recreation. So it is certain that the Teddy bear and the toy dog of the coming century will be mechanical marvels. The "Rover" doc that the little boy gets will be life size. He will prance about on hi four furry legs and lie down and roll over at the bidding of his master. Perhaps the most wonderful feat ure of all in our Christmas in 2009 will be the changed methods In our dally life. The housekeeping arrangements of that time would seem incomprehensible to the wo man of to-day if she could picture them in her mind. The lack of com. ITitnOifcvd law 5225? w,u be ceiebrat sg j5 - " syipF YSffiT vastly different conditions that jlfflyRm: - Jliiliit f(Ifflfy If you should go to sleep now If m y-Zjm' t . i flMtfl Wn and wake up a century later In jJaT" 4y U !!--gt7'' maa'mammw you would think you were in a jl"" jNgpyy J J J sf when the Christmas season comes the world f Pjf yUr children and grown men and women still jrff p tin v - ?- will be made happy by giving and receiving, i frr 1 1 lJjjS?fh " fl if grudges and grouches will be forgotten, ene- J t I fjSfSVvVw a Jl -l ft 11 f) fl k mles forgiven and good will will prevail. J VejjsSwfTOKf A rl P 1 I Nothing can kill that. The golden imSl J fl fP P tV fl 111 Xf'w VlWI A m 0 (I I mm wi ' t - -x. m sb,. rm m mm ibw- VK ? W iLtZTOYS SOUNDS LIKE A FAIRY TALE THE FARMERS OF CENTRAL CAN ADA REAP WHEAT AND RICHES. Up in the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the prov inces that compose Central Canada have such a quantity of land suitable for the growth of small grains, which grow so abundantly, and yield so hand somely that no fear need be feared of a wheat famine on this Continent. The story reproduced below is only one of the hundreds of proofs that could be produced to show the results that may be obtained from cultiva tion of the lands in these provinces. Almost any section of the country will do as well. - With the country recently opened by the Grand Trunk Pacific, the latest of the great transcontinental lines to en ter the field of the development of the Canadian West, there is afforded added ample opportunity to do as was done in the case cited below: To buy a section of land, break It up and crop it, make $17,550 out of the yield and $10,880 out of the Increase of value all within the short period of two years, was the record estab lished by James Bailey, a well known farmer within a few miles of Regina. Mr. Bailey bought the 640 acres of land near Grand Coulee two years ago. He Immediately prepared the whole section for crop and this year has 600 acres of wheat and 40 acres of oats. The wheat yielded 19,875 bushels, and the oats yielded 4,750 bushels. ' The whole of the grain has been market ed and Mr. Bailey is now worth $17,550 from the grain alone. He bought the land at $18 an acre, and the other day refused an offer of $35 an acre, just a $17 advance for the time of his purchase. The land cost $11,320 in the first instance. Here are the fig ures of the case. Land cost, 640 acres, at $18, $11,320. Wheat yielded 19,875 bushels, at 84 cents a bushel, $16,695.; Oats yielded 4,750 bushels at 28 cents a bushel, $855. Offered for. land, 640 acres at $35 an acre, $22,400. Increase value of land, $10,880. Total earnings of crop, $17,550, togeth er with increase in value of land a to tal of $28,540. It is Interesting to note the figures of the yield per acre. The wheat yielded 33 bushels to the acre, and oats 118.7 bushels to the acre. The fig ures are a fair indication of the aver age throughout the district. Agents of the Canadian Government In the different cities will be pleased to give you information as to rates, etc. to men," will be Just as acred and as new to the hearts of men as it was nineteen hundred years ago. Everybody will give everybody else a present but the presents will be differ ent. Little Johnny will not covet a railroad train. Real cars ' on a real track, pulled by a real locomotive that makes smoke will not eem a wonderful thing to him, as it does to the little Johnny of to-day. The lad of the next century will want a model of the latest airship in his Christmas stocking. He will expect a working model, too one that will all through the fiat like a live bird, and perhaps carry his own weight Within the last hundred years steam and elec tricity have been developed and it is entirely rea sonable to Imagine that within the coming century men will travel through the air as commonly as - they now travel over the land. The automobile, the trolley car, the railroad train, and the horse as a draft animal all will be gone. Men will use the earth, as the birds do, for a resting place for their homes and the principal source of food sup ply; but when they want to move from one place to another, they will mount into the ether, even as the birds do, and flay swiftly and safely to their destination. It la probable that there will not be a wheeled vehicle of any kind on the streets of a great city on Christmas day. In the year 2009. Our tunnel system will have developed until the vast subter ranean net work of bores, chutes and pneumatic tubes will carry on the heavy traffic of the city without noise or confusion. The streets will be given up to pedestrians to those who walk for pleasure or wish to travel short distances. The sidewalk as it is now will be no more, but the en tire width of the street will be given up to foot passengers. There will be neither car tracks nor moving vehicles to annoy. The suburbanite who does not fly to work in S009 will be shot through a pneumatic tube, trav eling the five, ten, or fifty miles of distance in a pace of time that may be only a few seconds, and certainly cannot be more than a few minutes. It may be that few people will walk anywhere in the year 2009. When man learns to fly he will corn walking as too slow a means of progress. Perhaps our ' great-great-grandchildren, who