The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, July 01, 1910, Image 8

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Unlike a great niapy cities Lincoln
has no boom features or institutions
which have been built up by specu
lation, nor is its growth being forced
by hot house methods, but our trade
expansion in commerce and manu
factures Is being gained along sound
And substantial lines, hence, while
it may not be generally known
throughout the country, few cities of
its Size can compare with her in the
substantial character of her indus
trial enterprises. It is the aim of
this movement to demonstrate these
facts more fully and forcibly by en
deavoring to show just what business
elements go to make up all that is
seriously entitled to consideration In
the commercial life of' the city. Nor
could we cite a more conspicuously
worthy example than the Aapegren
& Strand Lumber Co., one of the
largest of its kind In the city. They
have yards in five other cities besides
Lincoln sad are easily the largest
dealers In lumber,' coal, hardware and
.farm Implements in the state. The
reputation of this company has been
built and the confidence of dealers
throughout the state gained through
the fact that they have made it a
point to offer only such a product as
would be eminently satisfactory to
the consumer as well as the dealer.
Their main office Is located at 943
North Twenty-seventh street. The
gentlemen comprising this firm are
among the city's most progressive
business men and have a host of
friends and a large and growing list
of patrons.
The Bennett restaurant, located
near the Burlington depot, is one of
the most popular places of its kind
in the city. The Bennett brothers,
proprietors, are men in whom the
laboring man has always had the best
friends and In return have been suc
cessful in the highest degree. They
know how to provide "good thing3
to eat" and in addition always have
on hand a fine line of fruit and ci
gars. Workin?nien make no mistake
in giving the Bennett restaurant a
call when in. quest of something to
please the inner man.
The Folsom bakery is wall worthy
'of mention in these columns of this
review, and it merits the. attention
and patronage of all our readers. It
is located at 1307 O street. The store
is' ample in space and thoroughly up
to date in equipment, end here will
be found at all times a full assort
ment of wholesome and delicious
pies, cakes, pastries, bread, rolls and
bakers' supplies of a'.l kinds and sold
at most reasonable prices. This place
and Its surroundings are faultless in
Grand 4th of July Celebration
High Wire
Dancing Afternoon and Evening
Fight Returns
Fight Pictures
Past Battles
All the Pastimes that Make the
cleanliness and 'orderly condition,
and the most exacting person would
be satisfied with its neat and attrac
tive appearance. Besides the full
line of bakery goods, a most modern
soda fountain supplies all kinds of
cool and refreshing drinks and many
are the patrons here who not alone
find comfort and good things to drink,
but who also are most courteously
treated, giving the place an air of
friendliness not found elsewhere. It
also affords patrons the best service
and its success is based entirely on
the merits of the establishment and
its superior management. They
manufacture all kinds of confections
as well as do a general jobbing busi
ness in ice.creara, fruits, ices, paper
bags, etc. A .T. Seeley, the proprie
tor, is a most affable gentleman and
is deserving of the success which he
is enjoying.
The Lau Grocery Company is one
of the most substantial, heaviest
stocked, best equipped wholesale es
tablishments in ail the great west
none better between Chicago and the
Rocky mountains. It was established
in a modest way by TTans Peter Lau
In 1869. The senior Mr. Lau passed
away some years ago and the busi
ness has since been ably conducted
by surviving members of the famliy
Fredericka Lau, president; A. C.
Lau, vice president; J. EL Lau, secre
tary and treasurer. J. D. Lau is man
ager and main spoke in the wheel.
He is a thorough business man, aff
able and unassuming and is much
liked and respected by his associates,
employes and customers.
This thrifty and enterprising house
carries a $250,000 stock, embracing
everything pertaining to tne whole
sale grocery business. The business
in 1909 amounted to over $1,000,000,
and this year will show a very sat
isfactory increase. To handle this
immense business 65 people are em
ployed, including 15 traveling sales
men. ' The territory reached covers
Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming and
South Dakota.
The splendid building of the
Lau Co., at Eighth and Q was
Casino Theatre
and Evening
Two Games July Fourth
Velvet Coaster
Circle Swing
House That Jack Built
Ferri6 Wheel
Fun Palace
Bowling Alley
100 Other Attractions
built four years ago, of red pressed
brick, 130x142 three stories and
basement, and modern in every partic
ular. It is the only jobbing house in
the city with railroad trackage right
ut the door whfch greatly facilitates
packing and shipping operations.
