'Elow-Ckt' Sale at Mayer. Eros BIG DISCOUNTS ON MEN'S AND BOYS, ClOTHING AND MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILDRENS SHOES Sale Starts Saturday, July 2 Read every word of this ad for it tells of our annual July sale, when we offer the most extraordinary bargains in men's and boys' clothing, furnishings, and men's, women's and children's shoes Men's Suits $35.00 now priced .. $24.50 $25.00 now priced... $18.50 $20.00 now priced... $14.50 $15.00 now priced... $.1150 $12.50 now priced... $ 9.50 $ 8.00 now priced... $ 4.50 Men's 5 Young Men's Trousers $8.00 values now $4.95 $5.00 values now.... $3.95 $4.00 values now.... $2.95 $3.00 values now.... $1.95 $2.00 values now.... $1.35 $1.50 values now 95 Young Men s Suits $ 8.00 suits at $ 4.50 $10.00 suits at $ 7.50 $15.00 suits at $10.50 $20.00 suits at.... $14.50 $25.00 suits at $16.50 $30.00 suits at $19.50 MEN'S HATS One special Lot of , Men's Soft and Stiff hats, all new spring blacks and shades, regular $2.50, $3.00 QO and $3.50, specially priced, each. HOC MEN'S SHIRTS One big lot of Men's Shirts, in white and colors, plain and pleated, $1.50 QC. $1.75 and $2.00 grades, each 30C Men' Summer Underwear One big lot Men's Summer underwear, porosknit, balbriggan 2-piece OQ suits, special per garmeut J3C mi , COPYRIGHT I9IO BY ROBERTS-WICKS CO. Men's Women's and Children's Shoes One big lot of men's and women's shoes, $3.00 and $4.00 values, 4J AO at per pair $1.40 All Women's and Men's oxfords and High Shoes except new fall goods at 10 to 25 percent Discount All Misses' and Children's High Shoes and Oxfords 10 to 20 percent off One big lot of Children's $2.00 AO shoes at, per pair .f OC One big lot of Infants Shoes at AO per pair IOC All Boys Oxfords and High Shoes at 10 to 25 percent discount COME WHILE THE LAST SIZES Boys' Wool Suits (Bloomer Pants) $3.00 Suits at $1.75 $4.00 Suits at $2.75 $5.00 Suits at $3.75 $6.50 Suits at.... $4.75 $8.00 Suits at $5.75 '$10.00 Suits at $7.25 $15.00 Suits at $8.75 Boys' Felt Hats 20 per cent off. Boys' 25c Belts at 19c, 50c Belts at 39c; Boys' 50c Blouses at 39c; Boys' 25c Underwear 19c, 50c Underwear at 39c; Boy's 50c and 25c Wash Caps and Tarns (special lot) at 17c; All Wash Suits at 20 per cent discount (ages 2$ to 10); Boys' Bloomer Pants, 50c Aalues at37c, 75c values, 49c, $1.00 values 79c, $1.50 values at $1.13. MAYER BROS. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Head to Foot Clothiers 1009 to 1019 O Street i 1