum." A girl student followed and. with her sex's keener intuition, said "H'm! Gone ufter Luella Greenfield. I knew she'd get him." '. "1 have come." said the professor to his assistant, "to learn If It is ab solutely essential that you should give up your work for so long a period." "So my . physician advises me that Is. If I am to do sedentary work. And you know how interested 1 am in fol lowing an intellectual life. It was you who directed me." "H'm! Unfortunate very unfortu nate for me. It will be impossible for me to continue my present work with out your assistance." i "There's Miss Pringle who was grad uated last June. She's very bright. She would love the work." , "1 shall give it up." "Oh, professor, don't talk that way. It will give you a great reputation." "1 can't go ou with it." "Not with an able assistant?"' "No." "Why not?" "Unless I see you at your accustom ed place 1 have no heart in it, and literary work done without heart is worthless." Luella turned away, but said nothing. "Perhaps." the prof espr went on. red dening, "if I knew when I went home at night that you would be there- I mean as my wife it might make a difference." There was a prolonged silence, at the end of which Luella said: , "Tbat would mean an abandonment of an intellectual career for me." The professor hung bis bead like a boy who bad been caught robbing the sugar bowl, a - "You remember what you said to me a few months ago as to tbe preference for an Intellectual lifer' He remembered very well that it was better than "mending children's clothes and washing their dirty faces," but still be said nothing. Suddenly she threw her arms about his neck. Named for Lincoln Made in Lincoln tutmmmmwi flourtj EnEwTTSS, " f Demand Liberty Flour and take no other. If your grocer does not handle it, phone us about it. H. O. 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Savings Bank of the First National Bank THE WAGE-EARNER AT FOUR PER CENT Lincoln, Nebraska oeo