The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, April 22, 1910, Image 5

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Eager for Building Trades Council and
Pushing the Project.
The Plumbers are almost a unit In
favoring the organization of a Build
ing Trades Council, and they can not
grasp the reasons the Carpenters ad
vance for blocking the plan. The
Vlumbers are in good shape better
than for several years past and work
is coming along at a very gratifying
Master plumbers of Omaha and
their Journeymen are now about at tho
point where they must come to close
quarters to make things right in that
trade for the present meeting.
At a recent meeting the master
plumbers decided that they will ask
for certain shop rules that have not
heretofore prevailed. They want the
Journeymen to report at 7:45 at the
shops, preparatory to starting work
at 8. They also want the journeymen
to furnish their own furnaces and
wrenches up to a certain size.
It seems the journeymen have a
rule that no man can show up at the
shop sooner than 7:55, and they will
strenuously object to the abrogation
of this rule, holding that five minutes
leeway Is plenty in which to prepare
for the day'a work. They do not sup
ply their own furnaces or wrenches,
either, and do not want to.
While the proposed new shop rules
of the master plumbers are not yet
formally presented to the Journeymen,
their gist Is pretty well known. The
Innovations will be resisted, and a de
mand for a higher rate of pay will be
made. The present rate is $5 a day,
and It Is understood, without being
announced as a fact that the new de
mand will be ior 4 a day.
Both sides are keeping cool and
paying nothing, but the wires are all
laid for the negotiations that must
soon open.
Everything Serene and Work" Enough
to Keep All Busy.
'. Things in the Electrical Workers'
line have settled back into the old
condition and everybody is happy.
There is lots of work going on and
the men who are idle are idle more
from choice than compulion.
W. 1 Mayer, secretary-treasurer of
the Iowa-Nebraska district council,
has been sent over into Iowa to prose
cute the work of organization while
Organiser Perrin devotes his time to
settling a few little local troubles.
Saw President Hanna the other day
and asked him how things were. Jab
binr bis spur into an electric light
pole and reaching out his right hand
for a fresh hold he replied:
"O, things are looking up."
Then he looked up some more and
-went on up.
All Slnalng, "Gee, But This Is a Lone
some Town!"
"Nothing doing." That's the com
plaint among the Bricklayers and Ma
sons these days. It has been a long,
long time since work in the mason
line was as slack at this season of
the year. A lot of contemplated work
has been called off awaiting some evi
dence that the drouth m not con
tinue until a crop failure is practically
certain. Beveral big jobs are in sight
in the near future, but Just now there
Isn't enough work to notice.
But you can't discourage a brick
layer and mason. The men are all
looking cheerful and taking things as
they come, knowing that if things are
dull now there'll come a time when
they'll be rushing.
Several local members drifted up to
Omaha last week and this, looking for
work, but they drifted back with the
information that Omaha was .laboring
under the same local conditions.
Turn Down Proposition to Join in Or
ganizing Buildings Trades.
The Carpenters have turned down
the proposition to organize a Build
ing Trades Council in Lincoln. Vari
ous reasons are given b the inn who
defeated the proposition, and doubt
less the believe them to be sufficient.
' No. 1055 Is still growing, new mem
bers being obligated at every weekly
meeting. The work of propaganda
goes merrily forward.
Work is good in the carpenter line
these days, and Is confined almost
wholly to residence building. A lot
of work is promised when the Old
Line Bankers' Life and the First Na
tional Bank buildings are unuer way.
President Jones Handed a Package By
Traction Company Manager.
General Manager McCullough of the
United Street Railway Co. of St. Lou
is announces a wage increase of 1
cent an hour. A few weeks ago the
car men in St. Louis organized, but
of course General Manager McCul
lough assures them and the public
that the organization had nothing to
dc with the wage increase, pf course
not! It had nothing to do with that
much-vaunted "increase in Lincoln
about a year ago.
Same old "Durham."
And Wise Merchants Bite at the Bait
In Same Old Way.
