mm VOLUME 7 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1910 NUMBER 21 i ! CURT CURRENT COMMENTS THE SAME CONTAINING A FEW MATTERS OF MORE OR LESS ' , I am grieved, humiliated, filled with regret. For three weeks I have watch-, ed the daily newspapers of Lincoln ad vertising a violation of the child labor law of Nebraska. I am so accustomed , to having notices of violation of this I .. i. AalLxl inr otfanfmn that I Am not usually surprised. But these vio- Ltions are usually on the part ot those ki are admittedly out ior me money, and who make no pretense of Christ ianity, humanitarianism or civic right-, eousness. Consequently, when I noted that a great religious assembly, headed by men who pretend to be above all things law-abiding, God-fearing and humanity-loving, deliberately adver tising that the child labor law is going to be violated. I was shocked. I saw the law violated, too, after being ad- vised for weeks that it would be done. I saw children under the legal age em ployed in a concert hall, arid employed after the legal hours, too. I saw a lad 9 years old leading a band, for pay: a plain violation of the law. I saw other boys under the legal age playing under this lad's direction. And thou sands of Christian men and women listened and anDlauded. and pillars of j the church who had violated the law V by employing these children, looked on with sanctimonious mein anu saiu it was good. . ' Perhaps I should have interrupted and prevented this violation of the law. Perhaps not. Perhaps the good Ohrit ian men and women who violated the -law by employing these children thought that because those whom they employed were only "dagoes" it was all. right. I know that would have happened had I enforced the law in this case I would have been the vic tim of another 'protest,', signed, per haps, by the head man in", the manage-, ment of the great religious .'assembly guilty of violating the .ohikl labor law as flagrantly as any , messenger sejrvicV nr bitr dervarrment store. But the PffTvla nvtfer he left tfl the con sciences of these devout "violators ' of the law. But it strikes me that good people so awfully interested in the' heathen children of China and" India nncrlit t Wvt nav some little attention to the laws protecting children in our own country. Whatf If the daily prints have quoted Rev. Dr. Risner correctly I am sorry I was not privileged to hear his addresses at the Epworth assembly. If the daily prints did do the right thing by him, the Rev. Dr. Reisner is a minister after my own heart. The donning of a Prince Albert coat and a white tie does not seem to have had the usual depressing effect upon the gentlemen. Instead of having moral dyspepsia he seems filled with the religion of good cheer; to believe that Christianity is something more than long-faced lugu briousness. "Some of you people ought to make a collection of funny sayings and them over every once in a while." said. Dr. Reisner. "What the church needs is action. It's the busi ness of the church to keep folks so busv they won't have time to sin." Then Dr. Reisner continued: "The church to be practical will have to give folks real human hapmess. It is not true that religion alone will give all the jay a live person wants. We have to give innocent pleasures be sides that appeal to the everyday man." It would seem from all this that Rev. Dr. Reisner's religion is some thing more than a religion of "don't." It seems to be a religion that appeals to young men and young women in whose veins runs the rich, red blood fmth. And the religion that an- to such as these .must be a reli- of action, of innocent pleasure, of tomg, or ail these things that go to make life in the new aproach in leasure, in a measure at least, to the pleasure they tell us will be ours in le life to come if we do right here. It is a joy to note that there is a growing disposition on the part of the church people to go to the people instead of waiting for the people to eome to it; to make the Christian life attractive to men and women instead of repellant. I can remember when Xthe Sabbath began at sundown Satur day and ended at sundown Sunday and yAetweeii these hours we kids- had to r of prffis P li UNBIASED OPINIONS ABOUT J INTEREST TO THE PUBLIC I out of a churn. To whistle was a sacrilege, an dto laugh meant a rep rimand. It was nothing to have to sit for three mortal . hours and hear some" long-winded man afflicted with moral and mental dyspepsia tell us that we were all hair-hung and breeze shaken over hell and damnation, and time and agin we kiddies have been scared witless by the wierd pictures of hell drawn for us by some leather lunged sky pilot. Dance! Heavens, to even want to dance was next thing to the unpardonable sin. ei ruaceanu bbanuih-odaeb-oyeluieSy, Less than forty years ago Uncle John Oliver turned the wetter on to his mill ' wheel . one Sunday , morning to grind a grist for a sick neighbor, and the congregation of the village church was ' so sure that Uncle John was going to hell for that awful sin that they called a special prayer meting to intercede with the Almighty in his