The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, May 20, 1910, Image 8

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Brief Bit of Labor News Deftly Pil
fered From Portland Labor Press.
Canada is to have a navy of its own.
The self-made man is often a non
union Job.
At a Des Moines school election re
cently 1,294 women voted.
Colorado teachers are considering
affilliation with the A. F. of L.
Samuel Gompers will shortly speak
in many places in Oklahoma.
The Molders have voted to Increase
the salary of the international seers
tary. Walla Walla labor unions are try
ing to "boost the label" in that enter
prising town.
Public school teachers of Massa
chusetts expect to organize as a part
of the A. F. of L.
At Duluth, Minnesota, the Leather
workers are about to start a co-operative
The Pressmen will give one day's
pay toward the home for aged and
tuberculosis members.
Chicago union men have protested
against a convict municipal printing
Strikebreaking switchmen in Kan
plant being established.
Everett has plenty of labor of all
kinds. The Labor Journal publishes
a statement to this effect.
During the census-taking in New
York the very rich were found to de
fy the law more than the poor.
Women can hereafter vote on bond
ing propositions in the smaller cities
and towns of New York state.
Organized labor should get after
the schools. One good man on a
school board has a steadying effect.
Hindu towns are being formed in
California cities. Beside them the
Chink towns are palatial suburbs.
Placing of all the Missouri convicts
in blue uniforms and abolishing the
stripes has had a distinct uplifting
Governor Patterson has pardoned
152 murders in the past three years
and a half that he has Deen execu
tive of Tennessee,
Systematic strikes in Marseilles,
France, have made trouble for the
authorities. The naval reserves
want better treatment.
Mayor Gaynor has ordered the
signs, "keep ofT the grass," replaced
with, "come on the grass! in the pub
lic parks of New York.
The new rule of eight hours on all
the new warships will give over
eight thousand men from two to four
hours a day less toll.
Several of the contributors to tlio
National Manufacturers' fund, started
last year, with which to destroy labor
unions have gone broke.
The Walla Walla, Washington, Mon
itor says the number of buildings pro
jected there Indicate lively times in
the building trades this summer.
Of eight cases of injured railway
workmen in Indiana last year every
one was reversed by the supreme
court in favor of the corporations.
Sailors of the Grca" Lakes speak
of the employers "Welfare Plan" as
the "Hellfare Plan." It Is short, but
descriptive alliterative defination,
Internal dissentions 'in the ranks
of organized labor in Denver prevent
ed needed increase in pay of many
trades. It costs money to pull hair.
At the recent city election in Ho
quiam, Washington seven out of nine
councilmen elected were union men,
and two of the seven Shingle Weav
ers. The Premier of Victoria, Australia,
will ask sanction of the State Parlia
ment to own, operate and sell at
wholesale and retail all the coal In
the state.
An enormous and very valuable
deposit of platinum and tin has
been found near Merlin, in Josephine
county. The indications are, that the
field is extensive.
The work of pushing the union lab
el Is being 'vigorously prosecuted in
Spokane. Some 500 dinner buckets
with an ad. of a union tobacco will
be distributed.
The Leatherworkers have secured
accession of their demands from nine
of the largest manufacturers in the
country, and a great many small
Prizefighting is vigorously de
nounced by the Methodists ministers
of California, but on all the U. S,
Datuesnips and cruisers it is a
flourishing art and science.
Strikebreakers in some Illinois
coal mines struck and did more dam
age in less time to pumps and pipes
than ten times their number of union
men would have done. '
Organized labor in the state nf
Washington has twenty-two measures
to urge at the next legislature. At
the head of them is the demand for
the Oregon referendum and initiative.
No assignment of wages Is accepted
by the City Comptroller of Seattle,
This strikes out the loan shark. The
Central Labor Council has commend
ed the action of the officials.
Andrew Feruseth has been making
a splendid fight in Washington before
Congress for amendments to the pres
ent barbaric seamens' laws. Some
show of advance toward cvivilization
being made as a result of the mission
ary movement among the heathen congressmen.
Perhaps Our Des Moines Contempor
ary Can Find the Answer.
It seems that the Saturday Evening
Post and World's Work are the two
magazines which will receive the $10;
000 to be expended in advertising Des
Moines this year. At the risk of being
considered presumptuous, and possi
bly offending the dignity of certain
self-appointed bosses in Des Moines,
we rse to inquire why the money to
be expended was not more widely dis
tributed? Why expend all of it with
two publications? Des Moines, Iowa,
The esteemed Des Moines Unionist
did not exhaust its "whys." Wny
didn't it ask why the appropriation
was all spent with two of the most
notoriously unfair publications in the
country unfair to organfzed labor.
The Curtis Publishing Co., publishing
the Saturday Evening Post, conduct
one of the "rattiest" printeries in the
country. World's work is equally
"ratty" unless it has t)een squared re
cently. There are publications fair to orga
nized labor that are, dollar for dollar,
quite as good advertising mediums as
either of the above named publica
tions. We hope the Unionist will ask
why these two publications were alone
Receiving Visits From United States
Deputy Marshal Hensel.
