Sample Trunk of the Western Trunk & Grip Co., This Week 25 Per Cent Discount An Unusual Sale of Dress Skirts and Silk Petticoats Our Comer Windows, No. 9 and 10 will give you a good idea of what the garments are Every gar ment has been taken from our regular stock and are excellent values at regular prices. This special pricing is a regular Annual May Sale Event Make your selections early. Moderate Charge for Alterations The Dress Skirts One big lot of Dress Skirts, consisting of Plain Pleated Models so popular this spring; others in new tunic effects. A choice line in black, navy, tan, grey, novelty stipes and -white serge. Values that sell regularly at $7.50, your choice Thursday morning at each $4.95 CAPITAL AUXILIARY. Capital Auxiliary met at the Labor Temple, May 10th in regular session, the meeting being called on Tuesday 83 that as the day set for the elec tion of .delegates and alternates by the International. Mrs. Fred Ihrlnger was the. hostess. The' election resulted in Mrs. W. S. Bustard being elected delegate, with Mrs. O. M. Wathan, alternate. Mrs. A. Lb Compton is visiting in York this week. Mrs. J. E. Worley jhas returned from Plattsmouth, where she has been visiting her parents. We are We are sorry to lose two of our new members so soon, Mrs. Pearl Ford and Mrs. T. A. McCants having left the city. The next regular meeting will be held May 25th at the . Labor Temple at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. E. A. King, hos tess. , STRUCTURAL IRON WORKER3. Successfully Negotiate a Couple of Pretty Little Stunts. The structural ironworked pulled off a couple of neat little Jobs last week, one in Havelock and one in Omaha. The Havelock Job was about thirty minutes long. The ironworkers asked for a Saturday half-holiday and the contractor-manager refused to grant it. Immediately all Iron construction ceased. "No Saturday half-holiday, no more work at all," was the ultima tum of the ironworkers. There was a hasty conference of the powers, and seeing no chance to Interest the fed Roseine OilS r i II Pure Pennsylvania Cylinder, fill Engine and Dynamo Oils VLRex Axle Grease, French .il Automobile Oils Marshall rlpnintf Dvpincf I vaMJiassi -""-' J m.m. and Pressing Give Us Your Next Order Lincoln Cleaning & Dye Works E. W. Truman, Prop. Leo Soukup, Mgr. 320-322 So. 11th St, Lincoln. Both Phones. Rudg eral Judiciary on the side of the bosses, the powers capitulated. Inside of thir ty minutes, the strike was declared oft but the Saturday half-holiday had been granted. The Omaha stunt was merely the unionizing of the big court house Job there. It was tentatively agreed to by the county commissioners before the court house bonds were voted that the building should be a union Job. After the bonds were voted the com missioners forgot all about it. When the union men kicked because the ironwork was being done by "scabs' the commissioners merely gave the unionists the laugh. Offers to prove positively that the iron work wa3 "bum" were refused by the haughty commissioners. But the unionists kept busy and last Friday the con tractor agreed to a conference witii the union committee. It took about an hour to unionize the Job. The un ion offered to "whitewash" the non union men who wanted to Join, and the contractor agreed to employ only members of the ironworkers' local. Last Monday every ironworker on tiie job was a union man and it was al mighty near a new force, too. A JUDICIAL FEAT. Omaha Police Judge Helps Out Em ployer of Children. Deputy Labor Commissioner Mau pin had an experience in Omaha last week that made him sore. He filed a complaint against F. P. Kirkendali, a shoe manufacturer, charging him with violation of the child labor law. THE BEST LIGHT THE EYES.... Oil Co. Lincoln e & Guenzel Co. Kirkendali was arraigned before Po lice Judge Crawford and virtually ad mitted the charge. Deputy Labor Com missioner Maupin and Attendance Of ficer Gepson were on hand with the proof. There was no doubt of guilt and the two officials, after making their case, waited to hear sentence pro nounced. They waited in vain. Police Judge Crawford fiddled around, studied the law, looked at the parties to the case, stammered a bit, and then said: Yours is a corporation, is it not, Mr. Kirkendali?" "Yes, sir; "I'm the president of the company," said the defendant. "Well," continued Police Judge Crawford, "the only way I can avoid imposing a fine, Mr. Kirkendali, is by raising the point that the corporation, not you personally, shoultl have been charged with this offense'. You are discharged." After thus acting as attorney for the defense. Police Judge Crawford a i Journed court. Mr. Kirkendali, who rides in his automobile, summers in Europe and tours the soutn in winter, appeared in court