They roast all their own coffee, and
"fresh roasted" is always obtainable
here, a very desirabe perquisite in
the purchase of coffee in point of
fine aroma and delicious flavor. A
mill has recently been installed at a
cost of $2,000 which steel cuts and
removes all chaff from their famous
"Double Value" coffee.
"Lau Brand" is the leader In all
canned and package goods. -These
goods are put up expressly foe this
great house and take rank with the
best brands of fancy and staple
goods in the world. "Black Bird" is
the second grade brand and are very
substantial and satisfactory goods.
They enjoy an extensive cigar
trade and handle two of the best
cigars manufactured La Perennia 5
and 10 cents, 'and : Smokecraft 10
cents. These cigars stand ' the test
and fully back, up the endorsements
given them by the sellers.
There is no place in the city of
Lincoln where people can secure bet-
ter service when purchasing coal,
wood, etc., than at the establishment
of the Union Coal Company, located
at 1212 O street. This concern has
but recently moved into their new
quarters, which are easliy the hand
somest in the state, and are now in
a position to serve the public to the
best possible advantage. Only the
best quality of coal and wood is car
ried and customers can at all times
be assured of prompt service and
courteous treatment. Since the rap
idly increased population im Lincoln
this company has enjoyed a greatly
increased patronage, to which they
are fully entitled because of their
honorable dealings. It is safe to
say that no firm enjoys a more sub
stantial growth than the Union Coal
Company, nor a more extended pat
ronage. Daring
Motor Boating
Etc., Etc.
World Merry 4
If there is one institution in Lin
coln of which the city should be
more proud than of another it is
Green. Gables, the Dr. Benjamin F.
Bailey Sanatorium, which is located
at Normal, three miles east of the
center of the city. Though only es
tablished a few years this institution
has a national reputation for the
treatment of all non-contagious
chronic diseases. Dr: Bailey has prac
ticed this profession in Lincoln many
years and is prominent in medical
circles throughout the state and na
tion. This institution is the. most
modern and best equipped one in the
west and no expense has been spared
to make it complete; in all of its . ap
pointments and d-&9Hs,'; it is sup
plied with every sanitary convenience
baths of all kinds,.' the various elec
tric currents "useful in the treatment
of the .sick, the Xray "and hot air
treatments, and contains large amuse
ment rooms, and throughout is com
modious and comfortabe. It is a
delightful, place f or ' convalescents. In
addition to the physician in ' charge
there is a skilled corps -of nurses,'
masseurs and physical instructors.
Mr. Bailey is a broad-minded and pub
lic spirited citizens and he has al
ways manifested a friendly interest
in the cause of labor.
The Cornell EngraVlngompany,
which has recently movei, ftlo their
new quarters at 1140-O strpetjf having
outgrown their old place of business,
is one of the largest concerns of its
Character in the au-.te. They are
equipped to do all kinds of half-tone
work, doing everything from the tak
ing of the photographs to the produc
ing of the engravings in the most ar
tistic and scientific manner. Mr. U.
G. Cornell is the genial and capable
manager and is a gentlemen who is
thoroughly versed in his profession
and a man of wide experience. Be
sides doing engraving of all kinds
this company also handles a most
complete line of independent cameras
and supplies. Their new quarters are
modern and everything in their line
is of the best. By their uniform
courtesy to all and the high standard
of quality which is being maintained
on all goods, a large and constantly
increasing business has been built
up, and they are worthy of the trade
of all people.
This gentleman enjoys thfe good
will and confidence of the people of
Lincoln. Mr. Branthwalte carries
one of the finest lines of men's shoes
in the city and enjoys an extensive
trade in this line. Making a specialty
of men's shoes he is enabled to cater
to this class in a manner that as
sures the best and most up-to-date
styles at all times of the year. His
stock is complete in every line of
men's footwear and his leading brand,
the Ralston Health Shoe, which car
ries the label, is without doubt the
best to be had in the city. In addi
tion it must be said that this gentle
man carries the largest line of union
made shoes for men in the city. Mr.
Branthwalte holds the good will of
the laboring men of Lincoln and is
entitled to trade of this character, cat
ering a3 he does almost exclusively
to this class and believing in the
cause of the workers. His store is
one of the best and neatest in the
city, and is located at 115 North
Eleventh street. Don't forget the
place and remember you can be fitted
with union made shoes, and 'thereby
stand by the principles you hold so
Among the prominent institutions
that go to make up the wholesale
mercantile industry in Lincoln, the
Lincoln Drug Company takes high
rank. It is the only concern in the
city doing an exclusive wholesale
drug businass. Besides its wholesale
drug business it is also a large dealer
and jobber in paints, oils, brushes,
glass, druggists' sundries and station
ers' supplies. The men comprising
this large and commendable Lincoln
industry are men of the highest in
tegrity and in the upbuilding of the
city have played a most Important
part. They are enterprising and en
ergetic and anything that will in any
way serve to promote the city's pros
perity has their hearty co-operation.