The striking boilermakers at Have
lock have been much sought after
during the last few weeks. Immediate
ly after issuing his famous blanket
injunction against the strikers. Judge
Manger ordered the papers served on
the defendants. Deputy Marshal Hen
sel was given the job, and at the first
shot he found, about two-thirds of the
boys at the union headquarters. Thoy
went there to make it easy for the
official. But a number of the boys on
amusement bent, played tag with the
deputy, and as a result he had to make
divers and sundry trips to the shop
city. A dozen of the strikers have
eluded the deputy to date, not that it
makes any difference, but they want
to make the court officials earn their
money. Several of the defendant will
never be served for the very simple
reason that they have left this section
of the country.
Having managed to get a blanket
injunction the Burlington decided it
was no longer necessary to pamer
the "scabs" so arrangements are
practically completed for moving out
the sleeping cars and forcing the
"scabs" to provide their own board
and room. This they are going to
have difficulty in doing, for there
isn't a restaurant or hotel in Have
lock that will have them unless
Judge Munger considerately issues a
mandamus compelling restaurants and
hotels to take in the unwelcome ami
unsanitary guests. A court order of
that kind would not be a surprise,
taking into consideration some recent
court actions.
When the "scabs" get to running
around town there may be some trou
ble. Not by the boilermakers, for they
are under injunction, but there are
others who will resent close contact
with the creatures imported by tho
company management.
Short, Snappy Stuff Stolen Swiftly by
Scissors Scientifically Shoved.
The Guggenheim interests are dis
tributing plate matter free to many
papers. The "enlightenment" of the
people on Alaska is sought.
Shingle weavers in Spokane have
established a free employment office.
It will operate for all of Western
Washington, and enable the boys to
shed themselves of the employment
Wallowa farmers in a local of the
Farmers' Union in that county are se
curing sacks, twine and other supplies
at reduced figures. Working farmers
are finding out that organization pays.
Union men in Cincinnati object lo
the public training schools, where
boys are doing men's work in shops
at 12 1-2 cents an hour. It is de
nounced as a scheme to provide a r
crulting station for strikebreakers.
Billy Sunday says he wants build
ings put up for him to preach in shall
be put up by union labor or not put
up at all. Some of the "open" shop
religious hustlers for Billy in Port
land should bear this in mind.
In Australia a Seamen's Compensa
tion act is in force, which provides
liabilty on the part of employers, re
gardless of negligence on the part
the injured, and gives damages for
nearly every kind of injury.
Wash Goods Special
Of Interest to the Economical
Three Big Bargain Lots
For This Week's Selling
New Batistes, Organdies, Foulards, etc., in a wide range
of dots, stripes, figures and floral effects. Worth
to 20c. Your choice now per yard 11c
Mercerized Pongees, Satin Striped Poplins, Soisettes,
Figured Jacquards, etc., all plain colors in a full
range of the newest shades. Regular 25c, 35c
and 39c values. Your choice now per yard ...... 1 9c
Silk Warp Tussahs, Diagonals, Jacquard Shantungs, etc.,
all the best colorings and worth regularly 50c and
55c. Your choice now per yard .27c
H. Herpolsheimeir Co.
Every promise of fundamental re
form made by the Democratic party
in Colorado two years ago has been
broken. The Republican machine and
the Democratic machine stand shoul
der to shoulder against the people.
The operation of the initiative and
referendum does not "do away with
the legislature," but it does do away
with the legislature "doing away with
the people." That is why it carries
by such overwhelming votes when
""" FoTTn'enTehousandthTTnTe7The!a
bor papers are announcing that the
Associated Press dispatches suppress
and distort news pertaining to labor
difficulties and operations. Of course.
That is the source of a part of its fat
Taft is another "friend of organized
labor" who believes the union is all
right if properly conducted. The deli
nition of "properly conducted" is to
have no aims, princip es, or actions
that improve conditions, shorten hours
or raise wages.
Harry Wisby, in the Longshoreman,
urges that the wallflowers in the un
ions who never speak be urged to ex
press opinions on matters up for dis
cussion. He says that a "kicker"
frequently makes good, and always
learns a lot if put in the chair.
Politicians are worried in the state
of Washington over the direct primary
law forbidding advisory nominations,
according to some constructions. What
the people will do with such a task
before them, as nominating a full tick
et seems to be driving the' politicians
to drink.