no doubt will live in immense apartment buildings towering a half mile from the ground, may go for weeks at a time without setting foot to the earth. With the passing of the Christmas sleigh there will be no longer any need for reindeers for Santa Claus. He, too, will travel by airship, and while the old Santa Claus will be a myth, the new Santa Claus will be as real as the bewhiskered and be furred boys who now entertain the children in the department stores. It is not hard to imagine that the big stores will develop the Santa Claus Idea to the point that Christmas purchases will be delivered on Christ mas eve by an airship driver made up to Unper- CRAMDVA CHRISTMAS MOANING IT HER HOME 2fS STORIES Tff MECHANICAL Or J2009WLL B flARVELS OF PERFECTON sonate Santa Claus. A hun dred years from now, if you want to avoid the rush and do your Christ - mas shopping in your own apartments, the scientists probably will have provided for you a combina tion of telescope and moving picture machine by means of which you can connect your room with the toy department and see the display by wire ' or perhaps by wireless and at the same time you get prices and leave your order with the clerk by telephone. But perhaps the woman of 2009 will enjoy the mad rush of the shops as much as she does to day during the holiday season, and then she will go to the big store and order her toys and pres ents. The store could deliver them through the pneumatic package tubes which will go to all parts of the city, but it will be more poetic to have them delivered by Santa Claus. Christmas eve a score or a hundred Santa Clauses will set out from the various shops with their airships laden with Christmas gifts to be de livered at the various addresses. - It will no longer be necessary to "deliver all goods in the rear" of the big apartment building, but whether you live on the twentieth or two hundred and twentieth story of the big house you will have your own private airship landing, and while the family is gathered at the door to receive Santa Claus the airship will settle on the landing and the cheerful "Merry Christmas" of the aeronaut will greet you . as he hands in the packages. The Christmas tree of a hundred years from now will be an electrical marvel. Festoons and wreaths of rainbow colored lights and "chasers" will scintillate from Its green branches. But the presents that bene ca. it will be even more won derful. There will be dolls as large as the Etris who will receive them. There will be dolls that can walk and with the Improved phonographic ar rangements of another century there will be dolls that can talk and others that can sing beautiful songs. Some of them, no doubt, will be able to dance gracefully and to do tricks that would seem miraculous if performed by an automaton to-day. The mechanical toys of 2009 will be marvels of . perfection. The meat imaginative man cannot possibly conceive of the new things that will be invented in the way of machinery, but it is safe to assume that the wireless transmission of power will be perfected. Wheels will spin without any visible motive power. Power may be taken from the sun's rays or wireless power stations may be operated by the waves, the waterfalls, or even the winds. Before the coal supply is exhausted the need for coal, either for warmth or power, will have passed away. And wnatevr trluroDhs men make in the in dustrial world they impart to their games and forts and the Inconvenience of life in a cottage, it is possible, will drive most of the city dwellers into the apartment buildings, which will grow bigger and taller as the years pass un til they will be literally "skyscrapers" within a con tur?. In one of these big buildings, while the machin ery will be out of sight, domestic affairs will be so mechanical, even automatic, that you can get ai most anything the family needs simply by turning on a switch or pressing a button. The flat dweller of that distant day will not be bothered with servants or the servant problem: By nressine a button the Christmas dinner will come up noiselessly from the kitchen on the mechanical waiter or perhaps in a pneumatic tube. After your Christmas dinner is over the dishes will disappear as silently and swiftly as you could wish. Some sort of mechanical dish washer in the kitchen will take care of them or, what is more likely, they will be made of a cheap composition and will be destroyed, by burning after they are used once. The antiseptic precautions of the mod ern surgeon will be common to the kitchens of the next century and hygiene will be a real science. When you have eaten your Christmas dinner, if you want to go out for the evening you can press a button and an aerocab will come to the landing at your door. Or, if you prefer it, you may drop down the pneumatic elevator to some point 50 or 100 feet below the surface of the earth and be whirled through the pneumatic subway at a dizzy rale of speed to your destination. Only the speed will not make you dizzy. Tou will not be able to feel it You may sit in your cushioned car, well lighted and warmed and ventilated by some process yet to be discovered, and before you realize it the miles will speed away and you step out to the opera or the play. If you prefer to remain at your apartments the telautoscope attached to your telephone may be connected to any theater you desire, and you can sit in your easy chair and smoke while you see the play projected on the wall like the most perfect moving picture. All the stage settings will be there to make the play seem real, and the Improved tele phone will bring every shade and subtle inflection of the actor's voice to your ear. It seems certain that this telautoscope arrange ment the exact word to describe it will be coined after the process is discovered will be one of the triumphs of the coming century. It will enable you