iTFD VOLUME 7 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, THE WAGEWO BILLY MAJOR DOPE CARD BEING THE OBSERVATIONS OF A CARD MAN WHO LOOKS ON ALL LIFE WITH GLADNESS On the square, now; if I didn't like a town I'd waste no time "knocking it," but pack my lares and penates and hike out for a town that suited me better. I have no patience with the fellow who is forever "knocking" the town wherein his bread and butter factory is located. He isn't a bit better than the employee who ia tak ing wages from a man and at the same time telling what a mean cuss he is working for. There are lots of things about Lincoln that do not suit me, but they are few in number compared with the things I do like. And 1 purpose keeping so busy talking about Lincoln's good points that I won't have any time to converse about the points that do not suit me. And if I did have time to "knock" on the things I dont like I wouldn't waste it that way I'll spend it trying to remedy the faults. Lincoln lacks a lot of things that other cities of its class have, but most of them are things that Lincoln is better oil without. Most of the things that Lincoln lacks, compared with other towns, are those things which, by their absence, make for better manhood and womanhood, and therefore for bettter living. I've been about a bit in my time, boys, and I'm here to tell you that, taking It by and large, we workers are better off in this little old "dry" town than almost any other city in the country. Now quit your "knocking" and go to "boosting." If you can't "boost" and can't keep still, there are a lot of trains out of Lincoln. Of course, old pal, you have a right to do as you please on your own time, That Is. within limitations. It may be none of the boss's business how much booze you consume between quitting time at night and beginning time next morning, but it is some ' f his business what condition you are In when you begin work in the morn ing. Broadly speaking you may have a right to tank up on your own time, but is it square to the boss to sober up on his time? And what is there in this so-called "good time" business, anyhow? Take it from me and I've been through 'em there is worse than nothing. Lots of fun starting out with a pocket full of money earn ed by hard work, in company with fellows just like yourself, and partaK ing of conversation juice until you feel as- if you have more money than you can ever spend. Lots of fun singing "Soldiers' Farwell" and mak ing "barber shop minors" until' the welkin rings. Lots ot fun hitting the high places. Sure thing! But, gosh! How about the next morning? And how about the mornings in the days to come when there are streaks of silver in your hair, and you fingers have lost a bit of their cunning? You , lads who are yet on the sunny side of thirty ought to be thinking a bit about the days when you'll be on the shady side of ' forty. Those good times you are having today, lad, ars costing you a blamed sight more than the money you are spending on them Take from me, lad; I know, for I've been through the mill. Just a word with my esteemed "dry' friends. You have professed a lot of interest in the welfare of the workers and it's up to you now to demonstrate that your interest amounts to some thing more than hot air. Let me tell you one or two ways in which you can make good. A whole lot of you smoke cigars, but how "many of you ever think to ask for Lincoln made cigars Yet it is a solemn fact, beyond all dispute, that the closing , of saloons ' means the loss of work to many cigar- makers. This should not be true, but it is. Now if you smokers are really on the square about being interested in the welfare of Lincoln workers, you can make good in part by helping the clgarmakers make up the loss of their business by insisting on your dealer selling you Lincoln made cigars. If you'll tote fair in this we'll warrant you that the next time this excise question comes up you'll find less op position among the clgarmakers. It' a question of living wages with them and you can help solve it. And if you neglect or refuse to do it you are not making good on your protesta tions of friendship. The same question applies to several other trades, notably the printing trades; And it applies to the Labor Temple. If you are really in earnest about seeking the welfare of the workers,, just drop a few dollars apiece in the Labor Temple fund and. Sake out a share of stuck for each dollar, so dropped. We've had your assurances of interest and friendship. Now we want something else. We want the real goods. If you fail to make good you'll hear something drop. A whole lot of us union men and women, too, are interested in the suc cess of the "Antelopes" this year. If there is a worse base ball "bug" in Lincoln than your Uncle Billy we've failed to locate him. And the "Antel opes" look good to me this year better than ever. But apart from that, there are other reasons why we are interested. Messrs. Despain & Stoner who own the team, have shown every disposition to tote fair with the union ists. Just as soon as their attention has been called to any unfairness they've made good. It is not surpris ing that two or three little things should have been pulled off that looked bad to union men, for it keeps a man jumping to line up a winning ball team. But Messrs. Despain & Stoner have shown so much willingness to correct such things that it makes us all feel very kindly toward them. The Antelopes" look good to this "old bug" this year, from Manager Jimmie Sullivan down