The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, April 22, 1910, Image 1

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' " . . . . . - . 1 Avfo1-
All this bunch of statistics relative
to the Lincoln Traction Co. "makes
mighty complicated reading for the
average man. When it comes to
speaking in terms of millions the av
erage cltisen gropes mentally, bow
ever glibly he may talk. The more
I try to solve the mysteries of the fig
ures presented the more I think of
the old saying that "Figures won't lie,
but liars will figure."
' When the Traction Co. wanted to
go into a profit-sharing deal with the
city It was able to make a fine show
ing of financial success. But the city
refrained from taking advantage of
the company's liberality and content
ed Itself with a measely little old oc
cupation tax of about $18,000 a year
Instead of the four or five times big
ger amount ostensibly offered as its
share of the "profits". Now comes
the company with a showing that it
can't stand even the 118,000 occupa
,tlon tax; more than that, it must be
relieved of the slx-for-a-quarter fare.
If it doesn't get this relief It Is going
broke; it can't put In necessary im
provements; it can't Increase the pay
of men admittedly underpaid; it can't
pay Interest it just can't do anything
but go to wreck and ruin.
Blamed if I can figure out how a
company that was going to share big
profits with the city a few months ago
should so suddenly be up against it.
But it must be so. There are the fig
ures to prove it kindly furnished by
the company figures.
William H. Thompson of Grand Isl
and announces that he is no longer a
candidates for the democratic senator
ial nomination. What does that mean?
Congressman Hitchcock Bays that Mr.
Bryan assured him that he (Bryan)
would not be a candidate. There are
those who labor under the delusion
that Mr. Hitchcock was laboring under
an hallucination when lie said it
Some there are who Insist that
Thompson's withdrawal means the for
ttal entry of Bryan, but others believe
that Thompson withdrew for reasons
having to do with domestic affairs. If
the latter Is true then William H
Thompson is deserving of more honor
than ever could have come to him by
reason of a senatorial toga. Mr. Bry
an will be at home in a few days and
then we may have something authori
tative from him. If he does announce
his candidacy for the senate the stuff
will be oS with all other candidatets
so far as this humble little labor
per Is concerned. We don t give a
rap what kind of a platform Bryan
runs on for United States senator,
We're for him. We never did take
much stock In platforms, anyhow. But
we do take men into account, and
Bryan is cur kind of a man, platform
or no platform.
I see by the daily papers that my
friend. L. O. Jones, of the Lincoln
Overall and Shirt Co., appeared be
fore the Lincoln Ad Club recently and
gave "an instructing talk on advertis
nig." I wonder If he told about his
wonderful success In securing girls
for his factory by his system of adver
tising. It Mr. Jones wants some evi
dence at first hand to convince work
ing girls of the desirability of employ:
ment in his shop, I think I can still
dig up a check made somewhat fam
ous In the days gone by.
What has become -of that "charter
commission?" It's been a long time
since I heard any learned discussion
about "ideal government." and the wis
dom of giving the government of the
city Into the hands of men of wealth
who could afford to donate their time
to the public. I hope my Idealistic
friends who were intent on making the
"Lincoln plan"equally famous with the
"shot heard 'round the world" have
not grown weary. But I've often no
ticed that people who have such high
falutln' ideas are very apt to get
tired early in the game, or else run
across another plaything that pleases
them better.
The announcement that Rev. Samuel
Zane Batten Is soon to leave Lincoln
and accept a professorship in the Des
Moines College, will be received with
regret and delight regret among
union men who admire his manly way
of fighting and his evident friendship
for organized labor; delight ' among
union men and others who make their
unionism subservient to their preju
dices and their desire for "personal
liberty." I've had many a difference
with Rev. Mr. Batten. He is Inclined
to be extreme in many things. But
this must be admitted: He fights in
the open. He never hits below the
belt He says what he thinks regard
less of whom it hits, and he has dem
onstrated his interest and sympathy
in many ways for the toilers. I've of
ten thought he sometimes got his
head in the clouds, but whenever
such a thought struck me I recalled
the lines of John Boyle O'Reilley:
"The dreamer lives forever.
But the toiler dies in a day."
Rev. Mr. Battetn doubtless makes
mistakes, but he is manly enough to
admit them when convinced, thereof.
I like a minister who doesn't beat
around the bush and call a spade an
agricultural implement; who isn't
afraid to look a pewholder squarely in
the face and say "Thou art the man."
