The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, April 01, 1910, Image 6

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ED xCcAy
Mr. Just wed I want a chicken
that I ean fry. roast, stew or fix up
djt way I want.
Dealer Here's one, lady, you can
to 'anything you like with and sot
hurt It.
My little son. a boy ot fire, hroko
out witli aa Itching rash. Three doc
tors proscribed for him, but ho kept
getting worse until we could not dress
him any more. They finally advised
me to try a certain medical college,
but its treatment did no good. At
the time I was induced to try Cuti
cura, he was so bad that I had to cut
bis hair oft and put tho Cuticura Oint
ment on him on bandages, as it was
Impossible to touch him with the bare
hand. There was not one square inch
ot akin on his whole body that was
not affected, lie was cue mass of
ores. The bandages used to stick to
his skin and in removing them it used
to take the skin oft with them, and
the screams from the poor child were
heartbreaking. I began to think that
he wouM never get well, but after the
second application of Cuticura Oint
ment I began to see signs of improve
ment, and with the third and fourth
applications tho sores commenced to
dry up. His skin peeled off twenty
times, but it finally yielded to the
treatment. Now I can say that he is
entirely cured, and a stronger and
healthier boy you never saw than he
ta to-day, twelve years or more since
the cure was effected. Robert Wattam,
1148 Forty-oighth St., Chicago. Ill,
Oct . 1S09."
Unpublished Utterances.
Herein is sot down a hitherto un
published utterance of Emerson. There
Is no doubt of its authenticity: "An
a boodoly boodoly booclely boo, dood
ly doodely doo!" It was his favorite
way of addressing babies. Carly'.e in
variably addressed babies thus:
"Hookey kooltey kookey koo, kookcy
kookey koo!" Occasionally he varied
that with: "Keekey keekey keuUey
kee. keekey. koekoy kee!" Shake
Bpearc'B conversation with babies was
this: "Too r-o-sey! Too r-o-sey!" Sir
Francis Bacon's was simply: "Klklk."
David Humo said: "Boo!" Charles
Dickens used to say: "Heao, tain't oo
yaph a iUy bit?" Sir Isaac Newton
used to say: "Howdydoogums!"
George Eliot used to say: "Cunnin'
In! Burdie!" Puck.
How's This?
W attar Cm Hvmdrod Dollari Rewud lor an?
sea. of lUvil that cannot be cured by Hall's
Ckitftt) Cum.
9. 3. CHENEY CO., Toledo. O.
We, tan MncW&tvtMd. have known F. J. cueney
nr the laat k& yenra, and believe liim perfectly hon.
rmble In aa business transactions and financially
Me carry out any oblleatioiia made by hla arm.
Waumnq. Kinnan or Marvin,
Wholesale DruK.Tista. Toledo, O.
Hall Catarrh Cora la taken Internally, aotlng
enrectly inxin the blood and mucoi:a aiirracra or the
Ijmm. Tvettmonlaia aent tree. Price 76 cents pec
kettle. pVMd by all Druorlata,
Taka Uaira amuy puis tor const Ipattoo.
The innocent Victim.
"I believe," said the blunt individual,
"In speaking my mind and calling a
spade a spade."
"Yes," replied Miss Cayenne. "Many
re that way. The tendency is what
corrupts the vocabularies of so many
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle ot
CASTOKIA, a safe and sure remedy tor
Infants and children, and seo that It
Hears the
Signature of (z&M,y.
In Use For Over SO Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Miss Illithely (Interested in science)
Can one get a shock from a tele
The Professor That depends, my
dear young lady, on who is talking at
the other end. M. A. P.
Satisfactory to Her,
"Woman," observed the epigram
niatlc boarder, "is a puzzle Without an
"Huh!" snorted old Grumpley. "
never saw a woman without one yet.'
Stray Stories.
la all ita forma, among all agrs of horses
and dap, cured and others in the name
table prevented from having the disease
with tipohn's Distemper Cure, kvery bot
tle guaranteed. Over 5UO.0UO bottles sold
last year. $.50 and $1.00. Good druggists,
or arad to manufacturers. Agents wanted.
Write for free book. Spolin Merl. Co.,
6pec Contagious Diseases, (Johcn, lnd.
An Ungentlemanly Reply.
"Once you called me the light of
your existence."
"Yea, I know it That was before I
had any idea you were going to be
come the dead weight of it."
It eerUilnly mckM your nyatt-iu unit may run Into
eoiuetb nit arloiia. AHi' ,fin' ItttlKatu will eh vk
lta,ulaif and puriaauenLlv. r'or sale ul ell drugg-Uls
Vanity is due to a leak in one's wis
dom tank..
