The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, February 12, 1910, Image 7

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It Is not only from Kentucky, but
from thirty-live to forty different
States that there comes the expression
of satisfaction from those who have
taken up lands In Central Canada as a
free homestead or have purchased
Mr. E. K. Bell, of Frankfort. Ken
tucky, writes to a Caraidian Govern
ment Official, and says: "I have just
returned from Alberta, overjoyed with
my trip. Your literature was very
Battering, but nc. half what I found it.
I bought a half section between Cal
gary and Edmonton, one mile from
railroad, near a good town. This Is
the best country I ever saw or ever
expect to see. I will go in the spring
and get to work on my place. I think
Jt Is the coming Country of the World,"
Some of the papers describe the set
tling of the Canadian West as "be
coming a fever with a great many peo
ple. The lure of Its golden promises
ts creeping Into their hearts and many
are they who are answering tho call
of that unsettled territory." This pa
per editorially cautions its readers to
exercise care and thought before mov
ing to a distant country. This would
be a wise precaution, and is exactly
what the Canadian officials ask.
The success of the settler who has
made Canada his home for years is
the best evidence that can be offered.
And of the large number of Americans
who have made their homes in Can
ada, very few have returned. All are
Uncle (to Marjorle, who has mar
lied a millionaire) I really think
you'd be happier if you had married
a man who had less money. -
Marjorle He will have less alter a
few years with me.
"I had eczema on my hands for ten
years. I had three good doctors but
none of them did any good. I then
used one box of Cuticura Ointment
and three bottles of Cuticura Resolvent
'and was completely cured. My hands
were raw all over, inside and out, and
the eczema was spreading all over my
body and limbs. Before I had used one
bottle, together with the Cuticura
Ointment, my sores were nearly
healed over, and by the time I had
used the third bottle, I was entirely
well. To any one who has any skin
or blood disease I would honestly ad
vise them to fool with nothing else,
but to get Cuticura and get well. My
hands have never given me the least
bit of trouble up to now.
"My daughter's hands this summer
became perfectly raw with ccaema.
She could get nothing that would do
them any good until she tried Cuti
cura. 8ia used Cuticura Resolvent
and Cutkara Ointment and in two
weeks thy were entirely cured. I
have used Cuticura for other members
of my family and it always proved suc
cessful. Mrs. M. E. Falin, Speers
Ferry, Va, Oct 19. 1909."
What the Doctor Did.
Gustavo Ullyatt has a little daugh
ter who h.itm't been well recently. The
other day a physician was called to
the Ullyatt home to see her. He ex
amined the child with the aid of a
stethoscope. When her father came
home that evening he asked what the
doctor had said.
"Nothin'," replied the little girl.
"What did he do?" asked Mr. Ull
yatt "He Just telephoned me all over,"
was the child's ri'ply. Denver Post
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local application., as they eannot mrh the dts-
poruua of the sar. Ibero la only ono way to
cura deafneaa. and that at by const llutional remedies.
Ueafnefa la eauastl by an Inflamed condition ot tba
mncoua lltilna of tba Kiiatacliian Tube, When tbla
tuba la Inibuned you tiava a runiblmtt aniind or Im
perfect hearing, and when It Is entirely cloned. Deaf
ajcaa m the result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taaaa out and nils tuba n slored to its normal cond
tain, hearing will be destroyed lorever; nine cusrc
out ot ten are caused by Catarrh, which is notliuig
but all Inflamed condition or the mucous surfaces.
We will live one Hundred Dollars tor any case ot
. tamfneas (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured
sy Usui usietrru cure, wend ror circulars, free.
J. CUi-NEV CO, Toledo, O.
twiKi oy ifrumnsta. 7&c.
Take Halls Family fills tor consttpaUoa.
So Touching.
Anxious Suitor Uut, sir, I thrill at
your daughter's slightest touch.
Practical Fnther-r Young man, I find
her slightest touch is usually for
hundred dollars.
Free to Our Readers.
Writ) Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chlca
so, for 4S-LMIKO Illustrated lye Book Free,
Write all about your Jflyo Trouble and
they will advise as to tho Prouer AddII-
ratlon ot the Murine Bye K'Tnedles In
Your Bpen-lal Case. Your DrnitKiat will
tell you that Murine Jrtellevea ore rcyes,
eUrenertheiis Weak Ryes. Doesn't Smart.
fSoothra Eye fain, and sells for GOc. Try
It In your Kyes and In Haby's Eyes lor
Scaly Eyelids ana uranuiatiun.