without an attor ney. It transpired that he did not need to bring one with him. This is the second -case that Deputy Labor Commissioner Maupin has proved before Judge Crawford, - only to see the defendant discharged. The first one was the manager of the Western Union Telegraph company in Omaha. The defendant in that case ad mitted his guilt, but Police Judge Crawford discharged him on the ground that an underling In the office, not the manager, had employed the boy. "The next case of the kind I file in Omaha will not be before Police Judge Crawford," said the deputy labor commissioner. "That is unless the de fendant happens to be an employer who hasn't got a whole lot of votes un der his control. In that event I may not take the trouble to hunt up a Jus tice of the peace." THE LABOR CHAUTAUQUA. Committee Will Have Something to Report to Central Labor Union. The committee appointed by the Central Labor Union to frame up a plan of holding a "Labor Chautauqua" will have something of a report tc submit to that body at the meeting next Friday evening. Letters have been received from President Gora pers, Rev. Charles Stelzle, Raymond Robins, John Mitchell, W. J. Bryan, and others heartily endorsing the idea and promising to help it along by their presence if the dates can be arranged. A proposition from a tent company has been filed, and arrangements 'are promised whereby, special Missouri Pacific trains will be run to and from Bethany Park in case that is the site selected. Louis F. Post, editor of the Chicago Public, says the "Labor Chau tauqua" idea is one of the greatest advanced in years. Raymond Robins is enthusiastic. President Gompers says its possibilities for good to the cause of organized labor are unlimited. The only thing needed to carry the idea through to a glorious success is the earnest and unselfish assistance of a few unionists who are willing to sacri fice time and energy for the general good. That there are such men In Lin coln is beyond question. The only trouble Is to locate them and gat them started. Silk Petticoats Three Big Lot No. 1 consists of a choice line of Silk Petticoats with deep accordian pleated flounce, trimmed with a broad Persian boder. Beg. $6.50 values at.... Lot No. 2 consists of Silk Petticoats with fancy ac cordian pleated flounce, finished with a 4-in. ruf fle. This lot includes a complete line of colors and black. Reg. $6.50 values at, each. Lot No. 3 consists of Silk Petticoats in extra sizes in black only. These Petticoats are made with a five section tailored flounce. Regular $6.50 values, Your choice A Good Beginning By ESTELLE MARSH Copyright, 1910, by American Press Association. "Dick," said his aunt, "I think you are making a mistake in not marrying Jenny now. Start in with what you have and It will grow." Dick Larramore was very much Im pressed with his aunt's advice. He talked with Jenny about it, and they agreed that they would make a be ginning at once. Together they could raise $75, and they knew of a cottage they could get for $20 a month. They fixed a date for their wedding and began to hunt for furniture that they could pick up at small cost. One day Dick heard of an auction sale of household goods that was to take place in a neighboring village and concluded to go over and see if he could get auythlng that would help him and Jenny at their housekeeping. He bought a dining table for $4 and a sideboard for $6. Among other things put up for sale was a basket full of shells, eggs and other oddities. Dick bad always taken great interest in curious things and bad quite a col lection of old dirk knives, bits of un common metals, shells and other ar ticles. There were two large eggs in the basket be saw at the auction that excited his curiosity. He had never seen eggs of that size or shape. He forgot for the time being that he need ed furniture and began to bid on the basket of curios. An old woman seem ed to covet them and bid against him till she had raised her offer to $7. Dick bid $7.25, and the basket was knocked down to him. That brought him to bis senses. ' He had invested about one-tenth of all he had to spend for furniture in a basket of worthless trinkets. He was so disgusted with himself that he left the auction and drove home. The boldest thing he had ever thus far done was facing Jenny, showing her, among his purchases, the basket of knlckknacks. "Why, Dick!" she exclaimed when she saw the latter. Dick hung his head. "They'll make a nice ornament for our sitting room," said the girl, seeing by Dick's rueful appearance that he regretted his purchase as much as she did, and, putting her arms around his neck, she gave him a kiss. "What big eggs those are!" she said. "What bird laid them?" "I don't know." said Dick, "and I