HER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Chlcaro. 111. "I was troubled with falling and Inflammation, and the doc I tors said i couia noi et well unless I lad an operation. II knew I could not 'Ustand the strain of Ioie, so I wrote to you sometime ago about my health and you told mo ,nat to ao. Alter taking Lydia E. Pinkham's vegeta ble Compound and Blood Purifier I am to-day a well woman." Mrs. William Aiuucns, 988 W. 21st St., Chicago, 111. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi cine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on tile in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, ul ceration.displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, Indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn Mass. Her advice is free, and always helpful. Financial Los Through Tuberculosis. Eased on the census of 1900, it is estimated by the National Association tor the Study and Prevention of Tu berculosis that nearly 100,000 children now in school will die of tuberculosis before they are 18 years of age, or that about 6,400 die annually from this disease. Estimating that on an average each child who dies of tuber culosis has had six years of schooling, the aggregate loss to the country in wasted education each year amounts to Jl, 152,000. According to Investiga tions made In New York, Boston and Stockholm, the percentage of children who are afflicted with tuberculosis Is much larger than the death rate would indicate. Sunday School's Want Ad. There is a church in Brooklyn that has adopted a novel scheme for en larging its Sunday school. ' It adver tises for boys and girls to come to it. In the shop windows In the neighbor hood of the church one may see pla cards, such as are used for adverti sing entertainments of various kinds, that bear the legend: "Wanted Boys and girls to Join our Sunday school." Below this are set forth the advantages that will come to the young folk who attend fttf Damage Done by Smoke. Herbert M. Wilson, of the United States geological survey, places the annual damage and waste by smoke in the United States at $500,000,000 in the large cities alone, or about $C to each man, woman and child of the population. A scientist claims that hogs have souls, but he probably doesn't mean those who occupy two double seats in a crowded railway car. Ticket Speculators Victorious. The ticket speculators in front of the theaters In Berlin, against whom the directors have made war, will re main active In their business. The au thorities have decided that the specu lators cannot be driven away from their haunts, but that they must not block traffic. - The manager agreed to keep in reserve a certain number of tickets for every performance for those people who came late, and, inas- , much as the police caunot break up (he business, they intend to petition for a law making the vending of tick ets on the sidewalks a misdemeanor. Superstition of Chinese. The Chinese are a superstitious Deo pie, and think It a bounden duty to keep the body Intact, and If by any misfortune they are compelled to lose a limb by amputation they invariably ask for the severe member and keep it in a box. Sometimes they will actu ally eat it. thinking it only right that that which has been taken from the body should be returned to it. On this same principle an extracted tooth will be carefully preserved or ground to powdei and swallowed in water. Eggs Stuffed and Fried. With a small tin tube or a sharp knife cut a cylindrical piece of white from the pointed ends of hard-boiled eggs, then with a small after-dinner coffee SDOon remove thn vnlba ii,x these through a sieve, add half the amount or cooked giblets, chicken, veal or ham, moisten to a paste with melt ed butter and season highly. Fill the whites with this mixture, brush the openings with white or raw egg and put the pieces of white back in place. ,Kgg and bread crumbs the eggs and fry to a pale straw color in deep fat. Serve hot with tomato or mushroom sauce. This Is simple and inexpensive and may be served with wafers as a dainty appetizer. -EADO WORLD Cleveland, O. Work Is being rushed ! on the new skyscraper office building being erected at Saint Clair avenuo and Ontario street by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. The build ing will be completed about May 1. The Brotherhood of Engineers decided on the building venture as an invest ment for surplus capital on hand. When completed the skyscraper will represent an investment of about $1, 250,000. Work was begun last' March. An auditorium with a seating capac ity of 1,400 will be a feature of the building. A $10,000 pipe organ, which will be available for concerts and re citals, will be installed. The Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers will oc cupy all of the eleventh floor. Butte, Mont. Unless there are un foreseen developments, all the mines in the Butte district will close as a result of a jurisdictional labor dis pute. A comittee representing the International Engineers' union waited on the superintendent of the Amalga mated Copper Mining Company and announced that the jurisdiction of the union must be recognized. The com mittee also claimed jurisdiction over the pump men, compressor men, fire men and oilers. Officers of the min ers' union said that the Western Federation of Miners would furnish enough engineers to operate the mines, and thus a long shut down may be avoided. Boston. The work for the raising of the fund for a memorial monument on the grave of the late Frank B. Mon aghan