The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, April 22, 1910, Image 2

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The pubic is entitled to know the
facta leading up to and bringing about
the present strike of the Printing
Pressmen and Assistanta Union of
Lincoln. '
A few months ago there was organ
ted in Lincoln a body known as the
"Ben Franklin Club," formed of the
employing printers of the city. The
club Instista that it was organized
to fix prices tor printing, and that may
be true. But it was formed, un
doubtedly; for the purpose of getting
rid of the label and forming & "clear
ing house" for employees. Among
other rues adopted was one that comes
almighty near conflicting with the
"black list law" In that it provided
that no empoyer should employ a
man formerly employed In another
office unless the employee showed np
with a so-called clearance card, and
even then the employee should not be
paid more than he formerly received.
How this little game worked may be
demonstrated by the specific case of
C E. Yates. Yates is admittedly one of
the best platen pressmen in the west.
A few months ago he was compelled
by domestic reasons to leave the city
for a time, and when he returned he
found nothing in his line. After idl
ing for a time he took a minor posi
tion at $15 a week to tide over until
, a real Job showed up. At last he had
an opportunity to secure a position at
wages somewhere near his worth, but
owing to the "Ben Franklin Club's"
rules he could not get it unless he had
a "slearance card" from the man
paying him $15 a week. This the em
ployer refused to give him, preferring
to keep a good man down to helping
him along. Yates then quit his $15
Job and walked the streets for a week
. or two, then applied for a Job as a
new man, but was again called upon
to show his clearance card. Not hav
ing It he vu rtfused. Realizing what
its members were up against the inter
national got tnay and proceeded to
take a, ha&J. For months the local
had been trying to negotate a new
scale and agreement, but the "em
ployers' association," known as the
"Ben Franklin Club," was arrogant,
and thought it had an iron-clad cinch
on the situation. The association re
fused to negotiate and defied the union
to do what it would. As a result a
strike was called, and for a few hours
not a press turned in the city. Then
came a break In the ranks of ttie "Ben
Franklin Club." The Claflin Publish,
lng Co. st University Place refused to
abide by a rule forced through by a
would-be dictator who seems to have
a majority of the "Frankiinites" buf
faloed. Claflin said be would pay any
man what he was worth, regardless
of club rules. The Western Newspaper
Union came across before the strike
was two hours old. The Press Pub
Ushering Co. signed up the minute the
contract was presented. Manager
Edgar of the Daily Star "stalled" for
time and was generously given it, and
then walked into the trap set for him
by a competitor who would gladly
slip a knife into his Journalistic ribs.
As a result the Star press room today
is "rat," although formerly union. Just
as the Journal-News press room has
been "rat" for years.
Little by little the Pressmen and
Assistants have been winning out.
Imported "rats" have been headed off
and sent out of town, and one by one
the Job shops have been falling into
line. The membership is standing
pat despite the desertion of one mem
ber who deliberately "ratted" after
having been honored time and again
by his fellow workmen. T. Bridges,
president of the local, succumbed to
the blandishments of the "Frankiin
ites" and "ratted," not only on his own
union, but allowed himself to be used
as a tool to prevent the "Frankiinites"
from being divided. Of course he put
up the pitiful whine about "suffering
family" and all that sort of similar rot
offered by the tallow-spined who think
more of a five-year contract Job at a
slight increase of wage than they do
of honor and loyalty to their fellows.
That the whole trouble is the result
of a deliberate conspiracy, framed in
violation of law, is the opinion of men
who have investigated the facts.
For a couple of weeks past the Want
Ad department of the Journal-News
has been carrying the following:
"Wanted Boys, over sixteen years
of age, to work in pressroom. Good
opportunity to bright boys. State
Journal Company."
These boys are wanted to take the
places of press feeders who are out on
strike for better wages and conditions.
This fact is not made known by the
gentlemen advertising for help. The
boy who applies with a knowledge of
the conditions can not fill the first re
quirement of the advertiser, for no
"bright boy" would apply. Here is
what will happen to the boys who take
the Jobs. They will be put to work
at a meagre wage, and just as soon as
they get the idea into their head that
they are worth more money they will
be discharged and some more "bright
boys" advertised for. If they stick to
the Job they may in time reach the
enoromous wage of $12 a week may
be $12.50. By that time they will be
too old to learn any other trade and
incapable of working at anything else.