No, Cordelia, It isn't called "com
ob sense" because it Is so common.
diamonds the
lady of wealth
may possess to
deck her fingers,
ears and neck.
jr she is always
roused to covet
I I ousness by tho
01 The s C
i n l n g anuring
in the sight of a rope or a collar
of pearls around a white neck, and
they are to most women the most
desirable Jewel of all. But they
must be large or in quantity and
they are, if good, costly in the
extreme. The small pearls one
sees seed pearls are cheap, but
still set about a large diamond in
a ring they seem to improve the
diamond, and at the same time to
derive some of its virtue from
their neighborhood.
The pearl is all the more sought
after because, unlike other pre
cious stones, no amount of artifi
cial treatment, such as cutting or
polishing, can enhance its beau
ties. Nature's workmanship must
be perfect and untouched and the
pearl conies to you exactly as it
emerges from the oyster. On the
other band, it has this . disadvan
tage. It is liable to discoloration
and the only way is to give it a
rest from too much contact with
the skin. Still that is not the only
stone which suffers discoloration.
Was it not the famous necklace of
Marie Antoinette, preserved in a
guarded case in a museum, which
after years of nonuse began to
lose color and had to be worn at
Intervals in order to give it its
pristine beauty?
The value of the pearl is com
parable with that of the most cost
ly gems. Its price varies with its
size, form and general beauty of
appearance. A pearl of the first
water must have symmetrical
form, a smooth surface, be free
from all blemishes or fractures, bo
translucent, and have a One white
color and a perfect luster; and it
so nappens that it is rare to get
this combination. The
shape is spherical, egg shaped or
pear shaped. The perfect color is a silvery milk
white, but there are yellowish pearls much es
teemed in India and China.
It is not generally known, however rhnt thorn
are pearls which in color are red-brown, bronze.
garnet red, rose red, pale blue, greenish white,
violet and purple. But most curious of all is the
black pearl, which on account of its hardness is
much sought after. When it is of a beautiful and
uniform color and of a perfect form, it is worth
almost as much as pearls of the purest white.
The price of a string of perfectly matched
pearls is much more in proportion than that of
a single pearl, for it may take years to get to
gether a collection of pearls which are alike in
size, shape and quality. A string of yellowish In
dian pearls costs $20,000, of white $25,000, of
black Pacific pearls $30,000, and even then you
could not think that your string was anyway
To seek a unique pearl one must go to the Hope
collection, where there is one almost as large as
a hen's egg, almost but not quite faultless, which
Is valued at $75,000 a pear of 454 carats. Again,
there Is a much smaller one of 27 5-16 carats
among the French crown jewels which is valued
at $40,000.
There are other pearls, however, of distorted
shape, called baroque pearls, and of these the
most famous is the great Southern Cross, which
Is formed of nine beautiful pure white lustrous
pearls, naturally formed in the shape of a cross,
one Inch in length, for which your offer would
start at $50,000 if you wished to buy it.
To supply the world of women with pearls, the
Ceylon government administration yearly pro
claims a "fishery," determining whether or not it
should be held by examination and a sample
catch from the government banks. Then if the
marine biologist who is in charge declares that
the number of oysters warrants a fishery, the
news dies like lightning through the east and the
army of pearl divers, coolies, merchants, pearl
buyers and speculators move as fast as they can
to the Gulf of Manar the ornate and oriental
"Sea Abounding in Pearls." Almost as if by
magic a town of 40,000 inhabitants arises out
of the sand. There ris no magic about it, for the
houses of the town are easily built. A rough
framework of tree branches is formed and over
it as roof and walls are put the mats known as
cadjan formed of the woven leaves of the cocoa
nut or date palm. But there are also more pre
tentious buildings erected for the use of the gov
ernment oflicials, residency, postoffice, hospital,
court house, while there are streets, lanes, street
lamps, all the convenience's of a proper town.
The aristocrats of the town, outside of the
officials, are the divers, and they disdain to do
anything but dive, having their own servants,
who attend to the ropes and keep an eye on the
oysters brought up.
Each morning the fishing fleet sets out, some
300 odd vessels, some of them carrying as many
as 30 divers, their servants, sailors and hangers
on. When the fishing ground is reached the diver
takes his basket, draws a long breath, steps ou
to the heavy stone hung by a rope, and ta plunged
phenson, gives some interesting fig
ures about the number of nurses and
doctors in the Orient. "There are
probably," he says, "not more than
100 nurses in the entire missionary
world and there 80,000,000 people in
non-Christian lands who have no med
ical aid except missionary psysicians.
