The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, June 10, 1910, Image 2

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By Wagewotker Publishing Co.
Will M. Maupin - - Editor
W. P. Hogard - - Manager
Entered second-clan matter April 21,. 1904, at
the poetomce at Lincoln. Neb., under the Act of
CongreM of March 3rd, 1879.
The wage earners of Lincoln, more
trr.n nny other class, are interested
lu equipping the city with a modern
up-to-date high school. It is the chil
dren of the wage earners who must
get all their education in the public
schools and the wage earners shouUi
Insist upon the best.
Every wage earner should vote for
the high school bonds.
The wage earners, more than any
other class, must depend upon the
public parks for their recreation. They
can not go to the sea shore or to the
mountains In summer. Only those who
have grown rich off the profits of the
toil of others can do that. And now
the wage earners have an opportun
ity to, compel the rich citizens to help
provide recreation places for the wage
earners and their families.
Every wage earning voter should
vote for the park bonds.
Not only will the voting of the high
school and park bonds benefit the
wage earners mentally and physically
and morally, but it will benefit them
financially. Seventy-five per cent of
the bond issues will be paid out in
the form of wages, thus making work
better and providing more men with
opportunities to earn honest liveli
hoods. There is nothing too good for the
children of Lincoln wage earners.
Every wage earner in Lincoln
ought to be boosting for 'the bond
Issue. It means more to the city
and to the workers than even tae
most sanguine of us realize. It means
better educational facilities for oar
children, better provisions for health
ful recreation for all of us, a better
Lincoln and a better standard of
For several Sundays last past the
Dally Journal has been publishing an
Interesting series of stories of fam
ous prize fights. The stories have been
illustrated with fairly good pictures,
and the stories themselves were really
But we have some awfully good
people in Lincoln truly good. They
look with displeasure on many things,
and those of us who do not look as
they do on the aforesaid things are
subject to considerable criticism.
These awfully good people saw in the
"Fistiana" series something detrimen
tal to the moral health of Lincoln and
Immediately adopted a series of ring
ing resolutions asking the Journal
to cease publishing the stories.
Among many things occurring in
Lincoln recently to make us very
weary, this wearied us about as much
as any other.
The church congregation that saw
bo much evil In the cleverly wrlttsn
stories of famous ring battles, aud
went to such extremes to eradicate
It, somehow or other never manage
to get their optics glued an other, and
It seems to us greater, evils.
For alnstance, these awfully good
people who saw so much evil in let
ting the public read stories of prize
fights, have failed thus far to see
the evils of an industrial system that
compels girls right here in Lincoln
to sew on fourdozen shirts buttons
for a nickel, and work nine hours
day, six days a week, In an overnll
factory dedicated with prayer, to earn
an average of $7 a week. We never
heard of them viewing with horror
the fact that young girls are workod
In cheap notion stores nine and
hours a day worked until their
cheeks are hollow and their eyes en
circled with dark rings for a wage
that reaches its 'maximum at $5
week. We never heard of them adopt
ing ringing resolutions denunciatory
of the sleek hypocrites in the amen
corner who magnificently drop lnu
the collection box the dollars sweated
from working girls on coarse gar
ments over high speed machines.
Convulsions of horror that the pub
lic mind should be poisoned by stor
ies of brutal prize fights, hut Sever
a shudder at an industrial system
that brutalizes women, destroys homes
and threatens the perpetuity of the
republic. ,
Listen as we may, we never hear
from these awfully good people any
ringing' resolutions denouncing the
sweat shops, or taking the part ot
working girls striking for' simple jus
tice and having to fight not only bru
tal employers but the whole police
force of a great city. Did these aw
fully good people who shudder at the
thought of reading a prize fight story
do any shuddering when the 60,000
shirtwaist makers of New York were
being dragged through the slush. by
the hair of their heads because they
dared parade the streets with ban.
ners denouncing the tyranny of tne
What was it the Carpenter of Naz
areth said about "straining at gnats
swallowing camels?" It strikes the
average wage earner who studies con
ditions that there Is a heap of gnat
Btralnlng and camel-swallowing right
here In Lincoln and Lincoln shows
up almighty well by the side of a
great many other cities.
But we'll not take much stock in
the Christian consistency of any con
gregation that plainly sees something
tremendously evil in a newspaper
printing stories of prize fights, aud
falls to see the evils of certain in
dustrial conditions that are growing
worse every day.
In all kindness we would suggest
to the congregation that adopted tha
anti-prize fight story resolution that
it take example of the Carpenter of
Nazareth, and after knotting a whip
of cords proceed to scourge from lt3
temple an individual or two who might
ho named. After it has done this it
can proceed with better grace to play
the part of newspaper censor.