After advancing transportation and
incurring additional expense, the
"Frankiinites" have succeeded in get
ting three or four "rats" to come to
Lincoln, only to lose them as soon as
the pickets got next.
By industriously "trading around"
the few "rats" at work, two or three
of the "Frankiinites" have been able
to make a pretense of being in good
shape. But between the activity of
the union pickets and the good label
work being done, the struck shops are
in a bad way. The Pressmen aifd As
sistants are meeting often and are
feeling sanguine of success.
There are accumulating evidences
that Lincoln Typographical Union No.
209 will have t6 take some drastic
action in the cases of several members
who have deliberately "ratted" on the
striking pressmen. The same con
spiracy formed to rush the Printing
Pressmen and Assistants Union will,
be used to .crush the Typographical
Union. The spectacle of men carry
ing Typographical Union cards work
'lng over presses in the place of fellow
unionists who are striving for better
conditions Is not calculated to give
the casual observer a good opinion of
unionism. A member operating his
own shop deliberately went into the
shop of a competitor and made ready
presses left idle by striking pressmen.
Another proprietor-member "ratted"
on the presses in his own shop, but
this Is the same man who "sloughed"
on the famous 10 per cent assessment
and got back into the fold after the
big battle was over. One member had
the nerve to assert that ln"rattlng" on
the pressmen he was doing the Typo-
graphical Union a favor. It jwou'd
seem that it is up to the executive
committee of 209 to get busy ar.d put
a quick stop to this "ratting" business
or else clear the membership list
W. W. Ford and wife left the first
of the week for the Pacific coast. Mr.
Ford's health has not been of the best
tor a year and he hopes to benefit it
by a change of climate.
F. M. Coffey was in Omaha several
. days this week, working In the Inter
ests of the Direct Legislation Leagu.
There la little or no excitement over
the International election to be held
the middle of May. The present ai-
rolnlstratlon Insofar as the executive
officers are concerned will be endors
ed by aa overwhelming vote. The only
fight will be over the delegateship to
the Minneapolis convention and per
haps over one or two places on the
delegation to tthe American Federat
ion of Labor. Fear of Joplin and De
Ned ry of Washington should, and
doubtless will, get a good vote in Lin
coln. Both of them are actively con
nected with the trade, both are west
ern men in training and spirit, and
both of them are "live wires" in the
cause of unionism. No. 209 would do
itself proud by giving Fear and De-
Nedry a unanimous vote.
If ever there was a time to boost
the label that time is now. Peate
ought to have about 100 active assist
ants on his committee. The con
spiracy to drive the allied printing
trades label out of Linsoln must be
nipped right now, and it's up to the
printers to get busy.
So far as this department editor
knows O. C. Jones Is the only avowed
candidate for delegate to Minneapolis
to date. John Curry's name has been
mentioned, but so far he has not an
nounced himself a candidate. Min
neapolis is a delightful place in August
and if a party of eighteen or twenty
could be gotten together it would be
easy to take advantage of a low ex
cursion rate and lease a private Pull
man, thus making the trip In style and
at comparatively small expense
What's the matter with getting up a
"Minneapolis Club" right now?
When the Majestic program was
contracted for the contracting print
er had the label, but the label was not
specified in the contract although It
was understood. The label does not
now appear, but just as soon as the
season closes care will be taken that
the next season's program has a label
clause attached. The same Is true of
the other theatres.
Send us one name for the Schmoller & Mueller Hand Made Piano. Think of the most appropriate name and send it right
now. Who knows but that you may be one of the twelve fortun ate ones suggest names that will meet the approval of the com
mittee of judges. -Don't hesitate to read the conditions of this contest, then act. Send the name in at once, please. !
Twelve distinct names for twelve styles of Schmoller & Mueller Hand-Made Pianos that is our present need. The Piano
which has come to the front faster thany any other instrument now efore the American music loving public.
