The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, January 15, 1910, Image 6

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    (Continued from page 1.)
able per cent of profit on the actual
capital forested?
"Are you in favor of tbe election of
United States senators by direct vote
of the people T
'a von in favor of the enactment
of a law providing for the establish
ment of a state printing orace ana tue
, election of a state printer?
."Am von in favor of nroner legisla
tion and sufficient appropriation to al
low the labor bureau to meet the ne
cessities and possibilities of such a
department of Btate?
"Are you in favor of enacting a
law lessening the number of hours
of continuous employment on trans
portation lines, stcnm and electric?
: I "Are you in favor of a law providing
for the safeguarding, insuring or guar
anteeing of bank deposits?
"Are you In favor of abolishing the
present appointive federal judiciary
and the substitution of a federal ju
diciary elected by the people?
"Aro oi In favor of Industrial pen
sions? "Kesolved. That tho oxecutive com
mittee, may in its discretion, submit
such other questions as may be op
portune." I Committee reports favorably.
, 'Adopted.
Proposition No. 11. (By Delegate
(juye) "Whereas. The efforts of la
bor to establish what is known as em
ployers' liability laws have met with
leverses on every hand through the
Interrelations of the courts, and
"Whereas, We recognize the neces
sity of creating some permanent sys
tem of relief for those who become in
capacitated in their industrial life,
therefore be It
."Resolved, That there be prepared
a bill to be submitted to the next ses
sion or tho legislature of Nebraska,
providing for a system of nccideut in
surace to be conducted under state
management similar In nuture to the
now existing law or Montana, known
aa "Chapter 67 of the session laws of
1909. of the btate of Montana."
Committee report favorably.
This concludes the report of the
legislative committee.
V. B. KINNEY, Chm.
Mr. President, your committee on
laws begs leave to report.
1 Proposition No. 12. (By Delegate
Guye) "Resolved. That article two.
section three, or the constitution of the
Nebraska State Federation or Labor
be amended as follows: By adding the
words, 'and chairman' to the tenth line
after tho word 'member'
"Said paragraph as amended will
then read, 'He shall be a member and
chairman. of the legislative committee
and shall attend all sessions of the
state legislature and work in connec
tion with all other labor legislative
committees In securing legislation In
the interest or labor." "
Committee reports favorably.
Proposition No. 13. (By Delegate
Coe) "Resolved, That section 7. of
article 2. be amended to read: Any
congreeslonul district having more
than five thousand affiliated union men
shall be entitled to two members of
of the legislative committee.' "
Committee reports favorably.
Proposition No. 14. (By Delegate
Coffey) "I move to amend article 2.
section 0, of the constitution by strik
ing out in line two the words 'admit
nono but,' and striking out ail oi line
three and the word 'to' of lino Tour;
and by adding to line five immediately
following the word 'convention,' the
words "to the best of his ability.'"
Committee reports favorably.
" Adopted. v
Proposition No. 15. (By Delegate
Copenharve) ''Resolved. That the
secretary-treasurer be requested in
February of each year to notify each
affiliated union the number or unions
paying per capita tax and the number
of members comprising each affiliated
Committee reports favorably.
Proposition No. 16. (By Delegate
Iirldwell) "I move you to amend ar
ticle 2. section 1. by striking out in
lines two and three the words inclu
sive (delegate to the American Fed
eration of Labor.) "and amend section
3 of article 2. by Inserting in line flf-
" teen after the words 'expenses,' a new
jenten?e as follows: 'The rnst presi
dent shall be the delegate to the Amer
ican Federation or 1-abor from the
state federation." "
Committee reports favorably.
I'pon request of President Maupin
that provision above does not apply
this year, the recommendation of the
committee was adopted.
Proposition No. 17. By Delegate
Brldwell) "Resolved, Tbat the next
legislature create the office of state
sanitary Inspector of plumbing and
ventilation and that the legislative
romnilttee use their best endeavors to
ti&ve such a law enacted. '
Committee reports favorably.
