The Wageworker. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1904-????, January 08, 1910, Image 11

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Diner Have yon seen Uiat a doctor
Intends to Inoculate himself with tho
choldra virus bo that the he may have
the result ef the experiment. Isn't
that fine?
Proprietor No, perfectly mad, I
call It. Supposing I ate the same
meals as my clients.
"When my boy was six years old, he
uttered terribly with eczema. He
epuld neither sit still nor lie quietly in
bed, for the Itching -was dreadful. He
would Irritate spots by scratching
with his nails and that only made
. n 4 J .... . A ktm
and w tried almost everything:, but
the eczema seemed, to spread. It
started in a small place on the lower
extremities and spread for two years
until It very nearly covered the back
part of his leg to the knee.
, "finally I got Catlcura Soap. Cutl
aura Ointment and Cuticura PilU and
gave them according to directions. I
used tbom la the morning and that
evening, before I put my boy to bed,
I used then agala and the improve
ment even In those few hours was sur
prising, the Inflammation seemed to
be so much less. I used two boxes of
Outlcura Ointment, the same of the
Pills and the Soap and my boy was
cured. My son Is bow in his sev
enteenth, year and he has never had
a return of the eczema.
"I took care of a friend's child that
had eczema on Its face and limbs and
I used the Cuticura Soap and Ointment
They acted on the child Just as they
did on my son and It has never re
turned. I would recommend the Cuti
cura Remedies to anyone. Mrs. A. J.
Cochran, 1823 Columbia Ave., Phila
delphia. Pa.. Oct. 20, 1909.
Atchison (Kan.) Woman Has an In
cumbrance 6 he Is Willing to
Part With.
If there is any woman In this town.
or in any other, who sees her affinity
hi my husband, this is to notify her
that she can have him by calling at
my home, the Hilltop, Atchison, Kan.,
at any hour she may choose. He
grumbles 'at his mealB, he blows his
nose Into the grate, he puts bis feet
on the parlor chairs and his head on
the parlor cushions; he tells callers
that his father was a poor man, and
that he nevur "had any schooling;"
he contradicts my statements when I
tell of my klnehip to the real promt
nent people, and If I don't watch him
be visits with the hired man, and
ance asked the milkman to dinner
IX there Is any woman who sees her
affinity In HIM. let her hang around
my house a few minutes while I ask
him for Christmas money. Then lot
her take him away if she still wants
him. Mrs. Lysamlcr John Appleton.
Atchison Globe.
Very Funny.
Borroughs Mr. Merchant's out, you
ay? Why, he had an appointment
with mo here. That's very funny.
New Oflice Boy Yes, sir; I guess
he thought ft was, too. Any ways be
was laughin) when he went out.
Catholic Standard and Times.
Wherever I Cud great gratitude in
a poor man I take it for granted there
would be much generosity If he were
a rich man. Pepe.
One good thing about a fall ' that
hangs on Is that it keeps back the
"beautiful snow" poems.
Bbonchial Troches
Save th votes fa all tlndi of weather. Singers and
fww "C" "IJa main savaniaus lor clearing ma
voice. There la nothing ao eif ectrv for Sore Tliroat,
HoancneaandCouKaa, Fifty yearc reputation.
' .vv par doz.
samples mailed on request.
JOHN I. BBOWWft SOW. Baten Mm.
"a''aeS Thompswi's Ey Water
(l Children Like )
It is so pleasant to take stops the
cough so quickly. Absolutely safe
too and contains do opiates.
The Ohio state university will con
duct a wireless course next year.
There are 4,000 electric lights in the
streets of tho ancient city of Damas
Paris has C2 electric street car lines,
carrying 190,000,000 passengers a
Greece has so little coal that prac
tically all of its electric power is de
rived from watrfalls.
The tungsten incandescent lamp is
the first artificial light by which all
colors can be distinguished.
A six-foot electric kaleidoscope, de
signed for advertising purposes, - is
capable of 10,383 changes of design.
The first alarm of fire given by elec
tricity was sounded at Boston ou the
evening of April 29, 1852.
The Italian government has estab
lished a bureau to deal exclusively
with the electrification of the state
railways, which, is .making rapid
Acetylene, exploded by au electric
spark, is being used for blasting in
Germany. It does not scatter the shat
tered rock as much as dynamite.
English scientists were making sub
stantial progress in the knowledge of
the phenomena of electricity a cen
tury and a half before Franklin flew
his historic kite.