The management have always main
tained a friendly attitude toward the
wage earner and are entitled to the
co-operation of all who have the best
Interest of labor at heart. .The com
pany is located in handsome quarters
at Eighth and P streets.
The most important factor in the
coal,- coke and wood trade in Lin
coln is the well known firm of Hutch-
ins & Hyatt Co., whose ofnee is lo
cated at 1048 O street. This business
is one of the best established in Lin
coln and has been conducted with
rapidly increasing success since its
foundation. , They are prtepared to
furnish anything in their line in any
quantity, and in the most satisfactory
manner. This enterprise is conduct
ed upon liberal methods in all its de
partments and forms a valuable fea
ture of the trade resources of the
city. This firm is one of the best
known in this section and have a
pleased list of patrons and satisfied
users. The company by its broad
and libeil policy has gained an ad
vanced position before our people.
The trade of this company is stead-,
ily increasing, and in all transactions
with this company Its patrons have
been well treated And satisfactory
served at all times. J. F. Hutchine
is president; J. H. Amos, vice-president;
C. D. 'Hyatt, eecretary-treas-rer.
Thse gentlemen are enter
prising and wide-awake oiUneas and
where Lincoln shad Ifa interest enn
be bettered they are always ready to
lend their assistance. They are con
servative and fair-minded and be
lieve in fair treatment to one and
Every one in Lincoln is familiar
"with the long list of delicious dain
ties which may be had at the above
confection shop. This concern has
been established in Lincoln for some
time and during this period the pro-,
prietor has built up an immense busi
ness which has enabled him to add
to the attractiveness of his most pop
ular place. The Lincoln Candy Kitch-i
en of which Mr. Keriakedes is pro
prietor, is located at 1347 O street,,
and is one of the most- attractively
fitted places in the city. One of the
finest soda fountains in the city adds
to the popularity of this concern,, be
sides the great variety ' of confec
tions manufactured. All candies
are manufactured under the most
sanitary conditions possible and his
workroom is as neat as a place of
this kind can be kept. Mr. Keria
kedes sells his product at most reas
onable prices and in any amount, and
he enjoys a most prosperous business.
In Lincoln no more popular place
than this can be found.
One of the foremost authorities up
on real estate values in Lincoln is
the above-named gentleman. Having
been in business for many years, and
being by nature fitted for the voca
tion he has so well chosen, Mr. Holm,
has taken foremost rank in this city
in the real estate mart. He has the
confidence and respect of the entire
community. This he merits not alone
for his superior ability and judgment
as to values, but for his uniform
courtesy and integrity. ' He has built
up a large and constantly increasing
business through his honorable and
public-spirited methods in dealing
with all. Mr. Holm is a man well
known in commercial circles and is
exceedingly popular with his asso
ciates. His success in the past is
well merited, and we believe his past
record will gain for him many new
and profitable friends in "T5e future,
In labor circles he stands well and
has many friends.
One of the largest and most pro
gressive among the many compan
ies doing a general lumber business
in Lincoln at the present' time, and
which is reaping a material benefit
from the rapid growth of the city and
the surrounding territory, is the F. W.
Brown Lumber Co., with offices and
yards at Seventh and O streets. This
concern are dealers in lumber at
wholesale and retail. They carry' a
most complete stock and have the
reputation of making as low prices as
is consistent with ood business
methods. All kinds and grades of
lumber is carried so that orders of
any nature may be filled on the short
est possible notice. The gentlemen
comprising this firm are men of the
highest integrity and are well known
in business and social circles. They
have always evinced an active inter
est in the affairs of the wage-earners
and upon all occasions can be count
ed upon as friends of those who work.
The 1 usiness of this concern is flour
ishing and increasing, and this is due
to the honorable and public-spirited
methods of dealing on the part of the
management. Their yards are
among the most extensive in the city
Mid the greatest care is always ex
ercised in caring for the rapidly in
creasing business.
There is little need in fact none
for wage earners to patronize any but
the business houses in our midst.