Ministers like that are not too plenti
ful, though, thank the Lord, they are
growing more numerous. And Rev.
Samuel Zane Batten is that kind of
a minister. The mere fact that he is
so thoroughly execrated in certain
quarters is evidence to my mind that
he has been on the ministerial job
in good shape. And when Re leaves
Lincoln the union forces will lose a
mighty good friend. I wish him abun
dant success wherever he goes, and I
want to assure my union friends in
Des Moines that when be becomes a
citizen of that splendid city they will
have gained a fighting friend who will
respond to their every call. -
This morning's mail brought me
several circulars. One offers me
some Havana cigars, regular "two-for-
An Open Letter to a Few of the Good Friends of
During the recent local option campaign in this city
we heard each and all of you express wonderful interest
in the moral, social and industrial welfare of the wage
earners of this fair city. Time and again we heard you
give utterance to statements to the effect that the wage
earners were entitled to great consideration; that they
ought to have some place of recreation some clean,
decent, orderly place where they could meet with their
working clothes on, their pipes in their mouths, and talk
"shop" to their hearts' content. Time and again we
heard you declare with great emphasis and considerable
eloquence that the working men ought to receive more'
consideration at the hands of those engaged in the social
uplift. We heard you declare that some place or places
should be provided where the workers could have social
advantages free from the evils of the saloon..'
Well, the fight is over, you were victorious now
what are you doing to make good on all your protesta
tions of interest in the welfare of the wage earners.
You promised to buckle in and help provide a lot of
good things in case the saloon was kept out of Lincoln.
Well, the saloon has been kept out, but since election day
we've noticed a large and vociferous silence on your part.
What are you going to do about it?. Going to slough
on us? Going to lay down for eleven months and then
try to work us with the same old game or promise?
Once more we ask, what are you going to do about
it, gentlemen?
We wage earners have already made a splendid start
towards providing ourselves with a Labor Temple. Our
subscriptions of money and of labor have gone to the ex
tent of about $10,000 towards paying for a property that
is today worth $30,000, and if you really want to make
good on your many campaign assurances of friendship
and help you'll "come across" right now and help us a
little further along. We've got a beautiful little Labor
- Temple, and it can't be beaten as far as it goes. The
trouble is that it isn't big enough, and it isn't well
enough equipped. We are making it pay running ex
penses, and we'll be able to meet future payments by
a-quarter" style and kind for $6.50 per
hundred. Another offers to send me
six quarts of fine whisky for $8, c. o.
A. Another points out the merits of a
certain make of automobile.' As I
chucked them into my yawning and
capacious waste basket I thought of
the gentleman who asked an old col
ored man in Arkansas if he could
change a twenty-dollar bill. The old
colored man arose, doffed his hat,
bowed,, and said: '
"I paint change youah bill to'
youah-all, sun,, but I sutttnly ' appreci
ate de compliment youah-all done pays
me." . " "
Prominently displayed in the win
dows of several Lincoln stores may
be seen photographs of the graduat
ing class of the Nebraska State Agri
cultural College. And a fine healthy,
brainy lot of yong men and women
they are, too. Time was when the
average city youth loved to yell "Hay
seed" at the country cousin. Today
it's almighty hard to tell the differ
ence between the young farmer and
his wife and the young professional
man and his wife, the difference, if
any, in looks and action being in
favor of Mr. and Mrs. Young Farmer.
The "State Farm" is working an evolu
tion in agricultural circles. It is the
biggest asset Nebraska possesses, and
if about 1,500 young men and women
would cut out a lot of the Latin, Greek
botanical, geological, classical and art
flub-dub and put in two or three years
at the "State Farm" it would benefit
them and the state. Talk about "skill
ed trades!" Why, farming has 'got
'em all skinned now. Time was when
a farmer, was a man who plowed and
sowed and reaped reaped when he
could. Today a farmer must be a
scientific agriculturist and have a
business head so long he has to go
out doors to turn it around. With his
trade or profession well learned he
can and does back the skilled mechan
ics of the cities off the boards when
it comes to making the mazuma. That
bunch of graduates turned out by the
"State Farm" this week will be worth
more to Nebraska in the years to
come than all the legal sharks and
medical sharps that can be turned out
by the other departments of the State
University in the next generation. I
gladly doff -my union made hat to the
splendid young men and women of the
State Agricultural School, 'Class of '10.