at Forest Hills cemetery has been started by the executive board of the Massachusetts state conference of steam engineers' union. The fund will be the tribute of the engineers of the country, and no other persons or organizations will be asked or allowed to contribute. Mr. Monaghan was an ex-international president, for years a national councilor, and at the time of his death last summer was the editor of the international union journal. St. Louis. Following a conference in this city with James Elliott, presi dent of the Southwestern Coal Opera tives association, Thomas L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America, departed for Indianapolis. Before leaving the city Lewis said that 15 questions of minor importance relating to the affairs of the miners in the southwest had been taken up, but that no decision had been reached. Wage agreements were not discussed. he said. Boston. March 1 the 65-cents-an- hour rate will go into effect for the members of Boston Operative Plaster ers' union ' 10. The men struck last Bummer for an increase from, 60 to 65 cents an hour. A compromise was made by which the men then re ceived 62 cents an hour and the 65- cents-an-hour rate was to go Into ef fect March 1 of this year. The union will enforce the agreement if neces sary, it is stated. Topeka, Kan. The work of organi zation is being carried on steadily in Kansas. New unions have been formed within the last two months as follows: In Emporia, a typograph ical union; in Atchison, a machinists' union; in Horten, a telephone opera tors' union; in Kansas City, Kan., a plumbers' union, and in Pittsburg, a printing pressmen's union. Boston. Boston building laborers' district council has decided that its wage request this year will be for five cents au hour, which, if secured, will make the new rate 35 cents an hour. The members of the six unions of Boston, Cambridge and Brookline will have a mass meeting Sunday, Febru ary 27, to take final action on the matter. Indianapolis, Ind. The Internation al Typographical union has taken a special referendum vote on the prop osition to establish a mortuary bene fit in accordance with a resolution adopted at the recent convention of the international. Worcester, Mass. In this city April j, will be held a meeting of the trail. eervice men of the United States, Can ada and Mexico, and the head of prac tically every railroad system of the country will attend and speak. Washington. Six countries already have agreed to send representatives to the International congress on child welfare in this city in May. Indianapolis, Ind. Of the 600,000 coal miners in North America, only 260,000 are within the United Mine Workers. New Bedford, Mass. There are 27,- 700 cotton mill operatives here and about the same number in Fall River Chicago. In death benefits the car penters paid out $221,742.56 last year. Augusta, Me. General organizing work will be undertaken in an en deavor to absolutely organize machin ists in New England states before May 1, when, according to the present pro gram, a demand for the eight-hour work day and substantial wage in creases will be made at every point. Wheeling, W. Va. The 250 girls em ployed In stripping tobacco in the Pollack 'stogie factories, who have been out on a strike for two weeks have won a victory. The management discharged the weigher and the girls protested. The management reinstat ed the weigher. Chicago. The possibility of a strike of 4,000 switchmen employed in the Chicago switching district of 18 rail roads was believed to have been avert ed when the parties at dispute agreed to submit the question to the Illi nois state board of arbitration. The switchmen who are members of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, de manded an increase in -wages of five cents an hour and time and a half for overtime. Both sides signed an agreement to arbitrate. The men voted for a strike, but F. O. Melchor, vice president of the Rock Island and chairman of the General Passengers committee, said no strike was now possible. The application for arbitra tion was filed at Springfield, 111. Wilkesbarre, Pa. There is con sternation among the anthracite min ers in this region, over a decision of the Luzerne county mining board to recall all - certificates issued to the many thousands of miners in this county and to examine every man as to his fitness to hold a certificate. Under a Pennsylvania law , a man must have two years' experience in hard coal mining before he can ob tain a certificate to work as a miner. The decision of the board is due to the finding of large numbers of fraud ulent certificates throughout the coun ty, the inexperienced men endanger ing the safety of mine workers and mine property. New York. Between 5,000 and 6,000 structural iron workers employed by the members of the Iron League Erec tors association have received an in crease in wages of 30 cents a day, dating from the beginning of this mouth, and on July 1 another advance of 20 cents a day will go into effect, which will bring up the wages to five dollars a day, the highest structural iron workers have yet received. The wage increase was voluntarily granted by the employers. Boston. John C. Dyche of New York, general secretary of the Ladies' Garment Workers' union, has sent word that the entire energies of the international will be concentrated in securing a complete victory for the Boston Ladies' Tailors' and Dress makers' union in its prolonged battle against several local open shop firms. The work of organizing the Boston