The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, July 01, 1910, Image 6

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Little Hatchet Flour
Rye Flour a Specialty
Bell Phone 200; Auto. 1459
145 So. 9th St.. LINCOLN, NEB.
Named Shoes are Often Made
in Non-Union Factories.
Do Not Buy Any Shoe
no matter what the name unless
it bears a plain and readable
impression of this Union Stamp.
All Shoes Without the Union Stamp are Non-Union
Do not accept any excuse for absence of the UNION STAMP
Boot and Shoe Workers Union
246 Sumner St., Boston, Mass.
JOHN F. TQBIN, Pres. CHAS. L. BAINE, Sea-Treaa.
L. - ---
Farmers 12 Merchants Bank
C W. MONTGOMERY. President.
Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent
Every Banking Convenience
:- H. C PROBASCO. Cashier
My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died
Land of the pilgrims pride
From every mountain side
Let Freedom ring.
We wish everyone a pleas
ant and profitable Fourth
Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 8 F. & M. Bldg., 15 th & O Sts.
Clothes Cleaned, Pressed 1 Repaired
Gentlemen and Ladies HATS Worked Over New '
or Cleaned and Blocked. Fixed under our Guaran-
tee are O. K. We have a Dressing Room and can
sponge and press your clothes while you wait.
First Two Doors North of Labor Temple. Auto 4875; Bell F 1 509
Practical Hatter, Expert Cleaner and Dyer
g3O00OO0OSiOOO9OOffiO O 9 O
First Trust ! Savings Bank
Owned by Stockholders of the First National Bank
Tenth and O Streets Lincoln, Nebraska
Green Gables
The Dr. Benj. F. Baily Sanatorium
For notvcoa4gious cbronio diaeaaea. Largos, best
equipped, mast beautifully furnished. -
1 T tf . ;
IN 1889
1 1 1899 BV I
Copyright, 1910, by MeClure Newspaper
Syndicate. Copyright In Canada and
Great Britain. All rights reserved. J
IF Iseem to be writing a great deal
about this experience in Carson
let me explain that it was the
most Important thing in my life
up to the time I beat Bob Fitzsim
mons and became a world's champion.
This time in Carson was the real turn
ing point in my career, for it gave me
knowledge and ambition.
Corbett as I said somewhere be
fore, was a nervous and high strung
fellow. As the 17th of March ap
proached he became more and more
irritable. It wasn't that he feared
Fitzsimmons in any way, but that be
realized all be bad to lose if the fight
went against him, and he was trying
In those last few days to make up for
years of easy living that had followed
his win over Sullivan and could not
entirely satisfy himself.
We were all up "bright and early the
morning of the eventful 17th. Corbett
seemed In high spirits. The whole
camp was In a bustle. Scores of news
paper men were flying around from
place to place and asking all sorts of
questions. I ate a big breakfast and
half an hour later went out with Jim
for a stroll on the road. The fignt was
to begin at noon. It was to be to a
finish. The moving picture machines
were all ready. The crowd was gather
ing. Sporting men from all over the
world assembled there In Carson
were gathering at the big new yellow
pine arena that Dan Stuart bad built
especial for the occasion. Among the
spectators were to be John L. Sulli
van, Tom Shark'ey, Jack McAullffe and
scores of other famous fighters.
At the ringside sat twenty selected
Nevada gun fighters, placed there by
the sheriff because of threats from a
San Francisco bunch that the referee,
George Slier, would never live to get
out of the ring if he gave a decision
against Corbett.
I'll pass the preliminaries, although
every word spoken is still clear in my
mind, even bow John L. Sullivan, fat
and round bellied, rolled through the
ropes and challenged the winner, say
lug at the end: "I think I have one
good fight left in me yet. I'm yours
truly, always on the level,' John L.
Sullivan." Bob Fitzsimmons, bis red
face shining from the collar of bis
blue bathrobe, strutted up and down
across the ring from us, stopping to
test the ropes with his hands or to
scrape his shoe on the resined can
vas, and all the time watching Corbett
with light blue eyes that squinted half
shut in the sunlight. Our champion
paid no attention to Fitz.
At last the waiting time was up.
