The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, July 01, 1910, Image 5

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There has been few enterprises
r.tiirteil in Liueoln thai lias been more
: -! 'nut !y inaiataiued for , wage-ini-iKTs
than this theater, That this
i ii .:; npuhir in the :i y is equally
' by tho splendid patronage
nccnided the theatre. As in the case
of the Elite No. 1, which I3 located
Jiu. opposite, the management is
proud in the fact t!:at the excellence
of ente: tainment provided is of the
best. 'Here also the films used are
union made, and this fact justifies tho
splendid patronage accorded this by
the people of Lincoln. The Acme
Amusement company is giving the
people of the city the best films and
pictures in the country and this fact
is proving a success in gaining favor
from tho masses of working people in
this city. This theatre Is located at
O street.
f ' ' . t 1 ' . - , V- : '
' " '
; J '-UlJi'.'iV
The Cut of
a Coat
is its chief merit from the
standpoint of style. We
are experts in cutting and
fitting and study each figure
most carefully in order to
give a perfect fit to each
customer. We have a large
selection of new fabrics in
every sinking design and
popular shade. Satisfaction
guaranteed in each case or
no pay.
Scotch Woolen
133 So. 13th
J. H. McMULLEN, Mgr.
Auto. 2372 Bell 2522
White Pine
Cough Syrup
la a quick and positive remedy for nil
coughs. It stoqs coughing spells i.t iryht
relieves the soreness, soothes tho irrita
ted membrane and stoqs the tickling.
It Is an ideal preparation (or children
as it containes no harmful anodynes or
25c per bottle
12th and O S:
Wageworkers h
Attention SffilS
Plenty of it. Utmost Secrecy.
129 So. 1 1th St. Kelly & Norris
I 1 , 11
Office Hours I to 4 p. m.
Office 21 18 O St. Both Phones
Dr. Chas. Yungblut
No. 202 J-yCIlLlSl
AUTO. PHONE 3416, BELL 656
on household goods, pianos, hor
ses, tc; long or short time, No
charge for papers. No interest
In advance. No publicity or hi
papers. We guarantee better
tet ma than others make. Money
Eaid immediately. COLUMBIA
iOAN CO. 127 South 13th.
The Northwestern Coal Co., locat
ed at 1524 O street, are extensive
purveyors in fuel of all kinds. They
have buiit up a lar.e business by good
and careful management. They have
supplied some of the largest contracts
in this section and their facilities en
able them to meet the keenest com
petition as their relation with the
sources of supply are of a nature that
enables them to sell at the lowest
possible prices. Their delivery ser
vice is most prompt. The same
courteous treatment is paid to one
and all, no matter whether your or
der is a large or small one. The man
agement is liberal and fair and their
success has been most marked.
And What He Said Union Men Should
Consider Well.
Wendell Phillips was engaged in
one of the greatest struggles for hu
man emancipation. He was one of
the greatest anti-slavery agitators.
When slavery had been wiped out, he
gave his attention to another great
emancipation movement that of ta
bor. In April, 1S72, he spoke before the
International Grand Lodge of the
Knights of St. Crispin. His words are
peculiarly applicable to tile situation
in thu country today:
"if you want power in this country;
il you want yourselves felt; if you do
not want your children to wait long
years before they have the bread on
the table they ought to have, the
leisure in their lives they ought to,
have, the opportunities in life they
ought to have; if you don't want to
wait yourselves, write on your banner,
so that every political trimmer can
read it, so that every politician, no
matter how short sighted Be may be,
enn read it: "We never forget. If
you launch the arrow of sarcasm at
labor, we never forget. If there is a
division in congress and you throw
your vote in the wrong scale, we never
forget. You may go down on your
knee.-! mid eay, "I am sorry I did not
act," and we will say, "It will avail
you in heaven, but on this side of the
grave never." So that a man, in tak
ing up the labor question, will know
he is dealing with a hair-trigger pistol
and will say, 'I am to be true to jus
tice r.rd to man; otherwise I am a
dead duck." "
Some Concessions Were Made to the
Poor Utimate Consumer.