to the rawest young ster fighting for a chance to get Into organized base ball. We wish every one of them could stick. There's go ing to be some big doings at Antelope Park this season, and your Uncle Billy is going to sit over on the bleachers and holler his fool gray head off every time the "Antelopes" give him a chance. In this connection we'd like to say that the gentleman who has the ra- freshment concession at the base ball park is losing money by not offering Lincoln made cigars to the men who attend the games. From 250 to 500 union men will attend the games this this summer and they'll pass up the scab" smokes now offered them. This little pointer will be worth dollars to the concessionaire if he'll take advant age of it. John B. Lennon gave the Labor Temple a big boost last Sunday night, and then Judge Hainer came along and gave it another. Judge Hainer said the good people ought to get be hind the Temple movement and help the workers secure and maintain such an institution. Then he offered to head a subscription with a thousand dollors. The minute the big meeting was over a bunch of unionists surrounded Judge Hainer and marched him over to the Temple. He was impressed with what he saw and declared that he'd make good on his offer. If other gentlemen who have professed an interest in the welfare of the workers will come across in deeds as well as they have in words, we'll have a Labor Temple in Lincoln that will advertise the city the world around. Come on, gentle men. Judge Hainer has set a bully example. I've heard two logical reasons why the "wets" went down to defeat last Monday. One was given by Llewellyn L. Lindsay. For fear you may not know him by that name perhaps I'd better say "Bud." He declares the reason to be that the "drys" had the most votes. One or his colleagues declared it to be the "influence of that d d comet." Perhaps we'd better let it go at that. There may be better reasons, especially than the last one, but we are going to be so busy mak ing this a better town to work in and live in that we'll not have time to dig 'em up. Of course there is no way of ascer taining the real facts, but I'm ready to assert that the Labor Temple meant not less than three or four hundred votes in the "dry" column last Mon day. Now don't get the idea into your heads that because a whole lot of heretofore "wet" union men voted dry" last Monday that they are in favor or of making this such a Purit anical town that a fellow will be fined for kissing his wife or setting his dog on a rat on Sunday. There is such a thing as being too awfully good for this earth and we know a few people whose only fit home right now is heaven. The sooner they go there and let the rest of us have some voice in the way we may conduct our af fairs, the . better it will be for all rf us. The Evening News speaks of the evident slump of the union labor vote from 'wet' to 'dry.' " Thank you ! Take it from me, the "dry" vote last Monday will never be equalled in Lin coln by a vote for statet wide prohibi tion. A lot of ultra-prohibitionists would do well to bear this assertion in mind. Lincoln has expressed itself in favor of the "closed saloon" policy. Now help us make it a "closed shop" town and we'll all prosper. BILLY MAJORS. ELEVATOR CONDUCTORS. Perfect an Organization, Elect Of fl cers and Get Busy. Last Saturday evening the elevator A PRAYER FOR O God; thou mightiest worker of the universe, source of all strength and author of all unity, we pray thee for our brothers, the in dustrial workers of the na tion. As their work binds them together in common toil and danger, let their hearts grow together in a strong sense of their common interest and destiny. Help them to realize that the in jury of one is the concern of all, and that the welfare of all must be the aim of every one. If any of them is tempted to sell the birthright of his class for a mess bt pot tage for himself, give him a wider outlook and a stronger sympathy. Teach them to keep step in a steady on ward march, and to .fulfill the law of Christ by bearing the common burdens. Grant the organizations of labor ' quiet patience and prudence in all disputes, and fairness to see the other side. Save LENNON'S GREAT SPEECH There is no reason now why the Wageworker should atttempt any re sume of the address delivered by John B. Lennon at the Auditorium last Sunday night. The result sought has been accomplished. It is enough to say of the address that it was characteristic of the man straight to the point and full of ginger. That the address had a big influence in the vote next day will be - admitted by even the opponents of the cause which the speaker represented. A larger audience, and a better one, never faced a public speaker in Lin coln. The Auditorium was packed to the limit, and hundreds were turned away. The speaking was preceded by a band concert by the Nebraska State band, and the speaker of the evening was introduced by Frank M. Coffey. Upon the stage sat some twenty-five union men representing four or five different crafts. The stage could have been filled with union men had an effort been made. When Mr. Coffey was introduced as the chairman of the evening, he was given an ovation, and when Lennon was introduced the enthusiasm reached high watter mark. Aside from his advocacy of the anti-saloon cause Mr. Lennon shed a new light upon what trades unionism stands for, and he opened the eyes of hundreds in the audience. When ho spoke in favor of tke friends of tem perance and social uplift getting be hind