The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, March 05, 1910, Image 7

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He caught a little cold
That was all.
So the neighbors sadly said.
As they gathered round his bed.
When they heard that he was dead.
He caught a little cold
That was all.
Neglect of a cough or cold often
leads to serious trouble. To break up
a cold in twenty-four hours and .cure
any cough that is curable mix two
ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounce of
Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and
eight ounces of pure Whisky. Take a
teaspoonful every four hours. You can
buy these at any good drug store and
easily mix them in a large bottle.
Tlie Girl It isn't fair for you to
Leap on your mask after I have taken
off mine.
The Boy I didn't wear any.
"No tongue can tell how I suffered
for five years with itching and bleed
ing eczema, until I was cured by the
Cuticura Remedies, and I am so grate
ful I want the world to know, for
what helped me will help others. My
body and face were covered with
sores. One day it would seem to be
better, and then break out again with
the most terrible pain and itching. I
have been sick several times, but
never in my life did I experience such
awful suffering as with this eczema. I
had made up my mind that death was
near at hand, and I longed for that
time when I would be at rest. I had
tried many different doctors and medi
cines without success, and my mother
brought me the Cuticura Remedies, in
sisting that I try them. I began to
feel better after the first bath with
Cuticura Soap, and one application of
Cuticura Ointment.
"I continued with the Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Ointment, and have
taken four bottles of Cuticura Resolv-1
ent, and consider myself well. This
was nine years ago and I have had
no return of the trouble since. Any
person having any doubt ibout-this
wonderful cure by the Cuticura Reme
dies can write to my address. Mrs.
Attio Etson, 93 Inn Road, Battle Creek,
Mich., Oct 16, 1909."
Clubwomen Plan Meet.
Nineteen hundred and ten means
much to club women, for another bi
ennial convention of the General Fed
eration of Women's Clubs, with a
membership of 800,000, will be held in
Cincinnati, O.. in May, bringing to
gether women with a common pur
pose from the four corners of the
We offer One Hundred Dortars Reward for any
mm at Catarrtl Uul can out Iw cured by Hair
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHKSEY CO.. Tolfdn, O.
Wr tor undernamed. liave known F. J. Cheney
for the tost 16 yearn, and believe him perfertly hon
orable lu all Durness traimarlroiui niul ItnitneiMly
bio to carry nl any ublrtfnllutis made by Ills firm.
Waumho. Kinnan Marvin.
Whole! Druintlsui. Toledo. O.
nafl'a Catarrh Cum la taken internally, actinic
Slreetly upon the blood and mucous surfac nt tho
avtrtera. TesUinonints aent. free. 1'rlce 7o cent, par
utile. Sold by all llruit-teta.
'i'at Uaus Family (or comtlpatlon.
Doing Two Things at Once.
A man hurried Into a quick-lunch
restaurant recently and culled to the
waiter: "Give me a ham sandwich!"
"Yes, sir," said the waiter, reaching
for the sand lch. "Will you eat it or
take It with you?"
"Both," was the unexpected but ob
vious reply. Ladies' Home Jouruul.
Veteran Detective Tells of the
"Dip's" Tricks.
Warns Against the Man Who Folds
His Arms Danger Behind a
Newspaper Some Cut
Your Pockets.
Chicago. "This burg is having an
unusual number of Jobs by pickpock
ets," said a veteran detective a few
days ago. "I hardly understand the
revival of this sort of crime, as the
best of the 'dips' have been pretty
well stowed away, and the complaints
of 'lifted' leathers and tickers have
been few until recently."
By "dips" the old sleuth meant
pickpocket. When he used the word
"lifted" he referred to the taking of
an article by a pickpocket. In the
vernacular of a pickpocket a pocket
book is a "leather" and a watch is a
"ticker." A diamond is a "spark."
"I don't know where this mob
comes from, as I haven't been working
on the cases," continued the detective,
"but it seems to be composed of a
pretty clever lot of dips." It may be
necessary to explain again that by
"mob" the old thief-taker meant a
band of pickpockets.
