....The Reimers-Kaufman Co.... SuceeMort to THE RE1MERS t FRIED CO. ' Sidewalks, Sidewalk Flags, Building Blocks, and Tile Floor ' . Office and Yards, 12th and W Sts. Both Phones. UNCOLN. NEBRASKA Attend .Lincoln Business College AN ESTABLISHED AND RELIABLE SCHOOL , Courses: Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Type writing, Penmanship, Commercial Law, Office Practice, etc ( Catalog Free. 13th and P Sts., - Lincoln, Nebraska ELECTRICAL WORKERS R. C. SCHNEIDER Butter, Poul- Fresh and Salt Meats try and Eggs GAME in Season rsr caiitu MIMTU CTDCFT ZU7 JVJU 1 I 1 lllll III m axa-u-i g BELL 433 -:- -: AUTO. 1433 ,rt Am OFFICE OF DR. R. L. BENTLEY, T SPECIALIST CHILDREN Office Houn I to 4 p. m. Office 2 1 1 8 O St. Both Phones UNCOLN. NEBRASKA RECTOR'S White Pine Cough Syrup U quick and poaitive remedy for all coughs. It atoqa coughing spells at night relieves the soreness, soothes the irrita ted membrane and atoqa the tickling. It is an ideal preparation for children as it container no harmful anodynes or narcotics. 25c per bottle RECTOR'S 12th and O St United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Carpenters' Building, In dianapolis, Ind., April 1, 1910. Will M. Maupln, Editor Wageworker: In The Wageworker under date of March 26, 1910, I notice an article headed "Electrical Workers" over the signa ture of J. W. Murphy, general secre tary of the Reid faction of the Elec trical Workers, and as the same re fers to me and the Electrical Workers I represent, viz: the McNulty faction, I have -written Mr. Murphy, calling his attention to the misrepresentations and Incorrect statements therein con tained. I herewith enclose copy of said letter and respectfully ask you to publish in the next issue of Tbe Wageworker. Fraternally, FRANK W. DUFFY, Member Special Committee. In accordance with Bro. Duffy's re quest, and in the interest of fair play, The Wageworker gladly gives space to Bro. Duffy's ' letter to Secretary J. W. Murphy. It is as follows: United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Carpenters' Building, In dianapolis, Ind., March 22, 1910. J. W. Murphy, General Secretary Reid Fac tion, Electrical Workers, Springfield, Ills.: In the Cleveland Citizen of March 19th, 1910, I notice an article by you, or purporting to come from you; your name is attached to it, however, entitled: ELECTRICAL WORKERS. the ways." You, Redd and others failed to comply with the orders of the committee. You absolutely did nothing up to that time to comply with the Denver and Toronto agreements of the A. F. of L. , There was noth ing for the committee to do but ad journ, resign or go out of business al together. I, as a member of the com mittee bad no other alternative than to do as I Mid. I have no apologies to make for my actions to any one, nor will I make any apologies. Respectfully yours, , FRANK DUFFY, Member Special Committee. TEMPLE DIREQTORS. mm Peace Negotiations Have Halted Again. Been E? 55 Which, for misrepresentations and imaginary conclusions cannot be sur passed. ' How you can write such an article for' publication containing so many in correct statements is more than I can understand. Let me here remind you that: 1st. You, with Geib, Reid, Sullivan ORPHEUM Phones: Bell 936, Auto 1528 Week Beginning Aqril 4th Very Fine Program Matinees at 2:30 IT Evening"at"8:30 1 5c and 25c 4 5c. 25c. 35c. 50c fTTTlt is a pleasure to Uto have a Suit that hts and becomes you AND perfect satis I faction to know you I did not pay two prices ito eret it. Suits that I fit and satisfy are I made to order. ' 300 Spring Woolens em bracing the new and dis tinctive modes in Spring and Summer Woolens. 'Scotch Woolen Mills UNION TAILORS 113 So. 13th Street J. H. McMULLEN, Mgr. Bell 2522 -:- AutO 2372 other of your pipe dreams? Short Meeting and Little Business Brought Up for Consideration. The directors of the Labor Temple Association met Monday evening, nine being present to answer to roll call. Very little business outside of two or three routine matters (was transacted. It was decided to call oft the pro-' posed Temple Benefit Ball for the time being. The matter of selecting a secretary-manager for the associa tion was deferred for a week on re quest of President McBride. , "Ways and means" came up for general discussion, but nothing defi nite was decided on. Pending settlement of the present controversy between the Electrical Workers and the Gas company, the Temple is being lighted by electricity