behalf. And although I am still on the sunny side of fifty I can remember of more- than one congregation being rent in twain by the introduction of an organ some thing that the ultra-pious thought was the cap-sheaf invention of Old Nick. .It .has taken that sort of thing a long time to die outbut, thank God, it is dying out, and rapidly. But is it any wonder that a religion of that sort failed to appeal to young men and wo men f Is it any wonder that those who" clung desperately - to thait sys tem of theology wondered amidst tears and groans why young people were not joining the church and taking part in religious works? I am proud of quite an extensive ac quaintfcnce with Lincoln ministers, and . nothing gives me more pleasure than ta. say that most of those whom I know are to be classed with Rev,' Dr. Rais--ner instead! of. with the narrow-souled, , mental dyspeptics who seem to think that heaven is a 7x9 resort for those ' who deem the acme of happiness to be i able to shed 'tears and mortify the flesh. Rev. Mr. Harmon, Rev. Mr, Orr,' Rev. Mr. Roach, Rev. Mr. Long, Rev. Mr. Zenor, Rev. Shepherd, O, the list is too long to enumerate !' But I chal lenge any city of equal size in America to exhibit a ministry as liberal, as sym pathetic, as stalwart and as able. The good W. C. T. U. women who are writing '.'.Alice Roosevelt Longworth and asking her to quit smoking cigar oots could easily find something to do considerably more worth their while. In the first place Mrs. Longworth 's habits are-none of their business. In the second place, the chances are a thousand to one that a majority. of the meddlesome women could easily find something in the immediate vicinity of their own homes that they could, with profit to themselves and their families, undertake to reform. It isn't up to the W. C. T. U. women to reform Alice. That job is up to Nick. If anybody is to be censured for the giddy gyrations of the spoiled daugh ter of an over-advertised bunch of egotism, it is the man who married her. If he is willing to stand for his wife's doings, all right, but I often wonder how a man with masculine intestines who has such a wife can refrain from bending her laun'chwise across his knees, with her physiognomy down ward, and applying a good stiff spank ing where it is calculated to do the most good. I would suggest a good stiff hairbrush as quite the proper in strument. I have lively recollections of the efficacy of such an instrument. The other day a big crowd of people heard a missionary tell about his work in China, and when he was through a lot of hysterical people threw dollars at him, telling him to use the aforesaid money to alleviate the woes of the Chink. That's all right, maybe. The Chink ought to be saved, but it looks mighty strange to me that so many good people are terribly interested in the welfare of heathens ten thousand miles away and apparently without a thought for the welfare of thousands upon thousands of men, women and children in this, country. " I've heard scores of appeals for help for the Chink and the Hindu, the Hottentot and the Kaffir, but from the pulpit of the church of Jesus Christ I've heard but two or three appeals for the helpless women and children who are being sac rificed upon the altar of greed in the horrible sweat shops of this Christian . country. Ever hear one of those mis sionaries who is so eloquent in his pleas for the children of the Chink and Hot tentot making a plea for the pinched faced, thin-blooded, physically .stunted American child who is being worked to death in the cotton factories of Puritan New England and Cavilier Georgia ? Ever hear them begging for money to save from a fate worse than , that en dured by the Chink and the Hindu the helpless and hopeless female:, victims of greed whose life blood is sweated from them in the foul tenements of the east in order that thousands osten tatiously given to " charity. We '11 . be in a whole lot better shape to save the heathen in foreign lands after we have accomplished by practice, in our own America what we send missionar ies to preach about in China and India. What would the great Methodist church do if Adolph Busch- of St. Louis should offer it a million of his brewery money for missionary purposes t Would it treat Mr. Busch with the same kindly , consideration that it treated Mr. Rockefeller's "donation?' I trow not. And yet I hold that Adolph Busch 's money is cleaner than Rockefeller's money. I have never yet forgiven the church in which my mother lived and died lived the life of a saint and died with a face transfigured by the glory that shone upon her; 1 have ' never quite forgiven that church for having listened to the sirenf voice of Oily John and accepting a pile of his blood-stained and dirty dollars. Perhaps I am narrow-minded and fa natical on this subject, but it seems to me as fit and proper to run a liquor saloon in connection with the church in order to raise money for church ex penses, as it is to accept "the money of a Rockefeller for the sme j purpose. I am not yet ready to subscribe to the doctrine that giving a part of the swag to charity atones for the crime;. Dick Turpin and Robin Hood were two knights of the road Who robbed the rich and gave liberally totbe poor in order to salve their cottscieneeness. : .What clergyman will condone the crimes of these two highwaymen oe cause of their, thoughtfulriess for the poor? Yet Dick and Robin, were mighty fine and upright men compared to some of our financial kings who are landed for their piety and philanthropy. '..