"These fellows usually work in
pairs, and it. is not unusual for them
to clear up several thousand dollars Id
a few days.
"It one of them falls, that is being
And mrtil to Uo A. H. Tiwls Medicine Co.,
Bt. LihiIh, Mo., and thoy will send you free
a 10 fay trnulmnnt of NATUKU'S ItKMK
l)t .Nil tbUtn. aimriintoej for Ithc-u.
mat'.sm. Constipation, Slrk Hoaduche, Uv
er. KMwy and Hloori IMsrnsos. Sold by
nil DmirslstH. Hotter tlinn Pills for Uvcr
1114. It'a froo lo you. Write today.
His Status.
"Well, my little man," inquired a
visitor pleasantly, "who are you?"
"I'm tho baby's brother!" was the
Ingeuuous reply. The Truth Seeker.
If It's Your Eye Use Pettit's Eye Salve,
for inflnmmntion, Rtys, itching lids, eye
aches, defects of vision and sensitivity to
strong lights. AH druggists or Howard
Bros., BuUnlo. N. Y.
Aim at excellence and excellence
will be attained. This is the greatest
secret of success and eminence. Mortimer.
Some Methods of Pickpockets.
arrested, there generally is a fund oul
of which his lawyer's fees are paid
and the rest of the gang stands bj
him, making every effort to cleat
"You ask me how to avoid having
your pockets picked. Well, I don't be
lieve any man can give advice on that
subject. It is hard to tell what style
a pickpocket is going to adopt. Usual
ly he works in a crowd. "The jam on
the elevated stations is a good place,
but there generally is a pair of fly
cops on each of the loop stations at
night, and the crooks know it. Then
they get on tho surface cars and work
the platforms. Several of the recent
Jobs have been done that way.
"One of the commonest methods of
stealing a diamond stud is to get
them with a pair of pincers having a
pocket Into which the stone falls when
it is cut off. The dip usually works
from behind a newspaper. Of course,
you can't watch every man with a
newspaper on a street car, but if you
have anything valuable about you,
it is well to do so.
"A skilled crook may use a knife
with razor-like blade to cut away the
pocket. Keep your eye on the man
who folds his arms. His hands may
be at rest or they may be engaged in
picking pockets.
"We call the man who robs women
a moll buzzer. While the victim is
looking in a shop window or standing
in a street car he opens her hand bag
and gets the leather. There are not
many of these jobs any more, for
women have become wise."
Plum for Pittsburg Firm.
The province of Ontario has ordered
1,500,000 pounds of half-inch aluminum
wire tor the electric power line from
Niagara Falls. The order, worth $400,
000, goes to a Pittsburg firm.
Always the Fashions.
"Yes; I am going abroad." "And
how are you going to arrange youi
Itinerary?" "I understand coronet
braids are, the latest thing."
Weary is the back that bears the burden of kidney ills. There's no rest nor peace for the man or
woman who has a bad back. The distress begins in early morning. You feel lame and not refreshed.
It's hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. All day the ache keeps up. Any sudden
movement sends sharp twinges through the back. It is torture to stoop or straighten. At night the suf
ferer retires to toss and twist and groan. Backache is kidney ache a throbbing, dull aching in the kid
neys. Plasters or liniments won't do. You must get at the cause, inside.
A Core of Severe Kidney Diseaae Verified
By Teat of.Tiroe
William M. Sears, 429 W. Cherry
Street, Nevada, Mo., says: "I was
convinced of the great value of
Doan's Kidney Pills through per
sonal experience. Four or five
months ago I suffered a great deal
from a pain across the small of my
back, extending at times into my
limbs and shoulders. When I
stooped or did any, work that
brought a strain on the muscles of
my back, my trouble was aggra
vated. I tried a number of reme
dies but without success. After a
short time I could see that they
were benefiting me, and the con
tents of two and one-half boxes
cured me." (Statement given in
May, 1909.)
On Dec. 3rd, 1908, Mr. Sears said:
"I still have great faith in Doan's
Kidney Pills. I feel justified in re
endorsing this remedy as it has
done so much for me."
