PRAYERS NEVER PASSED OVER First Thought In the Mind of Moham medan l Hla Duty of Devotion to Allah. ' "And while we three white men of a Christian race stuffed ourselves without preliminary or postprandial grace, and our shenzl porters grace lessly gorged themselves like beasts, scarce 30 feet from our table stood the noble form of old Regal and the spare ascetic-faced Awala, musically intoning their evening prayer to Al lah, oblivious to all about as If alone In a monastic cell. It was a majestic rebuke to us, a weird mystery to the shenzl, whose voices were always low ered when the Somals began to pray, and who sat contemplating them in wild-eyed wonder to the end of each prayer, awed, almost silent as were we ourselves silent out of the sheer respect for a religion which can give men such perfect self-control that no danger daunts them and no hardship or suffering , wrings . from them- a i plaint :. ' v., "Five times a day do they so pray ' at dawn, at high noon, at four, at unset and-before retiring nor can ' anything Interfere to , delay these prayers, not. even ''hungry .masters. , And before. . addresftng Allah, mouth, 'face and hands are carefully washed, the best turban wound about the head, i the freshest1 garments donned, the feet bared, then with a glance at the un. If by day, or at the stars, If by night, to get their compass bearings, ' they spread their rugs, face towards Mecca,, and begin a low, droning i chant that at a little distance might -easily be mistaken for a well-Intoned litany." From In Closed Territory, by Edgar Beecher Bronson. RULE THAT SEEMS GOOD ONE Oambler Always Ascertains Whether Luck la with Him or Not Be . fore He "Sits In." "There's no use in trying to buck against bad luck," said the success ful gambler as he set down his glass of Ttchy and milk. "If you see luck , Is going against you, drop out. If the tickle goddess of fortune Is with you. woo her for all you are worth. That's , the whole secret of the game. '. Tve been gambling all my life, and ' I rarely lose. Why? Because I never take a chance against bad luck. Luck - Is bound to be either with you or 'against you. You win or you lose The chances of breaking even are mighty slim. And who wants to break ven, anyhow T "Luck always runs In streaks. can generally dope out whether I am , going to be lucky or not, and when I know it Isn't my time to win I simply dont play. How do I know? Well, t have a little system of my own, and I don't mind letting you In on it Before I sit Into a game I try out my luck in the seclusion of my own apart- anent. I take a deck of cards and start to play solitaire, Canfleld against , an Imaginary banker. In five or six deals I can get an Idea whether luck - la with me at that particular time or ' not If the cards are running consist ' ently against me I stop and spend the evening at the theater, or chinning around the hotel lobbies. No game for me that night ' On the other hand. If I see the cards are running my way , I get into a game, and seldom quit a loser.- It' may sound foolish, but - take my word for it. It's a pretty good dope to go by." Collars of Honor. In France the Society for the Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals deco rates dogs that have distinguished themselves by deeds of bravery with a tastefully designed "collar of honor." Among the animals decorated In this way one of the most celebrated Is Basshus, a large bulldog, whose spe cialty Is to stop runaway horses by Jumping up and seizing them by the bridle. It is calculated that this in telligent animal has already saved the lives of eight persons, if not more. Pautland, a Great Dane, received collar for saving his mistress from the attack of a footpad, and Turk, splendid Newfoundland, has had sim ilar honors for rescuing young chil dren from drowning on several occa sions. The Sunday Magazine. , Carlyle's Appreciation. The Inscription on Mrs. Carlyle's tomb was written by her famous hus band, and proves what gratitude he felt for her loving care and attention, "in her bright existence she had more sorrows than are common, but also a, oft invincibility, a capacity of dis cernment, and a noble loyalty of heart which are rare. For 40 years she' was the true and loving helpmate of her husband, and by act and word un wearledly forwarded him as none else could In all of worth that he did or attempted. She died at London, April 21, 1866, suddenly, snatched away from him, aijd the light of his life is as If gone out." Virtue of the Playground. ! I Children are better in playgrounds than in prison. It is better for the community to have children exercis ing on ladders and horizontal bars and swings than to have them haunting the doors of poolrooms or smoking cigarettes In the hidden shadows. Chil dren with plenty of playground have a better chance with life than chil dren without And most children are without unless the community pro vides them. It is cheaper to amuse them than to arrest It Is cheaper to develop than to dwarf. It Is cheap er to save than to sink them. Salt Lake Herald Billy Major Dope Continued From Page One ers the benefits of organization. The other day I conversed with a teacher in the Lincoln schools and she complained about the low wages. 