The Payne-Aldrich tarff law Is
one of "the best tariff bills" ever
passed, says the president of the Unit
ed States. If you don't believe it, says
Hill The Big, why, examine' the free
All right, let's examine it!
To begin with we find joss-sticks,
b'adder3, dried blood and horse hair!
They're all admitted free of duty.
Then there are birds' eggs, lemon
juice, turtles and junk!
Then comes bones, acorns, ashes,
zaffer, catgut, fossils, Brazilian peb
bles and oakum!
It looks as if the Aldrichites got to
gether and thought of as -many things
possible for which the ultmate con
sumer has no earthly use. Then they
slapped them all on tho free list. Div
luth Labor World.
Weigh the chunk of ice the driver
leaves at your door. Don't give up a
Ed G. Yates Murray C. French
1220 O St.
Lincoln, Nebraska
Auto 3417 ,r.v Bell 804
There is no profession which so
closely touches the finer sensibilities
of humanity as that of the under
taker, to whose care is entrusted the
administration of, the. last sad rites
to our dear departed ones. Our
leading undertakers and embalmers
ticket calling for twenty-five pounds
in exchange for a piece of ice that
weighs less than fifteen pounds. Tho
driver must weigh it before your eyes
if you demand it, but better yet, have
a pair of scales in the kitchen aud
weigh the ice for yourself. And the
second time you get short weight, call
up the city clerk and ask where to
lodge formal complaint.
There are approximately two mil
lion voters in the United States who
the members of organized labor. They
strike together, when necessary; hunt
The transfer service in any city
has much to do wtih trade and com
merce. If inferior the wheels of in
dustry are clogged and traffic, in
a business, sense, impeded. Travelers
especially find serious inconvenience
when transfer service is inadequate.
Delays, so common before, are now
done away with and a telephene call
to this company now brings a wagon
to your door and baggage no longer
worries you, or the care of your fur
niture and the storage of anything
you desire stowed away is given im
mediate and careful attention, thus
giving you a service that is without
equal. This company hauls large
freight and in total have brought the
jobs together when out of work, are
locked out together when they begin
to show a little spirit of independence;
but they never vote together. If they
would stop "scabbing" on each other
on election days' they could accom
plish more in a few years than they
can accomplish in a lifetime by cling
ing to political party prejudice. From
Railway Clerk.
In the upbuildin of cities in any
portion of the world the same ele
ments are essential as to the estab
lishment and successful operation of
large manufacturing and other indus
trial enterprises and were it not for
the really wonderful fores feht and
daring of some of the leaders in each
city ttle material progress ;of ithe
country as a whole would be retard
ed in much greater degree than is us
usually anticipated. The city of Lin
coln is no different in that respect
have made the caring for the remains
of the departed ones their life study
and among the best known operators
we mention the firm of Castle, Roper
& Matthews. They, are located at
1317-19-21-23 N street. At the above
mentioned address they have commo
It has been proved beyond the ques
tion of a doubt that men cannot work
with profit to themselves or their em
ployers more than eight hours1 a day.
Yet big employers shut their' eyes
tightly to these scientific facts and
fight the reduction of hours that mean
more for them as well as their men,
as if they were fighting invasion of
their homes. The hatred and bitter
ness with which some employers re
sist to the last the reasonable and just
demands of fellowmen for shorter
hours, is one of the inexplicable
things in social science. Portland La
bor Press.
jit -jttfhiik
transfer business in Lincoln to a de
gree of perfection seldom attained,
and the charges are reasonable. The
office of this company is located at
the Lincoln Hotel annex, where they
wlil be pleased to take your order at
any time and you are assured of only
first class service. It is the only gov
ernment bonded transfer line in Lin
coln and is an incorporated forward
ing and distributing agent. They
make a business of packing, moving
and storing of household goods. They
are also retailers of coal and wood.
The men comprising this company
are among the city's most progres
sive men.
June 27, St. Louis, Mo., Internation
al Union of Pavers, Hammermen.
Flagers, Bridge and Stone Ourb Set
ters. July 4, not decided as to place.