How To Tell When The
Kidneys Are
Backache, sideache, pains when stooping or lifting, sad
den sharp twinges, rheumatic pains, neuralgia, painful,
scanty or too frequent urination, dizzy spells, dropsy,
Discolored or cloudy urine. Urine that contains sedi
ment. Urine that stains the linen. Painful passages.
Blood or shreds in the urine. Let a bottleful of the
morning urine stand for 24 hours. If it shows a cloudy
or fleecy settling, or a layer of fine grains, like brick
' , dust, tho kidneys are disordered.
A Complete Cure of Kidney Trouble ,
end Dropsy
Mrs. Zi. L. Babers, 1615 Terry St.,
Houston, Texas, says: "I hold a
very high opinion of Doan's Kid
ney Pills and with good reason, for
three years ago they cured me of
kidney trouble that had clung to
me for several years. There was
a dropsical swelling of my feet and
limbs in addition to other symp
toms of kidney complaint, and al
though I used various remedies, I
was not helped until I procured
Doan'i Kidney Pills. Two boxes
of this preparation cured me and I
have never had the slightest return
of my trouble. I have recom
mended Doan's Kidney Pills to
many people who have questioned
me about them, and I know of sev
eral cases in which they have done
the same good work."
II ' fftheftlnls There"
A TRTAf FRFF Te,t m;t
Jt IVlrlLi i IVLilli ney Pills Yourself
Cut out this coupon, mail it to Foster-Milbura
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A free trial package of
Doan's Kidney Pills will be mailed you
promptly. w.N.u.
Sold ly"aLll dealer jTrice5oljents., Foster fLBURNXo.uffaloTWY Ptoprietors.
tore II
"This is a portrait of Hix, the deaf
mute." ' "A very striking picture. He looks
as if he were just going to speak."
Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
After using , "Uncle Sam's
Briakfast Food" for the past three
weeks I felt like I must write and tell
you what a mistake you make in not
advertising your excellent food.
It ought to be advertised in every
newspaper in the country.
I can not praise it too highly for the
great benefit I have derived from the
use of it.
Have had stomach and bowel trou
ble for years, but feel now this food
is going to cure me.
I recommend it to all my friends
who have any stomach trouble, but
some of them tell me they are not able
to procure it from their grocers, say
they never heard of it.
Wishing you all the success possible,
I am yours respectfully,
Middletown, O.
We certify that the above is a true
copy of the original and was not so
licited. U. S. BF. F. CO.
Color mora good briohter and tetter colon than any other dye. One 10c package i colorj "be f" SSSmLX uJ"125er !VI"!"
WWinont without ripoinu aouU Write tot trap booklet How to Due. Bleach and Hut Celors. MOM ROC ORUQ OO., Qulnay, tlfbtalm.
child gets everything
"And still it never gets what it real
ly needs."
"You surprise me!"
"It needs a spanking."
when yon want Perry Dnvis' Paink-iitrr, as notnlng
is as good for rheumatism, neuralgia and similar
troubles. 70 years in constant use. &c, 35c and 50c.
One should take care not to grow
too wise for so great a pleasure of life
as laughter. Addison.
Take from
happy years.-
my mouth the
wish of
.Can be handled Terr earily. Toe Kick are en red. end an otben In
BiaDie. no mailer now P""ilJS"y"jLM5""Ni
. . -. i.. fuj . .... An fl.. MnMl anil mtmm ..l Ilia em
all forms of distemper. Beet remedy ever now; ipr mane inioav
(One bottle guaranteed to cure one case. 60c an II a bottle; s&aaa;
910 dozen oFdraggste and harness dealers, or sent Mpiessiyldby
inannfactnrersL Cut shows how to poultice throats. Oar free
Booklet gives everything. Local agents wanted. Largest eaUlset
l 1 ii In ni Isrnnrn twnlTmrram
&POHH MEDICAL CO.. Chemists as. BestsrSolecIsls, GOShflflt IndasttsSsAe
-T "SI
defiance starcik! ; " VJESTERf CANADA
nth., .rorz-ha onlv la ounces same price and i aasjw -Jejajemvejei
other starches only 12 ounces same price and
DITCUT YOUR IDEAS. They may bring yon
I" A I CM I wealth. 64-page Book Free. Est. 1880.
riugerald & Co.. Pat.Attys..Box K. Wasnlnuton.D.O.