Good results have attended the ex
tension test made in the Chicago pub
lic library of the adaptation of the
electric ozone generation to ventilat
ing systems of public buildings.
Electricity at last has been applied
to the -Teddy bear, a Maryland man
having patented one that opens its
Jaws and flashes lights from its eyes,
nose and mouth when a battery in its
interior is pressed.
Any Degree of Artificial Light Can
Be Produced by Photographers
In Their Studios.
Clear days or cloudy days and any
degree of light can now be produced
at will by photographers in their own
Making Artificial Sunlight.
studios. This is through the Ingenuity
of a Massachusetts man who has in'
vented an apparatus for producing
artificial skylight effects. ' In one cor
ner of the studio, near the celling. Is
an electric light, or some other art!
ficial light, though electricity is bet
ter, because steadier. In front of this
is a glass partition, hinged in the mid
dle, so that it can be adjusted to vary
tho angle at which the light strikes it.
lu front of this is a series of
screens. By changing the angle of
the partition and adding or removing
Bcreens, almost any light effect can
be produced, from the glare of bright
sunlight to the shadow of a cloudy day,
The illustration shows an electric
light bulb, with reflector, so arranged
that it can be raised or lowered on
cords, behind the partition and in
creases the possibilities of the appa
New Transformer.
The use of batteries and their at
tendant inconveniences In the opera
tion of annunciator and bell-ringing
systems is dispensed by the invention
of a new transformer, by which the
necessary current is secured from the
ordinary lighting circuits. As the
transformer has no moving parts,
once fixed it will thereafter require
no attention. It is adapted to oper
ate on circuits running from 100 to
130 volts, and is provided with taps
giving 6, 12 and 18 volts, so as to
meet the requirements of various
styles and sizes of bells and buzzers.
Automatic Hoisting Record.
An automatic electric hoisting rec
ord, including signals as well as trips
is kept by a new instrument used in
a mine of South Africa. As the cage
or skip moves up or down, a small
-disk carrying a needle travels along a
strip of paper ruled into time spaces,
and thus marks down the time of the
trip. Each ring of the signal bell per
forates the paper, the number of per
forations showing whether the hoist
ing has followed the signals.
Farm by Electricity.
At the Ramsdell farm in Minot,
Me., electricity runs the feeding gear,
rings an alarm for the hired hands,
operates four clocks, sounds an alarm
of" chicken thieves and fires, saws
wood, runs a threshing machine, sep
arator, corn sheller, grindstone, fan
ning mill and sewing machine.
Recent Invention Supersedes Old
Fashioned Light Operated by
Means of Button. -
The old-fashioned oil lamp still be
ing used by miners seems soon to be
superseded by the electrical lamp, a
Recent design being shown in the il
lustration. It can readily be imagined
what the general use of the electrical
lamp would mean to the miner the
elimination of the horrible accidents
of daily occurrence due to explosions
from contact of the oil lamp with in-
Electric Lamp in Cap.
risible gases. That electrical lamp
shown here is operated in conjunction
with a specially designed cap, in
which is stored an electric battery.
Light is furnished by a small incan
descent lamp surrounded by a reflec
tor on the fore part of the : cap. The
light is operated by a push button se
cured to the under surface of the
vizor, where it is constantly in con
venient reach of the wearer. The cap
and attached lamp are light in weight
and in no way interfere with free
movement of the arms. The battery
is readily recharged at little expense.
In fact, the cost of maintenance is
only slightly in excess of the lamp,
the greater cost being the initial ex
penditure for the apparatus.
Daily Interference by Thoughtless or
Malicious Amateurs Stations
May Be Licensed.
It may surprise some readers tc
learn that the serious business of
wireless telegraphy is daily Interfered
with by thoughtless or malicious ama
teurs. Every inventor of a new sys
tem is anxious to "tune" his appara
tus so that each receiver shall get
messages from its corresponding
transmitter, and only from that; but
the state of things, which may be
looked upon as the millennium of
wireless, has not yet arrived, conse
quently the regular stations are more
or less at the mercy of the casual ex
perimenter. An electrical magazine
reports that some joker near Boston
exact location unknown spends his
evenings in drowning out with a very
powerful apparatus every message to
or from a neighboring naval station,
When this facetious individual is spot
ted his amusement will, of course, be
Interfered with. It is said an effort
will be made this winter to get con
gress to pass a bill requiring all wire
less stations, public or private, to be
licensed. All public stations and many
private plants now have special call
signals. The Marcoul company uses
combinations of three letters of the
alphabet. The United States naVy
uses combinations of two letters and
monopolizes about half the possible
number of these. An effort to publish
a complete up-to-date official directory
of these wireless calls has failed, ow
ing to objections advanced by the
commercial companies. The only
available list is now that of the navy,
which is more than a year old.