By rushing into print to charge a
man with being a liar hecause of
what would instantly appear to any
many of good sense as a typograpai
i ormr Mr. Poulson of the antl-
saloon league merely demonstrates
that he reaches his lmit of usefulness
whey he takes up a collection.
if ihe esteemed Journal wants some
thing to fill up the space heretofore
occupied by its prize fight stories, we
can supply It with a story about a
girl who bent over a power sewing
machine for fifty-nine hours to earn
$2.42 In a factory dedicated with
If Questions that have to do with
purely moral ethics must be Injected
Into our political platforms, we are
going to Insist that our views on bap
tism be endorsed by our political
party, else we'll bolt.
It's a" cinch that Lancaster county
will be represented in the next leg'a-
lature by insurance agents, lawyer.
and railroad cappers. It remains to
be seen whether the wage earners will
be represented by one or two of their
own number.
While in Lincoln Senator Burkolt
referred to "my Judge." The reference
will be borne In mind by the Have-
lock boilermakers when they go to
the polls to express a preference for
United States senator.
The men who will pay most of th
taxes to retire the high school ind
ark bonds are the men who have
grown rich by the profits from the toll
of Lincoln wage earners. Make 'em
'put it back."
The Burlington's bluff at the boiler
makers was called mlguty quick. As
"stickers" those Havelock boilermak
ers are setting an example that will
be remembered for years to come.
Mr. Post has his good points. He
Isn't afraid to come out In the open.
In this Mr. Post sets a good example
for a lot of men who carry union
Mr. Poulson is spending so much
time in referrng to "liars' that we
are afraid be will overlook a chance
to iake up s collection.
The Omaha Mediator says the elec
tion of Dahlman to the governorship
is the only salvation for Omaha.
"God save Omaha!"
Lincoln can get parks cheaper now
than it can in the future and Lincoln
will have parks some time. Do It
The bonds point the way to a set
tlement of all local differences. Let's
all get together in favor of the bond
The carpenters went to it and re
mained with it As a result their part
of the base ball business is "square."
As soon as a man omce
Come in- and see the new thigns
Good Clothes Merchants
Lincoln's Largest Exclusive Clothing Store for Men, Young
Vote for the high school and park
bonds, and thus help yourselves soil
your families.
Getting Lots of Publicity and
Ought to Make Good.
The Central Labor Union of Lin
coln, Nebraska, has arranged a "La
bor Chautauqua." Letters have been
received from President Samuel Gom
pers, Rev. Charles Stelzle, Raymond
Robins, John Mitchell, W. J. Bryan,
and others, heartily endorsing the
idea and promising to help it along
by their presence If the dates can
be arranged. A ten days' tentlng-out
ceason is favored, with a program rs
stricted to speeches on trades-union
nad kindred subjects. San Francisco
Labor Clarion.
A "Labor Chautauqua" is about to
be undertaken by the Central Labor
Union of Lincoln, Neb. The general
Idea Is a ten days' session tenting
out, cammeetlng-wlse with a "Chau
tauqua" program restricted to trades
union and kindred topics. It is hoped
by its projectors that its success may
make it the pioneer of a highly use
ful and Influential chautauqua circuit
of organized labor throughout the
Middle West and possibly all over the
country. Instrument Workers' Jour
nal. SAY NOT SO!
We Didn't Give the Election Even a
Passing -Thought.
Will M. Maupin of the Lincoln (Ne
braska) "Wageworker," dated his pa
per two weeks ago "Friday, May 18,
1910." Out on the Pacific Coast that
particular Friday was the 20th of
of May, but perhaps Brother Maupin's
interest in the I. T. U. election o'er
shadowed all other matters. San
Francisco Labor Clarion.
Far be it! Fact is we took so little
interest in matters . typographical
about that time that we didn't even
taken the time to read proof on the
date line.'
An Amendment That Is Cheerfully
Accepted By Us.
There are union men who are so
busy knocking the men who try to
befriend them that they have no time
to knock on the common enemy.
The Wageworker.
With but a single exception, tae
What We have here for him in good clothes; clothes
with smart styles, new fabrics, new models swell
tailoring; you could not induce him to go else
where for his clothes.
It is our line of M. WILE & CO., fine clothes that
are doing this for us; men who have never worn
them can't realize how good they are; there is a
big difference in the all-wool quality, the style and
the fit that you get in these garments, from any
others you can buy and we want you to come in
and see the difference. Suits $10 to $40
Sailor straws in Milan, Sennit, Swiss
and China split braids $1 to $5
Men's Panamas priced from $5 to $9
Ladies' Pananas three shapes $6
above is correct. That exception has
to do with the fact that some take an
obligation . when they join a union
not to knowingly and wittingly injure
a brother or sister member. Yet, one
of the easiest things for them to do
is to forget that obligation and uae
an assassin's methods to tear down
the only thing that a union man has
and that is his reputation as a con
sistent union man. The mere carrying
of a card does not make a union man,
by long sight. It gives him the priv
ilege of receiving' the benefits of his
organization, but it does not make
him a union man unless he lives up
to his obligation. This covers the pur
chase of scab-made goods' as well as
knocking a fellow unionist. Cincin
nati Chronicle.
