Dollars with wings is a truthful fact, when you patronize the firm or business not a fixture in this city. The home merchant gives a return wherein we all reap a dividend. LINCOLN CiPBPT CLEANING. The Lincoln Carpet Cleaning Co. lias the reputation of doing high ttrade work promptly and satisfac torily. We ask you to remember then and at the same time save your ruga and carpets. They clean all kinds of carpets and rugs and in all Instances have given satisfaction. They take up. clean and return car pets and ruga the same day, thus avoiding all 'elay. They have the confidence of the people of Lincoln, with whom they have cast their lot and have become successful business men here. They know the business of house cleaning as well and guar antee all work. Give them a call when in need of any work in any of these lines. Their place of busi ness la located at Twenty-fourth and O streets. t LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE. In this progressive age the young man or woman, who enters "upon a business career witnoui proper prep aration Is badly handicapped. A tnor- oueh business education is an essen tial nualiflcatlon. and an institution hich specialises along the line of practical business methods is today a necessity, tf you wish to make a success In any branch of the busi ness world. The Lincoln Business College toffers an opportunity to those who are desirous of obtaining an education of this kind. Each department is under the per sonal supervision of competent in structors, and the standing of the Institution is excellent. Every branch in business and commercial lines Is here taught and the student who de sires to take up any special course will find the Lincoln Business Col lege an institution that will qualify htm in whatever branch he chooses. If you liave any sons or daughters you can do nothing for them which will be of more lastlngg benefit than to send them to the Lincoln Business College. The College occupies excellent quarters in the Oliver building. Thirteenth and P streets,, and is equipped in a manner which assures comfort and convenience to the stu dent. The officers and corps of teachers are men of high standing in Lincoln, and the college ranks among the foremost In the state of Nebraska. THE LUDWIG CO. TAILORS. There Is no branch of commercial achievement that is more worthy of mention that that of the merchant tailoring trade, and occupying an im portant position in this particular line Is The Ludwig Co., located at 1028 O street. The salesroom of this most commendable concern is finely fitted and appointed, has every facil ity for the display of the large line of Imported and domestic goods and suitings of the choicest weaves, and also medium priced goods, the newest eslgns, most fashionable shades and pleading patterns, and the products of the house are distinguished for faultless fit and fine workmanship. Customers will find here every con venience for their care and are as sured of saatlsfactlon upon every oc casion. Mr. Ludwig personally sup ervises the business and takes a personal pride in the care of the large and ever increasing trade. fruits and syrups. Beside the large line of confections and syrups manu factured, they also carry a line of confections and line of show cases, and in fact here can be found everything that goes to make up a first class candy store. The business of this enterprising company enjoys a steady and Increas ing growth and the mere mention that the products are from thla firm assures a ready sale. The mem com prising this firm are among the city's best cKlzens. . .. . ' ' THE ELAM RESTAURANT. The Elani restaurant Is known to everyone in Lincoln and requires no introduction. This first class place is located at 134 South Tenth street, and is one of the old and well estab lished houses and has always catered to the wants and tastes of its large and increasing patronage. Mr. J. A. Elam, the proprietor,, is well known to everyone in Lincoln, and he num bers his friends among the wage earners by the scores. His experi ence in the line of catering to the tastes of the public and serving them acceptably is too well known to need comment. This place is neatly ap pointed and tastefully arranged and the service and cousine of the best. This fact is attested by the large and constantly increasing patronage ac corded this popular place. Mr. Elam believes nothing is too good for his patrons and serves the best the mai ket affords at all times. SEARLE & CHAPIN LUMBER CO. In every growing community more than ordinary interest attaches to the concerns which supply the lumber etc., for that particular section. In this Important branch of commercial endeavor particular recognition should be accorded the above com pany, located at ,737 N street. This company is one of the most exten sive dealers in lumber in Lincoln and through its able and conservative methods in meeting the competitive spirit of the age has built up one of the finest list of patrons in this sec tion. Everything in the lumber and builders' line can be secured and at the lowest market price. Its yards are well stocked, its lumber well sea soned and the quality the best. The gentlemen comprising this company are some of the city's foremost citi zens, ever taking a lead in affairs where the city and its citizens are best conserved. 