Proposition No.. 18. (By Delegate
Coffey) "Mr. President, 1 move to
amend article 1 of the constitution by
adding thereto an. additional section
numbered thirteen, reading as follows.
"'Soction 13. The delegate to the
annual convention of the American
Federation of Labor, representing this
organization, shall receive as compen
sation railroad rare to and from his
home to the meeting place or the con
vention or the American Federation
or Labor, and the rurther sum or two
dollars (2) per day for hotel expenses
for the number of days the convention
Is in session, and the rurther Bum o!
four dollars (4) per day for each day
in attendance at the convention.
, Committee reports favorably.
This concludes the report ot the
laws committee.
. B. F. CREEL.
On motion or Delegate Hycrs the fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
Whereas, Governor Ashton C. Shal
lenbergcr has shown his friendship ror
and sympathy with the trades union
movement bv the anrointment to the
office of deputy labor commissioner of
one who is ever in the foremost ranks
of those seeking to advance the labor
movement, Will M. Maupin, therefore
be it
Resolved. That this convention ten
der its thanks to Governor Shallen
bergcr for the appointment of Mr.
Resolved, That a copy of this reso
lution be sent to the governor by the
secretary of this Federation.
Mr. President, your committee on
president's report on behalf of the
Federation thank that official for his
extended report to this convention,
and also for the Important suggestions
brought to the attention of the dele
gates, and recommend to the conven
tion the suggestions contained in said
E. H. SMITH. Chm.
The report of the committee was
concurred in.
Mr.- President, your committee on
resolutions begs leave to report as fol
Proposition No. 19. (By Delegate
Chrisman) "Whereas, It has come to
a number of delegates who are assem
bled here at this Federation conven
tion, notice that one of their brother
delegates and an old time and active
member of organized labor, and who
for years has done valiant service for
the cause of organized labor and who
has filed for the elective office of fire
and police commissioner of the city
of South Omaha, and
"Whereas, It is of vital importance
to organized labor of the city of South
itaha to have a representative on said
board of fire find police commission
ers or the said city or South Omaha,
therefore be It
Resolved. That this convention go
on record as indorsing the candidacy
of Brother Georgo Stephens of the
Stationary Firemen for the position
of member of the fire and police com
mission of the city of South Omaha,
and that we commend his candidacy
to organized labor and the public at
Committee reports favorably.
Proposition No. 20. (By Delegate
Coffey) "Whereas, The beneficial ef-
faito nf on Knnaot un.l t i t 1 1 i r ti niaad
lilre known to all trades unionists, and
"Whereas. The group of toil must
depend in large measure upon the
press for the daily knowledge of
events in the social, political and in
dustrial world, and
Whereas. The Nebraska State Fed
eration of Labor at this time has no
official organ, I he labor papers pub
lished within the state being private
enterprises and the official organs of
the men who own them, therefore be it
"Resolved, That the Nebraska State
Federation of Labor do hereby recog
nize the good service of the labor
press and return to tbe labor editors
its thanks. Be it further
"Resolved. That the delegates at
tending this convention return to our
respective homes and urge upon the
entire membership of the trades union
movement the urgent necessity of
every working man and working
woman of (subscribing for and other
wise supporting the labor newspaper
published nearest to them.
"Resolved. That this convention rec
ommend to the unions affiliating with
the Nebraska State Federation of Ia
bor that the various locals adopt the
policy of subscribing for the nearest
local labor newspapers as bodies, pay
ing for the same out of the' general
fund of the unions, and thus putting
this valuable educational instrument
at work in every home.
"Resolved, That this convention
recognize the right of the labor editor
to conduct bis business as he pleases,
but that as individual unionists .we
reserve to ourselves tbe right to de
cide for ourselves whether we think
tbe editorial or business policy of
aforesaid papers is in accord with the
best interests of organized labor."
