Patromize Home MdMstry tcauiii Lmcuin wuii.ciiis vvuu ouucil me owperauon 01 urbanized Labor and Their Friends: UBaS Lincoln Paint and Color (o. PRODUCTS Thy Office Hours 1:30-6:30; 7:S0-t:S0. Auto Phono S03I Dr. Lillian L. Snow Physician Diseases of Women and Children. Corner Fourteenth and O Sts.. Roonu 14-15. Entrance 1339 O St. Telephones Bell 104 Auto MSB. The Lincoln Tailor For Up-to-Date Clothes 143 SO. TWELFTH ST. SKOGLUND BROS. The Photographers Fine Photographs at Moderate Prices. Frames Made to uraer. worn uuaranieea. QIVB US A TRIAL. Phone Auto 3891. 1026 O Street A. A. TANNER. Piu. t Mg. J. B. MBISINGBR. Jr.. Stc A. J. WHEELER. VlM-Ptw. Lincoln Lumber & Coal Co. SUCCESSOR TO L. C OBERLIES LUMBER CO. 18th and R Streets Phonesi Auto 1713. Bell 713 I I I HAVE THE ,vans . . . Do Your Washing 3E R. C. SCHNEIDER FRESH 6 SALT MEATS Butter, Poultry & Eggs eam in s.ason 309 SOUTH NINTH STREET. Phones Bell 433; Auto 1433. R. L. DOWNING L. F. REDDISH Reddish-Downing Coal and Feed Co. Yards, 14th and W Office, 136 No. 14th Bell Phone A236 Auto Phone 2236 Offlo Hours to II; 1 to i. A. P. Furgason, M. D. EYE, EAB, NOSE AND THROAT GLASSES FITTED 313-314 Richards Block Phones Office, Auto 1848; Ree. Auto 1269. The Lincoln Tannery ESTABLISHED 189S. HEKRY HOLM, Proprietor, Tannor and Currlor Manufacturers of Harness, Lace, Latigo, Leather, Robes and Coats CUTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. Office 134 South 9th Street. Tannery 313-313 O Street. Bell Phono F-1617. Roberts' Sanitary Dairy J. R. ROBERTS, Proprietor Dealer In High-Grade Dairy Products 1624 N STREET. F. H. Stephenson, Pee. Willie Rowellffe, Sec-Trees. Tho Lincoln Wall Paper Co. Retailers and Jobbers of Hall Paper and Room Uouldlngs Use Little Hatchet Flour ASK FOR IT WILBER & DE WITT MILLS 14S South 9th St, LINCOLN When in Need of FRESH BAKED GOODS Order at 1307 O Street. We make our Vl7 X T " " own Candies, Ice Cream, Ices exyv and Punches None Better. VV2BelU56 Auto 2214 A. T. SEELEY and CO. Cooper and Colo Bros. JOBBERS OF Windmills, Pumps, Steam, Water and Plumbers' Supplies 319-223 SO. TENTH ST. Shoot the Landlord! (Figuratively speaking-) by buying or building; a home of your own. We will loan you the money for a long term on easy payments. Your monthly sav ings will soon put your offh roof over your head. Security Saving & Loan Association 1106 0 St. L. C. OBERLIES, President. I. H. HATFIELD, Secretary-Treasurer. T. J. Thorp Machine Go. Practical Machinists Does General Machine Work, Re pairing of Autos Printing Prasses, Engines. Elevators, Pumps. MAKERS OF Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Trade Checks BICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES AND FULL LINE OF SPORTING GOODS The Fire-Fly Tool Grinder Is the best Invention known for sharpening tools of all description. Price $1.60. Head quarters for Bicycle repairing brazing and light machine work. Prices always right. Latest Edison's Goods. A full stock of Records always on hand. Mall Orders promptly filled. Girard Cycle Co., 140 No. 14th Street Ask for Them at Retail Stores Hardy Glove DISTINCT IN A CLASS BY ITSELF UNION MADE --. wv T! O i i; f -v r -rr MNFR'O BY the DEPUTY-SPANGLER HAT CO. LINCOLN. NEB. Ask for Them at Retail Stores The Best Light for the Eyes Roseioe Oil Pure Pennsylvania Cylinder, Engine and Dynamo Oils Rex Axle Grease : : : French Automobile Oils MarshallOilCo. LINCOLN IMS STREET. 