shirtwaist and white goods makers is progressing most satisfactorily. It is said. South Bethlehem, Pa. A point for the Bethlehem Steel Company in the strike controversy was the decision of the 500 steel molders not to strike. To keep the molders at work the com pany granted them part of their de mands. Jacob Tazzlier of Washing ton, representative of Samuel Goinp- ers, arrived and took charge of the fight for the men. The agitators say they propose to get out the entire 10,000 employes of the plant. Boston. John B. Lennon, who will retire next July, has been at the head of the International Journeymen Tailors for nearly a quarter of a cen tury, and for almost as long a time has been a prominent figure in inter national labor circles. As treasurer of the American Federation of 'Labor and a member of the executive coun cil 'of the American Federation of La bor Mr. Lennon has always been in the limelight. Washington. A popular error in re gard to the number of industries in which women were employed during the first quarter of the last century limits their occupation to five or six the mills, shoemaking, cigar mak ing, sewing, the manufacture of cloth ing, and printing. Actually statistics from the industrial reports of that period show that over one hundred occupations were open to women. New York. The executive body of t!-e Barbers' International union has given notice that hereafter no dele gate to the international body will be seated if he does not wear clothing bearing the union label. London, Eng. The Great Northern railroad of Ireland has issued a no tice that employes reaching the age of 65 years must resign their posi tions. No pensions will be granted. . New York. The linotype machinists of Manhattan have established for themselves an official organ under the title Typesetting Machine Engineers' Journal. New York. There was a notable decrease in the number of violations of New York's chilld labor law last year, and fewer children were em ployed. Washington. There were about twenty national or international unions in the United States in 1881; in 1907 there were upward of 125. Newport, Eng. The Labor party convention voted down a resolution to change the title under which the par ty's candidates should stand for par liament from Labor to Labor and So cialist by a vote of 1,492 to 44. A resolution was adopted demanding laws- to enfranchise women and pay members of parliament. Boston. Just 470 clerks employed in the general offices of the B. & M. railroad system in this city were granted a wage increase of ten per cent, last week. The requests of the clerks in the local offices and the freight clerks are still pending. NEVER TASTED FLESH Philadelphia Girl Vegetarian AH Miss Ora Kress Is Not Interested In the Boycott on the Meat Trust She Bars Feathers on Her Hats. Philadelphia, Pa. There is one young woman in this city who is not at all concerned about the outcome of the anti-meat crusade, or the beef trust investigation, and that is Miss Ora Kress, a junior at the Woman's Medical college. Miss Kress is a vege' tarian, not one who adopts it as a fad, but one who has never tasted .meat from the time of her birth, 22 .years ago. Her father. Dr. D. H. Kress, super-; iintendent of the Seventh Day Advent-! 1st sanatorium at Washington, D. C, is an ardent advocate of vegetarian ism, and he has brought up his daugh ter in accordance with his views. ' Miss Kress is none the worse off ifor her abstinence from meat. Healthy jand robust, with a clear complexion, a pleasant temperament and genial disposition, she is the favorite of .friends and fellow-students. Time and - again her chums endeav ored to tempt her with a "sirloin, well done," or a brown turkey drumstick, jbut she resisted the temptation. ' "Do you know, it often strikes me so funny," said Miss Kress, with a laugh, "to see people gorging the carcass of some dead animal or fowl down their throats. It is repulsive to me. - "Why kill living things for food when the earth is so generous with her bounty of healthful, nourishing food?" "Do you believe in vegetarianism be cause it is healthful or because it is humane?" she was asked. "Both," she answered. "Do you wear plumes or feathers?" "Oh, no; that would be inconsist ent." "Is not the human alimentary canal so constructed as to be able to digest meat and fat?" she was questioned. "Fat, not meat," was the answer. "Butter is fat, too. Then, it must be remembered that wheat and nuts con tain a great deal of fat. "The ancient Greeks, who attained the highest point in the development of the human form and who gave so much to the world that is beautiful and artistic, subsisted almost entire ly upon vegetable food. Flesh food was a luxury to them, and when they ate meat abundantly they began to de generate." "Do you find your light food nour ishing and ' satisfying?" she was asked. "Do I look as If I were underfed?" she retorted. "And then remember that I work rather hard and need nu tritious food." ' Oatmeal, eggs, butter, milk, bread ,and ice cream are the principal ar ticles of food in this remarkable young ,'woman'n diet.' Sometimes fruit and .candies relieve the monotony of her course. : "You see, we are not vegetarians in the fullest sense of the word," added Miss Kress. "Extremists insist upon vegetable food only, and place the ban upon milk and eggs, as well. We, however, use milk and eggs, because, it does not require the killing of life But fish, of course, is In the same category with meat." Improved Cutting Blowpipe. The cutting blowpipe, of which so