They are going to do big things for
Nebraska. ; " -
. All of. which reminds .me. Three
years ago come next fair time a young
man from Western Nebraska visited
with me for a couple or three days
being related to me by matrimonii
ties. ' He was sunburned to a blister
and his hands were as hard as nails.
His clothes lacked the city cut and, he
wasn'tmotor car broke so you'd notice
It.' Also, he was so yqung his beard
resembled greatly, the fuzz upon a
young gosling. I introduced him ' to
a few , of my fellow craftsmen, who
treated him considerately, but with
evident feeling of sympathy for his
"greenness." A week or So after the
fair one of the craftsmen met tte and
after borrowing a buck till pay day
from my slender purse, asked:
"What's become of your 'hayseed'
Jrlend?' ?Y
"O, he's gone home," I said. "He
came to Lincoln to see the up-to-date
farm machinery at the fair, and after
buying about $700 worth and also buy
ing about $300 worth of furniture and
a $300 piano for the girl he is going
to marry next month, he bought him
self a lot of new clothes. He paid
spot cash for everything, then went
hack to his little old 120-acre farm
xrhieb he has paid for In the last five
years and has stocked in good shape.
He dou't owe a dollar In the world,
has money in the bank, and wouldn't
take $9,000 for his farm today. He
may be a hayseed' all right, but
b'gosh I wish I had as much b'usiuess
sense as he's got. If I had I could
loan you five bucks till next pay day
but I probably wouldn't." "
When I am elected to the legislature
I'm' going to make it my business, , to
see that the Agriculture School end of
the State University gets all the
money it wantB, and then some. And
If I hajire. my. way a little further I'Jl
see' to It that some level-headed man
is secured to teach the student-farm-Continued
on Page- Three
hard scratching and we'll scratch to the limit but
we'd like to add another story to it, put a basement un
der it for bath rooms, equip a library and add about four
four more pool tables to its amusement equipment. As
we said, we can take care of the running expenses and
future payments, but we're up against it for the money
to add the improvements that are necessary. If we had
$10,000 we could put 'em all in and then have the, finest
and best equipped Workingman's Home in the west.
Don't think we are begging for money. Far be it
from such! We don't want you to give us a cent. But
we've got Labor Temple stock to sell, and inside of a cou
ple of years the stockholders will be getting from 5 to 8
per cent on their investment. The way you can help is
to subscribe for Labor Temple stock in generous chunks.
It will virtually be a loan without interest for a couple
of years and then it will be a dividend paying invest
ment. We mean financially profitable. It will pay social
dividends from the minute you invest your money.
The stock is non-assessable, and not a dollar's worth
will be issued over and above the amount actually invest
ed in the property. No ' 'watered stock" about this prop
osition. Be assured of that!
Now, Messrs. Prohibitionist, County Optionist, Anti
Saloonist and Churchman, We've shown you how you
can make good on all those assurances' of friendship and
assistance. We are going to wait and see if you'll do it.
If you'd subscribe a penny a word for each word you
used in telling us how you loved us and how much in
terest you took in us, we could put a half-dozen stories on
the Temple, and dig the basement forty or fifty feet deep
to say nothing of putting in a score of pool and bil
liard tables. But "fair words butter no parsnips," gen
tlemen. We are just reminding you, that's all.
If you really meant it, and are willing to make good,
all you need to do. to have the opportunity is to call up
Manager Rudy at the Labor Temple, give him your name
and the amount you are willing to subscribe for Temple
stock. Both 'phones!
. Housed in Pullman cars and fed in
dining cars, all at the company ex
pense, about 100 "scab" boilermakers
are pretending to work at the Have
lock shops. The company couldn't af
ford to pay old and trusted employees
in the boilershops a paltry 2 cents an
hour increase, but it thirrtts it can
stand the expense of transporting 600
or 600 "scabs" from the east, feed
them and pay them from two to three
times the scale asked by the striking
boilermakers. It wasn't a case of pay
ing fair wages it was merely a case
of busting a union.
Monday morning three car loads of
"scabs" reached Havelock, and were
immediately marched into the shops
under strong guard. Sleepers and
diners' had already been set in for
thir accommodation. A strong guard
has been thrown around the shops
and everybody approaching is halted
by some arrogant "Pink" armed with
a pick handle and doubtless with a
"gun." As boilermakers the import-
ed"scabs" are huge jokes, and a more
impudent, grace'ess lot of men never
disgraced Lancaster county.