don't care." "We'll ask Professor Drummond." Jenny showed Professor Drummond the eggs, and he pronounced them auk's eggs. "What's an auk?" asked Jenny. "Alcidae swimming birds with a pointed bill, very short wings and legs placed very far back. Penquins be long to the alcidae family. I'm not sure," he continued, examining the eggs critically, "but these are eggs of the great auk." "Is the great auk superior to the rest?" asked Jenny. "In one respect. They are extreme ly rare. Indeed. I think they are ex tinct." "If they are extinct how came these eggs to be in existence?" "They must have been procured be fore the bird's extinction. At any rate, they are great curiosities. They must be very valuable." Jenny's heart leaped for Joy. Per haps they could sell them for what Dick gave for them. This would re lieve bis mind, and they could buy some kitchen utensils she needed. "Do you think, professor," she asked, "that we could get as much as $7.25 for them?" The professor smiled. "If they are Wardrobe, Dress, Steamer, Skirt, College and Bureau Trunks Priced at 25 Per Cent Discount. Lots $4.95 $4.95 $4.95 great silk's eggs." he replied, "you can get more than a hundred times $7.25." Jeuny opened her eyes. "I would advise you to put them away carefully. I will bring Profess or Wilson, the naturalist, to see them. He will settle the question whether they are great auk's eggs or not." Jenny put the eggs away. It was all she could do to keep from telling Dick what the professor had said, but she shrank from raising her lover's ex pectations to have them blighted, so she kept her secret, and the next day the two professors called, looked at the eggs, and Professor Wilson pro nounced the eggs those of the great auk. He gave their value at about a thousand dollars each. He agreed to send a man who would offer for them all they were worth except a fair profit. Jenny kept her secret In fine style, though she said, "Heaven knows what a struggle I have to do so!" One night when Dick came to see her she said to him: "Dick, you know what a poor busi ness man you showed yourself In buy ing that basket of trinkets." "Please bury that matter." "Well, since you were so stupid as to buy those things I think I had bet ter sell them for you. I've sold the two big eggs already." "Sold them?" "Yes. I got a good price for them." "How much?" "Two thousand dollars." "Stop your nonsense and tell me." Jenny drew a check for $2,000 and tried to show it to him. but her feel ings overcame her. and. throwing her arms around his neck, he could see nothing at all. They spent the rest of the evening locked in each other's arms and plan ning what they would do with their wealth. His Conversion By EDGAR FALES MOODY Copyright, 1910, by American Press Association. Some years ago I visited the far west, passing through a region that had been Infested by the worst ele ment of society. 1 1 put up one night at the bouse of John Murphy, a sheep raiser. His ranch house was not large, but com fortable, and its decorations showed evidence of refinement His wife was a woman who impressed me as one having considerable equipoise and character. After supper 1 went out on the porch to have a smoke with Murphy and listened with interest to his account of the building up of his region. During our conversation I stated the opinion that men were what women made them. Then he told me his story. "You're dead right, stranger," he said, "and I'm one of the men that has been made by a woman. When I came to this country it was from an eastern city, and my education was derived from the dime novel. I was a waif, with no father or mother to instill Into me the fact that however brave the road agents and others of whom I read they were acting on a wrone principle. As it was, I ad mired them, and almost before I be came a man I scraped up enough mon ey to bring me out here to live the life of my heroes of the dime novel. "I soon got to be a head man among them and. for eight years lived a life that I would give anything I have to forget, I have to be thankful for only one thing. During that frightful pe riod I never took a life. I didn't ac cumulate any money, and if I bad I should later on have got rid of It. "One evening I stopped at a bouse and knocked at the door. , 1 Intended to ask for some supper, expecting once Inside to get my bearings for valuu bles and take them away with uie.