generated by a dynamo in the Tem ple. A gasoline engine furnishes the power. The Hardy Glove Distinct in a Class By Itself. Union Made. The only glove made wi Seams between the fingers ASK FOR THEM AT RETAIL STORES ' MANUFACTURED BY The Deputy-Spangler Hat Co LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 1 Roseine Oil THE BEST LIGHT FOR THE EYES.... HAYS IN BAD. Not Wageworkers Attention We have Money to loan -' on Chattels. Plenty of it. Utmost Secrecy. Kelly & Non-U 129 So. Ilth St 17. L. DOUGLAS 3.00,3.50, 4.00 & 5.00 SHOES Mia the World UNION MADE Boys' Shoes $2,00 Dr. Chas. Yungblut ROOM Pi rv BURR No. 202 UentlSt BLOCK AUTO. PHONE 3416. BELL 656 UNCOLN. -:- NEBR DISEASES OP WOMEN All ractal dlsaasss such ' Piles, Fistula. Flasura and Ro tal Ulcsr treated scientifically nd successfully. DR. J. R. HAGGARD, Specialist. Offtc, Richards Block. Fast Color f yltt Und W. L. Douglas shoes are the lowest mfes. nuaiitv considered, in the world. Their excellent style, easy fitting and loos; wearing qualities excel those of other snakes. If yon have been paying hkh nrieaa for your shoes, the next time you need a pair give W. L. Douglas shoes trial. You can save money on your Innlwau1 and set shoes that are just as good in ovary way as those that hare been costing you higher prices. If m. sould visit our largo factories at Brockton, Mas, and see for yourself saw earefullv W. Vouglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better and m lancer than other makes. CAUTION W. I. Donirlaa name and prion Is stamiMd on tbe bottom to protect the wtarer against hitch prloM ami Inferior ahoea. Take Ma liuhotl aute. If W. I DonglM ahoea are not for aale in your TlWnity. write for Mail Order Catalog. W.l Dong-ltu, OnNMOBiJUM. MAYER BROS. Cultivate Constancy. The secret of success Is constancy of purpose. Disraeli. and others have not lived up to the Denver and Toronto agreements of the American Federation of Labor in any shape, manner or form. 2nd. You did not even make an at tempt of any character, at any time, to dissolve the Cleveland injunction suits and thereby liberate the funds tied up so that a convention could be held. You cannot hold a convention without funds, and you know it; 3rd. You did not comply with the or ders of the special committee at any time. You were repeatedly requested to dismiss all law suits, but, on the contrary, you complicated matters by adding three more local unions as par ties to the suits, and this on Decem ber 7th, 1909 two days before the special committee- held its first meet ing in Springfield, 111. 4th. The special, .committee did not decide that a convention would be held at an early .date, but did decide that a conventioriv"ould be held just as soon as the terms and conditions of the Denver and Toronto agreements were complied with, and no sooner. 5th. McNulty, Noonan and others never said, or even Intimated, in any manner to the committee, in my pres ence, that they did not favor a con ention or that they would not at tend a convention, If called. 6th. From whence did you learn that the majority of the committee, Messrs. Frey and TJrick, would report to the executive council of the American Fed eration of Labor; and that the minor ity, in the person of Duffy, would not report to the same body? Is this one of your imaginary conclusions; an- Just re- member this, that Duffy the minority of the committee will report in plain, straight-forward language, without fear or favor of any one, his actions in this controversy to the executive council of the American Federation of Labor, and will serve on said council copy of the communications he served on the special committee in Cleveland, Ohio, on March 11th, 1910. 7th. You say you will bravely insist on your rights, but evidently you will notgive, grant or allow the other fel low any rights at all. Brother Murphy, don't fool yourself and those you represent. Don't hide the true facts from your members un der the subterfuge that you are right in the position you assume, and have assumed, that the American Federa tion of Labor must sooner or later ac knowledge that fact. Tell them plain ly that you have ignored the Denver and Toronto agreements; that you have defied the American Federation of Labor; that you have done nothing to comply with the requests of the special committee; that you have not given the special committee any assistance at all; that you completely laid down on their hands; that you have been jollying them