Committee reports favorably.
Proposition No. 21 (By President
Maupin) "Whereas, The revocation
of charters of state and central bodies
by the American Federation of Labor
for seating delegates from the only
organization of electrical workers in
the states of Iowa, Nebraska and
South Dakota, works not only a hard
ship upon those bodies, but deprives
the labor movement in general of the
co-operation and assistance of a body
of union men whose devotion to union
principles has been manifested on nu
merous occasions, therefore be it
"Resolved, That the Nebraska State
Federation of Labor respectfully re
quests or the American Federation of
Labor that, pending the arbitration of
the differences between the Electrical
Workers as provided by the Toronto
convention, all charters revoked be
restored, ' and that state and central
bodies be permitted to accept creden
tials and seat delegates from local or
ganizations of Electrical Workers until
such time as final award or settlement
is made.
"Resolved, Tbat this convention of
the Nebraska State Federation of La
bor protests against any and all arbi
trary action whereby the trade auton
omy of any craft is intefferred with,
or local self-government denied. And
be it further
"Resolved, That this convention go
on record as opposing tne revocation
of charters pending appeal from the
decision or the executive council of the
American Federation of Labor.
"Resolved, That the secretary of this
convention be and Is hereby instruct
ed to forward a copy of this resolution
to the secretary of the American Fed;
eration of Labor, with the request that
he present It to the executive council
at the earliest possible moment.
Committee reports favorably.
Proposition No. 22. (By Delegate
Guye) "Whereas, Labor and . the la
boring people of the state of Nebraska
have for years been imposed upon
by that class of people who style them
selves employment agencies, and
"Whereas, The methods of such In
stitutions have been to agree to fur
nish jobs receiving a fee therefor, said
jobs in many instances -proving of no
value whatsoever and in many in
stances said applicants being shipped
for hundreds of miles to learn that
there never was a position, therefore
bo it
"Resolved, That the incoming law
committee be and they are hereby in
structed to prepare and present to the
next session of the Nebraska legisla
ture a bill licensing and bonding em
ployment agencies.
Committee reports favorably. .
Proposition No. 23 (By Delegate
Coffey) "Whereas, It is recognized
by all good citizens who are students
of sociology and economics that the
well paid workman is a better citizen
than the underpaid workman, and
"Whereas, The great state of Ne
braska, rich in her varied resources
and unequalled in her productivity,
should set an example to employers of
every class by being herself a liberal
employer, therefore be it
"Resolved, That the Nebraska State
Federation of Labor go on record as
opposing the policy of parsimony that
has resulted in keeping this splendid
state back, compelling its officials to
work for meager salaries and looking
for cheap and underpaid workmen to
perform the work that must be done
for the various state institutions and
departments. We have especial ref
erence to the policy of the state board
of printing, which policy has resulted
in inefficient service and the poorest
kind of work. As an example we would
cite the fact that the biennial reports
of the different branches of the state
government are supposed to be printed
and bound and ready for the guidance
of the members of the legislature
when they meet at the capital to pro
ceed with the work of enacting laws.
The bids for the binennial reports
which . were to have been submitted
to tbe legislature which convened in
January, 1909, were let in April, 1908,
and under the policy, niggardly and
unwise, of the state printing board,
were let to offices wholly incompetent
to handle such work. Said binennial.
reports, with one or two exceptions,
were not ready for tho legislature,
and in some instances were not deliv
ered until months after the legislature
adjourned. Therefore, in view of this
situation, be it
"Resolved, That we demand that the
policy of the state printing board be
changed, and that the printing of the
state of Nebraska be let to the best
bidder, and that cheapness no longer
be the chief merit of the product pur
chased by the great state of Nebras
"Resolved, That we demand that the
state printing board hereafter seek
the best, not the cheapest regardless
of serviceability, and that it give every
preference possible to those employers
wlio pay decent wages and exact only
a reasonable number of hours' work
per day. .