All Christendom has sent out only
689 medical missionaries, male or fe
male, and this body maintains 348
hospitals, 97 leper asylums and 21
classes for native women.
"One physician who had no nurse
to help him treated 18,000 cases in a
year. So you see that the supply of
trained medical assistance is wofully
"In Calcutta, which has the best
facilities in the Orient, three-fifths of
the population die without any doctor
or other trained medical assistance
in their final illness. In China there
U V aa I "l-".
II II SkaiaSi22aia3S&i , Maaa r
by his attendant to the bottom, seven or eight
fathoms below. Filling his basket rapidly, he is
drawn up and repeats the operation as often as
he can. About two in the afternoon the government
gunboat fires a gun and the fleet sets sail back.
As there are no wharves, the oysters are carried
on shore and deposited in the "kottu" by the
strong porters. As soon as the shells are depos
ited they are counted, two-thirds going to the
government as their share, the other one-third
going to the boat which brings them in. At sun
set the shells are auctioned by the thousand, and
there is fierce competition, for who knows what
the lottery of chance may bring them in pearls.
The oysters brought are then removed apart by
each buyer and placed in his compound, where
they are carefully guarded till the sun beats upon
them, putrefaction sets in and the oyster begins
to disgorge its treasure. Then the malodorous
contents of the shell are washed in vats and the
residue yields my lady's pearls.
When a Buddhist prays he implores his god
that when he dies he shall not be cursed by be
ing born again as a woman or as vermin. That
is the attitude of the native men of India toward
women and against which the missionaries in the
Orient are directing all their energy.
Dr. Eleanor Stephenson, a Brooklyn woman
who has been practicing medicine in India for
three years and who will return to her work
there soon, makes an appeal to American women
to go out there, the New York Evening Telegram
"I want the women here to realize what it
means to be born in America," she said recently.
"To be born where a woman is the backbone of
the man, his strength and help in every way!
Why, out in Ahmednagar, where my work is, a
woman is no more than an animal. She is for
the purpose of raising children and that is all.
A man thinks more of his cow if he is lucky
enough to have one than he does of his wife.
"A Hindoo husband will let his wife die before
he will call in a man to give her medical or sur
gical treatment. That shows the need for women
physicians in the Orient."
In Ahmednagar, which is an inland plateau
about a hundred miles . from Bombay, there are
two physicians. Dr. Ruth Hume and Dr. Stephen
son, and one American trained nurse, Miss John
son. Under Miss Johnson there are 14 native
women who have had some slight training and
these help with the nursing. In the mission hos
pital which this handful ot women run 15,000
people were treated last year, an average of 41
a day. These folk have come from a radius of
about 50 miles, though some special cases have
come as far as 300 miles.
The Rev. Alden H. Clark, who is an educa
' tional missionary at tikt eatne place as Dr. Ste-
is probably one American or European trained doc
tor to every million and a half of people. In the
United States there are 160,000 physicians and 22,
000 nurses, an average of one physician to every
550 people."
"Of course we do a great deal of actual nurs
ing and that is most important," Dr. Stephenson
says, "but another thing, which is even bigger, is'
this: We show women who have thought them
selves wholly unloved that some one cares for
them. They know that there is a very small
money consideration (given us and that what we
do is done for love. So they love us.
"When I see woman physicians struggling for a
living here and know what a field there is in India,
I feel as though they must be told.
"The kind of work I have been doing is a ter
rific appeal to the sympathies. We have to respect
caste, which makes nearly all of our cases long
standing. One woman whom I treated came to me
with her entire arm in a gangrenous condition.
She had pricked her finger seven months before.
at the time of her husband's death. On account
of her caste she could not so much as leave the
house for the seven months, during which time
septicemia set in and went up as far as her shoul
der. I told her that her arm would have to be am
putated. She refused absolutely to part with it,
and died as a result.
"Another woman burned her knee and turned
up at the hospital five months later with that part
of her leg in terrible condition. The leg was cut
off and the woman made a perfect recovery.
"I went many miles into the interior to see an
injured woman. She had fallen down a well and
was fearfully bruised all over. I found her lying
on the floor grinding corn, every turn of her arm
causing the most, intense agony. She couldn
bear to have me even touch her, she was suffering
so. 1 told her husband she had to be taken to the
hospital or she would die and he asked who would
cook the bread if she were gone. He refused to
allow her to go. All I could do was to leave
little medicine." y
Dr. Stephenson finds that the natives invariably
prefer using ointments to clean dressings. Women
come in large numbers to get ointments for raw
sores where their husbands have beaten and cut
them and they are full of gratitude to the doctor.
