The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, July 01, 1910, Image 2

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    A pull all together will remedy most any evil. With wage earner and merchant in unison a city thrives.
prosperous and the avenue of endeavor made easy. Home patronage enlists the co-operation
Its people are made
of each.
When the New Ideal Laundry start
ed, it fixed upon a policy of manage
ment and character of work that has
been steadily maintained. This policy
was to have all the latest up-to-date
Tnothrxln nrl annliances known to the
trade and to turn out only the latest
style and finishes In a superior mau
nr Th nnnnin of Lincoln have been
convinced of this fact. As a result
this laundry enjoys a magnificent
nntronncA fn which trades unionists
form a large part. Every known ap
pliance that goes to maite up an v-to-date
and modern laundry Is found
here, and the patrons are served with
promptness and satisfaction la every
instance. This concern is located at
1846 O street. It is one otlte most
sanitary institutions in the city of
its kind, and its employes are shown
every consideration where health and
comfort are at stake. This laundry
enjoys a large and growing trade and
is one of Lincoln's most commend
able enterprises.
The ignorant person of today is
confronted by intelligence. His life
is a warfare of weak ignorance
against its powerful opponent, edu
cation. It means not only a life of
embarrassment, but of misery. Not
only this, but an investment in edu
cation always pays the highest rate
of interest and declares a dividend
dally, hourly. The business course
as laid down by the Nebraska School
of Business is complete in every de
tail and enables the student to etep
from the college to the office fully
equipped for and ready to take up
their duties in the business affairs
of the world as experienced men an
women. The school is located at 1519
O street, and furnishes a course of
instruction notable for its produc
tive results. .
In the wholesale business in Lin
coln no concern ranks higher in the
estimation of Its citizens than Wilber
& De Witt Mills, whose offices are
located at 145 South Ninth, street.
This company handle one of the finest
lines of flour In the city and enjoys
an enviable reputation for fair and
honorable dealing. They handle all
kindi of mill stuffs and are prepared
to furnish the same in all quantities
at all times. Besides carrying -a com
plete line of these goods they are
large dealers in iiour and enjoy a
large patronage in this particular line
among wage earners. Their leading
brands of flour are the Llttie Hatchet
(patent) and rye flour. Their sales
In the former are increasing constan
ly and is one of tho finest patent
flours sold in the city. The manage
ment of this commendable enterprise
are men of the highest character and
enjoy a largo circle of acquaintances
in the ranks of labor.
The Boston store is a place where
the price is right, the quality good
and where your dollar Is good for full
valuue. The Boston store enjoys a
large patronage and the stock carried
is of that quality which makes cus
tomers. They carry a large and se
lect stock of dry goods, notions and
furnishings, and the prices such that
purchasers invariably bear the stamp
of genuine satisfaction. It is a pleas
ure to nota that in the conduct of
their large volume of business this
firm has always adhered to the prin
ciple of fairness -and Justice and has
gained a reputation that cannot ba
excelled. The stock carried is com
plete, the attention paid every pur
chaser painstaking in its detail, and
a policy that has the zeal and enter
prise of modern storekeeping. This
store is located at 1138 0 street.
NO. 1.
That Lincoln people are fully up to
an appreciative standard of an amuse
ment-seeking people is attested by the
patronage given this popular amuse-
This western country, and Nebras
ka In particular, is t growing steadily
end notwithstanding the fact that Ne
braska has been paying tribute to
eastern corporations in the way of
premiums to both life and Are Insur
ance companies. And the people of
this state have done this notwith
standing the fact that we have com
ment house located at O street, which
is catering to the people of this city
with the finest picture films obtain
able, presenting attractive moving
pictures which are both entertaining
and mirth provoking. Besides these
splendid features it must alse be
mentioned that the films used by this
company are the only union made
films used in the city. This splendid
amusement place is just opposite
Elite No. S, also owned by this comp
any. These places are convenient of
access and the pictures shown are
always different at each place. Mr.
