fHE WAGEWORKER. By Wageworker Publishing Co. Will M. Maupin - - Editor W. P. Hogard - - Manager Entered aecond-daM matter April 21. 1904, at lh poatomceal Lincoln, Neb., under the Act of of March 3rd, 1679. BY THEIR FRUITS! "By their fruits ye shall know them!" So saith the Good Book, and to date there is no one who has dared to deny it. The best way to judge a political leader is by his actions, his votes, his appointments and his utterances, it is not well to base Judgment upon any one of these, but best to take them all Into account. This year the voters of Nebraska will be privileged to virtually elect a United States sen ator instead of leaving the matter in the hands of the legislators. Senator Elmer J. Burkett is a candidate for re election and upon his record he must appeal to the wage earners of this state for their endorsement. A little more than two years ago organized labor begged Senator Bur kett not to secure a fat federal office for a Nebraska employer notoriously hostile to unionism. Senator Burkett paid no heed to that request, and by dint of exercising his senatorial influ ence secured for this labor hater one of the best federal plums within the gift of President Roosevelt. It was Senator Burkett who suc ceeded in having this federal judicial district divided in order to secure a federal judgeship for a gentleman who had successfully handled two con gressional and one senatorial cam paigns for him. This federal judge set aside the bank guarantee law enacted by the Nebraska legislature. He is the same Judge who was quick to grant a blanket injunction against the Havelock bollermakers who were guilty of the heinous offense of strik ing to enforce a demand for better wages and conditions. Senator Burkett is responsible for the appointment of Mr. Hammond, who refuses to recognize the right of men to organize, and for the appoint ment of Judge Munger, who granted an injunction that restrains strikers from exercising certain liberties that Individuals not members of the union may and do legally exercise. There may be those who will con sider these things rather far fetched, but The Wageworker insists that Sen ator Burkett must be judged by the fruits that he has shaken from the plum tree. BURYING BRYAN AGAIN. The familiar process of "burying Bryan" is again in order. Every so often we are informed that Bryan 1b a dead one, and that he is burled be yond hope of political resurrection. The first time we heard it was in 1891, when Thurston, assisted by every cor poration and special interest in the west, defeated him for senator. The second time we heard It was after the election In 1896, when Bryan stood defeated by a combination of cunning, gold, crookedness and graft. We heard it again in 1900, when he was defeated for the presidency a second , time. The next time we heard it was in 1904, after he had vainly tried to prevent the nomination of Parker. In 1908 he was again "dead and burled," and now we hear again that he is "dead and burled" because be has been guilty of the horrible crime of insisting that the people have a right to enact or veto laws. . Just about the time the constant re iteration of his political death has convinced us that he is really dead, up he comes and makes things al mighty lively for the self-appointed . sextons who are trying to get enough dirt piled on top of him to hold him down. Just now every booze fighter, every advocate of brewery rule and corporation domination, every man who will endorse any old proposition for the drinks, is telling us that Bry an is a dead one again. Why? Bo , cause Bryan advocates the initiative and referendum. And what is the initiative and refer endum? Nothing more nor less than giving the people the right to say what laws shall govern them. Of course the South Omaha stock Yards Co. and the Omaha brewery syndicate, and the railroad corpora tions, and all the other special and selfish interests, are opposed to that And for daring to oppose a contlnu- ance of stock yards-brewery-railroad rule, Mr. Bryan is again killed and is being buried. But will Mr. Bryan stay dead? Pre cedent says not. Walsh said Bryan was a repudiator and Walsh is in jail for swindling. Morse said Bryan was a repudiator, an anarchist and Morse is in jail. Lorimer said Bryan was a repudiator, and assailant of the national honor and Lorimer stands . charged with having bought his senatorial toga. Quay declared Bryan a trickster and a repudiator and Quay died dishonored. Some -ire in jail, some are afraid to return to their native shores, some lie in dis honored graves, some are in enforced retirement yet the man they lied about, denounced and aBused; the man they "burled" every fortnight is still fighting the battles of the com mon people. The job of- burying Bryan is too big for any of the representatives of th2 special interests in Nebraska. The men who have tackled the job lack many inches of being the right size. There may be good and sufficient reasons for not calling a special ses sion of the legislature to submit an initative and referendum amendment to the state constiution, but there is no valid reason why the initiative and referendum should not be established. The interests that are opposing It are merely storing up more trouble for themselves when the day of wrath shall come as come it will. British unionists have seventy tades union men in the house of