115 NO. 27 TH ST. Smith-McCain Co., 316 tl 27th Rock Island Goal Yard, 1802 R Wb Handle, Coal, Flour and Feed of all kinds Try sup Pride Flour Nona Better. Bound ML Nuts M.60. Little Gem Nuts $5.00. Best that Amount of Money can buy. Try s Tos and bs Csnvlncsd The Balk Phones 3obn TDdestover CONTRACTOR IN Bridge and Building Iron Work 920 N Street STRUCTURAL BNGINRBRINO FIRE ESCAPES A SPECIALTY jijDeR0TIOAS J 9 SaVt-. til OTin " Lincoln, Nibv The Reimers-Kaufman Co. tm THE REIMBRS St FRIED CO. Sidewalks, Sidewalk Flags, Building- Blocks and Tile Floor OFFICE and YARDS. 1 1th sad W BOTH PHONES Lincoln, Neb. J. M. CAVVP Manufacturer and Dealer In Delivery Wagons Carriages, Phaetons, Buggies of all Kinds Rubber Tires, Tops and Cushions a Specialty 240-242 SO. TENTH ST. ATTEND TH Lincoln Business College AN ESTABLISHED AND RELIABLE) SCHOOL. Courses: Bookkeeping, Shorthand Typewriting, Penmanship, Commercial Law, Office Practice, etc. Catalog free. COCO COLA. DR. PEPPER, ROOT BEER. GINGER AIM Coca Cola Bottling Company Sanitary Bottling Works Owned and operated by az-unlon men. Phono Auto 7381. 222 Q street. Lincoln, Neb, We Invito you to visit our Hardware Store If la need of Hardware Stoves, Sporting Goods, Razors, Razor Strops and Cutlery at Low Prices lloppo's Hardware, 108 No. I Oth 5,IOand25CentStore 142 North A 2th Street NOT IN THE TRUST J. H. JURGENSEN & CO.. OWNERS Hot Springs DOCTORS CORNER 14TH & 0 STS. - SECOND FLOOR The Hot Springs Doctors treat all chronic and ner vous diseases of men and women. For a short time moderate charge for medicine used. The Consultation examination and treatment will be free. The Hot Springs Doctors are permanently located at Fourteenth and O Streets. ASPloREN & STRAND LUMBER CO. 943 NORTH 27TH ST. We have a complete line of Lumber and Building Material, Sand, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Stone; also Hard and Soft Coal of all Kinds Wo value the true you may give us. Give us a chance to show you we do BILLS FIGURED. ESTIMATES GIVEN. Auto Phone 1554. BeU 585. , S. G. WRIGHT 1847 O Street LINCOLN, NEB. DRUGS and MEDICINES Pure Chemicals, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, and Fancy Boods Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night Castings (Iron or Brass) Machine Work Wrought and Sheet Iron Work Hedges Lincoln Iron Works Building Irons and Builders Specialties Seventh and M Sts. Phone Auto. 5397 tt you want a good Suit made to order, with good ma terial, and made right here In Lincoln GO TO GREGORY TI,eTailor Also the Best Cleaning and Pressing done In the olty. S. W. COR. 14TH AND O STS. Auto Phone 4264. GUSIir.lAN MOTOR GO. Makers of the MOTOR of MERIT Lincoln, Nebraska, U. S. A. BELL PHONE 13 AUTO. PHONE 3013 Dierks Lumber & Goal Co. No order too lartre or too small for our prompt atten tion. Moat complete stock In tho City. n. w. cor. ith and n sts. Lincoln, Neb DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES. : S Phone your Prescriptions and Orders to I. N. BAGNELL PIIARQACY All our Prescriptions are earefully compounded TUT SOUTH 11TH ST. AUTO 4455. TOILET ARTICLES. PRESCRIPTIONS. Auto Phone 2006 Piles Cured Without Operating; Dr. Herbert A. Abbott Stomach, Bowel and Rectal Diseases IM O tree stftk 11th Street. Beth Phones. lsTH AND 9 STS, LU.OOLN, MBB.