MOB CHASES "WHEAT KING Warm Reception Given James A. Pat ten on His Visit to English Exchange, i . Chicago. James A. Patten cant Eeep out of the limelight. Last fall e thought there was going to be a fchortago In wheat and he boosted the price to the sky. Then he waa called (the "wheat king." '! Next we find Mr. Patten dallying In cuiwu, una it w uuuuuuvcu mai jhad a corner on this important prod uct Shortly afterward it was an inounce,d that Mr. Patton was going to ' jget out of active business and take a , Irlp to Europo. ' j I If it were not for that trip to Eu- i rope there would bo no occasion for !Mr. Patten's picture appearing on this Jmgo. When the "wheat-cotton king" James A. Patten. landed In England he naturally wanted to virlt the cotton exchange at Man chester. He went Now, If the tele graphic reports are true, he wishes he hadn't They mobbed the Ameri can "wheat-cotton king." They made him run and seek shelter in a nearby shop. The police had to rescue him and cart him away in a carriage. Those Britishers did not like it be cause Mr. Patten, honored citizen of Evanston, 111., that select suburb of Chicago, had cornered cotton and made the price so high that some of the English mills have had to close down. It wasn't a gentlemanly thing to do, hut they didn't take that into consideration. They say Mr. Patten was indignant It is predicted that his indignation may result in tacking a few more reuts on to the price of cotton. Most anybody would get even if he could. ON HIS WAY TO THE ORIENT William J. Calhoun Goes to China aa Minister from the United States. San Francisco. William J. Calhoun. Chicago, the man who is to have the honor of representing the United States in China because another man talked too much, sailed with Mrs. Cal houn on the steamer Tenyo Mara. March 15 for the orient. - Mr. Calhoun was selected for the place after Charles R. Crane, also of Chicago, had been recalled Just as he was about to leave -this city for China as minister from the United States. Secretary Knox wasn't pleased with some of Mr. Crane's utterances about affairs In the far east so he let Mr. Crane go and called upon Mr, Calhoun to take up the duties. Mr. Calhoun has made no such mistake as that credited to Crane and he has re fused to discuss Japan, China, Russia or any other old country or its affairs. On April 2 Mr. Calhoun expects to land in Yokohama, Japan, where he William J. Calhoun. will remain about a week. Thence he will proceed - to Shanghai, China, where the acting minister, H. B Fletcher, who was recently appointed minister to Chile, will meet him. W W. Rockhlll, now ambassador of the United States to Russia, who was for mer minister to China, may also meet Mr. Calhoun in China. Realism Too Great. The recent attempt of Florence Schenck, quondam "Virginia beauty,' to take her life recalls a little Inci dent in Miss Schenck's career that oc Icurred during her brief appearance in '"The Queen of the Moulin Rouge" at the Circle theater. New York. One evening during the restaurant scene Thomas W. Ryley, the manager, observed that amid all the revelry ' Miss Schenck slept soundly sd peace folly. At the nd of the act he gently reprimanded her. . "I don't see why you should kick about that.1 retorted Miss Schenck .'"Ctrl of the class I am supposed to be .representing In the play -frequently .fall asleep In restaurants." mm, fat J r (X " V"!"" '. el 1 Ye Divorce Seems the Curse of the Vanderbilt Family O the workaday world, which wonderingly reads of the increasing number of divorces of the Van derbilts, the most puz zling and at the same time the most tragic aspect of their ' matri-' monial record is ta ef fect upon the little Van- derbilts. To be under the shadow of the divorce court Is the fate of more than half the children that have al ready been born of the Vanderbilt unions. In fact they are all exposed to this malady and its results more or less directly, as other children are ex posed to the measles and the whoop ing cough. Whether it "takes" or not lb their own immediate families, there are those who believe that there are none of the Vanderbilt families but who have this fate impending that even if it never drops divorce is al ways a sword of Damocles hanging over the beads of the most devoted of them. At present there are five Vanderbilt children of the younger generation whose fathers and mothers have en- Joyed immunity from the divorce' courts and who have only come In contact with it second hand. There are also just five who through no fault of their own are "short on fa thers," and who, getting along with one parent are left to puzzle their baby heads as best they can over what has become of the other. Whether this shortage will increase into a multiplicity of fathers and mothers by each parent marrying again is the question which is now occupying those who are close enough to see the motions of that part of the Vanderbilt family which are separated. Children Involved In Muddle. Of the children already involved in the divorce or