right along, and that all you wanted was delay, and more delay, with the hope that something might turn up to your ad vantage. McNulty and his organization, with their representative, did not run away from the special committee and the week. They reached the "parting of 'Pure Pennsylvania Cylinder, Engine and Dynamo Oils Rex Axle Grease, French J ' Automobile Oils Marshall Oil Co. Lincoln His Little Game of Politics Will Be a Successful One. The news that John W. Hays has headed the National Labor Alliance,, whose purpose is to approve of such measures as the administration passes for labor's benefit, is no surprise to labor in the west. John W. has seen the Knights of Labor dwindle from a real labor organization to a handful of mal-contents, under his guidance, and his latest outbreak against the A. P. of L. is only another of his plans for getting1 publicity, and who knows, maybe he will head the G. O. P. la bor political campaign. That alone would be enough to insure its' failure. With Hays' endorsement, any nom inee could be sure of defeat, as labor is onto his curves, and knows him and his "twelve disciples" as a bunch of skates, pure and simple. Colorado In dustrial Review. ASK NO SPECIAL PRIVILEGES. The trades unions ask for "no spe cial rights or privileges not accorded to or enjoyed by any individual citi zen.' We insist upon freedom of action always within the law and invite pun ishment by due, legal process of law if we transgress. W object to and em phatically protest against government by injunction, which is another name for industrial slavery and a hollow mockery on our boasted democracy. We want and demand free speech and free press, both of which are guaran teed by the constitution, but denied us by injunction judges in some cases. Cigarmakers' Journal. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed 1 Repaired Gentlemen and Ladies HATS Worked Over New or Cleaned and Blocked. Fixed under our Guaran tee are O. K. We have a Dressing Room and can t sponge and press your clothes while you wait. ' r TED MARRINER, 235 NORTH 11th STREET First Two Doors North of Labor Temple. Auto 4875; Bell F 1 509 Practical Hatter, Expert Cleaner and Dyer OFFICE: 134 South 9th Street TANNERY: 313-315 O Street BELL PHONE F-1617 The Lincoln Tannery ESTABLISHED 1895 HENRY HOLM) Prop., Tanner and Currier ' ' , Manufacturers of........HARNESS, LACE, LATIGE, LEATHER, ROBES and COATS. - - CUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY MANUFACTURER'S CONFESSION. At the luncheon of the Chicago City Club, on March 9, Joseph Fels, a mil lionaire soap manufacturer from Phil adelphia, unburdened his soul as fol lows: "We can't get rich in a life time nowadays under the present sys tem of things unless we do so by rob bing the people. I have made my money that way, and my firm is still doing it. Every one of your self-made millionaires has done ,it. However, I want to say that I have Begun, to re cover conscience, and I'm going to de vote my 'swag' I like to call it that, for that's what it is to doing away with the cursed system which makes it possible." USE C Lincoln Paint and Color Company's Products I THEY ARE THE BEST WITHIN LEGAL RIGHTS., Judge Frank M. Bailey, of the dis trict court, denied the petition of a planing mill to enjoin the Chickasha (Okla.) Trades Council from boycott ing its open shop products. The judge declared that so long as no threats ac companied the boycott tbe defendants were within their legal rights. K0MQ COAL i i I The Best Coal in the Market for the Money ase-easae" LUMP, EGG OR NUT, $7.00 L. iFor Furnace, Heating Stove or Kitchen Range, Try t.' Whitebreast Coal Co. 1106 O STREET. Bell 234 Auto 3228 MUST WEAR UNION HATS. Members of the Boston Cigar makers' Union will not gain admit tance to the next meeting of the union unless they wear hats bearing the union label. Such was the decision of the members of the executive board recently. A gentleman or Arizona once hanged himself to the bed post by his suspen ders. The verdict of the coroner's jury was: "Deceased came to his death by coming home full and mistaking him- I self for his pants." Green Gables The Dr. Benj. F. Baily Sanatorium LINCOLN, NEBRASKA For non contagious chronic diseases. Largest, best equipped, most beautifully furnished. First Trust ill Savingts Bank Owned by Stockholders of th First National Bank THE BAKTK FOR THE WAGE-EARNED INTEKEST PAID AT FOUR PER CENT ' Tenth and O Streets Lincoln, Nebraska oo B O 9 8 9