Young man, don't marry a parlor
ornament unless you can afford to
hire a cock.
WIIKN TOli'KR AS IIOAKSK a arrow. When
Iotl'r oonirhinif and pulping. Wben you've an old
sMhioned d"i-eAtd cold, take Alien' f.uua ffcil-
.n. fsota by aiiarug-iciaia, jdo, sue ana simu uoiuee.
After a man has been married three
years his bump of hope becomes a
4m m 1
Hss Proved a Great Success Thou,
sands 8ay It's the Best Thing
They Ever Grew.
The Wonderberry or Sunberry, the
marvelous garden fruit originated by
Luther Burbank, and Introduced by
John Lewis Cbllds, the well-known
Seedsman of Floral Park, N. Y., has
proved a great success all over the
country. Thousands of people say it
Is the best thing they ever grew.
Mr. John Burroughs, the well-known
author, Naturalist and bosom-friend of
Theodore Roosevelt, says it is the
most delicious pie berry he ever tasted,
and a marvelous cropper.
A Director of the New York Agricul
tural Experiment Station says it fruits
abundantly even in pure sand. In tho
short season of North-western Canada
it is a godsend, and fruits long after
frost has killed most garden truck.
D. S. Hall, Wichita, Kan., says thirty
people grew it there last season with
Perfect satisfaction.
K. S. Enochs', Hammond, La., says
It yields $250 worth of fruit per
acre with him. Mrs. J. H. Powers,
4732 Kenwood avenue, Chicago, raised
enough berries on a space 4x10 feet
to supply herself and friends.
J. P. Swallow, Kenton, Ohio, says its
equal for all purposes does not exist
Rev. H. B. Sheldon, Pacific Grove,
CaL, says he likes the berries served
in any and every way.
W. T. Davis, Enon, Va., says it is
true to description in every way, and
fruits In three months from seed.
Judge Morrow, of U. S. Circuit
Court, says the Wonderberry is simply
delicious raw or cooked.
Mr. Childs exhibited one plant five
months old bearing 10,375 berries
which measured about eight quarts.
Mrs. Hattle Vincent, Hayden, New
Mexico, says it stands the long, hard
droughts of that climate and fruits
abundantly all summer.
It Is certainly the most satisfactory
garden fruit and the greatest Novelty
ever Introduced.
Askrng Too Much.
The mother of little six-year-old
Mary had told her a number of times
not to hitch her sled to passing
slelgha, feeling that it was a danger
ous practice. It was such a fascinat
ing sport, however, that Mary could
not resist it and one day her mother
saw her go skimming past the house
behind a farmer's "bobs."
When she came in from play she
was taken to task, her mother saying
severely: "Mary, haven't I told you
that you must not hitch onto bobs?
Besides, you know, it is against the
Mary tossed her head. "Oh," she
said, "don't talk to me about the law.
It's all I can do to keep the ten com
mandments!" Woman's Home Com
panion. An Exploded Theory.
"Do you believe there is anything
in mental suggestion?"
"Not a thing."
"Don't you think it is possible it
one person . keeps his mind steadily
fixed on a certain thing which he
wishes another to do that the other
will ue influenced so that he will
eventually do it?"
'No, I don't believe In the theory
at all. I've been wishing for a week
that you'd pay me what you owe me
without making it necessary for me
to ask you for it." Sunday Magazine
of the Cleveland Leader.
Loved to Death.
'Did you ever know a girl to die for
"Did she just fade away and die
because some man deserted her?"
"No; she Just took in washing and
worked herself to death because the
man she loved married her."
When the Trouble Started.
"John, I have decided to have Mrs.
Sewswell cut out by dresses after
"I have decided to cut out about
half of them myself, dear"
Tardy Danger Signal.
On the outskirts of a certain Eng
lish village Is a steep and dangerous
hill. Not long ago an accident oc
curred on the spot, and the matter
was brought forward at a meeting of
the council. It was decided to put up
a danger board, and the joiner was
instructed to make the notice as con
spiciouB as possible.
"Never fear," said the carpenter.