L. B. Stever is the manager and it is
his boast that nothing but the first
class pictures will be allowed to be
placed before the public. Wage
earners will find here a place well
worthy of patronage.
t '
The new ' plant of the Beatrice
Creamery Company now being con
structed at the corner of L and Sev
enth streets will be one that Lincoln
may well be proud of, for it will be
the largest and best creamery in the
United States, having a capacity of
12,t)00,000 pounds of creamery butter
per annum.
This plant 'will be equipped with
the very latest improved machinery
of every description and its appara
tus for pasteurizing and sterilizing
will be unsurpassed anywhwere on
earth. So great care is being given
to sanitary features that the churn
room will have tiled walls of Tiffany
enameled brick, the whitest, cleanest,
most sanitary building material in
the world.
In order "to make assurance dou
bly sure every churn and every
In the manufacture of cigars many
things are considered. In the first
place the utmost cleanliness must be
exercised, and in the second place
the quality and the taxture of the
tobacco should be such as to merit
the approbation of the most ex
act user of the weed. In this
respect the cigar factory of P. J.
Wohlenberg takes first rank. This
gentlemen is an expert in the select
ion of tobacco and nothing that is not
absolutely the best Is permitted into
the manufacture of the fine cigars he
produces. His , popular brands are
"Sure Thing" and "Domino," 10 cent;
and "Standard" and "Extra Fina," 5
cent. He employes a large number
bf men and his factory is located at
128 South Eleventh;
.. 1,1111
panies which are strong and well
managed and which write policies
that are as liberal as those Issued
by the eastern companies and backed
by sufficient assets and written by
companies which are conservatively
and well managed. The Western Fire
Insurance company is a company of
V--l ';-'V :VX i .W I . t " '
Not many years ago it was almost
impossible to arousw general interest
in the large questions of trade and
industry. Today the least educated
are talking freely and intelligently
about these questions and eagerly in
creasing their store of knowledge of
them and applying the benefits. Banks
have become more in favor, until to
day thousands of wage earners have
either a commercial or savings ac
count drawing interest. In Lincoln
an institution that takes a most
active part in the garnering of the
savings of the workingman and
making them independent when they
are no longer in their prime is the
American Savings Bank, located at
132 North Eleventh street. It is the
oldest savings bank in the city and
does on exclusive savings bank bus
iness. Four per cent, interest is paid
other piece of machinery will ' be
white enameled so that not one par
ticle of guilty dirt can escape with
out detection. It "will ' be a churn
room that would do credit to "Spot
less Town."
The entire new building will be of
Turner reinforced concrete construc
tion. The floors, the stairways, and
even the roof will be concrete,
making the most fire-proof ' Duilding
Some idea of the size of this big
plant may be learned from the fact
that the main building will have two
hundred feet frontage on .L street
and will be 142 feet deep, having sev
en floors in its highest part. Besides
this there will be a power house 100
feet by 102 feet, with an immense
smoke stack built of tile, concrete
on savings accounts. The bank is
one of the safest and best of its
kind and cordially invites you to call
and in this manner get the "saving
It should be the aim of every
workingman to own hia own home.
This is not only a laudable ambition
but is a matter you can accomplish if
you go at the matter with a reasonable
and proper understanding, and go to
the right parties for information and
advice. Mr. Chas. T. Knapp. located
at 122 North Eleventh street, is the
man that can supply you not only
with the proper advice but will be
more than pleased to show you lots
and homes that will give you the
desired location, and you will be sat
isfied witbh your choice should you
, ,1
ficered by Nebraska men, a company
which for every dollar of liability
has assets as good as the oldest
company in existence. The taking
of a policy in The Western Fire In
surance company of Lincoln is sup
porting and co-operating with home
industry, and this is the surest way
decide to .invest. Mr. Knapp's latest
offer in this line is the Park View
addition. This addition has all the
modern conveniences, sewers, water,
gas, cement walks and trees, and the
prices are much below anything in
that vicinity or an other choice part
of the city. Park View is inside the
city and within a short walk of the
new high school location. It over
looks the splendid park system now
being improved and beautified by the
city. In fact this is one of the choic
est offerings in the, real estate line in
Lincoln at the present time. Mr.