to see the person you are talking to over a tele phone. - The flight of the coming airship probably will be so rapid that the business man and even the sal aried worker, if he loves the country, can have villa or a cottage at a great distance from the city and go to work In his own airship at slight cost On Christmas day in the good century to come . this flight in the air will be the means of many family reunions that are Impossible now. A few hours will take one to the most distant part of the country, and the practical cessation of business during the holiday week will leave all free to fore gather with the loved ones and pay deferred visits. Wltn or Without , "The chicken stew has two prices in the bill of fare. How la that. "With chicken In It It Is 80 cents; without it 10." CVeawses e System Effectual Dispds colds and Heada&hes Aets wawoy, acX&Xwty as aLaxoAxvc. Be jot MexVYfteTv and.Q&& To get 'tfs bexxeJVcxoX electa aVyvwys buy & Qetvuvcx manufactured by tK CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Co. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGET one size only, regular price 50 per bottle. Nebraska Directory mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv A Lady Says of UNCLE SAM Breakfast Food AS A CURE FOR CONSTIPATION "Your food is a splendid thing and does all it claims to do . .'. . and am anxious to have it right , along. Mrs. D. H. Bower. . ASK YOUR GROCER ABOUT IT HE CERTAINLY KNOWS U. S. B. F. Co, Omaha ' Slow Recovery. "Is the editor out?" asked a visitor to the office of the Ridgevllle Banner. "Yes, sir," answered the editor's small assistant. "He's gone out to put away a Jug of licker left by a sub scriber." "Do you think it will take him long to put it away?" "Naw, sir, it won't take him long ter put It away, but after that he won't be able ter do nuthln fur a week." SAVE THIS RECIPE FOR COLDS "Mix half pint of good whiskey with two ounces of glycerine and add one half ounce Concentrated pine com pound. The bottle is to be well shaken each time and used in doses of a tea spoonful to a tablespoonful every four hours." Any druggist has these ingre dients or he will get them from hia wholesale house. The Concentrated pine is a special pine product and comes only in half ounce bottles, each enclosed in an air-tight case, but be sure it is labeled "Concentrated." This Is one of the best and quickest reme dies known to science. . None Better. "What would you recommend as good mental exercise, professor?" "Fixing your mind on your own business, my boy." ' - Rheumatism and Neuralgia never could get along with Hamlins Wizard Oil. Oil nlwAvn drive them awav from the premises in short order. .Many a man's wife prevents him from losing a lot of money in specu lating by not allowing him any to spec ulate with. SteelWoolSole RUBBERS Boots and Arctics Made IP Same Ask your Dealer far Qoodi with this tow American Hand-Sewed Slioa Co. OMAHA RUPTURE Of all va rieties per manent 1 7 AnM1 In m few days without aurglcal operation or detention from business. No pay will be accepted unMl the patient la eompletely satisfied. Writ or call oa FRANTZ H. WRAY. M. D. Kooai 9UB Ms mag., , General Machinists, i J Model Makers, A ' . Auto Repairing, EJJ I J Brass t"VATj SS Rubber -VC i- Check, Badoet, Htc , 77 T Rubber fltamna. Sten cils. Heals. Trade Check, Badoet. Btc 1028 M Street, Linooln IMPOSBimE TO FIND ANYTHING better fcr sideache, baekacbes or stitches than Perry Davis' Painkiller. Get the large site, it Is tbe cheapest. At all druggists, 2&c, 85c and GOo bottles. We help ourselves when we others. W. J. Bryan. help AIXEirS ICNG BALSAM is the old reliable cough remedy, t'ound In erery drug storeand In practically every home. For sals by all druggists, 26c. 60c and fl.OU bottles. Better a poor rich man in jail. man at large than a Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothlns; Syrup. For children teething, softens tbe gums, reduces in flammation, allays pain, cures wind collu. 26c s bottle. It's one thing to run into debt and another to crawl out. Beatrice Crcanory Co. P7 the Mffbest prle tor Do roa wavxu vtae Bert Corn Similar madeT It LDariBt on having a MARSEILLES CORN SHELLER Writs for catalog or sea your local dealer. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., OMAHA rnnivc ivn irnniir rill ism II ft Mail orders given special attention. All kinds amateur supplies strictly fresh. Send for catalogue. LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO. Lincoln) Nab. LincoInTannery Lr?f;K2 Specialty. Highest Prices paid for fiend for nricea and tasrs. HENRY HOLM. 134 So. Bid Street. Llacola. Nsfei The Fountain Head of Life Is The Stomach K man who has a weak and impaired stomach and who does not properly digest hia food will soon find that hia Mood has become weak and impoverished, and that hia whole body is improperly and insufficiently nourished. Dr. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDI03U. DISCOVERT Btakem tie afonacA utronH, promotea tho flow of dl&estire tileea, restores the lost appetite, tnmkem assimilation perfect, Invigorates the liver mad parities and enriches the blood. It Is the Great blood-maher, Slesh-ballder and restorative nerve tonic, it amahem mem mtroni In body, active la mind and cool In Indgement, This "Discovery" ia pure, glyceric extract of American medical rootSsV absolutely free from alcohol and all injurious, habit-forming drugs. All it , ingredients are printed oo its wrappers. It has no relationship with secret nostrums. Its every ingredient ia endorsed by the leaders in all the schools of -medicine. Don't accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this time-proven . remedy op known composition. Ask your nbiohbobs. They must know of ' many cures made by it during past 40 years, right in your own neighborhood. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N. Y.