'Why dont the teachers organize a union?" I asked. "O, we are not strictly in the same class with mechanics," she said. "We couldn't maintain an organization on trades union lines." "Well, your inability to maintain ui organization on trades union lines may explain your inability to secure decent wages," I retorted. "I know men . 1n my own trade right here in Linncoln who make more every week of the year than our highest paid -vard prin cipals make 1 in any one week of the school - year, and Mr. Printerman works eight hours a day, six days a week, the year 'round, while the ward principal -works . twelve or sixteen hours a day six or seven days' a week for about nine months in the year. But he's got sense enough to. belong to a union," - That closed that portion of the con versation. BILLY MAJOR. THE BOILERMAKERS. ' Continued from Page One tioa of public or private property, ex cept the person so appointed shall be a resident of this state. "2425. Penalty for Violation of Act: Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this act shall be punished by imprisonment in the pen itentiary for not less than one year nor more than three years. And if any company, association or corporation shall be guilty of violating this act such company, association or corpora tion shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than 15,000." A committee of the striking boiler- makers is now investigating the facts, and the chances are that somebody Is going to be given an opportunity to de fend a complaint properly filed and vigorously pushed. Reports from the Blacks Hills divl sion are especially encouraging to the strikers. Already engines are begin ning to arrive from the Sheridan di vision, crippled up in bad shape. Water troubles on that division are al ways bad, and when the bunged-up en gines are turned over to the "scabs" they will be in fine hands for repairs roundhouse are remaining close to the boiler department, quite content to be fed like princes, draw big wages and do nothing in return. "HUMBLE DUST" BRADY. Rev. Charles Stelzle Tells How Finally Made Good. He His name is Patrick Brady. The boys call his "Paddy" for short He calls himself "Humble Dust" He had gone clear done the line until It seemed as though he had reached the limit; but one day he awoke. We need not discuss the question as to how it happened, only to say that somebody encouraged him to turn about-face and quit his ' cussedness, Brady simply needed a push in the right direction and a good word o cheer him on. He is like a good many of the rest of us in this respect Brady has been on the right road ever since, but he is there because he has kept moving. He might have waited in the belief that it was up to somebody else to see that he made progress, but Paddy isn't built that way. He got busy on the Job his own Job and this is what he did: He started in to help the other fellow, and there were a good many to be helped. He didn't consider any sort of a man beneath him. He himself has been down so low that he needed to reach upward to touch bottom. Whenever there is a man that needs Paddy's help, Paddy Is ready to do his part. Whenever a new organization is started in town, in which he be lieves and which is in need of peo ple to put their shoulders to the wheel, Paddy is on the job. And through it all he is a loyal trades unionist He attends every meeting of his organization.' His speeches are not long drawn out sf- nit. From all along the system comes the word that the strikers are sticking to a man. More than that, every day sees desertions from the ranks of the non-union men who did not come out when the strike was called. They refuse to work by the side of the class of cattle imported tc take the places of their former shop mates At Haveiock tne snop yards are thoroughly picketed by the union men On the surface everything is quiet, and there is not the least danger cf any disorder as long as the imported "scabs" remain inside and do not come out and endeavor to start some thing. The "scabs" at the Lincoln fairs, Di'? Li h.ts sti?;ht from the A LITTLE A Dollar Stoves, Carpets Curtains, Rugs, Chamber Sets, Chiffoniers, Dressers, Dining Chairs, Rockers, Morris Mattresses, Jon Brass Beds, Enamelled Beds Everything for the home, at prices that will suit your purse and your convenience. ; Go-Carts and Baby Carriages in all styles.: t '., . . ' ... ... .K.X'a?