MY STORY BY sy W-'f JAMESJ JEFFRIE ICopyrijrht, 1S10, by McCluro Newspaper Syndicate. Copyright tn Canada and Great Britain. All rlfihtB reserved. J CHAFTEU V. BAUD WORK GOOD FOR FIOHTERS, ESPE CIALLY IRONWORKINQ. I DIDN'T go right along fighting after knocking out Griffin In my first professional battle. I went back to hard work. It did me good. The very best men I've known tn tnA nln irava oil mAn tt- ll r H O I worked hard at some time or other and who kept it np to some extent even when In training. The routine of a PLASTERINQ OUGHT TO BE GOOD FOB THX PUNCHING MUSCLES. training camp, running on the road and punching a bag and boxing, Isn't enough tn produce the best effects. As great a man as James J. Corbett was when I first knew him, I'm satis fied that he would have been stronger and would have had more endurance If he had done heavy work now and then. He was an exception to the rule, for be lived a fairly easy life all the time when not training to fight. only boxing for pleasure and playing handball. Bob Fltzslmmons was a horseshoer and didn't begin fighting until he was a full grown man. During his years In the ring he liked nothing better than to slip away somewhere every day or two and turn out a lot of horseshoes. Ruhlln was an ironworker like myself, and strength helped him out more than skill In the ring. Sharkey was a great fighter because working as a sailor for several years made him strong as a bull. Hard work and exposure to the weather toughened him and made him a dangerous man. Sharkey was at his best when he began to fight. He never learned much about boxing and was better off when be didn't try to do anything but rush In and slug. For his size he was a wonder, and In our two fights I couldn't help admiring his gameness and toughness. He never got that in training camps. Other fighters that I never met In the ring because they were of a lighter class have told me that they never fought so well as when they were bard at work. Tommy West, for In stance, was a great middleweight when I was among the new cham pions. 'West gave Tommy Ryan the hardest fight of bis life and, although beaten, battered Ryan up so badly that ha didn't get back into fighting shape for more than a year. West was a plasterer. During all of his early fights he worked at his trade. I've always thought that a plasterer's overhead work, smearing on ceilings. ought to be great for the shoulders and the muscles that drive a stiff punch. West told me once that when he was working hard at his trade he never felt tired in a fight and that he could always bit his hardest In the last round as well as the first When he began getting big purses and lived In a training camp all the time, running and boxing Instead of handling trowel, he could feel the difference In a short time. Often he went back to plastering, dolpg overhead work. Just for the good It would do his fighting. Working on a farm is very good be cause It la all out in the sun and wind. and there's nothing else like sunshine and fresh air for an athlete of any kind. Farming Interests me as a training proposition, for I had a lot of It myself as a boy, and later on as champion of the world, with no more men at the time fit to give me a fight I bought a big alfalfa farm and spent two of the healthiest years of my life doing a farmer's work with my own hands. It beat all the bag punching and rope skipping and boxing in the world. But, although all of these varieties of hard work are good, and any other kind for that matter. I'll have to say that nothing really beats the Iron worker's trade. The iron yon handle teems to get Into your blood and your bones and your mu3c!e. After winning my lirst battle I was urged by Billy Gallagher to go on the road and fight everybody. But I was ust a seventeeu-year-old boy and Uidn't feel like leaving the old place et. I'm glad I didn't, for the two cars of hard work that followed help ed give me a good level head, and if knybody needs one It's the young fel low who makes good in the ring. I hardly knew whether I Intended lo take up fighting or not. I thought I might if I had a good chance, but I usu't in a hurry. I boxed with Gal lagher now and then. I had a pretty good opinion of my own cleverness; but, looking back today, I must admit that I got off easy sometimes when the newspaper writers called me a clumsy giant" and a "young ele phant" 1 fought to win, and 1 al- ays did win. and with a knockout at that. What more-can anybody want? I was nineteen years old when Bil ly's urglngs and the talk of my friends began to sink in. At lust I grew tired boxing for fun and decided to change my trade and take a chance. was pretty well outfitted for fight ing. At nineteen I stood six feet two or very close to It, weighed 228 pounds tripped and measured Just thirty- three inches around the waist. Billy Gallagher was quitting too. He had been doing a little fighting now and then and had been offered a match with Danny Needham, middleweight tn those days. Billy was going to San Francisco to trainband wanted me to work with him. . After his fight he was to look around and match me against some heavy weight It's lucky I didn't think much of the money end just about that time. Billy Gallagher and I went to San Francis co. Billy trained, and I worked like horse with him, boxing and rubbing him down and making myself general ly useful, not because 1 regarded the of getting coin out of it, but because be was my friend and I wanted to help him win. He fought Needham on the date set to a draw. He got his end of the purse, and then he skipped without leaving me a cent. That was my first acquaintance