6PEIER & SIMON. In mentioning the different retail interests of Lincoln we wish to call attention of our readers to the cloth ing store of Speler & Simon, located at 104 and 106 North Tenth street, one door north of O street. The con cern handles a most complete line of ready-to-wear clothing for " men, youths and boys, shoes, hats, furnish ings, etc. Here you will find clothes In all the latest styles and patterns, clothes to Jit and at prices to suit. In fact, good clothes at most moder ate prices. The management of this store has always evinced a friendly Interest in whatever advances the city's welfare and the wageworker has been no exception. If courteous treatment and honorable business methods are sought here you will find them. DON CAMERON'S RESTAURANT. A good, comfortable restaurant at reasonable rates is what the public Is seeking for at all times. The above restaurant and lunch room fills the want. Here you will find at all times the beat possible service and courteous treatment. Mr. Cameron numbers many wage workers among his customers and he is friendly to their cause. Through the generous policy adopted by this genial pro prietor a splendid business has been established and we wish him con tinued prosperity. This restaurant is located at 119 South Twelfth street. For a meal that is served right and at satisfies the most fastidious the ameron place la noted. l BROWN & DOYLE, UNDERTAKERS If there is one business more than another that requires for its success ful prosecution a large amount of fine taste, delicacy of thought and expression toward its patrons and a tender respect and regard for their feelings, It is that of the funeral di rector. We refer with pleasure in this respect to the firm of Brown & Doyle, GLOBE LAUNDRY CO. For first class work and prompt ness it is safe to say that no other establishment of its kind can .com pete with the Globe I afldry, which Is located at 326-340 South Eleventh street. The quarters occupied are spacious and equipped with the latest improved machinery and appliances "if'ti to the business, while sanitar ily they are perfect. Thes work turned out at this laundry is not ex celled . anywhere and every care and attention Is paid to fine fabrics, which are laundered without injury. All work is promptly done and also are large dealers. In coal and in this particular branch do an immense volume of business. The manage ment of this company has always been conducted alang broad-minded and itybjlc-spiif ted lines, and - they have always maintained an attitude of fairness toward the wage earner, which has won them many and de serving friends. . ERNEST HOPPE HARDWARE. This Is one of the leading firm of Lincoln dealing in hardware, stoves, cutlery and tools. Mr. Koppe's place is located at 108 North Tenth street. small, and all shipments receive care ful and faithful attention. The mem bers of the firm are well known to our people and are business men of abil ity. The quarters of the Grainger Brothers are commodious and every facility for the care of the large and growing business is here found. The quality of the goods carried and the care exercised In the filling of orders is one of the features of this com pany. The men who compose this most comendable institution are among Lincoln's most enterprising citizens and they enjoy the confidence and good will of kll its citizens. Wp-!t ,:iuiJ Ji '- called for and delivered. A large staff of competent help is employed, which comprises many skilled and experienced laundry hands. The man agement of this laundry Is in the hands of men experienced in the business, who give their personal at tention to every detail, thus assuring their customers only first class and reliable work. E. W. Truman is president and A. S. Truman secretary treasurer. These gentlemen are hustlers and stand high in the ranks of the city's business circles. Among the wage earners they number hosts of friends who rejoice in their success. DE LOSS T. SMITH, JEWELER. Mr. De Loss 1. Smith,- jeweler, is one of the old-time standbys of the city. Mr. Smith is one of the best known jewelers in Lincoln. His place of business is located at 132 North Tenth street opposite the postoffice, and here will be found a fine stock of all that goes to make up a first-class store of this kind. He has been in business since 1890 and by strict at tention to business and fair and hon est methods has been signally suc cessful. . - . IV. W v . 