Sold in every state in the Union, Canada on the north and Mexico and Cuba on the south. "Wherever you find a Schmoller.,
& Mueller Piano there you wll find a satisfied customer. . . . , - ,
But to date our various styles have only been known according to number. For instance, our Art Style has been sold and
is known as Art Style Forty (40). We do not feel that justice is done to this high grade Piano, an instrument which we guaran
tee for twenty-five (25) years, in designating it by a number. , ' ' .'' " ."
v - Not only do we want a name for this Art Style 40, but we want a name for our Style 30, for our Style 20 and for bur Style
10, and if we think best in getting out our new catalog, we may require a name not only for each style, but also a name for each
separate style, as it is made by us, in walnut, in mahogany or in oak. '" , ,. .
You will see in furnishing four (4) different styles of Schmoller & Mueller Hand-Made Pianos in three different woods that
we really have twelve different styles. So we are in the market for twelve distinctive names under which we can advertise our
Pianos and by which these various Styles will be known in the future instead of by a number, which means nothing. ' .
"We are willing to pay well for names which will be accepte d by us as appropriate. "We will give away free, altogether,
$1,145 in prizes, absolutely free to those who, within the next three weeks, send us twelve names which are chosen by the judges
as names that will express the utmost when applied to, the High Grade, Sweet and Mellow Toned, Durably Constructed and Finely i
Finished Schmoller & Mueller Piano. These prizes will be given away in the following order
For the Most Expressive Name Suggested
h . ' One Art Style 40 Schmoller & Mueller Piano, valued at ......$450
For the next best name, one Style 30 Schmoller & Mueller Piano valued at , . ,$350 .,' '.. v
For the next best name, one Piano Cased Organ valued at $150
Per the next best name, one Columbia Phonograph valued at .$ 75
For the next best name, in cash. ....,.....;...$ 50
For the next best name, one Duet Bench valued at .... .$ 25 .', , J ;
For the anext best name, in cash $15 For the next best name in cash. . . . $ 5 ;. , ..
, For thenext best name, in cash; .... ...$10 For the next best name, in cash. ... ....$ 6 ;. ' '
For te next best name, in, cash. .......$ 5 For the next best name, in cash. . ... ,...$, 5 ; v.- -
Amounting altogether to a total of $1,145 worth of prizes, which we will give away absolutely free for the twelve best suggested names.
Now, as to the conditions of the contest, which you will be pleased to read plainly, so that there will be no misunderstanding.
First All the prizes above enumerated will be on display at our sales rooms in this city during the contest with the exception of the
$95, whi(A has been deposited in the First National Bank of Omaha with Mr. -T. L.. Davis, cashier. ;
Second Each contestant is restricted to the submitting of one name only. :
Third Names may be sent in either on a separate sheet of paper or on the coupon attached to this ad. - , : . - , -
Fourth The judges will base their awards on the appropriatness of the names given. 1 ' . r ' - "
Fifth The judges will be: Mr. T. L. Davis, Cashier First National Bank; Mr. W. H. Ostenberg, President Scott's Bluff, National Bank.;
Mr. Herman Peters,, Proprietor Merchants' Hotel, Omaha; Mr. Frank M. Furay.Omaha City and County Treasurer; Mr. Dan Butler, Omaha
City Clerk. , .' . ; . :
Sixth Every contestant, whether a prize Winner or not, will receive one copy absolutely free of the Schmoller & Mueller Triumphal .
-March.' ' " ' - v
- Seventh Answers may be submitted by mail or brought to our store by the contestant or by a representative. All answers must be
in by the evening of Saturday, April 2'3, at 6 p. m.
Eighth The names of the successful Contestants will be announced in the columns of this paper immediately following the completion
of the awards. c ' . ' '
Please remember that the above prizes, will be given away absolutely free; tnat no entrance fee is charged for participation in this
.contest, and that the name which appeals to you as the most appropriate name may be sent in either on the attached coupon or upon a
separate sheet of paper. r, '
SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO., Contest Dept., W W., Lincoln, Neb
This contest was submitted to the Postoffiee Department
March 15th, and was approved by the Department under
Date of March 18th. Thus there will be no reason for the
non-completion of this contest, and as in previous contests,
with the exception of one, which we were not permitted to
carry forward to completion, the Schmoller & Mueller Piano
Company will do exactly as it always agrees to do, and will
positively award the above named prizes to those, who, ac
cording to the committee of judges, have submitted the
twelve best names. ,
The Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., Contest Dept., W. W.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Gentlemen : I desire to submit for the consideration of the
judges in your Name Contest the following name which appeals
to me as the most appropriate one for your Beautiful, Sweet
Toned, Schmoller & Mueller Pianos.