"I'll elve 'em something; to look at."
At the top of the hill he affixed a
notice board in the shape of a huge
hand pointing down and bearing the
words. "Stop and dismount. A lit
tie further down a similar bourd bore
the caution. "Apply your brake, or-
On the third, "You'll soon shake hands
At the bottom of the hill was the
bieuest board of all. This read. "With
tho undertaker. N. B.. This hill is
Necklace Under Guimpe.
A very sensible fad it is to wear
neck lace Jewel3 of a precious quality
during the day under one's lace or
tulle guimpe or high chemisette. They
attract no attention that is hazardous
on the street or in public, places
and when they are seen in the close
proximity of private indoors they look
well secured and especially attractive
because the transparent veiling lends
a mysterious air that is altogether
feminine and ever alluring.
Crystal Bugles,
Evidently the crystal bugle, with its
half-sister the gold bugle, is to supply
most of the trimming this season. It
is from a quarter to a half inch long
and it is pendent from tulle, net and
chiffon cloth.
Servian King Said to Have Sent En
voy to United States to Find
Washington. Count Pablow Mysky
Treskaya, the confidential agent oi
King Peter of Servia, has been in this
country for several weeks on a mis
sion involving the probable marriage of
the Servian princes to American girls.
The count denied that Prince George
and his brother. Prince Alexander, are
fortune hunters, although he admitted
that they would not let comfortable
fortunes stand in the way of matri
monial alliances.
A rich Chicago bride for future
queen of Servia would be just about
what King Peter would like.
Both sons of King Peter are pre
paring to travel early in the new
year, and the itinerary includes a two-
months' stay in the United States,
unless the agent's report makes it in
advisable. One of them will succeed
to the throne. , '
It is reported that King Peter com
missioned. Count Treskaya to come to
this country and report what oppor
tunity his two sons might have toward
making an alliance with American
Servia does not maintain a diplo
matic representative in Washington
and this may have made the count's
business difficult to transact. He is
well supplied with funds by the house
of Morgan. Harjes & Co., the Paris
branch of J. P. Morgan & Co.
A report that the Servian princes
want to marry American girls reached
Washington last spring. Czar Nich
olas, Emperor Francis Joseph and
King George of Greece tried to plan
an alliance for the sons of King Peter,
but none of these would consider an
aliance with any princes to whom
they were individually related.
This is why the prince will seek to
marry merely money.
Ivory Stick Used by Marie Antoinette
and Feathered Fan of Princess
London. An interesting volume.
"History of the , Fan," has just been
published here. It is by G. Woolis
croft. Rhead. Among the fans de
scribed by the author is one said to
have been the property of Marie An
toinette. It is now in the Louvre. It
was acquired in. 1828 in the Collection
Revoil. It is an ivory stick and the
carved brins represent Loutsz XVI.,
with the two royal princess on the
right receiving a deputation of min
isters, the whole inclosed within
lioi-id and meandering cartouche.
Another of the interesting fans is
one belonging to the princess of
Top Princess of Wales' Fan.
Bottom Marie Antoinette Fan.
Wales and Is made of 6,520 woodcock
fpathers. The feathers came from the
wings ot 3,200 woodcocks, each wing
having only one of these tiny feath
ers. The woman who made it took
from August 18, 1900, to October 28,
901, working au hour a day.
The Upward Slant.
"Yes." said the worker in the slums
"I have immense hopes of Luigi."
"Uut he so ignorant!" urged some
"Yes, admitted the worker, "but he
shows the infallible sign of advance
ment he is no longer discontented
with his condition; he is discontented
with his character." Youth's Com
u w
This Contractor got results.
He knew how to feed his men.
Some years ago a contractor build
ing a railroad in a warm climate was
troubled a great deal by sickness
among the laborers.
He turned his attention at once to
their food and found that they were
getting full rations of meat and were
drinkiag water from a stream near by.
He issued orders to cut down the
amount of meat and to Increase greatly
the quantity of Quaker Oats fed to
the men.
He also boiled Quaker Oats and
mixed the thin oatmeal water with
their drinking water.
Almost instantly all signs of stomach
disorders passed and his men showed
decided improvement in strength
and spirits.
This contractor had experience that
taught him the great value of good
oatmeal. S3
She It's three o'clock. I'm going
to my dressmaker. I shan't be more
than a quarter of an hour.