Committee reports favorably.
Proposition No. 24. (By Delegate
Guye) "Whereas, Experience has
demonstrated that the interests of the
wage workers can only be served by
their own efforts, politically as well as
Industrially, economically and educa
tional, and
"Whereas, Our- greatest and most ef
fective force, as citizens, lies in the
independent U3e of the ballot, there
fore be it
"Resolved, That we hereby urge all
trades unionists and their sympath
izers, to vote independent of party af
filiations whenever-and wherever it
tends to serve or promote the inter
ests of wage earners generally, to the
end that -we may be able at all timeis
to rise above the time worn custom of
party yoke."
Committee reports favorably.
Proposition No. 25. (By Resolu
tions Committee) "Whereas, It is a
healthful, humane . and : economic as
well as a divine principle that the
toiler should be released from employ
ment at least one day in each calen
dar week, therefore be it
"Resolved That the Nebraska State
Federation of Labor commend the
Omaha Barbers' Union No. 212 for
their effort to secure release from em
ployment at least one day in each
calendar week.
"Resolved, that the State Federa
tion of Labor recommend to its legis
lative committee the perfecting or an
amendment, if such an amendment be
needed, classifying barbering as labor
and working as a barber on Sunday as
under the inhibition of Sunday labor."
Proposition No. 26. (By Resolu
t!on Committee) Your committee on
resolutions recommends that the leg
islative committee prepare a bill pro
viding for arbitration of all disputes
between employer and employes, each
party to the controversy choosing an
equal number of arbiters.
Proposition No. 27. (By Resolu
tions Committee) "Whereas, Public
service corporations have secured
valuable franchises from the people
free, and
"Whereas, Said corporations water
their stock many times in excess of its
actual value and declare dividends on
the same in violation or law, and
"Whereas. Said corporations become
a part of powerful combines for the pur
pose of controling legislation, crush
ing labor unions and defying the whole
people, and N
"Whereas, Some of such corpora
tions refuse their employes the light
to affiliate with organized labor and in
many instances attempt to force them
to sign an agreement that they will
never join a labor union while in the
employ of said corporations, such ex
action being un-American and unlaw
ful, therefore be it
"Resolved, That the Nebraska State
Federation of Labor condemns said
corporations for compelling or attempt
ing to compel their employes to sur
render their citizenship in order to
work for said corporations, and be it
"Resolved, That the state federation
call upon organized labor to start a
cruEade against the unlawful and un
American methods of said corpora
tions." Adopted.
Proposition No. 28. (By Delegate
Coffey) "Whereas, The Nebraska
State Federation of Labor isdesir
ous of being in the forefront of in
dustrial progress and the promulgation
of all ideas for the betterment of so
ciety, therefore be it
"Resolved, That the Nebraska State
Federation of Labor strongly endorse
the principle of the so-called 'Davis
bill,' introduced in the Sixtieth con
gress, for the establishment of indus
trial high schools in the various states,
partly through the aid of federal ap
propriations of money, and that it
calls for such legislation on the part
of the state as shall provide for ef
fective vocational training in the pub
lic schools of Nebraska."
Committee reports favorably.