Knapp is one of the hustlers of the
city and as a man he stands among
the best. He will be pleased to have
you call and see him about this addition.
The question of pure ice cream and
finest ices has been a topic even
J- rl ' -
and steel and reaching 165 feet in
height .
This power house will be equipped
with the most modern water tube
boilers developing 1050 horsepower,
which will be continually "and auto
matically fed with coal by the latest
"Chain Grate Stokers." This avoids
,the arduous task of constantly shov
eling in coal in the old fashioned
way, twenty-four, hours in every day,
for it must be remembered that a
cold storage plant can never stop, but
must, run every hour in every day,
year after year. Should a machine
break down there must be another
one to take its place immediately. In
this great plant all such contingen
cies will be provided against by dup
licate machinery throughout.
The refrigerating machinery will
consist of three ice machines having
reaching into investigation by deputiz
ed government authorities and experts
Pure ice cream, fruit ices, etc., are
at all times of important concern. In
Lincoln there is a concern that en
joys - the endorsement of public pat
ronage. As a producer of pure ice
cream the home of Lincoln people
are protected by this firm. . Ice cream
unless it is absolutely pure and pro
perly made is an unwholesome article.
When made with the aid of pure
matter 4t at once is not only delicious
but a healthful article of diet. The
Collins Ice Cream Co., makes all kinds
of frozen creams, ices sherbets,
punches, individual and fancy brick
cream. It is a sanitary factory and
sparkles with cleanliness and is the
finet of its kind in the state.
in building up home industry. The
officers of the company are men of
th? highest integrity, and are as fol
lows: George W. Holmes, president;
Ernest C. Folsom, vlce-pedent;
Lee H. Hamlin, secretary and treas
urer, and ' J. Barr Taylor, assistant
It is coming to be realized in the
industrial world that no arrangement
Is permanent that is not regarded as
being beneficial to both. In other
words, the only healthy industrial con
dition is that in which the employer
has the best men obtainable for his
work and the workman feels that his
labor is being sold at the highest
market price. The important thing
for the average workman Is not that
he shall have exceptionally high
wages during times of great prosper
ity, but that he shall have continuous
employment at fair wages at all
times. ' The interests of both great
forces of production are mutual and
identical. There should, therefore, be
the most friendly and unprejudiced
attitude possible toward such capital
as is fair and reasonable in its actions
toward labor in order that as much
harmony as possible may prevail to
bring the greatest prosperity to both.
' I.I ' " 1
a combined capacity of 440 tons per
The space devoted to cold storage
will contain over one million . cubic
feet. more than enough for 600 car
loads. Probably a better idea of
the quantity represented by 600 car
loads can be gained from the state-1
ntpnt fhf it wrtnlrl Tvifilro a n1iH train !
over six miles long.
The temperature maintained in
these' cold storage rooms is from ten
degrees below zero up, according to
the class of goods stored therein.
You can well imagine that the men
who work in these coldest rooms are
in pretty good training for polar ex
ploration. Should any of them de
cide to undertake such an expedition
we wish them better luck than Dr.
We refer to the Harrison Planing
Mill Company, manufacturers of bank
fixtures, show cases, stairs, 'veneered
work in fact all kinds of mill work.
This company appeals to the people
as a well directed institution fully en
titled to the best co-operation. This
is one of our Teading industries. The
factory and office is located at 1002
North Twenty-sixth street. Continuous
employment is furnished a large, force
of, workmen and the most friendly
and agreeable terms exists between
the employed and employer.
Lincoln is fortunate in having a
number of high class restaurants, and
one that deserves special mention at
this time is the above named caffe,
located at 129 North Eleventh street.