Amalgamated Leather Workers' Union
of America.
July 11, New York, N. Y., Interna
than any other there must 'have
been men who saw and executed,
men who realized the ultimate po
sition to be occupied by the city in
the commercial and financial world
and that a large population would
certainly be found within her con
fines within a reasonable length of
been borne out and they have been
time. Their judgment has already
been borne out and they have reaped
the benefits accruing. In this re
spect we wish to call particular at
dious and nicely arranged quarters, houses inmany cities throughout the
well adapted for the work in hand, state and their interests are very ex
Their chapel is one of the finest, in torsive. The gentlemen comprising
the state and their stock of caskets, this firm are well and favorably
funeral supplies, etc., i3 most com
prehensive. They also have private
ambulances. They have . branch
tional Longshoremen's Association.
July 11, Pittsburg, Pa., International
Jewelry Workers Union of America.
July 11, Pittsburg, Pa., Internation
al Jewelry Workers' Union of Amer
ica. July 11, New York, N. Y., Interna
tional Longshoremen's Association.
July 11, Atlantic City, N. J., Glass
Bottle Blowers' Association of . the
United States and Canada.
July 11, 'Washington, D. C., Theatri
cal Stage Employes' International Alli
ance. July 12, Dover, N. J., Stove Mount
ers and Steel Range Workers' Inter
national Union.
July 16, Springfield, Mass., Ameri
can Wire Weavers' Protection Associ
ation. July 18, Ottawa, Ont, International
July , Atlantic City, N. J.. Na
tional Brotherhood of Operative Work
ers. August 1, Peoria, III., Internationcl
Brotherhood of Teamsters.
August 8, Minneapolis, Minn., Inter
national Typographical Union.
August 22, Detroit, Mich., United
Garment Workers of America.
September 5-6-7, Chicago, 111., Na
tional Federation of Post Office
September 5, Chicago, 111., Interna
tional Slate and Tile Roofers of Amer
ica. September 5, Boston, Mass., Interna
tional Brotherhood of Maintenance. ;f
Way Employes.
September 6, Bangor, Pa., Interna
Steel and Copper Plate Printers'
September 6-10, Louisville, Ky., In
ternational Photo-Engravers' Union of
North America.
tional Union of Slate Workers.
September 8, Boston Mass., Inter
national Spinners' Union. '
September 12, Kansas City, Kansa3,
Coopers' International Union.
September 12, Denver, Colo., Inter
national Union of United Brewery
Workmen of America.
September 12, Philadelphia, Pa.,
tention to the H. O. Barber & Sons
large milling concern. The men who
have the destiny of this company ' in
hand saw the splendid opportunity
offered and were quick to grasp the
situa'tlon. As a result the business
has advanced until today it ranks
second to none in importance and
volume of business done in the coun
try. The flour manufactured by this
commendable enterprise is justly cele
brated in a trade territory extending
throughout this entire section of the
k.own, and among the wage earners
stand in the role, of friends found
good and true.
International" Union of Elevator Con
structors. .
September 12, Streator, 111., Inter
national Brick, Tile and Terra Cotta
Workers' Alliance.
September 13, New York, N. T.f
American Brotherhood of Cement
September 19, Des Moines, Iowa,
United Brotherhood of Carpenters
and Joiners of America.
September 19, Rochester, N. Y., In
ternational Association of Bridge and
Structural Iron Workers. -
September ' 21, St, Paul, Minn.,
Brotherhood of Railroad Freight
September 26, Columbus, Ohio, Oper
ative Plasterers' International Associ
ation of the United States and Can
ada. October 18, New York, N. Y., Unit
ed Textile Workers of America.
October 18, Detroit, Mich., Interna
tional Association of Car Workers.
country. - It is with a just pride that
we extend to this concern the hand
of fellowship and well wishes, and
there can be no better way in which
to show this appreciation than in the
purchase of the products of the Bar
ber & Sons mills. The plant of this
concern is one of the finest in the
country and there is no better nor
more worthy institution in the city
than this. They lead in the manu
facture of flour in the city, their lead
ing brand being Liberty Flour,