The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, July 01, 1910, Image 7

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    Fridafmming Ruiclfife & GmI!1Z1 CO. JufMnth
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Mil mitiiSM
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L'i K-i5x iKvy xft-v.v :t:-oiA f. & fi ;a woi-jsNW;.
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of practically everything in the
following 18 Big Departments
- Note the Few Exceptions -
Bargain Basement
Absolutely Everything, except Angle Lamps and mer
dhandise marked with "No Discount cards
China Department
Absolutely no exceptions whatever
Carpets and Rugs
Absolutely no exceptions whatever
Cloak and Suit Department
Absolutely no exceptions whatever
Corsets and Undermuslins
Absolutely no exceptions whatever
Drapery Department
Absolutely everything except Vudor shades, American
adjustable shade fixtures and Special order goods
Domestic Department
Absolutely no exceptions
Dress Goods Department
Absolutely everything, except Rjad's Lansfewne
Hosiery Dcpirimnt
Absolutely everything, except v .ysj- 's ic s hos,j
House Furnishing DparfoVt
Absolutely everything, except asbestos sad irons, Rosette
irons, and Universal specialties
Linen Department
Absolutely no exceptions whatever
Millinery Department
Absolutely no exceptions whatever
Men's Furnishing Departnrt
Absolutely no exceptions whatever
Notion Deparnment
Absn"u .ly everything, except embroidery silks and flosses;
sili threads!, contract lines in the drug sundry de
partment; cotton thread, Ingersol watches,
and Rhode Island rings .
Trunk and Bag Department
Absolutely no exceptions whatever
Tinshop Department
Discount does not apply in this department
Hardware Department
Everything, except shelf and builders' hardware, contrac
tors' supplies, Herrick refrigerators, Quick Meal stoves,
sporting goods, fireless cookers, and a few contract lines
such as 1847 knives and forks, Universal specialties,
Safety razors, etc.
Special lots of
15 to 20
Furniture now offered at from
of the National Protective Association,
Williamsport, Pa.
The Columbian Messenger,, official
organ Daughters of Columbia.
The American Equity, official organ
of American Equity Association of
Owosso, Mich.
The Forester Gazette, official organ
of the Independent Order of Foresters,
Chicago, 111. . - . '
H'u&i B'rth News, official organ of
Independent Order B'nai B'rth, Chi
cago, 111.
The Yeoman, official organ of the
Yeoman of America, Aurora, 111.
The sentinel, official organ of the
Order of the Bed Cross, Baltimore, Md.
The t. is. Li. Record, official -organ
of Fraternal Benefit League, New Ha
ven, Conn.
Modern Woodmen, official organ of
Modern - Woodmen-of the -World, Wash
ington, 1). u.
See Thursday's Star and Journal for Full Particulars
No Sale Goods will be Sent Out on Approval or Exchanged During or After this Sale. Custo
mers having charge accounts may have goods charged as usual. Ifs a splendid time to open up
a charge account with us. Our liberal freight offer applies to all Discount Sale goods exactly the
same as applying on all regularly priced merchandise. Deliveries will be made in the order of
Sale. We suggest as early shopping as possible.
Bits of Labor News Picked and Pil
fered for Wageworker Readers.
The Illinois miners have over three-
quarters of a million in their treasury.
The majority of St. haul's boss bak
ers have signed the new contract, pro
viding a nine-hour night shift.
The Canadian Northern has signed
the schedule asked by the blacksmiths,
molders and pattern makers.
In Haverhill, Mass., it required six
guards to keep four strikebreakers at
work in a shoe factory recently.
The 15 business agents of the unions
in Spokane will hereafter have an auto
at their disposal. It saves time.
One of the first acts of the new so
cialist council of Milwaukee was to
order that all city printing should bear
the union label. .
T. L. Lewis, president of "the United
Mine Workers, has issued a statement
in which he declares that the men
have ' $5,000,000 for a strike fund.
The Bakers of Denver won their
strike very quickly after putting solici
tors and delivery wagons in the field
to secure orders for labeled bread.
Three hundred girl shoemakers in
Cleveland struck when they found that
a. time clock had' been installed. They
were out five minutes; now the clock
is out.
Rochester lathers demand an in
crease of from $3.40 to $3.75 for day
work; from $2.50 to $2.72 per-1,000 for
hard laths, and $2.25 per 1,000 for or
dinary piece work.
Upon being asked his religion in a
blank application for a job, a man in .
New York wrote the sign of the dol
lar. This frank admission obtained
him the position.
English wprkmen have ' discovered
that the way to secure contracts for
public buildings with - the union labor
clause is to elect union men to the
offices having the final disposition of
Members of the Stcamfitters' nnon
at Minneapolis, Minn., want an in
crease of 50 cents a day. The change
to the higher rate will be effective July .
1. Workmen are t;ot.- paid at the rate .
of $4 for eight , hours. -..
In Australia a Seamen's Compensa
tion Act is in fores, which provides
liability on the vtrt of employers, re
gardless of neglitcereo on the part of
the injured, and gi vci damages tor
nearly every, kind of injury.