This concludes the report
F. M. COFFEY, Cham.
S. .A. D. SMITH.
Mr. President, your committee on
organization begs leave to report as
follows: ' ,
Proposition No. 29 (By President
Maupin) "Whereas,. The western
country is making rapid strides along
industrial lines, increasing by leaps
and bounds in the number of its wage
earners, and
"Whereas, This vast district, includ
ing the states of Iowa, Nebraska,
South Dakota, Montana, Idaho and the
Province of Manitoba, has not now,
nor has it had for some five or six
years, the services of an organizer of
the American Federation of Labor, and
"Whereas, We deem it high time
that some attention be given by the
parent organization to the needs of
the per capita paying organizations of
the great west, therefore be it
"Resolved, That the Nebraska Fed
eration of Labor respectfully demand
of the American Federation of Labor
the services of an organizer acceptable
to the Nebraska State Federation, who
shall devote his time for a period of
not less than one year to the work of
organization within the bounds of this
state. Be it further
"Resolved, That this convention call
to the attention of the executive coun
cil of the American Federation of La
bor, with all the empasis at its com
mand, to the fact that while organ
izers, working on salary, are numer
ous in the eastern districts, the dis
trict west of the Mississippi river a
territory larger than many empires,
boundless in its resources and magnifi
cent in its development-r-has been
practically ignored and left to work
out its union destiny without assis
tance. That this convention feels war
ranted In insisting that this policy of
ignoring our needs should not longer
be pursued, and that we of the central
west be accorded the assistance that
is ours by every right.
"Resolved, That the secretary of
this convention be instructed to for
ward a copy of this resolution to Frank
Morrison, secretary of the American
Federation of Labor, with the request
that he present it to the executive
council and secure for this organiza
tion a speedy reply."
Committee reports favorably.
Proposition No. 30. (By Delegate
Coffey and Pres. W. M. Maupin)
"Whereas. The Nebraska State Feder
ation has been organized for the pur
pose of advancing the interests of the
wage earners of the state, and
"Whereas, The State Federation can
be of best service only when it is ac
corded the hearty support of all the
organized crafts, therefore be it -
"Resolved, That the secretary be in
structed to at once request the officers
of the American Federation of Labor,
and the affiliated international unions,
to use their best endeavors to secure
the affiliation of all subordinate trades
unions in Nebraska with the Nebraska
State Federation of Labor."
Committee reports favorably.
. Proposition No. 31. (By Delegate
Guye) "Whereas, The labor press has
proven to be one of the strongest fac
tors in the labor movement, for good
both in education as well as a source
of communication between the differ
ent - branches and systems of labor
unions, and
"Whereas, One of the chief supports
of the labor press is its advertising
patronage derived from such firms- as
are desirous of securing the patronage
of the working people, and
"Whereas, There is a combined and
concerted movement on the part of
the large department stores and simi
lar institutions throughout the coun
try, to ignore the labor press in the
distribution of their advertising pat
ronage, and
"Whereas, Such a policy, if contin
ued, would prove detrimental as well
as unfair to labor and to the labor pa
pers, therefore be it
"Resolved, By this convention, that
we request every member of every
union to, in the future, when making
a purchase of any or every nature to
give preference to those firms which
advertise in the local labor paper; and
be it further
"Resolved, That we call upon all
friends and sympathizers to join us,
in this campaign of rewarding those
who believe the patronage of labor is
worthy of similar favors."
Committee reports favorably.
Proposition No. 32. (By Delegate
Guye) "Whereas, We learn that the
laboring men and women of Norfolk,
Nebraska, are desirous of becoming or
ganized, and
"Whereas, They have sought the as
sistance of some person for the pur
pose of aiding in the formation of lo
cal unions of that section, and
"Whereas, It is the duty of the fed
eration to assist in every possible
way in effecting local organization;
therefore be it
"Resolved,. That the president of
this Federation be and he is hereby au
thorized and instructed to render to
the laboring people of Norfolk, such
assistance as will be necessary to ef
fect the organization of such crafts as
are willing to form trades and labor
unions in accordance with the rules
and regulations of the Federation."
Your committee concurs in the
above resolution and recommend that
the president be instructed to render
such assistance immediately. Or. in
case of his inability to perform such
service, that he appoint an organizer
who shall at once proceed to Norfolk.
This concludes the report
' L. V. GUYE. Chm.
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The Political Satire
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Anto 3238
Delegate Chrisman offered the fol
lowing motion:
Mr. President: I move you, ; the
president of the Nebraska State Fede
ation of Labor, be the state organizer
of said Federation, and that the A. F.
of L. be requested to name said pres
ident as the organizer of the A. F. of
L. for the state of Nebraska, and that
the A. F. of L. be asked to assist in
his remuneration.