the movement to erect a Labor Temple he received enthusiastic ap plause that sounded mighty good to the ears of the men who have sacri ficed so much of time and effort 111 securing a Temple for Lincoln. That the boost was effective was evident by the enthusiasm that greeted Judge conductors of Lincoln to the number of eighteen met at the Labor Temple and organized a local union. They have applied for a charter and ex pect to be full-fledged unionists just as soon as the necessary proceeduie can be gone through with. This mat ter has been talked over for some time, and the conductors who joined in perfecting the organization not only knew what they, wanted to do, but they had the advice of seasoned unionists who knew how to show them the way to do it. Clarence Tubman, who runs the elevator in the Little Block, was elect ed temporary president, and Chestsr Tibbetts of the Security Mutual building was elected temporary sec retary. The new local will meet every Tuesday evening at the Labor Temple until further notice. Pending the arrival of the charter and the perfecting of the organization, an ef fort will be made to get every ele vator conductor in the city in line. The prospects for a "100 per cent union" are mighty gooa. Some of the more impatient ones wanted to make an immediate de mand for an increase of $10 a month, but wiser counsel prevailed. It was decided to frame up a wage scale calling for an increase of $5 a month. but to ho'd it in abeyance until such time as the organization was in good working condition. WORKEMGMAN them from malice and hatred, and from the two-edged sword of violence that turns on those who seize it. Raise up for them still more lead ers of able mind and large heart, and give them grace to follow the wiser counsel. When they strive for leisure and health and a better wage grant their cause success, but teach them not to waste their gain on fleeting pas- ' sions, but to use it in build V? fairer home and a nobler manhood. May the upward climb of Labor, its defeats and its victories, in the farther reaches biess all classes of our nation, and build up for the republic of the future a great body of workers, strong of limb, clear of mind, fair in temper, glad to labor, conscious of their worth, and striving together for the final brotherhood of all- men. Walter Rausen busch, in American Maga zine. Hainer's offer to put a thousand dol lars into the Temple fund. While in Lincoln Mr. Lennon met a large number of union men, and his quiet, earnest and fatherly advice was listened to with ' appreciation That his address influenced a lot of unionists to vote "dry" is beyond question. But in justice to Mr. Lennon and to the trades uniinists of Lincola The Wageworker desires to correct a mis statement that appeared in one of the daily papers. Mr. Lennon; did not come to Lincoln under the auspices of any union, nor did he speak for the trades unions. He came on Invi ttation of individual unionists, and he spoke as a trades unionist, not for the trades unions. .' Apart from the effect of his splen did address on the vote next day, Mr. Lennon added a great deal to the cause in Lincoln by his masterly pre sentation of what unionism is doing for the workers everywhere. He added a large number of friends 1 the cause of organized labor, and many of them seized the opportunity to tell him so. "You have a beautiful city here. said Mr. Lennon. "I am delighted with it. And your little Labor Tem pie is a splendid thing for the work' ers and for the city. I want to see it grow as it deserves, and I hope fo hear that the good people of Lincoln are getting behind the union men and helping make it a great success. It's one of the city's big assets." The Tennessee Federation is a vig orous and progressive organization and has succeeded in securing the enactment of many laws beneficial t the workers of that State. ILfI XniV WlUJV.O4UilVO REV. CHARLES STELZLE PLEADS FOR SQUARE MEN WHO WILL FIGHT ON THE DEAD LEVEL Shirkers, jerkers, and workers - that's the classification which takes us all in and every man knows to which class he belongs. There are no "soft snaps" in this world. Every man must carry his burden. Sometimes some of us are compelled to help carry somebody else's burden, too, but the man who fails to lift on the job, -Boon becomes incapable of lifting, and this realiza tion becomes his real- burden. The blows are bound to come on any job that's really worth while. No man can live and move and have his being without running amuck rf somebody else who is also on the job, either for good or for ill. sometimes the heaviest blows come from the worker who should be, and probably is, his friend.' These blows are often the hardest to bear. When the blows come from either friend or foe, duck your head, if you can, but raise it up again like a, man, even thougn your're hit. Don't quit the job. 7 ' " It takes a pretty good, nerve to fight for your own convictions. It takes a whole lot more to fight for the' other fellow's. When everybody agrees with yp.i, it's a pretty good sign that nobody takes you seriously'. Then Is the time to take stock of yourself. It s when you're surest -of , your ground that the enemy is in the most favorable position to undermine your fortifications. ' - ' Most of us can stand adversity we seem to be built that way but it takes an uncommonly strong man to stand prosperity. The University of Adversity turns out the best students of any training school in the world, because its ' les sons consist mostly of Hard Knocks. Don't