with the rough side of the game. They say there's no gratitude tn a fighter. That was my opinion when I knew that I bad been left In the lurch by my one friend. However, I figured It out that he probably needed the mon ey more than I did. I waB flat broke. but I wasn't a soft handed dude. I could fight somebody. I did. The gentleman's name was Dan Long, and be hailed from Denver. The purse for that fight was a thou sand dollars In good round, bard, use ful United States twenty dollar gold pieces. It looked like a mint to me after knocking out a few dollars a day handling Iron. That thousand dollars settled things. It made me decide that there wasn't any trade for me but slinging fists. I have to laugh every time I think about that fight with Long. He was a good big fellow and strong enough and knew a little, so he had mora of a reputation than I had. Well, we got Into the ring on the night of the fight and as soon as the bell rang we walked into each other. I guess Long thought he'd lay me out But I bad seen that purse, and a can non ball wouldn't have stopped me. The first round might have been about an even thing. In the second I straightened my left arm out and punched Long right on the nose so hard that he dropped. The referee counted over him until he reached ten, and that was enough. I got the coin. Looking back over my first two fights, I can't say that my style has ever changed very much. I have fought a lot of champions and have worked with a lot of good men like Corbett and Fltzslmmons In training camps, and yet that trick of crouch ing a little and uslug my left hand for the knockout blow has stuck to me. I get them all In the body. I have never struck a man with my full strength, because I've never cared BILLY SKIPPED OUT, LEAVING ME WITH OUT A CERT. . to risk the result I knock my men out carefully. Even In the excitement of winning the championship from Fltzslmmons I put over the last punch just bard enough to do the work. It only needed a tnp. and If I had bit full force I might have killed him. In our second fight Fltzslmmons cut me to pieces. He was the shiftiest fighter In the world. He was trying to close my eyes and did have me nearly blind ed. But for all that I judged my last punch and put It in with just force enough to win. , One reason why I've never struck a blow with my full force Is that I've never felt myself being beaten down.' If I ever do, then I'll draw on the last reserve, and whatever I hit Is going to crack. CHAPTER VI. IK WHICH I HAVE THE CHANCE OF MY LIFE AS COKBETT'S SPARRING PARTNER. r T was easy money for uie. that thousand dollars. Imagine get ting a roll of twenty dollar gold pieces like that for simply boxing a round or two and then hitting the other fellow on the nose. Why. that would make a man's wages for six or eight months In the boiler shop, and at good pay too. I slipped some of it into the bank, but kept a few double eagles In my pockets Just for the fun of hear ing them rattle and clink. Some good clothes and a new Stetson with a brim as flat as your dinner table and a few ties hit my fancy. I was begin ning to feel like a real sport. To add to the Joy of the occasion I was offered a match with another 1 KNOW JUST THE MAN TOU WANT, SAID WHITE TO COR11ETT. heavyweight, a husky fellow named Vau Buskirk. formerly a member of the Olympli: club and amateur cham pion, but now a professional and well thought of. One or two people told me that Van Buskirk would eat me, but I didn't think so. He was a big fellow with shoulders thuf would have touch ed each side of a doorway. These shoulders sloped up to his ears, leav ing him without any neck worth men tioning. He bad big blue ejes and pulled his eyebrows up until his fore head wrinkled. He stuck out his low er lp and looked as savage as he could when he talked about fighting, and his bead was so flat behind that his thick neck bulged out beyond It, If you rolled a marbl? over Van's head from front to back It would drop into his collar. He bad long arms like a goril la's and fists like hams. They thought he was a terror, and he thought so too. We made the match. I was very anxious to fight Van Bus kirk and go after the next fellow, who ever he might be. BHt here my luck shifted. I don't know whether It was the change of climate or some foolish stunt or other, but anyway I suddenly went down with pneumonia. . After a hard siege of it I found myself out on the street, thin as a rat and feeling so weak that I could hardly walk. A montn at uoine tor a visit ana a hunting trip, and theft, feeling so strong and well that 1 couldn't stay Idle any louger. I went north again, looking for trouble. The first mutch I was offered was with Jack Stelzner. Jack was a fair ly good heavyweight In his time and a fine fellow. . He was a big. strong youngster who left firing a locomo tive back east In Missouri and took up fighting. He might have bad better luck In the ring if he hadn't attached himself to Bob Fltzslmmons for sev eral years as sparring partner. Fltz slmmons was a rough man to work with. "He battered Stelzner up so much that It took many a good fight out of him. Stelzner was in Carson with Fltzslmmons. He was hard at work, and the match fell through. Just about this time a little thing happened that changed my whole fighting career. If I hadn't . become acquainted with Harry Corbett In San Francisco I might have gone along for years fighting second raters. Harry Corbett was one of Jim Cor botf s brothers. There were several boys In the Corbett family, all Inter ested In sport In one way or another. Joe about that time was pitching for the Baltimore Orioles. Jim of course was world's champion and was about to fight Fltzslmmons a championship battle up In the Sagebrush State. Har ry was no athlete, but a good sport. He owned a cafe on Ellis street In San Francisco and In the rear of the large room had n pool room.'