Delegate Coffey offered the follow
ing motion: '
Mr. President:. I move you that the
legislative committee be instructed to
prepare or have prepared a bill to be
presented to the next session of the
legislature providing for the adequate
protection of the funds of fraternal,
benevolent: and labor organizations.
Adopted. ,
Moved that an adjournment be ta
ken till 7.30 p. m., and election of offi
cers be made a special order of busi
ness for 8 o'clock. Adopted.
Evening Session.
Called to order by President Mau
pin. Motion made and carried that
no resolutions be received after 8 p.
m. Adopted.
Moved by Delegate Coe hat the Ma
chinists' Local 31 of Omaha be cred
ited with per capita for the quarter
ending December 3, 1909. Adopted.
The hour for the special order of
business having arrived, the conven
tion proceeded to elect the following
Moved that the secretary cast a
unanimous yote for Frank M. Coffey
for president of the Nebraska State
Federation of Labor. Carried.
John C. Trouton, on motion of Del
gate Copenham, was unanimously
elected 1st vice president.
Will M. Maupin was unanimously
elected 2nd vice president.
For third vice-president, J. A. Booth
was elected. '
For fourth vice-president, John Lam
bert was unanimously elected.
For fifth vice-president, no election.
For members of the legislative com
mittee, the following delegates were
elected: S. A. Smith, T. C. Kelsey,
James Kotera, J. C. Lynch, C. L. Wid
nian, S. H. Grace.
Delegate A. A. Hyers of Havelock
was unanimously elected sergeant-at-arms.
President Maupin then proceeded to
obligate the newly elected officers.
Second Vice President Maupin was
then obligated by President Coffey.
By a rising vote the thanks of the,
convention were tendered to the out
going officers. ,
Delegate H. A. Davis of the Elec
trical Workers LocaL No. 162 of Oma
ha then offered the following:
To the Convention: I hereby ask to
be allowed to withdraw as a delegate
to this convention and that the local
organization which I have the honor
to represent be allowed to cease af
filiation with the Nebraska State Fed
eration of Labor.
Moved by Delegate Guye that Dele
gate Davis be allowed to withdraw
and that an official communication
embodying therein honorary mem
bership, accompanied by the informa
tion that this Federation stands ready
at any and all times to render every
assistance to the Electrical Workers
of Nebraska, and that the per capita
tax be returned to Local No. 162.
Delegates Maupin, Guye and Mat
toon offered the following resolution:
Resolved, That this convention ten
der its hearty thanks to Mayor Kout
sky for his warm welcome of the dele
gates to the hospitable city of South
Omaha, to Mr. Murdock of the Com
mercial club for his welcome on be
half of that organization-, and to the
local committee for its ample ar
rangements for the convenience of
this convention. Be it further
Resolved, That we wish for the busy
city of South Omaha a prosperous
business and industrial future, based
unon a due recognition of the rights I
of men of toil to organize and liave
and Sat. 2:30
. Try
Thompson Shoe
$3.50 & $4
Handcraft Shoe
$5.00 .
All Hw.."FC3 BET'-AII Nn
i2tti&psts. :
a voice in the disposition of their only
product their labor. "'
The invitation of Delegate Hyers to
hold the 1911 convention at Havelock
was unanimously accepted.
Motion made and carried that 1,500
copies of the proceedings be published
in pamphlet form for distribution
among the affiliated unions.
On motion of Delegate Maupin the
first annual convention of the Nebras
ka State Federation , of Labor ad
journed sine die. -
' President.
... Secretary-Treasurer.
Lincoln Printing Co.
124 South Eleventh
Auto. Phone 3063
Will Save Yon Money on Any Kind
- of Printing Call ns.
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too. Utmost secrecy.
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