com mons. American trades unionists haven't a single representative in con gress. British union men take their unionism into politics. American un ionists take their politics into their unions. There's a difference. The managers of the Cherry Hill coal mine are paying an average of $1,- 000 apiece for each miner killed in that horrible disaster. The only re markable feature of this is that the management is forced to pay more for a human life than it is for a mine mule. Shackleton says he came within a hundred miles of reaching the south pole, and that's almost as near as the average workingman can come to keep even under the present tariff. The striking bollermakers, however, are not enjoined from breathing or eating. In time they may be enjoined from receiving strike benefits. A fed eral judge can do anything. What tickles us is to see the State Journal denouncing Porter for not put ting back that $1,000, and keeping al mighty quiet about that $80,000 it man aged to sequester. If the anti-saloon league is determ ined to make county option an Issue this fall, there can be no necessity for a special session to submit a referen dum amendment. The average member of a "Business Men's Association" is afraid to let his membership be known. The union man is always proud to show his un ion membership. The steel trust is awfully generous It is establishing an accident insur ance department and the workers will be permitted to furnish the money to pay the losses. There are union men who are so busy knocking the men who try to be friend them that they have no time to knock on the common enemy. The "long and short haul" is both ering all of ub. The workingman is always short because of the long haul the other fellow has. Funny, isn't it? Just as soon as a union man became one of the Doug lass commissioners the court house job was unionized. Mr. Schwab says his steel mills are just as good as anybody else's steel mills. That's just what we are com plaining about, It's pretty hard to convict a violator of the child labor law when the trial judge acts as attorney for the defense, Wage earners will never get relief so long as they keep on voting for politicians. "Back to the land" is a good cry, but a better one would be "give back the land." The man who never makes mistakes is the man who never tries to do any thing. The men who do are always "back- capped" by the men who accept. The striking pressmen of Lincoln merely asked for a living wage. The It is quality that attracts men's attention to this store, and has established for it a reputa tion as being a good clothes store. If you want to be sure of the quality there is no better way than to see that your suit bears the L. Wile & Co. label, union label too, which guarantees them to be all wool always and the tailor ing keeps them shapely and makes them fit and look right. There are no better clothes made. You get quality in hats, shirts, neckwear and everything else that you buy here. Suits, Top Coats and Rain Coats, $10.00 to $40.00 Amstawni e Ctomiinig Cottobw Good Clothes Merchants response to their request was a black list, the importation of "scabs" and a combination to destroy trades un ionism in this city. The question id, will the union men of Lincoln stand for it? The way to make your unionism felt is at the ballot box this fall. Try being a "booster" for a while! LABOR TEMPLE MATTERS. Not True That Directors Wave Mag ic Wand When Needing Money. There seems to be several hundred union men in Lincoln who imagine that all the Labor Temple Directors need to do when money must be had is to wave some sort of a magic wand, and then the money comes flowing in. At any rate the aforesaid have never shown any evidence of believing that it is necessary to do anything else to get the money. The fact of the mat ter is that the Labor Temple direct ors are up against the money propo sition right now, and unless the un ionists come across the directors will be under the necessity of selling enough -stock to outsiders to allow practical control of the stock to get away from the union men. That is the solemn, fact. It takes money to pay interest on $15,000, to say nothing of bills for material, sinking fund, etc. The Temple is paying running ex penses and a little more, but not enough more to meet the payments as they fall due. There are 2,000 union men in Lincoln who do not Individu ally own a dollars worth of stock each. A five dollar stock subscription from each of them would put the Temple Association on Easy street. As it is, the directors are lying awake nights trying to frame up some scheme to meet interest payments and take care of obligations long past due. At Mon day night's meeting ft was necessary to arrange for a loan in order to meet a semi-annual Interest payment. If that sort of thing long continues the Temple will pass out of the hands of the association. That's the brutal truth, and there's no use 'trying to disguise it. Maupin and DeLacey were appoint ed a committee to seek legal advice on a plan of refunding the mortgage indebtedness. A statement of the as sociation's condition will be made pub lic in a week or two and certain in terested parties asked to take hold and help stir things up a bit. The work of preparing the Horary and reading room is under way, and the new front will be completed in a short time. POST'S IDEAL UNION. An ideal labor union: One which will shun as leprosy the boycott; al so the minimum wage scale, an eight hour day, and limitation of appren tices; and which will defend with .ts last drop of blood the open shop, piecework, and the premium plan. Who will be the first to join? Duluth Labor World. ELECTRICIANS CLASH. The McNulty faction ot electrical workers and the Central Labor Un ion are at loggerheads, it seems. At the last meeting of the central body the McNulty delegates made applica tion for seats. They presented creden tials, but the way they were .made out was the stumbling block. The pa pers were signed by the president of the organization, which paYt is right and necessary, but the fact that the president is a contractor caused them to be rejected. Terre Haute Labor News. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the under signed. Will M. Maupin, Ernest L. Grubb, and Wilson P. Hogard, all cf Lincoln, Nebraska, do hereby mum- ally agree each to the other and do hereby make, execute and assign, the following: ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION 1. The name of the corporation Is "The Wageworker Publishing Com pany," with its location and place of business in said city of Lincoln, in said state. 2. This corporation shall commence business on the date ot this instru ment and continue for a term and period of ten (10) years, unless soon er disssolved by process of law or otherwise. 3. The general officers of this cor poration shall be a President, a Treas urer, and a Secretary and Manager, who shall be elected annually and said officers shall constitute the Board of Directors. 4. The officers for the first year shall be Will M. Maupin, President; Earnest L. Grubb, Treasurer, and Wil son P. Hogard, Secretary and Man ager. 5. The purpose and purposes for which this corporation Is formed is to do a general publishing and print ing business in Lincoln, Nebraska, and this corporation is empowered to buy and sell, lease and own all real, and personal property Incident to and necessary to the prosecution of its general business. i 6. The capital stock of this corpor ation shall be five thousand (5000) dollars, and the same shall consist of one hundred (100) shares, each of which shall be of the par or face val ue of fifty (50) dollars. Twenty (20) shares of such capital stock has been issued to each of the parties hereto upon actual payment therefor at par, and the remaining two thousand (2000) dollars of capital stock shall be treasury stock and shall be sold only at par when bo directed by a majority vote of the shares ot capital stock already Issued. 7. Each share of capital stock is sued shall be entitled to one vote and no proxies shall ; be allowed, and transfer or sales of stock shall only be made upon the books of the secre tary and signed by the vendor there-, of. 8. The Board of Directors shall meet for the transaction of business on the call of the President and of such meetings all "stockholders shall have due , and legal notice. The Board of Directors may provide tor the appointment ot such additional offi cers as may be - deemed necessary. The above mentioned officers and directors shall be elected by majority vote of the stockholders on the first business day of each year succeeding the date of this Instrument. . 9. These articles may be amended by' a resolution setting forth such amendment, the same to be adopted at any meeting of the stockholders of which all shall be notified and by a vote of at least two-thirds of the stock of said corporation then outstanding. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have set our hands this 2nd day of May, 1910. WILL M. MAUPIN, President EARNEST L. GRUBB, Treasurer. WILSON P. HOGARD, : ' Secretary and Manager. State of Nebraska, Lancaster Co. as. Personally appeared before me, a. Notary Public, in and for said county and state, Will M. Maupin,- Earnest L. Grubb, and Wilson P. Hogard, to me personally known to be the per sons who executed the foregoing In strument and each acknowledged the same to be his free act and deed. C. C. HUSTED, 7-4t Notary Public. QUNION BARBER SHOPS. When yon enter a barber shop, see that the union shop card is in plain sight before you get into the chair. If the card is not to be seen, go else where. The union shop card Is a guar antee of a cleanly shop,, a smooth shave or good hair-cut, and courteous treatment. The following barber shops are entitled to the patronage of union men: Geo.' Petro, 1010 O St J. J. Simpson, 1001 O St ,. Geo. Shaffer, Lincoln Hotel. C. B. Ellis, Windsor Hotel. ' C. W. Lafler, Capital HoteL E. L. Scott, Royal HoteL -A. L. Kimmerer, Lindell HoteL C. A. Green, 120 No. 11th St W. G. Worth, 1132 O St . E. A. Woods, 1206 O Bt Chaplin & Ryan, 129 No. 12th St Bert Sturm, 116 So. 13th St - J. B. Raynor, 1501 O St W. H. Barthelman, 122 So. 12th St J. J. Simpson, 922 P St E. J. Dudley, 822 P St Lundahl & Warde, 210 So. 13th St ' Frank Malone, Havelock. C. A. Hughart, Havelock. . , Bell 1478 Auto 1916 B. E. Large Job Stereotyping 249 North 11 All Work Promptly Done Rush Orders a Specialty MONEY LOANED on household goods, pianos, hor ses, eta; long or short time, No charge tor papers. No interest in advance. No publicity or fil papers, We guarantee better teems than others make. Money paid immediately. COLUMBIA LOAN CO. 127 South 12th. Linscln Prfclf:: Go. 124 SOUTK EUTVXWTH Auto. PmoNZ MM Any Kind