Very Clever Device Invented by Los
Angeles Barber Holds Blade
Steadily to Surface.
A very clever device that will be
appreciated by every man who has
tried to hone his own razor, Is the
electro-magnetic razor hone, invented
by a Los Angeles barber, says Popu
lar Electricity. The idea is simplicity
itself, as would, of necessity be the
case, for the inventor is no electrician.
Electro-Magnetic Razor Hone.
It consists of a coil of insulated cop
per wire (about four pounds), a core
of Norway iron and directly above the
latyer a shallow groove which receives
the stone; an ordinary hone.
The coil is connected with an elec
tric light fixture and uses about as
much power as an eight candlepower
incandescent bulb. When the current
is turned on, this magnet holds the
razor Wade steadily to the grinding
surface, overcoming the tendency of
the thin, elastic edge to spring away
from the hone.
Loudon's electric litreet railway!
carry about 412,000,000 passengers a
year, of whom 24 per cent, pay but a
1 cent fare.
He caught a little cold
That was all.
So the neighbors sadly said.
As they gathered round his bed,
When they heard that he was dead.
Ho caught a little cold
That was all. (Puck.)
Neglect of a cough or cold often
leads to serious trouble. To break up
a cold in twenty-four hours and cure
any cough that is curable mix two
ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounce of
Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and
eight ounces of pure Whisky. Take a
teaspoonful every four hours. You can
buy these at any good drug store and
easily mix them in a large bottle.
He Golf is an awfully fine exer
cise, don't you think?
She Oh, yes. Why, it makes the
men so strong in their arms that one
can scarcely breathe.
- Where Is Bessie Hartman?
Rosanna and Bessie Hartman lived
with their mother at Chapman, Nebr.,
In 1901, the year that their father was
killed by z falling tree at Anada, Mo.
Their mother, an invalid, being unable
to care for them, the girls were sent
to Omaha to school, being housed and
mothered by a Mrs. Smith.
Finally, in 1903, Bessie, the younger
of the two, was taken in charge by the
Nebraska Children's Home society,
who refused to tell her married sister,
Rosanna, where she is. Bessie be
came of age last February. If she
will send her address to P. O. Box
898, Omaha, Nebr., it will be for
warded to her sister Rosanna, who
Is now Mrs. Geo. Duerr.
Easily Explained.
Mr. Swainson is a powerful preach
er, but is never above leavening his
sermons with humor.
A good story be tells concerns a
visit once paid to the cottage of one
of his parishioners. It was early
spring and for a long time he sat by
the window with the woman's little
girl. .
"In looking out," he remarked to the
child, "do you notice how bright is
the green of the leaves and grass?"
The little girl nodded. .
"Now tell me why does it appear
so much- brighter at this time?" Mr.
Swainson asked.
" 'Cos," was the unexpected reply,
"ma's just washed the window and
you can see out better."
Restrained by Politeness.
"Prisoner, have you any reasons to
present why the sentence of the court
should not be pronounced upon you?"
"No, your honor. I feel as if I
should like to say a few words about
the defense my lawyer put up for me,
but there are ladies present; you can
go ahead with the sentence, your
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children,, and see that it
. Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over SO Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Provided for Newsboys.
Mrs. William Waldorf Astor provid
ed in her will that the newsboys of
New York-should have a Thanksgiv
ing dinner, as they have had at the
expense of the Astor family for half
a centnry. This year at least 2,000
newsboys were on hand, the afternoon
papers having suspended work, thus
giving the little fellows a holiday.
This Will Interest Mothers.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children,
cure Feveristaness, Headache, Bad Stomach,
Teething- Disorders, ltegulate the Bowels and
Destroy Worms. They break up colds In 4
hours. Pleasant to take, and harmless as milk.
They never f aU. At all Druggists, 26c. Sample
mailed FRKE. Address, Allen B. Olmsted,
Le Boy, N. Y.
Just Turned About.
"With my husband," said the wife of
the busy man, "it is always a case of
talking shop."
"And with my wife," said the spouse
of the bargain hunter, "it is usually a
case of shopping talk."
Stella Isn't Mabel going to marry
the duke?
Bella No; he rejected the budget.
Quick as Wink.