He had a smooth lot of "Durham"
at his command. Was getting up a
directory of all the railroad brother
hoods and unions. Would print them
in two colors, artistically ana beau
tifully, and hang 'em up all over the
city. Had a few spaces to sell where
in merchants could advertise their
They took the bait, hook, bob and
Mr. Smooth Man printed enough of
them to make a showing, went around
and collected about. $175 for a Job
worth about $15, and' then "flew the
town." . . !
, Among the merchants who paid big
money for small spa on a card that
less than a ftore of 'ople will eer
read, were members of the Commer
cial Cub who joined in agreeing to
cut out ail a'ertising schemes pro
moted by outside solicitors.
We'll bet ta four-dollar dog against
a couple of two-dollar cats that the
merchants who "took space" on the
card can't locate two dozen of them
outside of the ones given the men who
took the space.
Short Meeting That Attends to Quite
a Bit of Business.
The directors of . the Labor Temple
Association met at the Temple Mon
da evening and attended to quite a
bit. of Important business. It was
decided to proceed at once with the
work of equipping a 'ibrary and read
ing room, and thirty feet of the 'front
of the north room will 1m ntilized. A
partition will be put in, after which
arches will be cut between the two
big rooms and the rear end of the
north room equipped with more bil
liard and pool tables. The three pool
tables and the lone billard table are
now being kept hot all the time, and
Manager Rudy believes that four more
tables can be kept busy to great finan
cial advantage. A committtee of which
Secretary Ihringer Is chairman, will
bustle the wherewithal to equip the
library. The bricklayer director de
clared that his local would cut a win
dow In the north wall without expense
to the association. A committee f
one was appointed to arrange for a
theatrica benefit. Secretary Ihringer
agreed to hold on to?-the job if he
were allowed to employ a little help
now and then, and this was agreed to
without division.
Sunday, May 8, Designated as Such by
American Federation.
Sunday, May 8, will be "Labor Me
morial Day," the second Sunday in
May of each year having been so des
ignated by a resolution adopted by
the American Federation of Labor.
The occasion should be duly observed
in Lincoln by the unionists of this
city and Havelock.
The Wageworker suggests that the
Central Labor Union take the matter
in charge, appoint the proper commit
tees and proceed to make the day one
long to be remembered in this com
munity. The men who have fought in the
Army of Industry and Peace, and who
have laid down life's load, are entitled
to recognition at the hands of their
surviving comrades. As unionists we
ought to pay them a tribute of loving
words and beautiful flowers. A me
morial sermon, special music and a
song service that would be the
right thing to do on Sunday, May 8th.
It seems that a majority of tho
switchmen who have been apprehend
ed for stealing from the cars in ' the
Kansas City Southern yards obtained
their Jobs a few years ago by scab
bing on members of the Switchmen's
Union, who were striking for more
wages. If what the papers say in
regard to the amount of goods stolen
is true, it would have been far cheap
er to accede to the demands of the
union switchmen, a fact which the
officials of the railway company no
doubt realize by this time. Kansas
City Labor Herald.
The Steamfitters and Helpers' Un
ion of New York, have decided to
take care i.t the family cf John P.
McLaughlin, who was killed 1 a
scab while on picket duty. His wife
and two children will not be a burden
on the city, or anybody, say the steam-fitters.
Lining Up More Shops to Carry the
Badge of Unionism.
The Barbers are not content with
the number of shops that sport the
union shop card. Nor will " they be
content until every shop in the city
is "on the square." Not being content
they are prosecuting a campaign that
Is bringing results.
"By the first of May," remarked
Secretary Robertson the other day,
"we'll have a half-dozen or more shops
to add to the 'fair list' in The Wage
worker. We've got them coming in
good shape."
In the current issue of "Every
body's" Judge Ben Lindsay tells how
he was elected as an independent can
didate in Denver, being the first In
dependent candidate ever elected :n
Arapahoe county. He says he went
into the campaign hopeless and dis
couraged, and then, in explanation of
his victory, he tells how the union
men, and especially the Barbers,
pulled him through to a glorious vic
tory. He says:
"They (the opponents of Lindsey's
reform) certainly did not deceive the
laboring men. I was admtlteoT'to the
meetings of their unions and ad
dressed them night after : night. In
company with Rev, A. H. Fish of the
Central Presbyterian church, and L.