- This week The Wageworker gives aspiring candidates an opportunity to take its readers into their confidence. I warmly commend the readers to the advertisements of political candidates herein contained. The man who writes about himself certainly ought to know his subject. ' Now will somebody kindly tell us what difference it makes whether : a congressional candidate is for county option or ferninst it? The Buck Stove and Range Co. is billing the county with four-sheet post ers. It not only pays to advertise, but it pays to be fair and just. BILLY MAJOR. I The Office Boy s J I Little Observations I De odder night I saw 'em throwin' dollars t' the Chink kids wot don't' have t' hustle like a lot of kids in dis town t' keep from violatin' de laws against indecent exposure by wearin' rags. Honest Injun, de most fun I ever had in me life was when I took a crippled kid wid me an' let him shoot half de crackers. Me mudder is so blamed busy lookin'' after her own kids dat she ain't got no time t' be pesticatin' around tryin' t' save oder women's kids. Pap says he could help de heathen a lot if it didn't take all of his wages t' keep his own kids from goin' hun gry. I've noticed dat de feller Wat's alius so anxious t' git all dat's comin' t' him ain't very particultr whether he gets w'hat's comin' t' others or not. Me mudder can see dirt on de back o' my neck furder dan I can see de capitol dome. ' De more, I see o' some men de more I t'ink dat if there ain't no hell w'ot's de use. . ' De only diffrunoe between seven-up an' flinch is de looks o' de cards. I HITTING THe"pOLITICAL PIPE 1 A FEW STRAY BITS OF GOSSIP CONCERNING MATTERS THAT I HAVE TO DO WITH RUNNING Last week we asked Senator Burkett how he voted on the house amendment relieving labor unions from prosecution under the Sherman anti-trust act. Shortly after the paper was deposited in the postoffiee we learned that Sen ator Burkett voted for the amended bill 'that is, he voted to relieve labor organizations from attack under the guise of throttling trusts in restraint of trade. , We gladly make this fact" public without waiting to hear from Senator Burkett. We would like to see "Dick" Met calfe and Charles" O. Whedon pitted against one another for the senator ship.. Not because we believe Met calfe could easily defeat Whedon, but because it would be a cinch that no matter which should be elected Nebras ka would be represented in the senate by a inan who would not dodge and trim, and who would always be found on the side of the people. . J Several republican legislative can didates in Lancaster county, and " at least two democratic candidates, have refused to sign "Statement No: 1." In other words they will not agree to vote for the people's choice for United States senator. Can it be possible that they refuse to pledge themselves be cause they want to be in a position to barter and trade their votes ? The leg , islative candidate who refuses to sign "Statement No, 1" should be beaten so badly that he'll never bob up for office again. - . - " ' Governor Shallenberger has made good. .There has not been a single breath of scandal in any of the state institutions something that - has vk) -m occurred during the term of any other governor. The state tax levy is lower . than it has been for years, . despite largely' 'increased appropriations for education and vastly increased cost of ' maintaining state institutions. - There has been no abuse of " the pardoning power, consequently no turning loose upon society of offenders against the . law. During the last legislative ses sion but one real labor bill was passed the maximum train crew law. Gov ernor Shallenberger signed it without hesitation despite the protests of the railroad corporations. Compelled by statute to approve a contract for the labor of convicts, he insisted upon and secured a supplemental contract pre venting the sale of prison made gar ments within the state, and this, too, despite the opposition of the republi can members of the board. During the street car strike in Omaha great pressure was brought to bear upon . Governor Shallenberger to call out the state militia. He refused to consider the demand and told the union busters of Omiaha that they could find relief in arbitration, not in martial law. It so happened that the corporation against which the strike was called was an inter-state corporation, and the Bureau of Labor was helpless in the face of the fact that a fed eral injunction ' would have been issued the minute the head of the bur eau tried to conduct an investigation as provided by 'the state statute. But during the height of that strike Gov ernor Shallenberger not only gave the -deputy