many surprising things have been re-; ported, has recently been improved in (France in a way to render it more generally useful. Two inflammable gases must be employed. One is re-, 'quired to keep the metal at a high 'temperature. The other is oxygen to. concentrate action by oxidation along the line of the cut. For heating, either oal gas, acetylene or hydrogen is employed, but as there is sometimes' difficulty in procuring a supply of those gases, the new blowpipe- is ar ranged to use instead of the ordinary gasoline employed by motorists. , Superstition of Chinese. The Chinese are a superstitious peo ple, and think it a bounden duty to keep the body intact, and if by any misfortune they are compelled to lose a limb by amputation they invariably 'ask for the severed member and keep it in a box. Sometimes they will actu ally eat it, thinking it only right that that which has been taken from the body uhould be returned to It. On this, same principle an extracted tooth wlljj be carefully preserved or ground to powder and swallowed in water. m mm lmm Mj m in satisfaction "rtot m Economy A large can and a small cost does or even less expensive than Calumet kind. It certainly cannot make it as good. Don't jndge baking powder ia this way the real test the proof of raising power, of evenness, uniformity. wnoiesomeness ana aeiiciousness wiu De xoana only in the baking. M mm aaap aav m JLJK&irillSt U Medium BAKING POlVDEn is a better baking powder than you have ever used be fore. And we will leave it to your good judgment for proof. Buy a can today. Try it for any baking pur pose. If the results are not better if the baking is not lighter, more delicious, take it back and get your money. Calumet is medium in price but great in satisfaction. -largo handsome recipe book, 4c and slip found in pound Calumet Received Highest World Pure rood Exposition HE WOULD DO BETTER. Chaplain Tommy, I was very sorry to see you in a state of inebriety last night. Tommy Sorry, sir. In future I won't go out when I'm drunk. TACK THIS UP Prescription That Breaks Up the Worst Cold in a Day. Every winter this prescription Is pub lished here and thousands have been benefited by it. "Get two ounces of Glycerine and half an ounce of Con centrated Pine compound Then get half a pint of good whiskey and put the other two ingredients into it. Take a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful of this mixture after each meal and at bed time. Shake the bottle well each time." But be sure to get only the genuine Concentrated Pine. Each half ounce bottle comes in a tin screw-top case. Any druggist has it on hand or will quickly get it from the wholesale house. Many other pine extracts are impure and cause nausea. Talkative Woman. Hewitt Some men talk and don't say anything. Jewett Yes, my wife is just that kind of a man. Mrs. Wlnfllovr's Soothing Syrup. Porchildren teething, softens the gums, reduces In. lliuximaUon.alla,yspaln.cures wind colic. 26c a bolUe. Two-thirds of all a man's troubles wear petticoats. ONLY ONE "BROMO QUININE." That Is LAXATIVE! BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of K. W. GKOVK. Used the World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 25c. Many people want assistance and a few really need it. THE APPROVAL of the most EMINENT PHYSICIANS aivdits WORLDWIDE ACCEPTANCE by the WELL-INFORMED BECAUSE ITS COMPONENT PARTS ARE KNOWN TO MOST WHOLESOME AND TRULY BENEFICIAL IN" E FECT, .HAVE GIVEN TO JBLIXIRofSENNA THE FIRST POSITION AMONG FAMILY LAXATIVES AND HAVE LED TO ITS GENERAL USAGE WITH THE MOST UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. v TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS, AL WAXSEUY WE GENUINE Manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. For Sale by all leading druggists One size only. Regular price 50t per bottle mmmwmwmmmwmwm Baby Smiles When He Takes So pleasant that he Kite it and contains no opi ate. There w nothing like it tor Bronchitis, Asthma and all houbles or the throat and lungs. A atawMtd Kemcdy tor halt a century. JJ Ckean and Big Can Baking Powder is Only Bitf in Size -Not) not make baking powder cbeao the high-quality, moderate-nrico mm Hpp .the illustrated : can. Award The more you eat Quaker Oats the better your health will be. Practical experi ments with athletes show Quaker Oats to be the greatest strength maker. 66 Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief --Permanent Care CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegi able act surely but gently c the W. Stop after dinner ration improve the complexion brighten the eye. Small Pill, Saudi Dote, Small Price GENUINE must bear signature : Bbonchial Troches An absolutely harmless remedy for Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Coughs. Give Immediate relic Bronchial and Lung Affections. Fifty years' reputation. Price, 25 cents, 50 cents sod $(.00 per box. Sample sent on request. . 1 JOHN I. BROWN & SOW. Boston; War. ' DEFIANCE STRCM n r : other starches only 12 ounces ame price and "DEFIANCE" 18 SUPERIOR QUALITY. It asa,PMe" BookandAa-ncexTRBsf. assss. srfl I Hll I lawresee, Washington; HI kail I XIXJ. ttat. a sift. Best relereuoea. BE mm . Constipation Nearly Every One Gets It The bowels show first sign of things going wrongs A Cascarst taken every night as needed keeps the bowels ' working naturally without grip, gripe and that sick feeling. Ten cent box. week'i treatment. All drug stores. Biggest selier ia the world million buna amenta. (jfirf KjT BAKING I"' S rV IX m AOTFCvl C M III " -V I