M. French, a labor leader, I went to
the factories and shops at the lunch
eon hour, talking to the men" and wom
en workers. We made it plain that
our. fight was against the tyranny , pf
the corporations. The unions passed
resolutions endorsing our work AND
NOT ESCAPE. We sent out from our
headquarters cards to the voters for
them to sign, pledging their votes, and
we received 23,000 of these pledges
We've got a mental photograph of
those Union Barbers of Denver boost
ing for Lindsey! Get the voter in
the chair, swathe him up in a towel
lather him for fair, and then pour
the - campaign dope into him. Say'
that's a great scheme, and we'll bear
it in mind when we are trying to elect
some good union men to the legisla
ture' this fall.
German Writer Says He Is the Most
Magnificent Bluffer Known.
BERLIN, April 15 Maximilian Har
den has written an artiele In today's
Zukunft entitled "Theodore the
Great," in which he says that Roose
velt is but a bluff, who has made
more "noise than all the presidents
that preceded him put together.
According to Harden, Roosevelt Ha
never achieved anything except 'o
plunge his country into a crisis, the
consequences of which have not as
yet been recovered from. Germany,
Harden says, has no . reason to fete
the captain of the Rough Riders as a
hero, or a trusty friend, on account
of some trivial attentions, because it
is he who humiliated Germany by
causing the Kaiser to accept the
French proposals for the policing of
Morocco. -
"Roosevelt," says Harden, "is mak
ing a tour of bluff through Europe."
Capital Auxiliary met at the Labor
Temple April 13. Mrs. F. H. Hebbard,
The applications of Mrs. J. D. Smith
and Mrs. . J. E. Brinkworth were act
ed upon and both ladies were unami
ously elected to membership.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crompton have
the sympathy of their many friends
in their recent bereavement.
Mre. W. M. Maupin and Mrs. Bert
Penter are both of them rejoicing
over the visit the stork has paid them
Our next meeting will be held Wed
nesday, April 27, at the Labor Temple.
Mrs. O. Hoffmeister, hostess.
The Journal is pleased to note the
sixth anniversary of its contemporary,
The Wageworker,. of Lincoln, Neb.
Editor Maupin is to be congratulated
upon the success of The Wageworker
during the past six years and still
more upon the bright prospects with
which it begins the seventh year. The
Wageworker is clean, able and, above
all, cheerful, a paper well worth read
ing and a power for good to its local
ity. More power to it! Coast Sea
men's Journal.
The Nebraska Farmer signed up
with the Printing Pressmen and As
sistants Union the first of the week.
This punched another hole in the arm
or of the 'Ben Franklin Club." A few
more holes in that armor and there'll
not be room for another one.
We Fit You out From Head to
Foot in "Union Made Outfit
$15.00 will purchase a garment with
$18 to $20 worth of wear. No matter
what your class of work you'll find that
a Mayer Bros.' $ 1 5 Suit will give ex
ceptional satisfaction.
$3.50 will purchase a pair of Mayer
Bros.' Special Shoes or Oxfords. Style
comfort and quality combined in
every pair.
$3.00 will purchase a first-class Union
Made Hat. Try one of these; you'll be
more than satisfied. v
Model Shirts, you know the quality
We show an excellent assortment of
Lincoln's Leading Head-to-Foot Clothiers
I INCORPORATE every desired feature of all other type-
i writing machines into one and compare it, feature with feature,
working part with working part, with the . .
and the UNDERWOOD stands out
as the best machine one permitting the
greatest latitude of work,, doing more and
better work per given effort, and is
"The Machine You
will Eventually Buy."
CJ It is mechanically perfect. It stands up under every trying
condition and is simple in construction. The Underwood Type
Bar Stroke has but three elements: the Key Lever, Connecting
Link and Type Bar.
Underwood Typewriter Co.
1621 Far nam Street
Omaha, Neb.