What J.I. Hill. ! Or art Railroad MswnataJ
Says About Its Whut-Froduclnsr Powort
The ereal
tt?8iceeVusei Thompson's Eye Water
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 10-1910.
ii a
' Ineligible.
So you wouldn't let Bombazine Bill
sit on the jury that tried the horse
"No," answered Three Fingered
Sam. "we do things fair and square
in Crimson Gulch. Bill's a good man,
but the fact that he runs the only
undertakin' business in the county
couldn't help prejudicin' him some
agin the defendant."
This Will Interest Mothers.
Mother Gray's Sweet Towtlers for Children,
cure FeverishneRs, Headache, Bad Stomach,
Teething Disorders, Kegulate the Bowels and
Destroy Worms. They break up colds in 24
hours. Pleasant to take, and harmless as milk.
They never foil. At all Drugsists, 25c. Sample
mailed FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted,
Le Hoy, N. Y.
Nothing New.
"Congratulations! I hear one of
vour daughters is engaged. Which one
it is?"
"Get out! It's only Bessie again!"
Meggendorfer Blaetter.
AVegetable Preparation Tor As
similating (he Food and Regula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digesfion,Cheerrul
nessandRest.Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not "Narcotic
P,pt tfOMDrSAmiElJmfER
Jtoh,tlt Salts
Jnis Sttd
ppfrmini -fi
' Worm Seed -Ciorfied
Winkrgreen. FVOr
ADcrfeclRemedv forConstipa
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
'The Centaur Company.n
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
tms ocmtauh eoMMRVi r irons itv
atest need of tfcle oeimtry
led states I m snout er sen
tion or two will be the i
mm t w
viding of homes for it
people) and crodoeing
mfficient tor tnem. The
days of oar promliiekfee'
b a wheat exporting
country are gone. Can
aria la to be the great
wheat country. '
Tfa Is great railroad mag
nate Is taking advantage
of ti e situation by -tens
to railway build
ing to the wheat fields
of Western Canada
Upwards of 12S Million
Bushels off wnuc
wore harvested In 10OO. Average
of the three provinces of Alberta,
Saskatchewan and Manitoba will be
upwards ox x Dusneis per acre.
Free homesteads of 160 acres,
and adjoining; pre-emptions of
160 acres (at S3 per acre), are to
be had In the choicest districts.
Schools convenient climate
excellent, soil the very best,
railways close at band, build
ing1 lumber cheap, fuel easy to
get ana reasonaoie in price,
water eaailv nrocuredi mixed
farming a success. Write as to
oesc piace xor geiuement, Kinen
low railway rates, descriptive Illus
trated "Last Beet Weft' (nent free
on appl ication ), and other informa-
uttawa, can., or to 1
wvenunent Agent.
Room 4 Bm Bldg.
(TJse address nearest yon), (f )
Cured by Electropodes i
T m4rfr TMtAtment. Metal 1
Inside shoes. Body becomes maenet nerve the
connecting wires. Positive cure for Rheumamm,
Neuralgia, Backache. Kidney and X-rrev conv
plaints. Only $1.00 pair. Guarantee signed with
each sale. 11 Electropodes fail to core, money re
turned. XI not at your prugtfst's send us $l0ft
We will see that you are supplied.
247 Los Angels St.. Lea Angeles, Gal
A Miracle of Comfort and Convenience
jj Clsaoses and bsaotlfle ft. .halt.
, Promotes . nuonaill fjnonh.
-iusSs J Never rails to Hester. Bray
'K&SI&r Hair to It. YonthAil Oalor.
f Curiu scalp diseases sThafr talUaj,
1 1 1 .1 "a,aaJ.lJOat Drantlsts