The sun was at its height when the
bell clanged sharply on the frosty air,
and I, with the other seconds, scram
bled down from the platform and
crouched" behind Corbett's corner, star
ing with straining eyes to see the first
blow struck. It was not long in com
ing. Corbett, light on his feet, cir
cled around Fitzsimmons like a hawk.
The Cornlshman crouched panther-like
as if to spring when be saw an open
ing. After circling a moment Corbett
flashed in and jabbed Fitzsimmons on
the mouth, and the fight was on.
Fitz, clinching a second, turned to
where his wife sat in a box and nod
ded to her encouragingly.
The first round was all fast, pretty
work, with no very heavy blows deliv
ered. Each man was trying to study
out tbe Other's style. Each has! seep
the other fight and was not to tie fool
ed . easily. Neither cared to lake a
desperate chance, although Ki'zslm-
mons was apparently tbe more care
less of tbe two.
Corbett danced arid jabbed .-steadily.
Fil'.siiiiiiions, his tace reddened by the
blows, only grinned and waited bis
chance. He wasn't ODe of those Sgbl
ers who. like Corbett. gradually wore
their men down. He was a terrific
hitter, who won with a sudden kuock-
out Corbett knew this, and tie was
wary as a fox. Oh, it was pretty trie
way tbey watched each other ana
measured each lead to the fraction ot
an iuch. At the end of the round
Corbett danced back to his comer,
lautfiiiug. flushed aud confident. FlSs
stood up In bis as if he didn't even
care to rest himself by sitting down.
And so tbe tight went along. Cor
bett. growing bolder, was gradually
cutting and tearing at Fitzsimmons
witb left and right as he found his
openings. Fitzsimmons landed a bard
blow on Jim's mouth, and J could see
a grim look come over our champion's
face for a moment. His lips bad been
cut, but he would not show "first
blood." He jabbed at Fitz until a
tiny stream of crimson trickled from
his uose and lips, and then Corbett
deliberately spit the blood from his
own mouth.
Fitzsimmons was making a mistake.
and Corbett could see it as well as
any man at the ringside. Whenever
he was hit hard the "freckled fighter
turned his head toward his corner and
grinnad at his wile to show her be
was unhurt. Each time that be turn
ed Corbett caught him heavily with a
jab. but he didn't step in close, for
Fitzsimmons was notedly crafty, and
it might be one of his tricks to draw
the more clever man within range.
In the sixth rotnid that rapid fire of
jabs and short right banders to the
jaw began to tell. The middleweight
champion moved unsteadily on his
legs and seemed worried. His face
was smeared with blood. Corbett was
Gghting harder hitting harder and
more confidently. At' last Fitz step
ped Into a clinch, took a blow in the
body and ulipped down to his hands
and knees. There he sat up deliber
ately on bis knees and cleared his
throat of the blood that was strangling
and sickening him. He took the count
of nine and rose. Corbett had waited
deliberately. Instead of rushing in
wildly and trying to beat Fitzsimmons
down again in a hurry, as most fight
ers do when they have a man going.
he took his time, feinted and jabbed
carefully while his enemy reeled away.
We were Jubilant, but foxy old Billy
Delaney. the veteran, called to Cor
bett: "He's shamming. Jim. Look
Just then the bell rang, and Fitzsim
mons, reeling to bis corner like a
drunken man, fell into his chair. We
were busy on Corbett in an Instant;
but, stealing at glance across the way.
I could see frantic towel waving in
the corner across the ring. Evidently
Fitzsimmons' seconds were flurried.
In our corner Jim sat up straight,
laughing and cracking jokes with his
friends at the side of the ring. He
looked an easy winner.
But when the bell rang for the be
ginning of the seventh round Fitzsim
mons. sprang from his chair like a
flash, with no trace of grogginess now,
and ran across the ring at Corbett so
hard that Jim was almost caught nap
ping in his corner. With this round
Fitzsimmons stopped turning his head
toward his wife and gave all his atten
tion to fighting. He was strong and
full of fight again.
Whether he was shamming in that
sixth round or just naturally recover
ed his strength nobody but Fitzsim
mons will ever know. In any case he
was a different man now. Corbett re
alized it at the first clash. I could see
the laughter go from his lips and his
face turn to a dull gray. Theu he set
his jaw grimly and went on fighting,
using every particle of his wonderful
skill to stall the rushing Cornlshman
off and wear him down if he could..