separation muddles there are: Willie H. Vanderbilt son of Alfred Gwynre Vanderbilt. aged eight. Muriel and William K.. children of Willie K. Vanderbilt Jr. Marquis of Blandford and Lord Ivor Spenser Churchill, children of ; the duchess of Marlborough. , Among those not yet affected are: Catbleen, daughter of Reginald Van derbilt. Cornelius and Grace, children of Cornelius III., as he is usually called, but really Cornelius senior, as he Is now the oldest member of the family. The two children of Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, who was Gertrude Vanderbilt bring this number up to five. How far this will go and where It will stop; to what extent It will break up the possibility of the perpetuating of a great family and a great fortune by always keeping one of the sons as "the bead" Is the question which agi tates those who are most Interested in the Vanderbilts. Parents Set the First Example. That the newest and latest separa tion ot Willie K. Jr., from bis wife, who was Miss Virginia Fair, and that of Vs. the duchess of Marlborough from the duke is only natural with the example set by their own father and mother is conceded. It was only a short time after her own marriage that the duchess of Marlborough had the op portunity to exercise all her diplomacy from the embarrassing habit which her own father and mother formed of marrying again, and it was noticed that she was quite equal to the occa sion. Her father, Willie K. Sr., was mar ried to Mrs. Rutherford In London, and the duchess was present. After the ceremony she kissed her lather and wished him happiness, and she has always been on friendly terms with his new wife. She has also been on the most affectionate terms' with her own mother, who married O. H. P. Belmont immediately after the di vorce. It was not so long after this that everybody was shocked with the news that the duke and duchess could no longer live together or would no longer. Terms Favorable to the Duke. Under the arrangements of the sep aration settlement the children were to be with their father a small part of tho time, and most of the time with their mother. But under the English plan the duchess could not live at Blenheim, the home of the Marlbor- oughs, but had to content herself with the beautiful town house presented to her by her father. That the duke - . uvuv i urn. i-i-ni uunc J looks crusty and unamiable is the opinion of many Americans who have seen him. and tourists who have vis ited Blenheim have resented the sight of this small lordling (small in stature at least) riding horseback over his es tate, which had been enriched by his wife's money while its gates , were closed to his wife. Now it is tLught that a reconcilia tion may be accomplished by the duchess' father, and, apropos of this. the latter has made a remark which is considered funny when his own matri monial experiences are remembered. "This nonsense of a separation has- gone far enough," he said. To try to rorce ine pair to live together again he is reported to be cutting off part of the allowances that he makes to both the duke and the duchess. He has allowed the duke $50,000 a yeaf since the separation, and the duke soon declared that he could hardly keep up Blenheim on It so that it wouldn't g actually to pieces. Duchess Lends a Helping Hand. To help him out the duchess re lieved him of the support of the two children, paying for It out of her al lowance. In the meantime it seems to those who look at the beautiful por traits of these children that they both look out on the mix-up which sep arates their father and mother with wondering eyes. Whatever happens, the little duke of Blandford cannot be cheated out of his patrimony as far as the estate is concerned., although the fortune that it will take to "restore" it again when he comes of age will have to depend upon the good will of his grandfather, Vanderbilt. How many more separate sets of grandchildren this gentleman will have to settle his money upon will be seen later, if his son Willie K., gets a divorce and remarries. In case this son should acquire another fam ily there comes the question, will Wil lie K., Sr., be most interested i, in his namesake, Willie K. III., who remains with his mother, or will he naturally turn to later children that might be born to his son Willie K. II. Whether Mrs. Willie K. II. will re marry is wondered about. It was her sister, Mrs. Arthur Kemp, who di vorced her husband and declared that it was the millions belonging to the rich married couples that begets all the unhappiness. ' ' Fate Hangs in the Balance. In the meantime even more uncer tainty await3 the fate of little William Henry, aged eight, who is the only child of the Alfred Gwynne Vander bilts. This was the child who was elected to receive the bulk of the other half of the great Vanderbilt for tune. It will be remembered that old William Henry divided the greater part of his fortune between his sons Cornelius and William K. equally. His other sons, Frederick and George, and his four daughters, Mrs. Elliot F. Shepard, Mrs. W. Seward Webb, Mrs. H. McKay Twombly and Mrs. W. D. t Sloane. shared emiall-v in the remain- f der of the fortune. 