kick if you have no friends. A wise philosopher once said that if a man would have friends, he must show himself friendly. Play a man's game! Never hit be' low the belt. Ask no special favors, but be man enough to grant them to the other fellow. If you're fairly beaten, don't try to minimize the viO' tor's glory by crying "foul ! Be a man and learn by the. mistakes that you've made and the defeats you've suffered. Be a man. GOOD TALKING POINTS. Things to Know When Boosting the Cause of Labor. In arguing , for the value of trade unionism, the average friend of or ganized labor frequently makes the mistake of discussing questions which CENTRAL LABOR UNION The Central Labor . Union met Fri day evening of last week and rushed through- routine business at top speed. The only "scrap" arose rover approving the minutes of the spe cial meeting,' and it was good natured. It was contended that as the meeting was an open one, and more, of a mass meeting than a meeting of the cen tral body, the minutes had no place on the records of the Central Labor Union. President Parker was'' in clined to take this view of it, but finally yielded and the minutes were approved. Immediately thereafter ue recent declaration of unfairness against a couple of Lincoln institu tions was rescinded. While willing to go the limit in support of the Elec trical Workers there were several delegates, and a lot of others not delegates, who deem the declaration against the Armstrong Clothing Co. unjust and uncalled for. The settle ment of the strike, however, settled that question so far as effect is con cerned. The "unworthy of patronage" declaration was rescinded, and it ia With the introduction of improved machinery in many lines of produc tion, the movement for shorter hours became an Imperative necessity and is gaining ground from year to year. The first mile-stone was marked Tan are debatable, and concerning which there will probably always be a dif ference of opinion. , No doubt these debatable questions have their place in a full discussion of trades union ism, but for the sake of a better un derstanding of the aims and objects of. organized labor, it would seem to be more tactful and more logical to first talk about what it has accom plished. There are many matters with which organized labor has to dj, concerning which their cause among the public, if they presented more frequently the ethical value of their organizations. For instance, one might proclaim the fact that labor halls have come to be important social centres. Here helpful lecture courses on moral and economic subjects, are frequently giv en. The labor press has its 'educa tive value. Many of the labor Jour nals, especially those published by Internationals' give courses in . tech nical ; training. A real moral uplift "comes ' through regular meetings of the union, because. a. man must. pre sent his facts in a definite, tangible form, if he hopes to win over his as sociates to his ' beliefs. Every man has' a fair chance to preach these views, no matter1 how unpopular thev may' be. Nowhere does a man get a more patient hearing than in a la bor union meeting. Here, too, ht learns the lesson of subordination to the wills of others. , He learns the value of "team ' work" of co-opera-. tion. In the labor movement the working man learns the lesson of thrift. Rare ly does a trades unionist apply to or ganized charity or any other form ot charity for ' relief. Talk about the value of the trades' union as a force for temperance. .-. You can-' easily make a strong argument m this direction. The question of the education ana . the Americanizing of . the immigrant must be discussed in favor of the trades union. The report of the Lx bor Commissioner in the Bulletin of January 1905, clearly proves this. Child labor, the sweat .shop, unsan itary conditions in shop and home, are all questions concerning which trades unionism need not be ashamed to speak. :.'. - Hktvjng xjlearly established these points, it 'will be easier to discuss the .measures through which these ends have been and shall be secured. : An intelligent presentation of . tho broader work of organized labor mus win to its support the thousands of impartial men and women whose en dorsement will be of great value to the cause. Rev. Charles Stelzle. to be hoped that thi will effect a set tlement of what might have devel oped into a bad situation. - Secretary Kates was ' absent m account of Illness and Delegate Lock er kept the minutes. A donation of $5 to the striking street railway men of Philadelphia was reported. Organizer Crowley of the Press men was presented and . gave the pressman side of the present situa tion. By unanimous vote the Lincoln Daily Star was declared unfair -o organized labor because of its refusal to negotiate with the pressmen and its employment of "rats" in its press room. The matter will not end with a declaration of unfairness. The Star has been union throughout until the present difficulty came up, and then it tied up with employers who have ' declared war on further recognition of the allied printing crafts.' .The printers are tied up by a contract that has four years yet to run, but there are 3,000 union men in Lincoln who are not tied up by contract to continue subscribing tor . the unfair Star. . . -. ' . Nours, subsequently Nine and Eight hours became the slogan of the ad vancing forces. It is still marching : and never halts: every year more men and women are enrolled under the banner of eight hours and vic tory. '''.' . ' '"'."!""'