Corbett didn't laugh and joke in his
corner after that. The affair bad
grown too serious. He fought like a
game man, and when Fitzsimmons
dropped him in the fourteenth round
with the famous solar plexus blow
he crawled to the ropes across the ring
and tried desperately to pull himself
up. The count went along slowly, and
I could hardly realize that this strug
gling form across the ring from us
was the champion, to be a champion
no more in ten short seconds.
Fitzsimmons was in the middle of a
ewirl of men that plunged through
the ropes on all sides of the ring.
Corbett pulled himself to his feet just
as we reached him and frantically
threw us aside and rushed at the grin
ning Fitzsimmons. When the melee
was all over we took him back to his
dressing room. lie was in agony from
that last blow at the joining of the
ribs, and, looking at him, I determined
that It waa a good blow to finish a
man with in any fight. Since that
time I have used it often myself, and
it's a winner. I used it on Fitzsim
mons, by tbe way.
17 ?7txJPa
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Insurance that insures is the prime
requisite for individuals and business
firms when a conflagration destroys
their property. Such an Institution,
and one in which the utmost confi
dence can be placed, is the Farmers
& Merchants Insurance company.
They issue policies which give ab
solute protection against loss by fire,
lightning anfl tornado. This company
is under careful and conservative
management and is a credit to Lin
coln and its citizens. It is a source
of pleasure and undoubted satisfaction
to deal with an insurance company
in whom one can place the utmost
confidence, and have an absolute as
surance that the policy issued will
at all times be worth its face value.
It is also a source of pleasure to deal
with an insurance company whose
officials are men of the highest stand
ing and integrity, and in whom the
utmost confidence can be placed at
all times. These men are among
the best known of Lincoln's citizens
and- are identified with many success
ful business enterprises. They have
always maintained a friendly interest
in the welfare of the wage-earner
and are entitled to the consideration
of all men who believe in honest and
fair treatment. A policy in the Far
mers & Merchants Insurance company
is an absolute protection agaiuat fire
and lightning and tornadoes and no
better investment can be made than
the taking out of a policy in a com
pany so well and ably managed as
the above concern.
And Ths Is the Stuff We Make Them
From These Days.
. Under examination recently in the
United States District Court, in New
York City, to test his qualifications for
citizenship, Antonio Esposito was
"Do you believe in polygamy?"
v "The comet has nothing to do with
that," was the answer through an in
terpreter, after a thoughtful pause.
"Who wrote the Declaration of In
dependence, and what is it?"
"I don't know what it is, but Roose
velt made it. He is the greatest
"Who is the president of the United
States?" ,
"Some say Bill Taft, but look out
for Teddy when he comes home."
"Do you believe in anarchy?"
"I go whatever way Teddy goes on
that. I hear he says we must have big
"What is the Constitution of the
United States?"
"Plenty of people have that, but the
doctors say it can be cured. I never
had it." Clothing Trades Bulletin.
When you enter a barber shop, s
that the union shop card is in plau
sight before you get into the chair.
If the card is not to be seen, go else
where. The union shop card is a guar
antee of a cleanly shop, a smooth
shave or good hair-cut, and courteo j
treatment. The following barber shoo
are entitled to the patronage of union
Geo. Petro, 1010 O St.
J. J. Simpson, 1001 O St.
Geo. Shaffer, Lincoln Hotel.
C. B. Ellis, Windsor Hotel.
C. W. Latter, Capital Hotel.
E. L. Scott, Royal Hotel.
A. L. Kimmerer, Lindell HoteL .
C. A. Green, 120 No. 11th St.
W. G. Worth, 1132 O St.
E. A. Woods, 1206 O St.
Cbaplin & Ryan, 129 No. 12th St.
Bert Sturm, 116 So. 13th St
J. B. Raynor, 1601 O St
W. H. Barthelman, 122 So. 12th Si.
J. J. Simpson, 922 P St
E. J. Dudley, 822 P St
Lundahl & Warde, 210 So. 13th St
Frank Malone, Havelock.
C. A. Hughart, Havelock.
H. A. Wise,. 112 No. 13th St.
WInterstien, 107 No. 14th St
T. G. Theckfeit, 114 No. 14th St
Nuff Sed