'It was the hope of the father of this large family that of the two sons whom he' made the chief heirs one would build up a line of succession which would remain stable and re ceive the bulk of the fortune. Cor nelius announced his purpose of do ing this, and his eldest son, Cornelius, generally known as Cornelius III., was picked as his heir. When this young man announced his intention of mar rying Miss Grace Wilson, the beautiful daughter of a fine New York family, but: seven or eight years his senior, there was a furious quarrel. "She is too old for you, and if you marry her I will disinherit you," said, the father. Son Gives Decisive Answer. For answer the - son immediately married her and lost $50,000,000, which his father willed to Alfred Gwynne afterward. It was the largest fortune ever given up for love, and, strange to say, the man who lost . it has- seemed to be the most happy of all the Vanderbilts in his matrimonial re-' lations. Mrs. Cornelius is said to be one of the few women in her set of New York society who has brains, and she is a perfect society leader. She is a de voted mother to her beautiful children, and under her Influence Cornelius has worked hard in the railroad business. He has invented several appliances which are in use on his own and other railroads. He is a scholarly and un usual man, and there are some who think that he may have the best gifts to pass on in succession of any of the Vanderbilts. But the money, so the father willed, should be conserved and passed on by Alfred Gwynne, who Married 1 Elsie French. Alfred was not scholarly, however. He was not even possessed of the microbe of family devotion. His deflections, both from the path of business and matrimonial allegiance, have been notorious andvcostly. They have cost him his wife and a tre mendous alimony, and the separation j from his eight-year-old son, William Henry, the child to whom the bulk of the fortuue was to have been passed ou. More "Alliances'' Now In Sight. But now Alfred shows signs of mar rying again, if his uncertain "light o' love" should hit upon some one who is eligible to matrimony. Lately it has hovered around Miss Lena Ash well, the London actress, who is in every way his equal socially and who is his superior in present standing, on account of his escapades. Mrs. Elsie French Vanderbilt has also been In dulging in what looks like a prelimin ary matrimonial skirmish with Count Von Bentinck, a lieutenant in the Ger man army. , DIVORCES IN THE VANDER . BILT FAMILY, W. K. Vanderbilt divorced and married again, Consuelo Vanderbilt separated V from the duke of Marlborough. Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt divorced and married to O. H. P. Belmont. Mrs. Frederick Vanderbilt di vorced from her first husband. Alfred Vanderbilt divorced'. Willie K. Vanderbilt, Jr., talk-, ing of divorce. Elliot Shepard, great-grandson of Commodore Vanderbilt, , once separated from his' wife. Col. Vanderbilt Allan, the son-in-law of William Henry Vander bilt, who was divorced from the wife he married after the death of his first wife, the daughter of W. H. Vanderbilt. Mrs. Clarence Collins, grand daughter of Commodore Vander bilt, divorced. tf' Countess Czalkowsky, . great granddaughter of Commodore Van derbilt, divorced. Leroy Dresser, the brother of Mrs. George Vanderbilt, sued for divorce. Little Wonder. Visitor And who Is the poor man in the padded cell? ' Attendant Oh, he's the chap who tried to follow the advice of all hie I alleged friends. The Spring Suits l TRICTLY tailored , lines are the ij accepted thing for spring suits. There, is a smartness in these severe models which is not gained in the dressy suits. Then, too, the more conservative designs are safer, as a plain tailor-made costume is always in good style, no 'matter what more striking fashions, either beautiful or absurd, may be in the running at the same tlnie. The distinction of a good tailor made model lies in the arrangement of the cuffs, collar, and button ' pla cing,' and it is a chic novelty in these details that marks the first showing of suits as entirely of this year's vintage. Some of the cuffs and collars are faced with the material, . but there is more cachet to the models having a darker touch for a finish. Nearly all the coats are single-breasted, or very slightly doubled, and they fasten with one, two, or three buttons. The coats are short, but not unbecomingly so. The sleeves are on the straight-coat sleeve lines, fitting into the armbole with little or no fullness. The skirts clear the ground well, some ' being shorter than others. Two inches from the floor is a good practical length. : - There is no skirt so universally be coming -as the plaited model, s and it it )to be the fashionable thing for the spring suit ' The plaits are ar ranged in . various ways, prettily grouped, or coming below a - yoke.: Both box and side plaits will be used. Very fetching are ' the - fabrics for the delightful spring raiment and charming color adds its attractiveness to the beauty of the weaves. , Coarse, open, rough finished goods, though very light in weight, ore the latest DIRECT FROM PARIS. Trlcone of mole-colored felt lined with black velvet, a knot of velvet drawn through a steel clasp holding a moie-gray feather. ! .. . (.' ' , Little Girl's Dress. . A girl of six years has a pretty pina fore dress , of white linen, ' having a panel front and back, with three large scallops, with small ones between, at the tops and bottom. The sides are plahited to give desired fullness and the small sleeve caps are notched. All notches are outlined with blue em broidery is a. dainty button hole stitch. The button holes are worked with blue, and the buttons are white pearl, with blue centers. The dress Is in one piece, to be worn with sheer guimpe. A Novel' Dryer. , The woman who, goes in for beauty fads has now adopted the slapping method of drying. After the bath instead of .drying with a Turkish towel she slaps herself dry with light even strokes of the palm of h.r band, and fingers. This is supposed to have a benefi cent effect on circulation and Is es pecially recommended to those who are subject to a dead feeling of the limbs fancies, and white threads are woven in, giving a lovely light silvery tonei which it most effective, Green, rose, biscuit, tan, gray bltte,j and a grayish lavender are among thet popular ' shades ' in . the ' fashionablei cheviots, homespuns and allied fabrics.; Dark blue and medium gray will. be worn for more practical suits and es-' pecially for long .coats for motoring, traveling of such outdoor wear. ; w , White serge is one of the loveliest of all materials for : the better suit and no modish .outfit Is quite com-! plete without one of these smart crea-i tions. , i ' i-. i The suits and coats of the accom-j panyihg sketch, give a general ideal of the, trend of fashion for the first! spring days. The loose coat of the) first sketch is : an air-around useful) garment for motoring. It is of navyj serge of a loose, wide ? wale, : with black satin, gold buttons,, black cordsj and a hood faced with navy silk dot- ted in white.' ; The second sketch Is of a light soft) blue homespun with black satin collar and cuffs, and an odd finish above the fastening made of matching 'soutache and wee crocheted buttons. It is an excellent model, too, for a white; serge suit : ' The long coat is of dark blue serge with collar, cuffs and pipings of cop-i per colored cloth. ; The buttons are) black and silver. Such a coat will be very useful for a woman who goes about a good deal on the cars orj train.'". ; ! . The remaining suit is a practicaij comfortable affair for everyday wear in green cheviot with black satin but tons and collar, and revers of natural pongee. , ' , COLORS THAT SUIT YOUTH f '' , ' r-.yy Anything Bright Is Good, But Combi nations Are to Be Skill - fully Handled. , ' .There Is undoubtedly an age In colors. The clear blues, reds, pinks and yellows belong to youth. - and youth alone should wear them. , The time will soon come when the pastel shades, the - lavenders, ' the shaded purples and ' the . shadowy greens must be our lot Therefore, "gather ye rosebuds while ye may" and glory In all the fresh, beautiful colors of youth. : , , . It is not one color that is to bright too loud for a young girl; it is the combination of two' or more colors. If this be remembered jirhen replen- ishing the wardrobe, and only those colors . be chosen Which will combine with , those already' got fewer ' mis takes will be made, and the number of "perfectly hideous", hats or frocks hung in forgotten clothes presses would soon diminish. , ' It is a mistake for a young girl to eliminate ail the stronger colors from her belongings, for she, and she alone, ' can do them justice. , t Making a Paper Hat In theseN days of fancy paper cos tumes a1 girl should know how to make an effective hat Tear crepe paper into two-inch strips the length of the sheet Take three strands and plait closely inte a smooth and even braid.! Cover a wire frame with these braids and face under part of brim, with plain crepe ' paper or mull to1 match. Make a bunch of paper flow-1 era roses, poppies, or carnations ' and arrange them on the hat with aj band of dull green, brown, or black glazed paper to represent velvet Polka ..Dots. ' ' r Polka dots provide ornameatatien for a plain lawn shirt waist and en rich the trousseau of a recent bride. The colored dots form a line down the front box plait and the plaits on each side. . They also ran down the top of the sleeve and cover the entire four-inch cuff and the attached nigh collar. A , plaiting' of, the plain.: white material extends-down-one side' of-the front plait and this is edged with a narrow line of plain color. The Paris Shades. In Paris the red-pink shades of vel vet find many admirers, bat porples. ojenB and blues are close rivals.'