labor commissioner a free hand in trying to bring about a settlement, but gave him and the strikers every possible and legal encouragement in the way of securing a -satisfactory settlement. ' One of the first acts of the present deputy commissioner of la bor was to take the initial steps in form ing the State Federation of Labor, and in this work the deputy, commissioner, had the co-operation of Governor Shal lenberger. There . is. one quarter from which Frank Tyrrell is expecting nothing but untiring opposition the head offices of the Lincoln Traction Co. The reason is not far to seek. Tyrrell is insisting that the Traction Co. get right with . the people it pretends to serve. Not only that, but he has taken a decided stand on the side of the underpaid and overworked car men in the service of that company. The Wageworker has not one word of opposition for either Mr. Strode or Mr. Spencer. We have knOwn Mr. Strode for many years, and know him to be a man of parts- a law yer of splendid ability, a citizen worthy of all respect and a public official who made good every way. That he would THE CITY, COUNTY AND STATE 19 make an efficient county attorney is beyond question. But this thing of "swapping horses in the middle of the stream" is unwise.' Mr.. Tyrrell has begun a great work in the interests of the people, and for this reason, if for no other, we are in favor of his re election. 1 Some time or other in a century long passed, somebody, Cardinal Riche lieu, we believe said: "If I had ser ved my God as I have served my king " and so on. After reading Mr. Whedon 's circular and his reply to Senator's Burkett 's alleged answers thereto, we are reminded that if Mr. Whedon had studied his Bible as he has studied the Congresional Record he would , have been today the best posted man alive on the scriptures. The "open primary" ballot is going to cause all sorts of trouble. A great many men are of the opinion that under the open primary they can vote for any name on the blanket ballot. That's where they will be badly fooled. They must vote either one ticket or he other there can be no "scratch ing" on the primary ballot. The man who votes for Shallenberger for gover nor can not vote for Barton for audi-, tor. The man who votes for Dahlman -for governor cannot vote for Hay ward for eongress. If he tries to do any of these things his whole ballot -will be thrown but. , Every voter must choose his ticket democrat, republi can, prohibitionist , or socialist and vote only for candidates on that ticket. When Will Fowler was state super intendent of public instruction J. L. .. McBren'iwias his deputyi ; When Fow- ley stepped down McBrien stepped in t and made Mr. Bishop his deputy. When McBrien stepped down Bishop stepped in and appointed. Frank Perdue his-de- puty.V Bishop is about to retire and Perdue is aspiring to suceed him. Is . it not about time to put a stop to this', "law. of primogeniture" or "law, of . entail! " or " office-holding by inherit- ,- ance," or -whatever you may call -'it f The headquarters of about as smooth ' a political machine as was ever set up ' in , Nebraska are located on the first floor of the state house, southeast cor- ' ner. George Tobey has one thing to con-1 tend with in his race for republican nomination for congress the feeling on the part of the other counties in 'the ' district that Lancastor is inclined to "hog" it when it comes to distri buy ing the political pie.! 'This feeling, however, is not so strong as it was a couple of years ago when Pollard of Cass county was the republican candi date and went down to defeat because he misunderstood the temper of First district republicans. The republicans of the west : will Dot stand for Joe Cannonism. and Tobey has not hesi-, tated to announce his opposition to Uncle Joe and all his nefarious works. If the feeling against Lancaster is not too strong, Tobey will be nominated, and there is a prospect of a merry fight for the election. Maguire has made good and will have a lot of" republican support, but he is up against a brutal republican majority. As between re publican aspirants Tobey has the ad vantage according to the prognosticat or of this Family Advisor. Tt is really wonderful the way Met calfe 'senatorial stock haSbeeri boom ing for the past ten days. "Met " was a little late in getting into the-race,-but this was not, due to any other fact than that William B. Price filed early and "Met" refused to "enter the rajce against his friend. ' This is nbtythe first time ' ' Met ' ' has been mentioned for the senatorship. A few years ago he received the solid democratic vote in the legislature. This happened six years ago when Burkett landed the prize. If "Met" goes to the United States senate and here's hoping he will raise the average of intelligence, honesty, ability and commonsense an awful lot. , Having been , caught with goods on him . Uncle M.ose Kinkaid now . comes serenely to the front with the claim that he should', be absolved from all blame because he has . disposed of the the goods to an "innocent purchaser." Uncle Mose is the innocent guy, isn't he? .- i !