According to a decifon by the board
of park commissioner.-', all band con
certs in Milwaukee paiks this summer
will be furnished by union musicians.
The union will be hel'l responsible for
the carrying out of tiie schedule after
it '"s boe ".cered by the board.
The Everett, Wash., laundry strike
lasted one week. The girls promised .
to start a union laur.cby cf their own
and began soliciting. The "open"
shop bosses became panic-stricken They
capitulated without demanding any-
thing. The increase went, so did the
recognition of the union.
The records of the International
Typographical Union show a decrease
in deaths from hfc white plague. In
1892 the number of deaths from that
cause were 48 per cent; seven years
later the number had been reduced to
44 per cent and in 1907 there was a
still further reduction to 36 per cent.
,Of the $100,000,000, paid out . by the
employers of flabor m the United
States only $44,000,000 reaches the
workmen, and they in turn pay fully
one-half of this sum in attorneys' fees.
The remaining $56,000,000 go to liabil
ity companies and lawyers.
After a strike lasting but two days,
the brewery workers of Daveinport,
Iowa, were successful in signing up a
new agreement whereby the mentis
all receive substantial increases in
wages as follows: Brewers and mal
sters, $2 per week; bottlers, $2 and .$3;
drivers, $2; engineers, ' $3.50; all men
in boiler and ice departments, $2; route
drivers, $2; telephone drivers, $2 and
bottlers, $3 per week.
The Boston Ladies' Tailors and
Dressmakers' union recently estab
lished a rule that no member could
work overtime while there were mem
bers unemployed. Several members
violated the rule. Beeently they made
their peace with the union by paying
to the men and women 'unemployed at
the time of the violation (the fuTT
amounts they had received for all over
time work.
Six Week! Hav Passed Without Meet
ing to Consider Important Matters.
The directors of the Labor Temple
Association have not met for nearly
two months. In the meantime the day
of payment of the next installment on
th'e mortgage draws nearer, and not
a thing is being done looking towards
earing for it. Not since the Temple
was occapied has a report been made
concerning the receipts and expendi
tures, the books have not been audited
and matters have been left to run
at loose ends. All this is a tribute to
Manager Rudy's good judgment, but
it is not business. The first thing the
stockholders know they will be fronted
with a condition. The unions owning
stock owe it to themselves to insist
that their representatives on the board
get busy and look after the necessary
business. The board of directors is
supposed to meet every week, but it
has been almost two months since a
quorum for the transaction of business
was present.
Chairman McBride should proceed at
once to insist upon a meeting, and the
rules in such cases made and provided
should be enforced. Some provision
must be made to look towards the pay
ment of $4,000 by October 1 of the
present year, and it ia going to take
both energy and sacrifice to meet the
Unions Deprecate Them More Than
Anybody Else Possibly Can.
The strike is a feature of the labor
movement that is by no means a pleas
ure to the organized worker. When he
strikes, he does not do so for merely
for something to do.
A strike is not the result of ignor
ance on the part of the laborer. It is
the result of intelligence.
A writer says: "Fools do not strike.
Were our workingmen everywhere on
a par with the serfs of the middle
ages, we should have but a few, if
any, strikes; but with the intelligence
that he has the workingman insists
that that intelligence be felt." Du
luth Labor World.
Chance for Union Fraternal Society
Men to do Real Boosting.
Here is a list of some of the frater
nal organs that are printed under un
fair conditions. Members of organ
ized labor and friends who are mem
bers of these societies are requested
to register vigorous protests against
such of the latter that directly or in
directly assist in forcing long hours
and low wages upon trade unionists.
Look over the list and pass it around
the lodges:
Knights of Pythias News, official
organ of insurance department of the
Knights of Pythias, Chicago, 111.
The Mystic Worker, official organ of
the Mystic Workers of the World.
The Columbian Herald, official or
gan of the Order of Columbus Knights.
The United Forester, official organ
of the United Order of Foresters, Mil
waukee, Wis.
The American Patriot, official organ
of American Patriots, Springfield, 111.
The National Record, official organ
Should Consider Labor Day Matters at
Its Next Regnlar Meeting.
' At its meeting on June 24 the Central
Labor Union attended to routine mat
ters only, but gave a little time to the
discussion of the bond proposition. The
central body will meet again in regular
session 'on Friday, July 8. We would
suggest that at this meeting the central
body take up the matter of the proper
observance of Labor Day and appoint
the necessary committee to set the ball
The Central Labor Union benefit pro
posed recently will soon be a reality.
The Lyric stoek company, which closes
this week, will ' give the benefit, pre
senting the sterling labor play, "The
Long Strike." Mr. Murdock wilt have
charge of the benefit performance,
which is a guarantee that it will be
well worth while.
Lincoln Typographical Unioi No. 209
will meet in regular session next Sun
day at 2 o'clock p. m. Installation of
officers will be the chief card on tho
afternoon's program.