. Harry was known as an absolutely honest sport 1 never saw the day when I would have hesitated over banding him every dollar I bad and simply tell ing htm I'd come back for It wben It was needed. Naturally being the most prominent sporting man In Frisco or In the west and being brother to Champion Jim Corbett Harry Corbett looked as big as the president of the United States to me. So when one day he asked me If I'd like to Join Jim at Carson and work with him the Idea hit me about right Harry sent for Billy Delaney who was with Jim and bad bundled nlm In the great fight with Sullivan at Sew Orleans. Delaney came from Oakland, and Harry Introduced us, Delaney looked me all over and then In bis dry way asked me If I thought I could stand hard work. "Because," he said, "Jim is a nerv ous sort of fellow and likes to drive hard. He doesn't want any late sleep ers In bis camp." "Well," I said, "I don't know about Corbett but no Ironworker could ever set too hot a pace for me." "And he's a hard man to work with," Delaney went on, trying to throw a scare into me. "You'll be lucky if be doesn't Scat you upa little." He'll be lucky if 1 don't put my mark on him." said I. Harry Corbett laughed, and Delaney wasted no more time, but asked how soon I could pack my trunk. That was . easy. I didn't bother with a trunk. I wasn't any Tod Sloane. to come to Frisco with fourteen trunks and a dozen hat boxes. A good, big suit case and a furnished room satis fied my wants. The suit case was already packed. As it was cold over In Nevada and I didn't want any more pneumonia. I got a good overcoat. In a few days Billy Delaney and I left for Carson. From Carson we drove out to Shaw's Springs, where Corbett was already working. It ' lacked only about a month of the big fight on March 17. I'll never forget my feelings as 1 step ped from the rig In front of the1 little mountain hotel and thought that at last one ambition was to be fulfilled. I wasn't fighting a champion yet. but within a few hours I'd know what It felt like to be punched by a real cham pion, and if I wasn't mistaken I would know what it felt like to punch one. Charlie White was a great friend of Corbett's in New York. He was one of the best known sporting men In the oast. He knew how to train fighters and was an experienced referee. They tell me that he brought out a lot of first class men In his time. Gus Ruhlin was a big young fellow in Akron. He worked in a rolling mill or something like that, and when he wasn't working he played football. After becoming a local champion Gus went to New York to go after something bigger. There everybody told him to see Charlie White. After awhile along came the Cor- bett-Fltzsimmons match. Fitz went to Carson to train, and Corbett. who had been doing a lot of light work, fixed it up to start for Nevada. He was to have Charlie White as an adviser as well as Billy Brady, his manager, and Billy Delaney, who had trained him for the great fight with Sullivan In New Orleans. "Charlie," said Corbett, "1 don't want any clever sparrers to work with for this fight Fitzsimmons is a rough, awkward fighter, and I want some fast big man who can go at me In his style." , "I know just the man you want," said Charlie, and he told Corbett all about the football player in Akron. 'He'll do," said Jim. "I play Cleve land and two or three towns on the HARRY CORBETT INTRODUCED ME TO BILLY DELANEY. way west. Wire him to meet me at the theater In Cleveland on Monday night so that I can look him over." 'Better wire him yourself. Your name on the telegram may cinch it." Charlie advised. So Corbett sent Ruhlln a wire, and. sure enough, when he got to Cleve land there was big Gus waiting for him. Corbett talked with him a little and had him go through a few mo tions. Then he told Gus to go back to Akron and pack his grip and wait un til he got the word to start for Car son. Poor Gus did It. He quit his JobT' packed everything he had in the world and sat down to wait. He might be waiting yet if he was a wooden In dian. Corbett forgot to wire. And the reason why Corbett forgot to wire was that just after seeing Ruhlln he bad a message from Billy Delaney. "I've got just the man you want." telegraphed Billy. That man was Jim Jeffries, as you may have guessed. Corbett sat down and thought It over. Finally he concluded that. Billy Delaney being his old handler and Billy Delaney's man being a Califor nian like himself, he'd better stick to Billy. : A Promise. ,' "Pa?" "What is It, my. child?" "When sis marries that lord will 1 have to call her 'your ladyship?' " . "It will not be necessary for you tc do so, but it will be very nice if you care to." . "All right. Mebby I won't always do it, but I'll promise not to call hei 'punkin' face' any more, anyhow." Philadelphia Record., , ' ... Italics.' Italics are letters formed after the Roman model, but sloping toward the right, usad to emphasize words or sentences. They were first used about 1500 A. D. by Manutius, a Venetian printer, who dedicated them to the Italian states: hence the name. A Short Christmas. "Christmas day is only three noun long in the Finnish town of Tornea," said a traveler. "I spent last Christ mas there. At sunrise I got up to see my presents and to read my Christmas mail, und night had fallen before I gol through breakfast." 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