- I confining my operations to stage coaches, army paymasters and the like, but a man is always going either uphill or downhill, and as 1 was necessarily going down I wasnt above taking anything I could get my bands on, even from a woman. "A woman came to the door. She was young and fairly good looking. To my request for some supper she gave a smiling assent, asking me to come in and make myself comfortable. She went into the kitchen, and I looked . about me. There was a chimney in the room where I was with no fire. I knew a chimney was a favorite place to bide money, and, going to the fire place, I stooped and looked up. On a projecting brick I saw a small box. which I appropriated and. lifting the cover, saw a lot of bills and loose. change. 1 slipped It all in my pocket and put the box back in the chimney. "By and by the young woman came in and set a good supper on the table. I ate my fill and when I had finished took out one of the coins I had taken from the box and handed it to her. "No she said, there's nothing to pay. You re quite welcome to your supper. I hope it has done you good. You looked tired and hungry when you came in, and I felt sorry for you. So I have given you the best in the house.' That was the first lesson in kindli ness I ever received. At any rate, it was the first that ever took hold of me. When I thought of the contents of the box in my pocket and my offer tag one of her own coins In payment for her kindness, not the least part of which was the way she offered it, my despicable meanness seemed to shrivel . me all up. ; I couldn't look her In the face. " 'You don't need to go on.' she said. We have a spare bed upstairs.' "I was thinking how I would get the money back in the box in the chim ney, and it occurred to me that if 1 stayed there all night I could slip down in the night and do the Job. So I said: Thank you, miss. If you don't mind I reckon I will. It'll be a great accommodation to me.' '"No more than to me. My brother and his wife have gone away for a few days and left me alone with the children. They say that Murphy gang is operating in the neighbor hood, and I wouldn't mind having a man in the house.' , "'In that case.' I said, 'I think I'll sleep on that lounge, and I'll guaran tee that no man gets upstairs unless be goes over my dead body.' "I knew two of my men would be along there that night, and I reckoned they'd take in anything by the way. The first thing I did before turning In was to put the meNy back in the box. When I'd done that I felt the first of a kind of comfort I'd never experienced before; I didn't go to sleep, wanting to be awake If any one called. In the middle of the night my two men. Fete ' Barnlckel and Colora do Bill, did call. I showered bullets everywhere about them except Just where they were, and they concluded there must be a whole vigilance com mittee Inside. When they bad gone I I beard a soft voice call 4own the stairs: " Thank you.' " 'Just you go to sleep. ; I'm In com mand here." , "And I've been In command here ever since. I married the girl. . I idldn't confess till shortly before the wedding and have been living here ever since. My wife owned the prop erty, and after I came In her brother's family went off to a mnch they bought farther west," Thrifty Squanderers. When Napoleon entered Oenoa In 1805 the rich patricians" of the city exerted themselves to gain the favor of the conqueror by all sorts of flat tering attentions. The most elaborate of these was a banquet patterned aft er the famous one offered by Antony to Cleopatra., The tables were set In an artificial garden, floating on pon toons, which were towed out to sea during the progress of the feast. At the conclusion of the banquet--agaln In Imitation of Antony and Cleopatra all the costly gold and silver plate was flung into the sea. This little tribute of honor to the emperor was not so ex pensive as it seemed, for the floating garden was surrounded with nets, and the plate was subsequently recovered. : , ' Cranberries. Cranberries were formerly known under the name of marsh or fen wborts, fenberries, marshberries, moss berries. In "New England Rarities" (1672) Josselyn described the cranberry as the bearberry. The word so Insep arably associated In the New England mind with turkey Is not In Johnson's or Bailey's dictionary. Perhaps the colonists adapted It from the German kranichbeere or kranbeere, the berry now known preferably by German lex icographers as affenbeere. Wherever the name came from, it appeared In English literature in 1672, aa noted above, and from a writer of 1694 we know that cranberry tarts were then relished, as they were later by Queen Victoria in the biehlands. Fur News. Honor Above All. Believe It to be the greatest of all Infamies to prefer your existence to your honor, and for the sake of life to lose every Inducement to live. Juvenal. Evil In Neglected Legislation. In Belgium, where education Is not compulsory, 21 per cent, of the work ing people over ten years of age can neither read nor write. To the Man of Honer. Base gains are the same as leasee. Heslod. had started in with the intention of