-?. YOUNG OR OLD MARRIED COUPLES, ITS ALL THE SAME TO US Come in and'see us. You will be shown around and you will be under no obligations to purchase. , Bring this Advertisement with you and we will give you, absolutely free, a bread or cake knife. Robertson Furniture shoulder when he does speak, and yet it is always-, done in the samj spirit of good fellowship which prompts him in all of his dealings with the men in the shop. He has lots of horse sense. He doesn't hand out his wisdom in large chunks. He is just a great bis human soul, familiar with the things that the ordinary man Is up against, and in the simplest manner possible, and without any pretense to. superior ity, he is "Humble Dust" Brady, al ways on the job. That Mighty Pen. The superiority of man to nature la continually Illustrated. Nature needs an Immense quantity of quills to make a goose with, but a man can make a goose of himself with one. Christian Register. Advice for the Rich. If thou art rich, then show the great ness of thy fortune; or, what Is bet ter, the greatness of thy soul. In the meekness of thy conversation conde scend to men of low estate, support the distressed and patronize the neg lected. Be great. Sterne. The Philosopher of Folly. "We note," observes the Philosopher of Folly, "that even Senator Gordon, who was in the senate for 60 years, never sprung his original poetry un til he was about to leave." Power of the Brain. Thoughts are mightier than strength of hand. Sophocles. the Unreasonable Shame. -The worst kind of shame is being ashamed of frugality or poverty. Livv. One of Mankind's Errors. Some men do not get estates for the purpose of enjoying life, but, blinded with error, they live only for t-helr es tates. Juvenal. Evil of the Present Day. One of the great evils of the pres ent time Is the anxiety of young peo ple, and too often of their 1 parents as well, to earn money early. The True Freeman. Who, then, is free? The wise man who can govern himself. Horace. Uncle Ezra Says: "One good turn desarves another, but lots o' folks don't seem to know when their turns come." Boston Her aid. . Familiar. There Is nothing new about the latest defalcation by a teller. 'Tis the simple old story of the $1,000 In come and taste that would have Btralned one ten times bigger. Your credit is good at this store, and we offer you the goods at the same Ifigures that others demand the cash for. Every thing in the 'House Furnishing Line. ' 1450-1454 "O" STREET ,(. . ,The Bachelor. . A bachelor is a man with enough, confidence .In his judgment of women to act on it. Puck. Thrust Upon Them. Some men are born rich, some achieve riches and some enter the po litical arena. Harvard Lampoon. -- Considerate Burglar. A burglar broke into a house in Ber lin one night lately and carried off a jewel casket. He returned it soon afterward, with a note saying that as it only contained family documents and no valuables, he had no desire to inconvenience the owner. Half Price Suit Sale ,J H. HERPOLSHEIMER GO a Week Beginning of Invalidism. Once you start thinking about your self and your complaints, your health begins to go. Uncle Ezra Says: "Don't forgit thet jedgment day Is ev'ry day on the part uv your sharp eyed neighbor." Boston Herald. Imitation of Pewter. Brass may be given a color re sembling pewter by boiling it in a cream of tartar solution containing a small amount of chloride of tin. Blessed Are They That Want Little. Those who want fewest things arc nearest to the gods. Diogenes. We have now on sale all our Wo men's, Misses' and Junior Tailored Suits excepting white serges at exactly one-half price. The original price ticket remains on each suit, showing former selling price. Al- teration charges at cost. Come Early and get First Choice We will not quote prices, but you find suits that formerly sold for $69.75 and as low as $15. Reduced price made at time of sale at ONE HALF PRICE. it.-;-. Company . ........ ( . . Need Consolation. ' . London ladles are said to be: taking to the pipe. Wonder ia that they have refrained so long. Haste Not to Be Repeated. "You say you have quit smoking?' "Yep, never going to smoke . again." "Than . vliv An' .. those cigars?" "Never; I threw away a box of good cigars the last time I quit smoking and it taught me a leev son." . The easiest thing ' to r make a $50 promise On tuMI In the indenntt MssfKr' Globe.