One "scab" endeavored to pry . out
a broken rivet with the Blade of a pen
knife. The foreman who observed the
act chided the "scab" for working that
way, remarking, "You must be an al
mighty poor boilermaker."
"Who'n h 1 told you I was a boll-
maker?" grinned the "scab." "I'm a
The rule against smoking in the
shops has always been rigidly enforced
but the "scabs" are violating it with
impunity. The superintendent sent a
messenger over to the boflershop Mon
day after noon with orders that smok
ing must cease." (
"Get fell out of here," growled he
"scab" in charge. "An' you tell bis
nibs over in the office to mind his. own
When the whistle blew Monday
evening eight of the Imported "scabs"
broke through the guard and got away.
They met the union pickets' by ap
pointment and said their action would
be followed by scores' of others.
"We're not boilermakers," said one.
I We gct a chance to get a little
vance money and a nice vacation trip
and we took it." There are lots more ,
like us, and they'll get away. . :
Monday night ;'; the Burlington
brought in 150 more "scabs" and
marched them into the shops under
heavy guard'. Ohers were sent on
down the line. This makes 225 "scabs"
already Imported into Lincoln to take
the places of 150 strikers. And the
whole bunch of "scabs" couldn't dd as
much boiler work as a half-dozen of
the strikers. As near as can be as
certained the ''scabs" are furnished by ,
the Mahone-WaddeU agency of New
York and Chicago, and are the same
bunch used to. break the street car
strike in Omaha . last fall. They are
used In any kind of a strike. If it Is
the same bunch that was taken Jnto
Omaha to break the street car strike
there it is made up of as thorough a
lot of criminals, -porch climbers, thugs,
strong-arm men and footpads as ever
congregated in Lancaster, county.
President Watties said of them:
"They are stealing us blind, they are
the off scouring of creation."
By not allowing the engines "to coot
off the Burlington has managed so far
to keep them going. The management
does not dare to let the pressure out
of the boilers, for if it did they never
could get them fired up again. By
keeping them under. high pressure all
the time, and "doping" them with corn
stalks, manure and other ingredients,
the management 'succeeds In pulling
trains. But this can not last long.
Just as soon as the public becomes
aware of the fact that it is being trans
ported behind engines that are never
inspected,- that have "doped" boilers
and submitted to' the tender -mercies
of the "candymakers" instead of ex
pert boilermakers, something will
drop. Under ordinary circumstances
engines are inspected after each round
trip, but there are a lot ' of engines
that have made a . round trip three
times a week for the last three weeks
that have never been allowed to cool
off, and have never been near the In
spection tracks. ' 1U "'J-
By picking out the engines in best
shape the main line passengers have
been kept pretty well on time, but
this is a "stall" to deceive the public'
The public always knows about late
passenger trains, but it pays little or
no heed to delayed freights. But with .
candymakers, tinsmiths, locksmiths,
buttonmakers and pinpointers, acting
as boilermakers and daily endangering
the lives of thousands of people, it
will not be long ere the public is made
aware of-the fact that it is time for
it to take measuresooking toward Its
own protection. ' ,
The presence of armed guards all
around the shops has been mentioned.
A few of these guards are known to
the union pickets, but a majority of
them are strangers to Havelock and
Lincoln men. That they were brought
In with the strikebreakers and fur
nished by the same agency that fur
nished the "scabs" Is a moral certain
ty. In this connection the following
may be of interest, being Sections
2423, 2424 and 2425 of chapter 25,
Cobbey's Annotated Statutes, 1909, and
entitled "An act to prohibit the impor
tation of armed men into this state to
do police duty, and to prevent the ap
pointment of any but residents fjr
such services," and In force August 1,
1893: ,
"2423. Importation of Persons for
Police Duty: That it shall be unlaw
ful for any person or persons or asso
ciation, company or corporation to
bring or import into this state any
person or persons or association of
persons for the purpose of discharging
the duties devolving upon the police
officers, sheriffs or constables in the
protection or preservation of public
or private .property. V
"2324. Deputy Sheriffs to be Resi
dents of State: That no sheriff, may
or, chief of police, or members, of po
lice commissioners shall appoint any
under sheriff or deputy for the protec
- Continued on Page Three