If your eyes ache with a smarting, burn
ing sensation use PETTIT'S EYE SALVE".
All druggists or Howard Bros., Butf alo, N. Y.
Seneca: Vices are contagious and
there is no trusting the well and . sick
pn.ES crrREn tn e to 14 i4yb.
PAZO OINTMENT i s sruarantccfl to euro any case
of IutIiIuk. Blind, Blooding or Protruding PUes in
6 to 14 days or money refunded. dOu.
Don't be common. It's the uncom
mon man who causes the world to sit
up and take notice.
can be broken up quickly by Allen's Lung Italsuiu.
This old, reliable remedy has bueu aoUl lor over
40 years. Ask yoor druggist about It.
Romember that a sound argument
doesn't mean loud talk.
Color more goo-ts briahier and fatter colore than any Mltcr iro. One 10c packaoa colors a il fibers. Thnr riro in enM water better tnz any eltr dw. You eair drt
aWSwrneRfwithautfipaiDaapsil. Writs ( lies taoklat HvwtftCre. Bitach and Ma Culers. MOKOO ItfttSG 0& , Q.-incy, flllnola.. -
Rich Prize for Man Who Discovers
the Long-Sought Cure for
Tuberculosis. .
Dr. George W. Bloomer of Tale uni
versity, acting as spokesman for an
anonymous giver, has announced that
a prize of $100,000 has been set aside,
to be awarded to the first person any
where in the world who discovers a
cure for tuberculosis. The gift is un
conditional as to time, place, or kind
of cure, the only real condition being
that the new cure must have been in
constant use at least five years, and
that the promoter of the cure . con
vince the investigating board of the
merits of his discovery.
A large number of physicians have
been working for years to perfect vac
cine, or anti-toxin for tuberculosis, or
to find some agent, such as tuberculin,
which will assist in the cure of the dis
ease. Thus far, the experiments have
not furnished a product which will
either absolutely cure or prevent con
sumption, or render the patient im
mune against the disease. Many of
these serums have proved effective in
Increasing the resistance of the pa
tient and thus helping in the cure, but
no scientist of repute to-day claims to
have discovered a tuberculin which
will produce a cure without the com
bined aid of fresh air, rest and whole
some food.
A Pessimistic View.
Among the patients in a certain hos
pital of Harrisburg there was recently
one disposed to take a dark view of
his chances for recovery.
"Cheer up, old man!" admonished
the youthful medico attached to the
ward wherein the patient lay. "Your
symptoms are identical with those of
my own case four years ago. I was
just as sick as you are. Look at mo
The patient ran his eyes over the
physician's stalwart frame. "What
doctor did you have?" he finally asked,
feebly. Illustrated Sunday Magazine.
i For Celestials. '
I once visited a very rough boom
town in Oregon, near Cottage Grove.
In the leading saloon a man in a red
shirt said to me:
"Ye wanter . carry yerself almighty
straight in these parts, stranger. Go
wrong the least mite and, by crinus,
we'll lynch ye as quick as look at ye."
I smiled.
"Would you lynch me," I asked, "if
I killed a dog?"
"Would we?" he snorted. "Why,
stranger, we've lynched fellers here
for killin' Chinamen!"
How's This? 1
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
ease of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY GO.. Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
tor the last IS years, and believe bun perfectly hon
orable In all business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by his firm.
Waldino, Kinnan A Marvin.
Wholesale Drueelsts, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
dlrectiv upon tne oiooa ana mucous sunacea m iw
syBtent. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents pel
bottle. Sold by all Urtuortets.
Take Hall's Family Puis for constipation.
The Difference.
"Our continental marriages are just
as happy as those made in your
country," explained the foreigner.
"We all admit that marriage is a lot
tery." "Well," responded the American,
"we prefer to let a girl select her own
Of a Later Date.
Bess That's a quaint ring you are
wearing. It is an heirloom?
Tess Well, it dates from the Con
quest. ," ,
AeheaUover? Throat Hore. with chills? ThatlsLa
Grippe. Perry Davis' Painkiller will break it up if
taken promptly. AU dealers, use, 85c and-SOc bottles.
During the first six months of his
married life a man pities old bachel
lors. After that he envies them.
That is LAXAT1VB HUOMO QU1N1NK. look for
tho signature of K. W. GKOV1S. Used the World
over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 26o.
The people who have the greatest
opinions of themselves are frequently
the poorest judges of human nature.'
There's a difference between dignity
and pomposity, but some people don't
seem to be able to realize it.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing: Syrup.