My Name is.
My address is
The name I suggest is
-I own a Piano Yes or No
May 2. Philadelphia, Pa., Chartered
Society of Amalgamated Lace Opera
tives of America.
May 9, Louisville, Ky., Amalgamat
ed Meat Cutters and Butcner Work
men of North America.
May , Cincinnati, Ohio, Tin Plate
Workers' International Protective As
sociation. May 11, Cincinnati, Ohio, American
Federation of Musicians.
May 23, Buffalo, N. Y., National
Print Cutters' Association of America.
June 6, Chicago, 111., International
Association of Marble Workers.
June 13, St. Louis, Mo. International
Brotherhoot of BoilermaKers,- Iroii
Ship Builders, and Helpers.
June 13-19, Omaha, Neb., Interna
tional Ster,eotypers and Electrotypers'
Union of North America.
June 13, New York, N. Y., Interna
tional Brotherhood of Tip Printers.
June 13, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Inter
national Brotherhood of Bookbinder.
June, third week, Columbus, Ohio,
International Printing Pressmen ans
Assistants' Union of North America.
June 27, St. Louis, Mo., Internation
al Union of Pavers, Hammermen.
Flagers, Bridge and Stone Curb Set
ters. .
June , Kansas City, Mo., Interna
tional Journeymen Horeshoers' Union.
July 4, not decided as to place,
Amalgamated Leather Workers' Union
of America.
July 11, New York, N. Y., Interna
tional Longshoremen's Association.
July 11, Pittsburg, Pa., International
Jewelry Workers' Union of America.
July 11, New York, N. Y., Interna
tional Longshoremen's Association.
July 11, Pittsburg, Pa., Internation
al Jewelry Workers' Union of Amer
ica. July 11, Atlantic City, N. J., Glass
Bottle Blowers' Association of the
United States and Canada.
July 11, Washington, D. C Theatri
cal Stage Employes' International Alli
ance. July 12, Dover, N. J., Stove Mount
ers and Steel Range Workers Inter
national Union.
July 16, Springfield, Mass., Ameri
can Wire Weavers' Protection Associ
- July 18, Ottawa, Ont, International
Steel and Copper Plate Printers'
July , Atlantic City, N. J., Na
tional Brotherhood of Operative WorK
ers. August 1, Peoria, 111., Internationsl
Brotherhood of Teamsters.
August 8, Minneapolis, Minn., Inter
national Typographical Union.
August 22, Detroit, Mich., United
Garment Workers of America.
September 5-6-7, Chicago, 111., Na
tional Federation of Post Office
September 5, Chicago, 111., Interna
tional Slate and Tile Roofers of Amer
ica. September 5, Boston, Mass., Interna
tional Brotherhood of Maintenance -,t
Way Employes.
September 6-10, Louisville, Ky., In
ternational Photo-Engravers' Union of
North America.
September 6, Bangor, Pa., Interna
tional Union of Slate Workers.
September 8, Boston Mass., Inter
national Spinners' Union.
September 12, Kansas City, Kansas,
Coopers' International Union.
September 12, Denver, Colo., Inter
national Union of United Brewery
Workmen of America.
September 12, , Philadelphia, Pa.,
International Union of Elevator Con
structors. September 12, Streator, 111., Inter
national Brick, Tile and Terra Cotta
Workers' Alliance.
September 13, New York, N. Y.,
American Brotherhood of Cement
September 19, Des Moines, Iowa,
United Brotherhood of Carpenters
and Joiners of America.
September 19, Rochester, N. Y., In
ternational Association of Bridge and
Structural Iron Worker.
September 21, St. Paul, Minn.,
Brotherhood of Railroad Freight
September 26, Columbus, Ohio, Oper
ative Plasterers' International Associ
ation of the United States ana Can
ada. October 18, New York, N. T., Unit
ed Textile Workers of America.
October 18, Detroit, Mich., Interna
tional Association of Car Workers.