He All right; don't forget we are
dining out at eight o'clock.
Young America.
The H.'s lived in the country, kept
chickens and lived the simple life.
One of their daily diversions was to
sit on the front veranda and watch
the sunset and Roberta, aged four, sat
and watched with them, but it was a
rather tedious as well as solemn occa
sion for her and one day, after watch
ing in silence for ' quite a while, an
explanation of the whole thing sud
denly dawned upon her and "with the
delighted enthusiasm of a discoverer
she exclaimed: "Oh, mamma, I know
now why it takes the sun so long to
set. It has to hatch out so many little
stars!" Los Angeles Times.
-aw tunc ja, . . . Ait un UJ. x
Take LAXATIVE! BItOMO Oninino Tablets
Jji-Tig-irlslsreiund raoDer 11 It rails to cure. JC W
(sHOv Js'SsiKnatuzeison eacD dux. 2fjc
All things whatsoever ye would that
men should do to you, do ye even so
to them. Christian.
Mrs. Winttow'S Sootbinir Syrup.
For chlldrea teetbuig, softens the gums, reduces to
flaxamaUon, allays pain, cures wind collu 2&cabotUe.
It's a hard, hard world, and nobody
knows it better than the aviator.
Do yon
tite, and lay
vour nerves all
lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring about a
eure in 98 per cent, of all cases. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce,
of Buffalo, N. Y., whose advice is given free to all who wish to write him. His
great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice.
Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior substi
tutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to be "just as good." Dr.
Pierce's medicines are op known composition. Their every ingredient printed
on their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit -forming
drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. ; .
26c BOX
M. tlWIS
I sw. C7'-sar---aii t. ... ' -ajta jj jjjm. fm: tarA z v
IMfc 9Hfi W.. ,Wr ZJ Vil
S 0 W B E R i?aY Tho Improved IVondorborry
LUTHER BURBANK' S GREATEST CREATION. A Luscious Berry Ripenlnrf In Three Months Frorov Bmmd
This is positively the GREATEST new Fruft and the best NOVELTY of modern times. These are facta which no ono can
set away from. Tne proofs are overwhelming in number and conclusive in character. Grown last year by 35siswe people.
Fruit blue-black like an enormous rich blueberry in looks and taste.
tTnaurpatised for eatiiif? raw, cooked, canned or preserved in any form
This great garden fruit is equally valuable in hot, dry, cold or wet cli
mates. Easiest plant in the world to grow, succeeding anywhere and
yielding great masses of rich fruit all summer and fall. The greatest
boon to the family garden ever known. Leaves and branches are also
nsed for greens and are superb. Everybody can and will grow it.
Luther Burbank, of California, the world famous plant wizard, or
1 gin ate d the Wonderberry and turned" It over to me to Introduce. Be
ays of it: "This absolutely new berry plant is of great interest and
value as it bears the most delicious, wholesome and healthful berries
in utmost profusion and always comes true from seed."
READ MY CATALOGUE paces 3 and 3, for full description,
culture, uses, etc. (Also Colored Plate.) With scores of testimonials
from well-known and reputable people all over the country. Also
the Crime of the Wonderberry."
Address JOHN LEWIS CHILDS, Floral Park, N. Y.
P. S. This offer will not appear again. Writ for Sunberry seed and Catalogue at once. Do not neelect or delay.
vlf you had positive proof ' that a certain remedy for
female ills had made many remarkable cures, would you
not feel like trying it ?
If during the last thirty years we have not succeeded in
convincing every fair-minded woman that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound hats cured thousands and thou
sands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex, then we
long for an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence.
Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee
to be genuine and truthful. , '
Hudson, Ohio." I suffered for a long time from a weakness,
Inflammation," dreadful pains each month and suppression. I
had been doctoring and receiving only temporary relief, when a
friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Com
pound. I did so, and wrote to you for advice. I have faithfully
followed your directions and now, after taking only five bottles
of the Vegetable Compound, I have every reason to believe I am
a weU woman. I (five you full permission to use my testimonial.
Mrs. Lrena Carmocino, Hudson, Ohio. S. f. D. No. 7.