For children teething, softens the puroB, reduces In
flammation, allays paln,cures wind collu SScaboctle.
A man can't help feeling restless
when even his bills are unsettled.
Welcome Words to Women
Women who suffer with disorders peculiar to their
aez should write to Dr. Pierce and receive free the
advice of a physician of over 40 years' experience
a skilled and successful specialist in the diseases
ef women. Every letter of this sort has the most
careful consideration and is regarded as sacredly
confidential. Many sensitively modest women write
fully to Dr. Pierce what theyi would shrink from
telling to their local physician. ' The local physician
is pretty sure to say that he cannot 'do anything
without "an examination." Dr. Pierce holds that
these distasteful examinations are generally need
less, and that no woman, except in rare cases, shoald submit to them.
Dr. Pierce's treatment will cure you right in the privacy of
your own home. His " Favorite Prescription" has cured
bundreds of thousands, some of them the worst of cases.
It is the only medicine of its kind that is the product of a regularly graduated
physician. . The only one good enough that its makers dare to print its every
ingredient on its outside wrapper. There's no secrecy. It will bear examina
tion. No alcohol and no habit-forming drugs are found in it. Some unscrup
ulous medicine dealers may offer you a substitute. Don't take it. Don't trifle
with your health. Write to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.
V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y-, take the advice received and be well.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver w right tils
stomach and bowels ate right.
gently but firmly CO"
Cures Con-j
Headache, and Distress after Eating.
Small PUI. Small Doaa, Small Prlca
GENUINE must bear signatures .
WfcartJ.J.Hni.therasrtRanrariMaua, ,
Says About its Whrt-tVe ilsitlsiK Pevasrs
Ihe jtmatmt need of tills towWi
LUnuea biumj in mnmner sen
two or nra win ne vwa pi
riding oC homes for Its
people nd tfrorSaori
sufficient tor fa am. TJ
days of nr nromliXTn
an m wheat exporting
ssntntttrv nra arm A. )
la U to be the srentl
This great ratlroaal mant-
sTvf tlin atttiRffrm ttv n
tensive roil way 1 nfld
lnar to the wJhent flekle
M UWiUl Ml h nam.
Upwards off 125 Million
Bushels off Whett
were harvested In 1909. Amrftse
t the toree provinces or AiDena
laskatehetran and Manitoba wiJl be
upwards 01 xa Dosneis per acre.
Free bomeeteads of itfo acres
and adiatnlnar DHMmnniona o;
iov acres uix tt pcx acre arw u
ie naa in cue cuoieesc aistncu.
Schools 'convenient. cllmate
excellent, soil very best,
railways close ntanrt, bnlld-
Ixmc lumber cheap, fuel easy to
get and reasonable tn price.
water easily procnrpai naea
farming a tmcccss. Write as to
ogb piace xor settlement, senrenr
ow railway rates, descriptive llJna.
on applications and other Informa
tion, to Sap of Immigration,
Ottawa, Can., or to the Caned ins
tovernzaeut Aaenw .
(TJse address aearest yon). 41)
KIo Mallei?!
what Liver or Bowel medicine yoo '
re using, stop it now. Get a 10o j
box week's treatment of CAS- 1
CARETS today from your druggist
and leant how easily, naturally and !
delightfully yew liver can be made
to utork, and your bowels move every
day. ' There's rieu) lift in every box.
CASCARETS are nature's helper.
You Will see the difference! S0
CUT THIS OUT, teil it with your address to
Sterling; Remedy Co., Chicago, III., and renerv.
a handsome souvenir gold Bon Bon FRI&aV
A Clean Face Will be a Habit . -NO
m CQLPii
aC sm?rai . ' I D V I
rl" f.
1411 I. Bill
'yf J$L Cleanses and Dewxtiucs tb nab;
. v. H Promotes a hxxnriaiit growth.
jiiSiwW1 Jl never Falls to Beator. Gray
JSViT Hair to Its Youthful Color,
Tn i'Tr .mi Cores Kalp cKtMaea ac hair iuIIdjz.
SaEt n JPc.and u at Prortlm
DATCHT TOfRIDElS. They may brtng vo
r M I CH I wr-allli. IH-pago Book Free. Bat. MjO.
Fitzserald & Co., I'at.Auys.,Box K. Waahing1on.D.O.
16 ounces to
the package
other starches only 12 ounces eame price aoa
W.. N. LINCOLN. NO. 2-1910.