Many people of this city have ex
perienced the uncertainty of mail or
der transactions and lost in the end.
Even the purchases made on semi-occasional
trips has furnished nothing
in the way of benefits. A store noted
for its - good offerings in general dry
goods and men's outfittings and one'
that has Invariably given a close price
is Gold & Co.,;' which long ago estab
lished Itself in the esteem and confi
dence of the wage earners in this
city. Gold & Co. have long .catered
to the laboring people with an ex
cellent variety of merchandise that
has defied competition. These fea
tures of their contact with- the pur
chasing, public are not the exception
but the rule. Gold & 8o., are located
at 112 North Tenth,, and they are
known as the "People's Stoxe." Here
every day is bargain day and depend
able merchandise is always on dis
Among the leadiag. clothing stores
which f arm the hlsjh-elase of commer
cial houses of which this city Is Jnsfr
lr prond must be meaHoaed the es
taVliehmeat ef the Ltncona GToChtee
Co., located at 128 North Tenth
street. Here is a place that is- the
center of brisk and active trade, and
its popularity is. readily 'attested to
by the large and influential trade it
is enjoying. This place has . an en
viable reputation for the superior
quality of its goods and fair prices
and the volume of trade as a result
has steadily increased as a conse
quence. The stock is most complete
land the quality of a character hard to
beat. The management is composed
,of gentlemen of the highest integrity
and courteous treatment is assured
all who patronize this concern? 1
.; No firm in the city of Lincoln has
come to the front with the steady and
prosperous growth that denotes pop
ular endorsement with better claims
for supremacy than he above com
pany. The company does a wholesale
business in hats and during the years
of its business career has built . up
one of the finest and most extensive
trades in the state. The company
has steadily forged to the front, con
stantly increasing its capacity and
adding new territory to its field of op
eration. The members of the firm are
active in the upbuilding of the city
and are numbered among the city's
most progressive citizens. They are
men of liberal and progressive ideas,
and have seen the city advance to its
present state of prosperity and who
can : be relied upon' to further any
movement tending to increase its de
velopment and greatness.
The undertaking business is one
that requires most painstaking and
capable efforts and to be recognized
as pre-eminent in this important
branch of business is certainly wor
thy of mention in an issue intended
to set forth an accurate list of con
cerns worthy of commendation. . E.
L. Troyer is recognized 7y our peo
ple as well as by the public gener- -ally
as a most capable and experi
enced undertaker, who can be de
pended on to .relieve in a most con
siderate manner a great deal of anx
iety that is always associated with
the care and burial of the dead. He
thoroughly understands all the min
utest details of the business and is .
a gentleman with whom it is a priv
ilege to deal ia times of sorrow, when
the services of an undertaker are re
quired. His place of business is lo
cated at 325 South Eleventh street..
In the wholesale district of the city
of Lincoln may be found many houses
whose business extends over large
territory, and among them perhaps
no name is more widely known than
the above concern. Having been es
tablished many years they have built
up an extensive business and are
known in .all "parts of the country.
They are located at 808 to 814 P
street, in a four-story building," and
are wholesale dealers in all kinds of
leather goods, carriage trimmings,
etc. Their plant is modern in every ,
way and the latest machinery has
been installed for the manufacture of
their special lines. This firm carries
at all times a large and comprehen
sive stock, while the trade enjoyed is
very extensive and reaches over a
vast territory. The membeas of this
company are well known and progres
sive business men. ' ,
TION. Lincoln has reason to be proud
of its large and successful enterprises .
and institutions, but of none more so
thau of the Woodmen's Accident As
sociation, with home offices in the
Fraternity building. This company
Is the largest mutual accident society
ih the world, and is enjoying an era
of prosperity at the present time
that speaks well for its managers
and ' the conservative manner in
which its affairs are handled. The
cost of earring a policy in this soc
iety is about one-third that of the old
line Eastern stock companies.-: Bene
fits are provided ' for bodily injuries
of all kinds and the cost is the least
that can be charged for the benefits
derived. The company up to Jan. 1,
1910, .has paid out in claims the enor
mous sum of $1,268,018.15, and the
number of claims paid to Jan. 1, 1910,
14,483. This speaks tor itself 1 and
shows that the management of the
association is such tfcat the safety of
the policy holders is at all times fully;
protected. The assets of the associat
ion are over 9175,000. The manage
ment comprises gentlemen of ' the
highest ability, who are prominent 1m.
financial and: commercial circles and
who are well knows throughpnt toe
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The Wageworker