There is
ability of this
Jtne roots and
female diseases; , We possess
enough to convince the most
X 1
For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable :
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. Ko sick woman does . justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
lias thousands of cures to Its credit.
I Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women
lref to write her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health free of charges
Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn. Mass,
Inventors book free. Beeler
ft Kobb, 1'aU Attys., 1M-157
McGUl Blag., Wain., B. O.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 7-1910.
Do You Feel This Way ?
feel all tired out ? Do you sometimes
think yon just can't work away at your proles
or trade any longer P Do you have a poor ape
awake at nights unable to sleep P Are
atone, and your stomach too P Has am
bition to forge ahead in the. world left you? If so, yon
migni us wcit put m sxop so your misery, x uu ess uu si is
you will. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will .
make you a different individual. It will set your lazy liver
to work. It will set things right in your stomach, and
your appetite will come back. It will purify your blood.
If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption,
it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after con.
sumption has almost gained a foothold in the form of a
SBfc'B - ii -wjsjc nvNK &bwb m ifo jwwi hl'
3,r ,s w i s m m "bmb v1 bs mcx, v au yw
t.T3rv r ; -Jt n ro.iV sfwra ir n v J t.xr
fasjssjs a. w saTian"" JBtr ii-'s1jv -su mr
St. Regis Falls, N. Y. "Two years ago I was
so bad that I bad to take to my bed every month, -and
it would last from two to three weeks. I
wrote to you for advice and took Ijydia E.Pink- '
ham's Vegetable Compound in dry form. I am
happy to say that I am cured, thanks to your
medicine and good advice. You may use my
! letter I or we good or otners." juts. o u.
Breycre, St. Regis Falls, X. Y.
absolutely no doubt about the
grand old remedy, made from
herbs ot our helds, to cure
volumes of proof of this fact.
What Governor Damon, of linnel.
say ADOutjiti
Of IllhlAttL
toa ox innd in Baslntobaww,
uuimuu tt9 turn m Mm
a interview.
"larav Amtrtoar. X b
4elielitel to m the re
marksbl DroutM of
Western Qantids. Our
ihm femuri.! In liana.
mnda. and Ibare not, ink
one wno hiiicim
made nriatake
hey are all dolnc
tuts well.
'here u-sWamnlV a nn
municr in tne aneaie or
Western States that kas
TtmrmmmmiMX&vm In Msirainssi
SoaikKtcnewan or Alberta.
125 HrXion Bushel of
t?hirt in MS,
I1''! Oanada ftaia stops sss
er 170,000,000.00 In c&ah.
Free UontwtMtUof lOOnei
and pre-emption or lOOaerea
t 3.O0 au acre. Railway ana
.Land Companies have land for vale
at reasonable prices. Many farm
era nave paid for their land oat
of the proceeds of one- crop.
8plendld climate srood school.
UeeUflnt rallvM 7aulllf m. lsr
frelsrbt rate, wood water awl
rtfl lomber easily obtained.
jor pampniet".Lflt isest wets,"
particular a to suitable Jocatioa
and low aettlera rate, apply to
Bup't of Immigration. Ottawa.
Can., or to flanaian Qor't irioli
toen 4 fe Bldg. . taafta.
nfleaddTOWDearestyon.) 1)
Book aim AdvlcaFItn. '.
faawlta A Lawnaw, WaahlDgtOD. I
DAI. Sat. in. Host mtsransss, '
is an improved form of the Wonderberry wales.
I introduc'-d exclusively last year and which proved so satisfactory.
It is greatl y superior to the original type, and I alone have ceauinoaeed.
8tED20operpkt.3 pkts. for GOc? 7forSI.OO.
With every packet of seed I send a booklet giving IOO Reclpee for
using the fruit, raw, cooVd, canned, preserved. Jellied, spiced, pickled
jam, syrup, wine, green. tc. It is superior for any of these uses.
Also a copy of my 152-page Catalogue with every order which tells
MY GREAT CATALOGUE ot Flowers and Vegetable Seed, Bulba,
Plants, and Rare and New Fruits F ft EE to all who apply. 153 pages,
500 illustrations and colored plates. I have been in the business
35 years and have half a million customers all over the country.
Complete satisfaction guaranteed to everyone. Do not fail to see the
many great Novelties I am offering this year of which the GUN
BERRY is the greatest ever known.