1 I v . - 1 CHICAGO DENTISTS. Thei Chicago Dentists, located at Thirteenth and O streets, under the management of Dr. A. T. Withers, has built up a large and growing prac tice. Dr. Withers is a dentist who keeps in touch with all the discover ies of modern dentistry and all work executed by the Chicago Dentists is scientifically done and strictly up-to-date. Mr. Withres is a gentlemen, who by his uniform courtesy and honorable methods has built up a large and constantly increasing prac tice. All the latest appliances known to the profession are constant ly added and the work executed in a manner that pleases all. located at 206 South Eleventh, who have a wide prestige among the wage earners of this city. These gentle men stand unexecelled in this partic ular profession, taking charge of funerals from the time of death un til the Interment, and never fail 10 give perfect satisfaction, and have the good will and patronage of wage earners and other good people of Lincoln. This latter fact is attested by the fact that during the past year they had complete charge of over 180 funerals. Mr. Brown has lived here for the last nineteen years dur ing which time he has been in busi ness in his chosen profession. One year ago he entered into partnership with Mr. Doyle,, who came here from Belleville, Kan. Mr. Doyle is also an. experienced man in the undertaking business, having been engaged in the same in Kansas for over 26 years. When our loved ones are laid away they can be placed In .no better hands for embalming and interment than these gentlemen. They are open day and night and their phone num bers are Auto 2016 and Bell 1674. GILLEN A BONNEY Aa one of the beat adapted dlstrib uting points for all articles of com merce, the city of Lincoln has among other netable things developed a wide reputation for its extensive manufac ture of candy and In this connection mention niast be made of the Gillen ft Bouey company. Thla concern man ufactures candy upon a scale second to none in. thla section and haa at tained a reputation for excellence of quality that la moat ' eommendable. Their factory U moat modern and the utmost care ta eaerclaed ia the manufacture of the many and excel lent grades of confection jut on the market- The4r specialties are Golden Rod cheoolatea, Meadow Ck14 bat twrscetcb, Italian reams aad fudges. T4ir also tuanwlactare end a foantala GEO. W. HOLMES. In the Insurance business in Lin coln, Mr. George W. Holmes, whose place of business is located at 115 South Tenth street, ia one of the foremost, and the volume of insur ance done by this progressiva and energetic hustler Is constantly on the Increase. He makes a specialty of writing fire and lightning and torna do policies and numbers among his customers some of the largest and most prominent people ki this sec tion. The companies represented by this entjeman are the best in the country and no matter In what com pany you wish to take out a policy he ean accommodate you. Mr. Holmes by his honorable and public spirited methods of dealing haa built up large and constantly increasing busi ness and sodal cirales ke la exceed ingly popirlar. HENRY PFEIFF GROCERIES AND MEATS. Henry Pfeiff, who is located at 314 South Eleventh, conducts one of the most modern meat markets and groc eries in the city and is enjoying a large and liberal patronage from his hosts of friends. His grocery is re plete with the finest line of season able goods at all times and in his meat market the choicest cuts are always to be had. Mr. Pfeiff is one of Lincoln's pioneer merchants and has proven a successful one by treating his patrons right in giving them both quality and quantity at all times. Being one of the oldest mer chants in the city he has. a large fol lowing and many are the wage work ers who count upon him in every in stance for friendly council and help when most needed, which he ever stands ready, and willing to give. Every class of hardware that is need ed by either the city man or the man from the farm can be found at this store at prices that are always the lowest that can be found in the city. Mr. Hoppe is one of the substantial citizens of the city and is worthy of every consideration from its people. By his honeet and straight-forward methods he has built up a splendid business and among these are to be found many within the ranks of or ganized labor. GRAINGER BROS. An institution in Lincoln we wish to give special mention of that has aided materially in building up our city to its present enviable propor tion is the albove named concern. The Grainger Bros., wholesale groc cers, have been established here many years and have from the be ginning increased their sales each month at a gratifying rate. The stock is full and complete and consists of all kinds of staple and fancy gro ceries, teas, coffees, spices, bottle and canned goods, dried fruits,, etc., and they are always prepared to promptly execute all