Lincoln Modern Woodmen Seem to
Hanker for That Kind.
Two or three years ago, on the oc
casion of a big Modern Woodmen rally
in Lincoln the local management saw
fit to ignore the union bandmen of
Lincoln and spend the order's money
for non-union music. .This seems to
have become a fixed habit with thr.t
organization here. A non-union band
was employed to furnish the music
for the memorial parade last Sun
day. The Modern Woodmen organization
makes a great pretense of being the
"workingmen's order," but the union
musicians of Lincoln have come to
the conclusion that it does not include
union bandmen in that category.
The ministers of the gospel are
always telling us of the great burden
of sin resting on us. Right here iu
Oregon our laws encourage the em
ployer to kill men. They are cheap
er than safety devices, cheaper than
tested machinery. A man is cheaper
than a new rope in place of an old
and rotten' one. It is cheaper to kill
a man once Jn a while than to delay
a job a few minutes. The man costs
nothing. Here is sin; but we don't
hear so much about employers' lia
bility law from the pulpits. Portland
Labor Press.
The union men are entitled to tholr
differences of opinion upon the metn-
ods employed In advancing the great
labor movement, but personal preju
dice should never be injected into
such matters. Personal prejudice Is
we are showing in
dertimental to unity of action, and
Is, therefore, a menace to that har
mony of spirit and endeavor upon
which the workers' success so much
depends. Those who have at heart
the Interests of themselves and fellow-laborers
should confine their ef
forts to those interests, and let per
sonalities take care of themselves.
San Antonio Dispatch.
International Convention begins in
Omaha Next Monday Morning.
The annual convention of the in
ternational Stereotypers and Electro
typcrs Unions will begin in Omaha
next Monday and continue until Sat
urday. The Wageworker Is. acquaint
ed with the plans the Omaha local
has made to make the convention n
rousing success, and the local that )s
not represented is going to miss a
lot. The Omaha local is a small one,
but it Is made up of hustlers who
never sleep when there is duty to
perform. . The business sessions will
be given ample time, but it will not
be all business by any means. Th.;re
will be entertainment galore, and the
unions of Omaha are getting In line
to help entertain the delegates and
The Wageworker Is in receipt of
the souvenir edition prepared for the
convention. It is from the , press of
the Monarch Printing Co., Council
Bluffs, and as a specimen of the
printing art has not been excellel.
It contains several Interesting fea
tures aside from its typographic beau
ty, and the advertising pages are wjll
filled. Secretary Jim White, who ed
ited and managed the issue, deserves
unstinted praise for the work he his
performed. '
Lincoln stereotypers will be repre
sented at the convention by Ralnh
Ratcliffe, and he may be depended no
on to keep Lincoln on ,the map while
the convention is In session. .
Made Him Start.
Doctor (to patient) Your heart is
rather irregular. Have you anything
that is worrying you ? .
Patient Oh. not particularly, only
that just now. when you put your hand
In your poc-ket.v I thought you were
going to plv nif your hill.
Honor Above All.
Believe it to be the greatest of all
Infamies to prefer your existence to
your honor, and for the sake of life
to lose every inducement to live.
straw hats ....
Men and Boys.
When you enter a barber shop, sr
that toe union shop card Is In pla.s
sight before you get into the chair.
If the card is not to be seen, go else
where. The union shop card is a guar
antee of a cleanly shop, a smou'h
shave or good hair-cut, and court eo ia
treatment. The following barber sho
are entitled to the patronage of union
Geo. Petro. 1010 O St.
, J. J. Simpson, 1001 O St.
Geo. Shaffer, Lincoln Hotel.
C. B. Ellis, Windsor Hotel.
C. W. Lafler, Capital HoteL
E. L. Scott, Royal Hotel.
A. L. Kimmerer, Lindell Hotel.
C. A. Green, 120 No. 11th St
W. G. Worth, 1132 O St
E. A. Woods, 1206 6 St. '
Chaplin & Ryan. 129 No. 12th St
Bert Sturm, 116 So. 13th St
J. B. Raynor, 1501 O St
W. H. Barthelman, 122 So. 12th 3.
J. J. Simpson, 922 P St
E. J. Dudley, 8B2 P St
Lundahl & Warde, 210 So. 13th St
Frank Malone, Havelock.
O. A. Hughart Havelock.
H. A. Wise, 112 No. 13th St.
Winterstien 107 No. 14th St
T. G. Theckfelt. 114 No. 14th St
Odren, 1711 O St
John Miller, 1927 O St
BeU 1478 ,
Auto 1916
B. E. Large
Job Stereotyping
249 North 11
All Work Promptly Done.
Rush Orders a Specialty
All rectal diseases eueh ' '
Pllee, Fletulae, Fissure and Rec
tal Ulcer treated aelentlflealfy
and successfully.
Office, Rlenarda pieek.
Lincoln Printing Co.
184 South Eleventh
Auto. Phonk
Jteaey est Am
Mat-OtSl mm.