President Jones of the Lincoln local
of Street and Electric Railway Em
ployes was handed the "blue enve
lope" the other day. The reason giv
en for his discharge as his failure
to report an accident that happened
about a year ago. Of course the fact
that President Jones' picture appeared
in the anniversary edition of The
Wageworker had nothing to do with
it. The "accident" was such a small
one or so seemed at the time that
Jones did not think it necessary to re
port it. A woman fell in trying to
board a car before it had come to a
standstill, but she picked herself up
and smilingly entered the car and
said nothing about beingTiurt. Sev
eral months later she put in a claim
for damages, and then Jones was
handed his discharge for ffcflure to re
port. Yet some people can not under
stand why the motormen and conduct
ors want recognition of their union
The income tax amendment sub
mitted to the states is not likely to
sceure required consent of two-thirds
of the legislatures. It gives the mil
lionaires a pain to think of an in
come tax, and the trusts would rather
the government taxed the farmers on
something or other.
In Missouri, in 1908, there was an
increase in the average pay per hour
over 1907, the average being 36.45
cents, as compared with 36.29 cents
for the previous year. There was al
so a decrease in the average daily
working time over the year before,
9.91 hours a day to 8.95.
We rejoice to note that the rail
roads are making wage concessions
to the trainmen. In some cases the
wage increase equals 6 per cent, the
average being about 3 1-2 per cent.
While making these wonderfully lib
eral wage increases the railroads have
filed with the interstate commerce
commission freight schedules showing
an increase of an average of 18 par
cent in the rates. Now do your own
figuring 3 per cent wage increase,
and an 18 per cent freight rate in
crease to pay the 3 per cent wage in
The Daylight Store.
crease. Aren't the railroad managers
the liberal boys, though!
Congressman Hinshaw has decided
that he does not want to be the re
publican candidate for governor. This
will be good news to union men, for
Hinshaw lost no opportunity to throw
the hooks into unionists.
The local Pressmen's union has
been notified by all shops in town ot
the acceptance of their new scale.
There was one or two that held back
a few days, but came in when they
seen that all the larger shops had
signed up. The Pressmen are to be
congratulated on the successful hand
ling of their request for more wage.',
as it was bandied throughout in a
diplomatic manner. Pueblo Indus
trial Review.
Mrs. Charles Reiger is rapidly re
covering from a painful accident she
met with a week or so ago. While
standing on a box to reach up to a
clothes line she slipped and fell, and
in the falling sustained a broken rib
or two and several severe sprains and
bruises. The injuries were very pain
ful and Mrs. Reiger was laid up for
some time.
Because of the heavy expense the
village of Glen Falls, N. Y., incurred
in "preserving order" during the
strikes at the plants of the Interna
tional Paper company, local assessors
have increased the assessments of the
property of the trust from $135,000 to
500,000. The company has appealed
to the courts.
Foolish Loiterers.
People who sit and wait for great
moments miss many wonderful small
moments, and they are v.o be oitied.
Exact Definition.
A gentleman is a gentleman. A
party is a man who gets his hair cut
on Saturday night. Topeka Capital.
None to Do the Chores.
More than four million people are
estimated to attend , moving picture
shows in the United States every day.
No wonder It Is getting so hard to find
somebody willing to do the chores.
A Mystery.
We sometimes wonder how people
who do not drink sassafras tea are
ever able to find out when spring
Always on Tap.
While there's life there's dope. Chi
cago Record-Herald.
Says the Optimist.
There is one good point about big
troubles they eat up little ones.
Light to Banish Sorrow.
Sorrow dwells longest where the
un is shut out. Florida Times-TJnlon.'
The Fortunate Ones.
Heaven gives its favorites early
death. Byron.
Dr. Chas. Yungblut
No. 202
AUTO. PHONE 3416. BELL 656
All rectal diseases such as
Piles, Flstulae, Fissure and Rec
tal Ulcer treated scientifically
and successfully.
DR. J. R. HAGGARD, Specialist.
Office, Richards Block.
Our Big Oxford Sale
Have you taken advantage
of the best value offering sale of
the most up-to-date Spring
Styles made by the foremost shoe
manufacturer. The Common
wealth Shoe Co.?
These shoes were made ex
clusively for us, but as the manu
facturers were late in their de-
nveries we were aoie to secure
them at a much better price,
which we give you the benefit.
Oxfords that sell for $3.50 and $4.00 at
Oxfords that sell for $4.50 and $5.00 at
OFFICE: 143 South 9th Street . . TANNERY; 313-315 O Street
The Lincoln Tannery
HENRY HOLM, Prop., Tanner and Currier
Lincoln Paint and Color
Company's Products
The Dr. Benj. F. Baily Sanatorium
For non-contagious chronic diseases. Largest, beat
equipped, most beautifully furnished.
Clothes Cleaned, Pressed 1 Repaired
Gentlemen and Ladies HATS Worked Over New
or Cleaned and Blocked. Fixed under our Guaran
tee are O. K. We have a Dressing Room and can
sponge and press your clothes while you wait.
First Two Doors North of Labor Temple. Auto 4875; Bell FI509
Practical Hatter, Expert Cleaner and Dyer
The Hardy Glove
Distinct in a Class By
The only glove made with
Seams between the hneers
The Deputy-Spangler Hat Co
Save Your Premium
Itself. Union Made.