orders both large and FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK. One of the prominent and best managed banks in the west is the Farmers & Merchants bank, located at 1501 O street. They are public-spirited citizens and are prominent not only In the banking business, but in .every movement which Is for the wel fare and betterment of Lincoln. An institution sfuch a the Farmer & Merchants bank, under such careful management, occupies a powerful po sition in the business world in that its Influence ia felt throughout the state. The officers of the hank are men of the highest integrity and where labor and its interests are con cerned have always evinced the most friendly interest. the business welfare of the city If you buy goods made elsewhere, when ycu can get better goods for the same money made in Lincoln. You are not a consistent union man if you buy non-union made goods when the union made goods for the same money are superior. Julius Pepperberg, manufacturer of cigars, located at 815 O street, is one of the city's larg est manufacturers of cigars, employ ing a large number of union cigar makers. His factory Is sanitary in every respect and every care and convenience for the welfare of those in his employ .Is considered. His leading brands are Flor de Pepper berg, Buds and Little Flor de Pepper berg. That he is one of the u city's most enterprising citizens , a ack nowledge fact, and that he is also one of labor's best and truest friends is also true. Mr. Pepperberg deserves the success that is his and union men sfeould remember the Pepperberg brands at all times. JULIUS PEPPERBERG , Members of labor organizations should stop and consider that there are two requirements that they must comply with to be entitled to the support and co-operation of the business men of a city. First they must be good citizens and have the welfare of our city at heart and sec ond must be consistent union men. You cannot have much regard for E. E. NORTHRUP DENTIST. " The care of the teeth has never been so thoroughly associated with health as of late years. This is due to the changes that man have wrought by great study, until today the den tist is a practioner of much and grow ing importance. The primitive meth od of teeth extraction has changed; in fact, the dentist of today is for the protection of teeth and not their loss; to keep them and guard against decay and retain their beauty. In this respect the greatest skill is required. Dr. E. E. Northrup, whose offices are located at 1315 O street, has done much for the people of Lincoln. Dr. Northrup represents the refined and advanced type of modern dentists and by consistent and painstaking work has built up a practice .that is second to none in the city. His- office is equipped with all the best known modern appliances and his prices are moderate. THE FARMERS GROCERY One of the particular good stores in this city and one deserving of gen erous patronage both for the excellent quality of goods handled and their uniformly courteous treatment is the grocery and general merchandise store of H. Fogelson, located at 226 240 North Tents street. This store carries a fine line of staple and fancy groceries, fruits and vegetables and offers one of thhe best selections in Lincoln. Besides a general line of de pendable dry goods and merchandise is carried and the prices here are as low as the lowest. The quality of the goods here offered is of the best and the patronage accorded this concern is constantly increasing. Beginning Friday Morning; July 1st BENWAY'S LAWLOR CYCLE COMPANY. That the bicycle is with us still, and just as popular as ever, is evi denced by the Marge number of building" and repair work. One of the best. and most prominent in Lin coln is the Lawlor Cycle.-, Co., located at 1324 O street. Having outgrown their present quarters they will move Sept. 1 to 1421 O street, where they will be able to supply the demands of their large and constantly increas ing trade. Besides a fall line of bi cycles this concern carries a large number of motor-cycles, and supplies. They have built up fine business by honest and fair dealings and number many wage workers as patrons. Here can be found a line of Edison sporting and athletic goods. DIERK8 LUMBER AND COAL CO. Of the various enterprises that have made Lincoln a commercial center, the lumber trade has always held an Important place. Among the many concerns along this line there is none whleh ranks higher or has a higher commercial ataading than the above aemed firm. Thla firm baa been in business 39 years and does feoth a wholesale end retail business. They have the largest yarde in this section if no in the state and nave under shed ene eJ the moat extensive atocke ta Nebraska-. Besieea himker they i .Clearance- 1 Sale! J FURNITURE, CARPETS RUGS and DRAPERIES AT PRICES WAY BELOW REGULAR Everything for the Home BENWAY'S 1112-1114 O Street