Well cooked meals, polite service,
good coffee and a desire to please has
Modern progress is not better illus
trated than in the dyeing and cleaning
business so distinctively represented
in Lincoln by The Lincoln Cleaning
& Dyeing Works, located at 320-322
South Eleventh street. The day is
past when soiled garments have be
come of no future service. Instead a
treatment is now given them that
is indeed a transformation. The Lin
coln Cleaning & Dye Works has
given Lincoln a service of this char
acter that is easily distinguished for
its perfect satisfaction to the grow
made this restaurant an ideal place.
About a month ago this place was
purchased by Mr. C. E. Pinch, who is
a member of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers, and no place
Is more worthy o the patronage of
the union man than is the Hendry
restaurant. Mr. Finch still retains his
membership in the organization and is
a thorough believer in the principles
of organized labor. His motto Is,
Good service and courteous treatment
and he is deserving of the fullest suc
cess. Union men should remember
him when in need of something good
to eat. - Mr. Finch is a courteous and
affable gentleman and we bespeak for
him the greatest measure of success.
t : ,
Of the many wholesale houses in
Lincoln there Is none that deserve
greater credit for advancing the ma
terial welfare of the city than the firm :
above mentioned. The large and ex
tensive establishment of this concern
is located at 820 N street. They are
state agents for Trahern Pump com
pany, Perkins Windmill . company,
my, leal j
elevator and mill supplies, also deal
extenaivelv in steam, waiter and
plumbing supplies. In fact, everythiK
pertaining to the plumbing traae.
Their business of late years has In
creased wonderfully, until today they
cover a territory most extensive. They
also carry a full line of goods for the
fitting up and operating of. elevators
and a full line of threshing goods. In
fact it is the most complete house
of its kind in (the west. The manage
ment comprises gentlemen of ability
and integrity well , known in com
mercial circles. They believe in Lin
coln first, last and all the time and
are counted among the city's most
enterprising and energetic citizens. .
' The rapid progress of the city of
Lincoln and the wonderful develop
ment of her real estate interests is
largely due to the well-directed efforts
of her real estate dealers, prominent
among whom is the firm of Woods
Bros. & Boggs, located at the corner
of Ninth and P street. These gentle
men have an intimate knowledge of
every section of the city,' and offer
the most desirable bargains in all
kinds of improved and unimproved
property In every section of the city.
This firm Is an authority upon values
both present . and prospective, and
have developed widespread connect
ions, carrying through 'to a successful-issue
many large and important
transactions. Those; contemplating
investing in Lincoln real estate will
find it to their advantage to call upon
them. They are selling lots at the
rate of 10 to 30 a day in their latest
addition to the city, Peck's Grove,
and ho better investment can be made
than' the purchase of a lot in this
addition. The gentlemen comprising
this concern are men of the highest
integrity and a square deal is assured
all who patronize them.
terprises of Lincoln is the Western
Brick & Supply company, with office
at 1342 O street. ' They are dealers
in coal, lime, cement, sand, stone and
all kinds of building materiar; making
a specialty of the artificial building
stone which is being used so much.
Their yards are most extensive and
they are at all times prepared to furn
ish any material in the building line
upon the shortest possible notice. The
manager of this concern, Mr. H. S.
Stephenson, is a most affable gentle
man, and by the honorable and public
spirited methods of dealing with the
public and citizens in general this
company has been signally success
ful. The material manufactured and
handled is of the best and patrons of
'the concern are at all times assured
of the. finest the market can supply.
They are extensive dealers in both
wholesale and retail building material
ing patronage accorded this institut
ion. They call for and deliver from
any part of the city and guarantee
satisfaction in every respect The
motto of this concern is good work
at reasonable prices, and satisfaction
in every way. In fact, no better
work can be done than is bere as
sured, and you will be well served If
you let them do your work. The spots
won't come back if they clean yeur
clothes." E. W. Truman Is the pro
proprietor and Leo Soukup manager.
- 1