She finds that those of high class sre just as bru
, tally treated and just as grateful a the lowest.
"Transmigration is one of the strongest beliefs
in India," she says, "and on that account the
people will not kill any animal, not even a flea. As
a result the poor homes are overrun with bedbugs
and other vermin, which spread all sorts of fevers
and diseases.
"And another of their ideas is that we don'
know anything about raising babies. Hindoo
mothers, without exception, give opium to their
babies to make them sleep While they work in the
fields. As a result a large proportion of the little
Hindoo babies die before they are a year old. Most
of the work among the natives is surgical and the
obstetric cases are the most interesting. This i
because the natives have medicines of their own,
but know nothing of thw-uee of the knife,"
Editor- You can't write verse.
Poet I can; I've got a poetic IV
Looking Ahead.
Josephine, aged ten, has a decided
lisp. She also is very fond of attend
ing the matinee. The other day she
was giving a spirited story of the play
to Marion, who was aged nine.
My mamma says it isn't good for
little girls to go to the theater," said
Marion with an air of self-righteous
ness, "I'm not ever going till I m 18.
"Humph," retorted Josephine with
out any hesitation, "th-pose you die
when you're theventeen, then you'll
be thtung!" Woman's Companion.
Pettit's Eye Salve First Sold In 1807
100 years ago, sales increase yearly, wonder.
tui remedy; cured millions weak eyes. All
druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
It is easy for the man who never
wore a dress suit in his life to blame
all the discreditable things he hears
on polite society.
EAZO OINTM ENTF i s iron ranteed to cure but eat
of Itctainx, Jllind. Bleeding or Protruding ille in
II to A auy a or juuuey raj luuieu, ouu.
Laughter is one of the very priv
ileges of reason, being confined to the
human species. Leigh Hunt.
Stomach Ills Hay
Seem Trifles
At the start, but that ia when you want
to take the matter in hand. Neglect
can only result the one way sick
ness. The stomach is laigely respon
sible for one's health and strength and
as such it needs to be kept in a nor
mal condition. If it becomes weak,
the food remains undigested, ferments,
and causes untold suffering. Thus
you lose the strength-giving properties
of your food and you become weak
and run down. This is very notice
able at the beginning of Spring when
the system is overloaded with Winter
impurities, the bowels clogged and the
blood thick. No wonder you have the
"Spring Fever." Commence taking
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters this very
day and cleanse the entire system.
Then your Stomach Ills will also van
ish. It is for Sick Headache, Indiges
tion, Dyspepsia, Spring Fever, Gen
eral Debility and Malaria.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
, Nine times in ten when the liver u tight Am
stomach and bowels are tight.
gently but firmly com.
pel a lazy liver
Co its duty.
Cures Con
Headache, and Distress after Eating.
Small Pill. Small Doso. Small Pries)
GENUINE must bear tignature:
jmmjr I've?
We are selling farms in the choicest section
of the choicest County of this Great State.
We can sell you a farm on terras that will
enable you to pay for it out of the crops, as
you make them. We now have for quick
sale for cash one of the finest farms in Grant
County at $3,000 less than value. Write for
our descriptive circular and price list bf
special bargains. Just a postal. We will
do the rest. Better write NOW. TODAY.
Opportunity will not kick your door in.
LP MEN BROS.. Real Estate. Nashville. Okla.
Cured by Electropodes
New l-jecmc i rcarmcnt. wcs uw
Inside shoes. Body lecome magnet nerre tno
ConncuiRie wiara a wmh.w -w
Neuralgia, Backache, Kidney and Live cort-
DlainvS. Vniy 1.VU pair. uuuancv vitaw
each sale. If Electropodes fall to cure, money re
turned. II not at your Drurelst's send us $1.00.
247 Lo Angela SU Loa Angclcm, Cat
Trade MftTk.
C-on't accept
at? substitute.
ACartainRatief forFoverttalineaa.
1'Onstipn.tion, Headache,
Stomach Tront!e,wTeethlnsj
Illnor der, and Deitrsr
Worms. VhT Break in Colds)
in 24 hours. AtallDrugrisfa, foot.
Sample maitnit FPBE. Address. i
A. 5. OLMSTED. Ls) Roy. H.Y
Boo ana Advice FREE. ,
Bawlek UmMr, Wushinjrton.
DM. Hat. m ira. Beat relerauaas.
fis. 69-page dook ana
yonr Ide;
Viugtmitttrt. Vox K, Wi